Author Topic: who to consult- Shaman Kira or Kisha or Cookie.  (Read 8396 times)

Offline Shubhra

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who to consult- Shaman Kira or Kisha or Cookie.
« on: January 23, 2019, 12:04:17 PM »
Hi all:

wanted an advice on consulting Shaman Kira or Kisha or cookie. have limited funds but really need some help/advice/insight.
Are they all only on keen or any of them have their own site.

Please advice.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2019, 12:44:59 PM by Shubhra »

Offline sparky

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Re: who to consult- Shaman Kira or Kisha or Cookie.
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2019, 01:35:55 PM »
They are all on keen but I know Kisha has her own site.  I haven't read with Cookie so I can only use my experience about Kira and Kisha.  One thing to keep in mind is you want to find the one that works for you.  With limited funds that can be tough since you can't really try a lot of readers out. 

If I had to choose though I would go Kira first and then Kisha.  The reason for that is because it appears that Kira is connecting well with a lot of people and her timeframes for predictions are short.  About maybe three months out.  Where Kisha can read further out to a typical six months but she doesn't always connect with everyone.  If she does connect you can get some very good information from her.  They should have comparable rates with each other on Keen.

Now another reason to go to Kira first is because of that shorter timeframe on predictions.  It will allow you to validate what she saw quicker instead of waiting half a year.  So you can see if she worked for you or not sooner.  That way later when you want another reading you already know your go to.  If she doesn't work than you can try someone else.  Since you have limited funds that is something you want to figure out sooner if you can than spend a bunch of money on a different psychics to find the one that works for you.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: who to consult- Shaman Kira or Kisha or Cookie.
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2019, 05:41:02 PM »
Now this is a tough one. I've never read with cookie, so I don't know. However, I've read more often than not that you need at least 30 minutes with her and she rambles a lot and doesn't make sense and sometimes leaves a person confused. So, based on that, I'd skip out on her.

Kira is great with picking up current thoughts/energies. She's a stellar empath. That's for damn sure. BUT, I'm gonna have to say, if it were me, I'd go with Kisha. 1st of all, she's cheaper and you get more for your money. Second, she can see further out. She may not be like super super empath but if you're more looking for what events are to occur rather than current thoughts and feelings, I'd go with Kisha. However, if you're looking for more "what's he/she feeling right this second and in the near future", go with Kira. So the real question is, what kind of answers are you looking for?

Offline icloud9

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Re: who to consult- Shaman Kira or Kisha or Cookie.
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2019, 06:41:35 PM »
I've read with all of them so here is my two cents.

I feel like it all depends on which reading style you prefer. As Miss Philosopher said above Shaman Kira is amazing at picking up on the present and also recent past. She's also been awesome for me at predicting future events. She's been super accurate for me when it came down to pinpointing the next event / energy movement / relationship dynamics. Also very good at picking up on third party. So not only is she an empath but I think she is a great remote viewer/ clairvoyant. From what I've read from this forum I feel like she's at her best when you are already quite involved with a POI rather than someone you haven't spoken to in like years. Only because I've been able to immediately validate what she said to be true. She's very blunt tho, so if your situation is negative sometimes she may be hard to hear- that's my warning about her lol  Kira only does chat, but she types extremely fast so you won't necessarily feel like you are wasting money but it can get expensive....But be sure to ask her for a free minute first, if you're new.

Kisha- I've only had one email reading with her but it did not resonate with my situation whatsoever. But, from what I've seen on this forum, when she is connected, she is crazy good and I've heard that her number predictions are on POINT.  She also does have her own website and she is much more affordable than Kira. I didn't get a sense from her that she reads into "Feelings"... Not sure if she is an empath. She seemed like a reader that looks at the OVERVIEW of things and make useful predictions.

