Author Topic: Good chat psychics recommendations?  (Read 7086 times)

Offline ZZ2112

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Good chat psychics recommendations?
« on: January 28, 2019, 04:49:29 PM »
Hi all! I am very new to this. I am residing in another Country so I could only use the chat function. And after reading most of the reviews here, I unfortunately can't try the recommended readers like Queen of cups18 or Prophet Rose who only does phone readings.
Is there any good chat psychics that anyone can recommend? A reader who have predictions/outcome that come to fruition? I have spoken to
- Lisa Dianne. First timeframe prediction didn't come to pass but still waiting on overall outcome. Seems to pick up feelings well though and answered my question as I am typing them.
- Shaman Kira. Her prediction for me is very far down the road towards end of the year so can't really tell much for now. Seems honest and straightforward. Also answered my questions before I asked them.
- Raven Redwoman. Picked up the situation rather quickly but not able to give time frame prediction. Just outcome prediction.
- Lotus of light. Spoke for 2 minutes only giving names and question then chat dropped and she blocked me lol 🤤

I intend to speak to 2 more readers after taking a break for a week or so as I understand that frequent readings might create blockages. Would appreciate if I could get some recommendations from you beautiful people here. Thank you in advance!

Offline Dreamer23

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Re: Good chat psychics recommendations?
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2019, 04:51:25 PM »
I like:

- MissMelissa11 - she is a tarot reader
- Zadalia
- CC Caye - kind of pricey though
- Rosedreams

Offline starGazer

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Re: Good chat psychics recommendations?
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2019, 06:28:01 PM »
SunnyJ of SunPixie From Dixie - she’s been pretty accurate for me

Offline ZZ2112

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Re: Good chat psychics recommendations?
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2019, 07:26:23 PM »
Thanks for the recommendations! Will give them a try! :)

Offline icloud9

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Re: Good chat psychics recommendations?
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2019, 05:05:03 AM »
Hi all! I am very new to this. I am residing in another Country so I could only use the chat function. And after reading most of the reviews here, I unfortunately can't try the recommended readers like Queen of cups18 or Prophet Rose who only does phone readings.
Is there any good chat psychics that anyone can recommend? A reader who have predictions/outcome that come to fruition? I have spoken to
- Lisa Dianne. First timeframe prediction didn't come to pass but still waiting on overall outcome. Seems to pick up feelings well though and answered my question as I am typing them.
- Shaman Kira. Her prediction for me is very far down the road towards end of the year so can't really tell much for now. Seems honest and straightforward. Also answered my questions before I asked them.
- Raven Redwoman. Picked up the situation rather quickly but not able to give time frame prediction. Just outcome prediction.
- Lotus of light. Spoke for 2 minutes only giving names and question then chat dropped and she blocked me lol 🤤

I intend to speak to 2 more readers after taking a break for a week or so as I understand that frequent readings might create blockages. Would appreciate if I could get some recommendations from you beautiful people here. Thank you in advance!

Lmao your emoji for Lotus of Light. Hilarious.
Does anybody know why she blocks people????
How was the information from these readers in consistency? Was it consistent? Did they all give the same outcome prediction?
Have you tried any psychics on their website? You should try some phone readings also....  While you may not be able to do so on a psychic platform, you can find readers who offer skype readings.

Offline ZZ2112

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Re: Good chat psychics recommendations?
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2019, 05:36:40 AM »
Yes, all 3 that I spoke with had given me the same outcome which I am honestly not sure how to feel about. I should be hopeful cos they are quite highly rated but of cos I am skeptical if everyone is just spinning me a tale.
They told me things like my POI has deep running feelings for me but he confuses and second guesses himself in relationships etc. He keeps choosing the wrong path and is already regretting his decisions... his ego is blocking the situation... These sound like generic statements. Anyone had similar readings?
But Kira did pick up more details that is quite personal and I do feel that she truly has a gift.
Well, so basically all said that he will circle back into my life. Lisa and Kira gave huge timeframe differences (Feb and Sep) 😑. And Raven Redwoman said it's a matter of if and not when.

