Me: Hi Bridgette
8133 - Bridgette Hi , could I have your b-day - thanks
Me: I was hoping you could give me insight on ____ and I?
Me: _______
8133 - Bridgette yes, could I have ____ b-day please
Me: his is_______
8133 - Bridgette I see a very strong attraction cord running between you and _______ -- I see some emotional disatance right now -- I see he can run a bit hot and cold -- isn't always there for you
8133 - Bridgette i see stress and anxiety around him
8133 - Bridgette and almost he goes within a lot
8133 - Bridgette wqhat is your specific question______
8133 - Bridgette i see some female energy around him but it is not intimate
Me: do my guides have any advice as to how to handle him right now?
8133 - Bridgette you and ______l are very, very different
8133 - Bridgette yes, hold back -- let him feel that he could lose the best person to ever come into his life -- you will see him start to change
8133 - Bridgette i see a strong love cord
Me: ok thank you
8133 - Bridgette Go dBless
That was our chat, our phone said the exact same thing word for word (I cut the chat short because of this reason) including that I would meet someone else and he would come back. She is the only one who has said that to me that I would get involved with someone else. On the phone I also inquired about the female energy, she said there was some texting and asked if he was secretive with his phone, I replied no because there wasn't, after she switched her tune and direction. He and I ended because of a situation or two, it wasn't pre thought out or loss of interst or interested in someone else. THere was also the basic advice in the phone reading, don't contact him, etc.
I also called from two different accounts and it was the only two times i contacted her. For her to give me the same wording makes me suspicious on if she is legit or not.