Author Topic: More and More peoples have move on from psychics reading  (Read 42542 times)

Offline sawthelight

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Re: More and More peoples have move on from psychics reading
« Reply #30 on: January 26, 2019, 10:22:37 AM »
Well, it's only really destructive if
A) the psychic you go to is a fraud (which is the harder of the two to deal with)
B) They're in debt, and are already struggling financially.

That's a very black and white view. Getting readings is a slippery slope where many different things can go wrong. Many readers are not frauds, they have real abilities, and they get enough things right so the client begins to trust them. But things can go wrong at any time, they may stop connecting, or they may get things right short term but totally miss the ultimate outcome. Financially, you could be in good shape and not spending more than you can afford. But then something else could happen that sets you back financially, and then all that money you spent on readings, probably should have been put in savings instead.

The point is that llife is unpredictable, and getting readings does not change that. It does not prepare you for what will happen, the way you think it will. Many people have come back here and shared stories of being horribly blindsided by something because readings did not give them the truth. I was fortunate not to have had that happen, my predictions simply didn't pan out. But as I have said before...even if every single prediction had come to pass, it still would have been a waste of money.

Hell I'd go so far as to even say it's okay to get many reading if you're addicted, and have the funds. Getting a reading out of desperation is fine, provided you've got the funds. It helps calm and soothe the heart. Or if you get bad news, and it's a trusted (and real) reader, then you've got what's really going on, and can move forward with your life.

Hmm. Well I'm not here to put parameters on when it is okay to get readings, like you are doing. What people want to do or choose to do is up to them. I share my experience and my perspective, and others can take it or leave it. If you think it is "not fair" for me to do that then maybe you're giving too much power to what I have to say. we go:

I think it's wrong to assume that 'most psychics are wrong', when certain readers have proven themselves time and time again, and while they can certainly be wrong, why be pessimistic about this? It just creates fear, anxiety and worry in those who are awaiting predictions (that could very well come true). I think it's not only very unhealthy, but also quite mean to push negativity or pessimism on someone with hope. While you (not you in particular, I mean 'you' as in the person in this situation) may see it as being helpful, it can be the "break it", in the "make it or break it", to somebody who's predictions would otherwise actually had happened.

So um, what you're saying is, you think that being honest about a bad experience with readings could stop someone else's predictions from happening?

That is about five too many levels of insane for me to try to reason with. Not wasting my time. Life will definitely teach you a good lesson on that one sooner or later. Probably sooner.

I agree tired. Don’t even bother trying to rationalize or talk common sense into him. He acts like he’s so helpful and caring, while in actuality it’s probably just deep denial and he doesn’t like hearing any other points of view.  Actually encouraging another poster in a different thread to hang on and wait for her predictions with a man who just told her he was interested in someone else.

It’s incredibly sad.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: More and More peoples have move on from psychics reading
« Reply #31 on: January 26, 2019, 12:56:24 PM »
I agree tired. Don’t even bother trying to rationalize or talk common sense into him. He acts like he’s so helpful and caring, while in actuality it’s probably just deep denial and he doesn’t like hearing any other points of view.  Actually encouraging another poster in a different thread to hang on and wait for her predictions with a man who just told her he was interested in someone else.

It’s incredibly sad.

Wow, I didn't even see where he did that. Really dangerous and irrational behavior. It's just fake to say these supposedly "positive" things but lace it with insults, projection, and emotionally abusive comments. Fortunately it rolls right off of me, but I feel bad for anyone else he targets with this nonsense.

I know. I can see right through that stuff.

I’m still convinced the third one is him. He got banned from sps. Also this thread sounds just like him

Notice how he argues with everyone who tells him negative news.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2019, 01:09:14 PM by sawthelight »

Offline LAW1974

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Re: More and More peoples have move on from psychics reading
« Reply #32 on: January 26, 2019, 01:12:19 PM »
Just wanted to chime in, even though I shouldn't lol. As others have mentioned, I feel the creator of this post feels very let down because none of her readings manifested. I could definitely understand the jaded outlook there.

Some food for though though @psychicgirl, is that perhaps it is your negativity that is creating a very negative vibe and you are actually unintentionally pushing people away from you. The POI's or the ex's or whoever it is you have called about. Your energy honestly feels very bitter and that is an energy that people will run from. Maybe the man/men you have called about can feel that energy emanating from your being even from a distance when there isn't any or hasn't been any contact for long periods of time. This is usually why ex's or poi's end up reappearing........once a person has moved on and doesn't carry that same energy with them or has made a choice to just release it.