Hi all! I am very new to this. I am residing in another Country so I could only use the chat function. And after reading most of the reviews here, I unfortunately can't try the recommended readers like Queen of cups18 or Prophet Rose who only does phone readings.
Is there any good chat psychics that anyone can recommend? A reader who have predictions/outcome that come to fruition? I have spoken to
- Lisa Dianne. First timeframe prediction didn't come to pass but still waiting on overall outcome. Seems to pick up feelings well though and answered my question as I am typing them.
- Shaman Kira. Her prediction for me is very far down the road towards end of the year so can't really tell much for now. Seems honest and straightforward. Also answered my questions before I asked them.
- Raven Redwoman. Picked up the situation rather quickly but not able to give time frame prediction. Just outcome prediction.
- Lotus of light. Spoke for 2 minutes only giving names and question then chat dropped and she blocked me lol 🤤

I intend to speak to 2 more readers after taking a break for a week or so as I understand that frequent readings might create blockages. Would appreciate if I could get some recommendations from you beautiful people here. Thank you in advance!

Lmao your emoji for Lotus of Light. Hilarious.
Does anybody know why she blocks people????
How was the information from these readers in consistency? Was it consistent? Did they all give the same outcome prediction?
Have you tried any psychics on their website? You should try some phone readings also....  While you may not be able to do so on a psychic platform, you can find readers who offer skype readings.

Offline icloud9

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Re: Good chat psychics recommendations?
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2019, 05:49:53 AM »
Yes, all 3 that I spoke with had given me the same outcome which I am honestly not sure how to feel about. I should be hopeful cos they are quite highly rated but of cos I am skeptical if everyone is just spinning me a tale.
They told me things like my POI has deep running feelings for me but he confuses and second guesses himself in relationships etc. He keeps choosing the wrong path and is already regretting his decisions... his ego is blocking the situation... These sound like generic statements. Anyone had similar readings?
But Kira did pick up more details that is quite personal and I do feel that she truly has a gift.
Well, so basically all said that he will circle back into my life. Lisa and Kira gave huge timeframe differences (Feb and Sep) 😑. And Raven Redwoman said it's a matter of if and not when.

Hi all! I am very new to this. I am residing in another Country so I could only use the chat function. And after reading most of the reviews here, I unfortunately can't try the recommended readers like Queen of cups18 or Prophet Rose who only does phone readings.
Is there any good chat psychics that anyone can recommend? A reader who have predictions/outcome that come to fruition? I have spoken to
- Lisa Dianne. First timeframe prediction didn't come to pass but still waiting on overall outcome. Seems to pick up feelings well though and answered my question as I am typing them.
- Shaman Kira. Her prediction for me is very far down the road towards end of the year so can't really tell much for now. Seems honest and straightforward. Also answered my questions before I asked them.
- Raven Redwoman. Picked up the situation rather quickly but not able to give time frame prediction. Just outcome prediction.
- Lotus of light. Spoke for 2 minutes only giving names and question then chat dropped and she blocked me lol 🤤

I intend to speak to 2 more readers after taking a break for a week or so as I understand that frequent readings might create blockages. Would appreciate if I could get some recommendations from you beautiful people here. Thank you in advance!

Lmao your emoji for Lotus of Light. Hilarious.
Does anybody know why she blocks people????
How was the information from these readers in consistency? Was it consistent? Did they all give the same outcome prediction?
Have you tried any psychics on their website? You should try some phone readings also....  While you may not be able to do so on a psychic platform, you can find readers who offer skype readings.

