Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent
Why aren't any of my predictions coming to pass?
Hey Synergy...Glad you listened to your intuition at the end!
Not calling SE isn't a big deal..the more money you can save the better. I know what you mean by staying on the phone with her for longer then you intend to. I added money twice or was it three times the second time I spoke to her. I blew my budget and on monday i can;t believe I still added money to the call twice! But at least it was a good one. I wasn't so sure about her after the second call because of all the changes in time frames. I guess I was just upset and confused over the changes in time lines. Looking back, this gap is doing me good and I know (well I think) she wasn;t just feeding me a fairy tale.
She also asked me whether me and the ex are from different nationalities while she was tuning in to his feelings. That REALLY surprised me and makes me want to believe that I connect with her. No one else ever caught on to that which in our case is a major deal, not for us but for our families. And our names don;t even give it away either. So ya...
Can't believe December passed by so fast. Next we have January and I know a lot of us have major predictions to look forward to for that time of the year. But that doesn't mean we should all stop enjoying our life in the meantime. Glad you have so much going on for you!
Let us know how things went yesterday!
Hi Misty!
Dianalc and Kisha were both right. Chance and I spoke yesterday about what happened on Tuesday, and things are almost back to how they were before. When we argued, he cancelled the trip to Mexico, and he still hasn't brought that back up.
We will be spending a lot of time together in the next week, and we're going to Disneyland on Tuesday. I think we'll be ok...
...except for the fact that I sent my ex a couple texts last night asking him what happened between us and telling him that I'm sad it didn't work out. I shouldn't have done it because I don't want to hurt Chance, but there's so much I want to tell my ex. I miss him so much. He gave me a brief response, but nothing revealing or earth-shattering. At least it wasn't rude or dismissive, which is actually what I was expecting. I was surprised he responded at all. We did talk at work today, and he was acting flirtatious, but he always does that. I know we're not going to be together, but I needed him to know how I felt. I don't care if it pushed him further away emotionally or if it made him think of me negatively. I told him because I wanted to and needed to for my own sanity.
This whole thing sucks. I don't want to hurt Chance, but I'm not completely available because a part of me still wants to be with the idiot. I can't sabotage this thing with Chance, but I'm afraid that I will. :(
--- Quote from: Synergy on December 22, 2011, 10:03:48 PM ---Hi Misty!
Dianalc and Kisha were both right. Chance and I spoke yesterday about what happened on Tuesday, and things are almost back to how they were before. When we argued, he cancelled the trip to Mexico, and he still hasn't brought that back up.
We will be spending a lot of time together in the next week, and we're going to Disneyland on Tuesday. I think we'll be ok...
...except for the fact that I sent my ex a couple texts last night asking him what happened between us and telling him that I'm sad it didn't work out. I shouldn't have done it because I don't want to hurt Chance, but there's so much I want to tell my ex. I miss him so much. He gave me a brief response, but nothing revealing or earth-shattering. At least it wasn't rude or dismissive, which is actually what I was expecting. I was surprised he responded at all. We did talk at work today, and he was acting flirtatious, but he always does that. I know we're not going to be together, but I needed him to know how I felt. I don't care if it pushed him further away emotionally or if it made him think of me negatively. I told him because I wanted to and needed to for my own sanity.
This whole thing sucks. I don't want to hurt Chance, but I'm not completely available because a part of me still wants to be with the idiot. I can't sabotage this thing with Chance, but I'm afraid that I will. :(
--- End quote ---
Synergy - I completely understand. Sometimes you just need to tell the person to get it off your chest and put it out there. I'm in the same situation. My friends don't see why I need to do that but I need to for myself whether anyone else understands it or not.
I just really wanted to wish you all a merry Christmas. Thank you for all your support over the last couple of months :)
merry christmas to everyone
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