Positivity is a very alluring and attractive energy to carry. That is when people start coming toward you, whether it be new or old. Maybe you should think about perhaps working on releasing your bitterness and transforming it into strength and positivity. Uplifting others really helps with that. Self love helps with that. Positive affirmations help, uplifting music, a good diet, pampering yourself etc. Ask for help releasing the negative emotions and thoughts you have and you will receive it. And then, you will attract better things to yourself and even your readings may change around and start to manifest should you choose to receive any further readings.

I wish you the best of luck and hope that you're able to find peace and release your pain. Sending you love and healing <3

ANNNND.... mic drop, exit left!  perfectly written....

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Re: More and More peoples have move on from psychics reading
« Reply #33 on: January 26, 2019, 01:19:36 PM »
Furthermore - what @josh34 and @ladya says regarding many successful people using readers/psychics is true!  The problem is people who go on binges and call 5 psychics a day regarding the SAME topic and obsess about it!  If you can control it and use the Yona's and Kishas and call a few times a year... that keeps vibrations up!  Many. Many readers will even tell you that if you get too many readings (especially on the same subject) that they wont manifest...  I very much believe in LOA and manifesting on my own, I also believe each time I call it lowers my vibration a bit....

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Re: More and More peoples have move on from psychics reading
« Reply #34 on: January 26, 2019, 01:21:32 PM »
To the peoples who said there many great story of other poi coming back from psychics reading where did you get your sources from?
All I get from here is that these psychics were wrong on the big outcome for them and their poi didn't come back. And on Keen all I see on is thanks you put me at ease. And you never heard from them again if these peoples poi did come back don't you think they would come back and said thanks my poi came back? but you rarely see those reviews on keen too.


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Re: More and More peoples have move on from psychics reading
« Reply #35 on: January 26, 2019, 01:29:34 PM »
To the peoples who said there many great story of other poi coming back from psychics reading where did you get your sources from?
All I get from here is that these psychics were wrong on the big outcome for them and their poi didn't come back. And on Keen all I see on is thanks you put me at ease. And you never heard from them again if these peoples poi did come back don't you think they would come back and said thanks my poi came back? but you rarely see those reviews on keen too.

Or they got their outcome and went about their life? Lol. I wouldn’t come back to get a reading with someone just to tell them they’re right. I’d email them or something esp if it’s after the 2 week period. I think you need to take the advice miss philosopher gave and practice some self love and let go of all the resentment and hurt. The only person it’s going to hold back is you. People can feel the energy of resentment from you and all the posts you make. Forgive yourself, them, your poi and move on. If psychic ability doesn’t exist, why are you on a review forum for psychics.

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Re: More and More peoples have move on from psychics reading
« Reply #36 on: January 26, 2019, 01:34:31 PM »
To the peoples who said there many great story of other poi coming back from psychics reading where did you get your sources from?
All I get from here is that these psychics were wrong on the big outcome for them and their poi didn't come back. And on Keen all I see on is thanks you put me at ease. And you never heard from them again if these peoples poi did come back don't you think they would come back and said thanks my poi came back? but you rarely see those reviews on keen too.

Or they got their outcome and went about their life? Lol. I wouldn’t come back to get a reading with someone just to tell them they’re right. I’d email them or something esp if it’s after the 2 week period. I think you need to take the advice miss philosopher gave and practice some self love and let go of all the resentment and hurt. The only person it’s going to hold back is you. People can feel the energy of resentment from you and all the posts you make. Forgive yourself, them, your poi and move on. If psychic ability doesn’t exist, why are you on a review forum for psychics.
That why we don't know we can only get our sources here and timed and timed again they have been wrong on the big outcome.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: More and More peoples have move on from psychics reading
« Reply #37 on: January 26, 2019, 02:04:03 PM »
I don’t read either one much anymore either..sps or Linda Goodman...they don’t seem very active anymore , used to find more helpful information on there a few years ago.

Offline LAW1974

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Re: More and More peoples have move on from psychics reading
« Reply #38 on: January 26, 2019, 02:12:33 PM »
To the peoples who said there many great story of other poi coming back from psychics reading where did you get your sources from?
All I get from here is that these psychics were wrong on the big outcome for them and their poi didn't come back. And on Keen all I see on is thanks you put me at ease. And you never heard from them again if these peoples poi did come back don't you think they would come back and said thanks my poi came back? but you rarely see those reviews on keen too.

Or they got their outcome and went about their life? Lol. I wouldn’t come back to get a reading with someone just to tell them they’re right. I’d email them or something esp if it’s after the 2 week period. I think you need to take the advice miss philosopher gave and practice some self love and let go of all the resentment and hurt. The only person it’s going to hold back is you. People can feel the energy of resentment from you and all the posts you make. Forgive yourself, them, your poi and move on. If psychic ability doesn’t exist, why are you on a review forum for psychics.
That why we don't know we can only get our sources here and timed and timed again they have been wrong on the big outcome.