Cookie-  This woman is interesting at best. She is definitely a REAL remote viewer, a woman who is truly gifted with her abilities. However, as far as usefulness when it comes to specific questions - not so sure. She has been very good with me once and she predicted something about my health that came true. Sometimes she says things and it doesn't make sense, but it will ring true later on/. But when i called her back she couldn't pick up on anything specific about my life at all and she denied the health issues that I CURRENTLY have. She repeated the same thing which was SO general and could apply to anyone - like " i see a lot of beginnings for you...a lot of joy and happiness" and it was quite frustrating because my call was around new years and of course that statement would apply to A LOT of people. I asked about a specific situation just to help her see more and she said things that were quite off (said that she doesnt see romance for me this year lol when I am actually involved deeply in a situation???)  I was left very confused and decided I would not call her again.
So I feel like , with Cookie- you have to let her talk. And you will know if it resonates or not. Ask her what she sees for you and then she will go from there but it may not always pertain to what you are specifically wanting to know about. I feel like with Cookie, she's best at random things she picks up on on her own and those will be accurate, most of the time. Not so sure about specific questions.....

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: who to consult- Shaman Kira or Kisha or Cookie.
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2019, 06:49:46 PM »
I agree with a lot that icloud said. I mean, keep in mind that each reader is going to either connect or not connect with you personally. So, it's like, it's a chance either way when you are getting a reading for the first time.

I cannot speak for Kira's predictions yet because I only had my first reading with her on January 7th and I had another one with her two days ago. She was very accurate in both readings. Her predictions are for February and April though. So I don't know about those just yet. She's more expensive though.

Kisha has the same predictions as Kira but Kisha isn't really like as empathic as Kira. Kisha is an excellent clairvoyant though. However, she also doesn't connect with everyone.

So, if you're looking for someone most cost effective and that can see further out but not so much tell you exact feelings in depth...........I'd go with Kisha. It's about 75 bucks for a 30 minute reading and I think it's like 50 for a 20 minute reading.

If you're looking for in depth empathic abilities to where they know how someone's feeling coupled with some predictions and you're not that concerned with funds.......go with Kira but you will need at least 20 minutes with her in my opinion and that's about 125 bucks.

Again............I've no idea about cookie but I know she's expensive and needs at  least 30 minutes.

Good luck and keep us posted as to who you picked and how your reading goes!!!!!

Offline icloud9

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Re: who to consult- Shaman Kira or Kisha or Cookie.
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2019, 07:08:49 PM »
yeah, i think it's important to keep in mind that even the best of the best psychics out there won't have the same connection with everyone... I've seen some negative feedback on Kira too lol so It shows she isn't perfect for everyone, either.
Finding an accurate reader is going to be an experience that is going to be VERY personal to you, and it may take a few trials and errors...Personally It cost me 8 years of BS and 30K+ LOL (embarrassing, I know)
And also I would like to suggest not to get too many readings from different readers as that may create more confusion. That's something I used to do and will never allow myself to do again.
Stick to your tried and trues.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2019, 07:25:34 PM by icloud9 »

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: who to consult- Shaman Kira or Kisha or Cookie.
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2019, 07:24:37 PM »
yeah, i think it's important to keep in mind that even the best of the best psychics out there won't have the same connection with everyone... I've seen some negative feedback on Kira too lol so It shows she isn't perfect for everyone, either.
Finding an accurate reader is going to be an experience that is going to be VERY personal to you, and it may take a few trials and errors...And also I would like to suggest not to get too many readings from different readers as that may create more confusion. That's something I used to do and will never allow myself to do again.
Stick to your tried and trues.

I absolutely agree! Great post icloud!!! <3

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: who to consult- Shaman Kira or Kisha or Cookie.
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2019, 03:20:44 PM »
My 2 cents, I would go with Kira for short term (current feelings to 3 months out) and Kisha for long term. I think that Kisha doesn't always realize how far out she reads. A "2" could mean 2 years or February next year. Kira doesn't go that far out. My predictions haven't passed yet for either, so I can't comment on that accuracy yet (predictions are for February through September), but both seemed reasonable and got present equally correct. I haven't read with Cookie since she seems to be hit and miss and too costly (and a long wait). Good luck.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: who to consult- Shaman Kira or Kisha or Cookie.
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2019, 03:23:17 PM »
Also, I personally prefer Kisha's general email over her phone readings.  Could be personal preference, but I like it that the general email doesn't require background information and seems more valid.

