Author Topic: who is on your favorite advisors list?  (Read 28309 times)

Offline aquarian

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who is on your favorite advisors list?
« on: December 20, 2011, 08:58:15 PM »
So who is on everyone's list? Mine consists of:

1. WhiteLightAngel
2. Lady Celest
3. Lisa Dianne

Even though sometimes I'm unsure about Lisa's predictions, I still feel that she is good to talk to and she gives go advice like WhiteLightAngel.

Offline Synergy

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Re: who is on your favorite advisors list?
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2011, 09:07:12 PM »
My list is:

1. Aries Intuition (Kisha)
2. Sandy Esther
3. Roxie's Gift

Every now and then I call Vicki Joy, but I don't know why I do, since she really hasn't been right about anything. 


I used to call Lisa Dianne (I know Kisha reads with her).  I liked her as a person, but she wasn't right about anything for me.  She is so darn comforting, though.  She gave me bad news once and told me about a woman that was around my ex, and she was still so nice about it!  Haha. For me, she was accurate with the present, but none of the predictions came to pass. 

Offline aquarian

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Re: who is on your favorite advisors list?
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2011, 01:40:12 AM »
Was there really a woman around your ex at that time? You're referring to the one on the motorcycle, right?

Gosh am I the only one that calls Lady Celest? I thought she was a popular advisor.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2011, 02:00:20 AM by aquarian »

Offline Synergy

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Re: who is on your favorite advisors list?
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2011, 04:13:51 PM »
I could never confirm if there was another woman with my ex, but there really could have been.  Sandy Esther had also seen a light haired woman with him over the summer, so they could've been referring to the same person.  There were MANY things Lisa Dianne said about the present that I could confirm.  She told me things about my ex's relationship with his father that I knew were true.  I was amazed by her, BUT she made many predictions for me and my ex that did not happen.  I would have been back with him months ago had she been correct. 

Do you know any good empaths??  I really screwed things up with my new guy yesterday.  I've been calling readers since last night, and I keep getting varied readings. I don't know what to do.  :( 

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Re: who is on your favorite advisors list?
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2011, 04:46:27 PM »
hey synergy! first question that comes to mind....have you called SE yet?

Offline aquarian

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Re: who is on your favorite advisors list?
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2011, 02:47:16 AM »
Do you know any good empaths??  I really screwed things up with my new guy yesterday.  I've been calling readers since last night, and I keep getting varied readings. I don't know what to do.  :(

Don't you like Healings by Rob as an empath? I tried him once and he told me things that I can confirm to be true, but at the same time I became even more confused about the situation after talking to him because he tried to give me advice that I just did not agree with. He kept telling me to get back in my guy's radar rather than no contact.

Offline Synergy

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Re: who is on your favorite advisors list?
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2011, 06:44:32 PM »
Hi Aquarian,

Yes, I do really like Healings By Rob, but I'm ridiculous and am always looking for other readers, so I can get another perspective.  It's dumb, I know.

I did end up calling him this morning.  He pretty much said the same things about my guys (I don't think he remembered me though).  I do really like him, so I'm sure I'll keep him as my main empath.  You're right about him inserting his opinion.  He does do that. 

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Re: who is on your favorite advisors list?
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2011, 08:49:59 PM »

I'm sure we all do that... at least I know I do. It's just getting expensive though lol

Offline bluesgirl23

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Re: who is on your favorite advisors list?
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2011, 11:15:23 PM »
For me, it's Royce at CP. She just works for me & helps put things in perspective. I know a couple of you on this forum have tried her & she didn't work for them. But, she is my favorite & I have had a few things happen as she has described.

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Re: who is on your favorite advisors list?
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2011, 12:14:05 AM »
My two favorites right now are 1. Sandy Esther because she has picked up on great details about me and my guy. Though her time frames can be off for some people, I'd stick to her regarding time frames. 2. Sapphire21 who is also on Keen. She is a great empath and she only charges $1.87 per minute. So I go to Sandy for time frames and things she picks up on the surface and I go to Sapphire21 when I want to know what's going on in my guys head.