First if all, there are positive stories on this board of things psychics have said coming true, plenty of them actually...
Secondly, there is sooooo much truth in letting go and moving on and ppl coming back once you have.  So once ppl have moved on with their life and POI comes back in their life (and then we decide if we want them or not) - it isnt typically 2 months later but maybe like a year after weve stopped obsessing and calling and posting!  I dont think most people come back and post!  Someone recently did come back to post and everyone thanked them for it!  When they did - I wrote a post about it!  This is human nature....  For example, when you buy a product and it is amazing STILL 6 months later how often do you think, "I am so happy I think I'll stop what Im doing, to make sure and post a review about this product to help others?"  ahhhhh.... but if something doesnt work well, many times people will be angry enough to post as many negative reviews as they can.  It's why statistics on reviews cant always be trusted! 


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Re: More and More peoples have move on from psychics reading
« Reply #39 on: January 26, 2019, 02:34:07 PM »
He’s not the third one. Third one has an account here and third one spoke highly of ari on one of the other forums but josh said he never connected with her. There’s a lot of other nuances that show he’s not him. They don’t really write similarly either.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: More and More peoples have move on from psychics reading
« Reply #40 on: January 26, 2019, 02:38:03 PM »
I love writing reviews for all kinds of things, restaurants, stores, clothes,’s always helpful to hear others opinions.

As far as readings, we are all entitled to believe what we like.   I just don’t like when people share unhealthy patterns and relationships and are being told to hang on...he might come back and realize what he lost..that’s just not good advice imo.

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Re: More and More peoples have move on from psychics reading
« Reply #41 on: January 26, 2019, 02:44:42 PM »
He’s not the third one. Third one has an account here and third one spoke highly of ari on one of the other forums but josh said he never connected with her. There’s a lot of other nuances that show he’s not him. They don’t really write similarly either.

Seriously?  I just pulled this off sps:

st want to mention that I really hope her predictions come to pass for you! I mean if they are positive! You deserve that! I know how the stress from this whole thing can be. And it could be assumption, but I've read through every page of this on this thread and another forum a long time ago, and it's clear that at least a good amount of people simply fit predictions. For example, "A person of authority will try and talk down to you". That's the kind of prediction Yona tends to give. I think she reads the cards as a story which while nice, is a mistake, because it tends to be broad. She doesn't use her intuition in such a way that similar psychics do. It leads to very general reads. For the previous example, she'll see, "The Emporor", along with a few other cards, and read it as, "A person of authority will try and talk down to you". So this could mean so many different things. A father, a policeman, a professor, a manager, etc. And whenever any small thing like that happens, someone's alarm goes off in their head, and they claim, "She's so good! She did it!" when in reality, odds are that "a person" who acts "authoritative" (could mean law-wise, or simply just cocky) talks in a condescending tone. I'm just stating this because it's fairly worrisome how many people take such general statements and make them fit. I've seen countless times of people coming back and rewriting, "Oh that wasn't it. I was mistaken. But THIS is definitely it", and then they come back again to restate a similar event. Especially with people on this board, I think they hold a level of denial and (for the lack of a better term...) "reading-lust" for Yona, and give her far more allowances than she deserves. With that said, however, she's good! While most of what she had told me is general, she did get some very specific things in the crystal, that I've still got to wait and see if they play out. And that was not general. And while "reading" me, she did get things without me telling her. I just think her supposed "accuracy of 95%" or whatever people like to give her is just kind of an overestimation of her abilities. Don't get me wrong, she's not only an amazing person, but she can read the cards. She can. I think she's just not as accurate or amazing as people here like to believe. I think if one gives her the benefit of the doubt on very specific things, well, one should do for every other psychic as well. However, with that, you'd see their "accuracy" skyrocket. I did also read a long time ago, earlier on, that she'd predict things such as, "A woman with long black hair will try to interfere, and flirt with your husband but he holds his ground and she won't be a problem", etc. But the outcome was unfortunately, not what she had predicted, but the opposite. So at least what she was "getting", while specific, would kind of be quite the guess. So she's got an ability, that's for sure! She just gets far too many people (on this site, mostly) "not wanting her to be wrong", and so they hold that "reading-lust" for her, and give her an ungodly amount of allowances, simply because "She's Yona". I have had much better success with another reader, who I can ask questions to, and they oddly get specific times an exact sentence will come out of somebody's mouth, for example. They will get when a specific event will occur, what will occur, etc., and even pick up on things they couldn't possibly guess, far ahead of time. I think Yona is "good" level, whereas some others are "holy fuck" level. For me, Gaylene has been ridiculously accurate, as have a few others (for example, the one I've spoken of above, but they're local, and I'd rather avoid giving away my location). Like you said no one psychic will connect to every single person, or get it 100% correct, unfortunately. And I'm sorry! I read that in kind of a defensive tone. I apologize. My whole point is, people on this forum give her much more allowances than any reader should have, and try to make predictions fit because they're so vague, and unfortunately, while she has a gift and can be specific at times, she is mostly "vague" and the people here do try to fit her predictions FAR too often, than is acceptable. But I wish you luck on your ventures, and I pray that her predictions come to pass for you! As I said, she's not "bad" by any means! My post is more geared toward the people here who desperately and ignorantly try to make predictions fit.

sounds just like Josh to me.