I used to read with Lisa daily about 8 years ago. She is a genuinely kind hearted person and a great empath...but none of her predictions ever happened for me. Contact dates, reconciliation...NONE of them lol.. I feel like her strength is picking up on someone's feelings and thoughts, not so much making predictions on actions...Not sure how she is these days but I wouldn't hold her for her timing...But she is an amazing empath who is great at getting insight. Also, she did help me a lot with getting through back in the days. At the end I eventually healed and I didn't even care that much that her outcome actually didn't even happen.
Kira on the other hand has proven herself to be an accurate clairvoyant and remote viewer (I actually don't know what the difference is) as well as being a stellar empath!!! -currently my #1 because she has been hitting the nail on the head with most of her predictions for me. My situation with my currnet POI has been panning out exactly as she has been seeing for me....Even the randomest things she mentions (the stuff I didn't ask about)...they all panned out in some shape of form. If she mentions something on her own without you asking, that is a strong sign it WILL most likely happen.
Raven - never read with her.

Offline sjm1986

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Re: Good chat psychics recommendations?
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2019, 06:53:56 AM »
Lisa Dianne was good for me in the beginning for maybe one or two readings but looking back, I realized that she really only got a couple things right as far as things I could validate, and she didn't really get any predictions right at all. I was just so stoked by the couple things that she knew when there was no way she could know it, that I assumed she was super accurate but she never got anything right for me after that.

Lotus of Light I think just gets spooked lol. She seems like a nice person and I've read with her a few times before but I think she's afraid of negative reviews. I don't know what made me think that but maybe it was something she said or something. I don't remember lol.

There are a couple chat psychics who I found on Keen but now read with off of Keen who are pretty good for me. One of them had mentioned to me a couple weeks ago that she'd prefer to not be mentioned publicly on here if I ever happen to have reason to bring her up (such as now) but the other one is Kate Marquez. She has a thread in the Storefront category. Both readers have been usually right for me although they both miss things sometimes. So with Kate, I would just add her to the mix of other readings you've had and see how it all fits together. She's told me the craziest things that turned out to be accurate before but she's also read things from a different perspective before too, and it kind of threw me off. It wasn't "wrong", but it gave me the wrong impression during the reading. After the thing played out, I read the transcript and it was accurate but I just didn't really grasp what she was saying at the time I guess. Either way, you could try her or private message me for the other one but just don't take either one as the final word on it.

Offline ZZ2112

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Re: Good chat psychics recommendations?
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2019, 07:09:54 AM »
I had the same feeling with Lisa. She seems genuine and kind and shared some of her personal experiences that relates to my situation. But when I told her that her timeframe prediction didn't occur, she said that it feels that things should have happened and she doesn't know why it hasn't. At least she seems honest that she really doesn't have a clue and I won't hold it against her 🤣
Kira did tell me a few things before I even asked about it and I like that she doesn't have a filter and tells me things the way it is. I do believe her but have to wait for quite awhile before I can confirm if she works for me. 
So I caved in and I tried a reading with Divinus. It was a really interesting reading, he gave alot of information using natal charts and numerology I guess and he did pick up alot of details without me saying anything. But this dude he uses so many big words almost poetic style I had to read the transcript over and over again to comprehend what he was getting at lol. And he sent a follow up email rightaway explaining about affirmations, freewill and destiny. Any experience with him?

I used to read with Lisa daily about 8 years ago. She is a genuinely kind hearted person and a great empath...but none of her predictions ever happened for me. Contact dates, reconciliation...NONE of them lol.. I feel like her strength is picking up on someone's feelings and thoughts, not so much making predictions on actions...Not sure how she is these days but I wouldn't hold her for her timing...But she is an amazing empath who is great at getting insight. Also, she did help me a lot with getting through back in the days. At the end I eventually healed and I didn't even care that much that her outcome actually didn't even happen.
Kira on the other hand has proven herself to be an accurate clairvoyant and remote viewer (I actually don't know what the difference is) as well as being a stellar empath!!! -currently my #1 because she has been hitting the nail on the head with most of her predictions for me. My situation with my currnet POI has been panning out exactly as she has been seeing for me....Even the randomest things she mentions (the stuff I didn't ask about)...they all panned out in some shape of form. If she mentions something on her own without you asking, that is a strong sign it WILL most likely happen.
Raven - never read with her.

Offline flora0250

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Re: Good chat psychics recommendations?
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2019, 10:36:07 AM »
I liked Rachel Marie on Bitwine. Had a horrible read with Kira and Lotus of Light.