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Re: who is on your favorite advisors list?
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2011, 01:55:46 AM »
sandy esther on keen and zanya on ppn

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Re: who is on your favorite advisors list?
« Reply #11 on: December 23, 2011, 02:00:49 AM »
My favorites are:

1.  Abrielle  - CP - Great with timelines
2.  Richard - Certified Psychics - Tells the harsh truth
3.  Nina - CP - Excellent empath


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Re: who is on your favorite advisors list?
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2011, 04:47:09 AM »
Aries intuition. Is really good with time and accuracy for me(keen)   thepsychiclink(keen) until my guides didn't want to respond. I just discovered this new man Scott angle you can type psychic Scott angle.  I found him on blogtakradio and read for free and he was dead on.I am considering to have a private reading but he doesn't like to give tome frame
he told me the job am supposed to be getting and I got it
he actually said the name even when I did not know.

Offline cheetah

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Re: who is on your favorite advisors list?
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2011, 03:42:33 AM »
i want to add spiritualist reader

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Re: who is on your favorite advisors list?
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2012, 11:42:44 PM »
My Fav's on Keen
1. Northstarjulie - doesn't take calls on keen but does on her website - - awesome with current with thoughts and feelings and the best way to deal with the person in question - get super specific with your questions, no matter how complicated they are, not great at generalities or predictions
2. Ness21 - super duper straight forward-doesn't pull punches, just says this guy is not ready for a relationship for the next year etc. or if he's a big mess
3. TarotbyTeresa - saw a guy just wanting a sexual relationship from the cards (turned out she was bang on...) - better for a general read on a specific person vs. what will happen to you in the future
4. Angelic Visions - Trish is sometimes awesome with what she sees regarding contact and conversations and other times just regular mom advice - she's mood dependent
5. Queen of Cups18  - wicked with timing - said I'd hear from my guy on somone's Bday in 3 weeks and I sure did. Other predictions pending;
6. Tarot Magician - pulls the cards and sees generally if things will work out or to walk. Not a lot of detail, more big picture and general read over the course of the next 1 year- she's been right so far
7. Leslie Hale - astrology extroidenaire... good with cycle timing of people's birthcharts and when they are ready for a serious relationship or not
8. Ulyana - when she sees official papers or money coming in, oh heck ya it they come in within time frame specified, with relationships she's been really up and down for me - better to ask her what she sees generally in the next 3-6 months than specific questions about a person or situation
9. spiritminded  - just like Ness21, doesn't pull punches and tells you what the person wants for you and if there is potential - she was really bang on about a huge lump sum of money that I received to the day (but a month late) much better to ask her for a 3 month general reading, she's been way better this way for me then her typical *ask me a question and I'll get you started*
10. Caroline Lynn - psychic medium, picked up that dude A would come back and he just wanted to get laid... wow, was she ever right. lol
11. Mystik Lady  - Rebecca has been BANG on for me regarding contact, but not ever right with how the person in question will act, too much *he really has feelings for you* stuff that makes you think there is potential when there really isn't. Just ask her straight up about when you'll get contact if that is all you need, as for feelings - NOPE
12. Aries Intuition - pretty good with big picture stuff, does this relationship have potential, she's been generally right, timing has been 50/50 for contact for me
13. 24 kt Golden Psychic  - difficult to get a hold of and really all over the map with the reading, but surprised me with a bunch of stuff that was right on - IE: you are going to be on some medication in the next couple of weeks and I don't know if it's stress or something else. Sure as shit my doc put me on antibiotics the very next week which was a total shock to me. Off with timing of contact but did come in a few days later - better with a general read
14. S I N C E R I T Y - way too expensive for her readings, but she's in the UK so she's got to charge more. She shocked me with asking me what San Juan meant and wednesday the 21st. Little did I know the next day I was standing at the beach (Wed the 21st of that month) looking out at the San Juan islands when I visited a girlfriend. Had NO idea how she knew that when I didn't even know the islands I was looking at were the San Juan Islands until I discussed my reading with my friend and she started laughing at me pointing out the islands on a map! Very funny situation. Everything else SINCERITY said was completely dead wrong and none of her predictions have ever been confirmed. My last reading was early last year and nothing has come to fruition.

This list is the list I'd compiled after reading with almost every single dang reader on keen. Only these few are the ones who actually had some truth to what they said or surprised me with pulling something out of their bag of tricks that really hit me personally and I would only know.