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Re: More and More peoples have move on from psychics reading
« Reply #42 on: January 26, 2019, 02:58:10 PM »
I love writing reviews for all kinds of things, restaurants, stores, clothes,’s always helpful to hear others opinions.

As far as readings, we are all entitled to believe what we like.   I just don’t like when people share unhealthy patterns and relationships and are being told to hang on...he might come back and realize what he lost..that’s just not good advice imo.

I absolutely agree with this. I also don’t believe readers are miracle workers!  I don’t know statistically how often their predictions are correct. I actually don’t get readings myself anymore (mostly because I don’t feel like I need them, I manifest my own life and am okay with whatever plays out). So far Yonas timeline is playing out exactly how she told me so yes I believe she is real! 

Regarding the post on the vent - I don’t read a lot of reviews on things. Details are not my personality but again proof that nothing is 100% all the time and not for everyone! 

I agree about the unhealthy patterns... there have been a handful of those ppl on here and they seem to jump on and quickly leave as well. Whether you call a psychic or not most poi’s (esp men) will re enter your life at some point but I think it’s the timelines that can be thrown off by readings.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: More and More peoples have move on from psychics reading
« Reply #43 on: January 26, 2019, 03:13:18 PM »
I love writing reviews for all kinds of things, restaurants, stores, clothes,’s always helpful to hear others opinions.

As far as readings, we are all entitled to believe what we like.   I just don’t like when people share unhealthy patterns and relationships and are being told to hang on...he might come back and realize what he lost..that’s just not good advice imo.

I absolutely agree with this. I also don’t believe readers are miracle workers!  I don’t know statistically how often their predictions are correct. I actually don’t get readings myself anymore (mostly because I don’t feel like I need them, I manifest my own life and am okay with whatever plays out). So far Yonas timeline is playing out exactly how she told me so yes I believe she is real! 

Regarding the post on the vent - I don’t read a lot of reviews on things. Details are not my personality but again proof that nothing is 100% all the time and not for everyone! 

I agree about the unhealthy patterns... there have been a handful of those ppl on here and they seem to jump on and quickly leave as well. Whether you call a psychic or not most poi’s (esp men) will re enter your life at some point but I think it’s the timelines that can be thrown off by readings.

I agree. They do seem to re-enter (men). In the end it’s up to us whether or not to take them back.

My point was just don’t let someone crap all over you and then think it’s ok to come back like nothing happened. There needs to be some self respect we all should have.

I had a guy come back after really doing me wrong. He admitted what he did to me was the biggest mistake of his life and we dated for a while after that. Didn’t work out for other reasons but I don’t regret giving him another chance.

But first POI I called about never admitted his faults and I just kep letting him come back and do the same crap. I just hate to see anyone else do this.

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Re: More and More peoples have move on from psychics reading
« Reply #44 on: January 26, 2019, 03:23:34 PM »
I just have to chime in that I can’t handle being on sps, I don’t know if it’s the people or the way they post or the colors but it actually makes me feel anxious or stressed. A few of you guys here have stress energy, that’s common, but when reading the reviews there it’s literally everyone.

As far as psychics, they can’t prove on tv, or haven’t because of the restrictiveness of psychic gifts. It’s a weird esoteric thing not even readers fully under but I’ll be damned, I walked down a cobblestone path to a garden with Roman statues, and beautiful rustic windows. My psychic saw it 6mo in advance.
And I’ll be damned things happened to the day for other psychics and everything they said over the last year came to pass, things I didn’t believe.

Call it self fulfilling prophecy but I’d rather know than not know because they helped me at some of the lowest times in life, thinking there was no hope, they assured me there was and there would be statues on the other side. Which has beeen true.

I’ve had spot on readings for 5 years and only recently branched out to find more readers. Tons of people came back to give good reviews and said everything pans out for tons of readers. Look a Yona thread on sps and here if you don’t believe me. You seem to be missing the pages of positive reviews in saying no one this no one that.

But reality is if you go on thta good too you don’t NEED psychics. Money could be better spent on therapy, but for those of us that do both there is nothing wrong with it if the psychic is tried and tested for the individual.