Offline icloud9

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Re: who to consult- Shaman Kira or Kisha or Cookie.
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2019, 08:04:12 PM »
My 2 cents, I would go with Kira for short term (current feelings to 3 months out) and Kisha for long term. I think that Kisha doesn't always realize how far out she reads. A "2" could mean 2 years or February next year. Kira doesn't go that far out. My predictions haven't passed yet for either, so I can't comment on that accuracy yet (predictions are for February through September), but both seemed reasonable and got present equally correct. I haven't read with Cookie since she seems to be hit and miss and too costly (and a long wait). Good luck.

Except I've seen people on here said she gave a prediction for years out. 2 years and I think I've also seen 5 years somewhere?? and 4 years?? lol So I think she does see long term.. or rather, the big picture. Maybe it all depends on the connection, one's situations and also she takes into account the interference of our free will. She sees events and outcomes that are predestined to happen but also highlights our free will's play in that - I stole this line from her lol.
I do think it's easier for her to see and gauge things if you are already in some sort of contact with your POI.  Again,when she says certain things, it's mostly been things that I was able to validate right away.

Offline flora0250

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Re: who to consult- Shaman Kira or Kisha or Cookie.
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2019, 10:08:06 PM »
Kira was horrible for me. Keisha phone reading predictions didn’t happen at all. Her email predictions may still happen but won’t know until June. Cookie made some predictions that passed and some were specific but honestly for how much it all costs and the predictions that happened against those that didn’t I can no longer recommend her either although I did previously.

Offline Penelope

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Re: who to consult- Shaman Kira or Kisha or Cookie.
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2019, 05:07:23 AM »
Thank you everyone for your pointers.
I really really appreciate your help.
I am new here and from India so for me USD payments become too much as i earn in rupees and spending in dollars.
This insight is very valuable for me.

I am down to Kira and Kisha and may be will book both, my funds permitting. just counting how much i have. :-(

Thanks a bunch everyone.

Kisha is pretty good at the current and short  term for me.  She was negative for me but so far things seem to be in line with what she saw.  She didn’t give me any long term predictions as free will seems to be in play in my situation so things could go in different directions.

Cookie was able to pick up some crazy details about my situation.  She even described someone’s hair color or job description.  Her predictions for me are for the summer so I cannot comment on the accuracy.  It’s probably safe to say that since she predicted nothing right now, she’s probably correct so far and realistic in her timeline. 

Kira seems to be good at picking up current energy.  She even did a trance and pulled things right out of my POI.  She didn’t give me a prediction.  Her reason for that was interesting.  If she read him empathically, it would seem that he will reach out and step up.  But, she also saw that he is unlikely to act on his emotions so she said it would be dangerous for her to give me timing.  So, she’s pretty honest with telling you what she sees.

You may also want to try Abundant Vision at  She’s sometimes on Keen but most available through her site.  She’s $2.50/min.  I’ve had decent predictions from her and she doesn’t sugarcoat.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2019, 05:29:39 AM by Penelope »

Offline LAW1974

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Re: who to consult- Shaman Kira or Kisha or Cookie.
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2019, 12:53:00 PM »
Thanks everyone for your help.
I consulted Kisha and Shaman Kira. I must say both were very very kind with my situation and were very supportive and empathetic.

Shaman Kira was kind enough to revert 58$ charge via paytm to me and it was a very very generous act.  i cannot thank her enough for this huge help i got from her.

i booked Kisha for 20 mins, but she was generous with her time and actually gave me 10 more minutes.

I was so touched by the act of kindness by both...

They are both VERY kind souls... I actually feel that way about all of the ethical readers. I even actually feel that way about QoC - once you get to know her she is ethical and caring.   Were they both accurate in picking up your situation?  How about predictions?  Were they similar?

Offline icloud9

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Re: who to consult- Shaman Kira or Kisha or Cookie.
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2019, 06:33:12 PM »
Thank you everyone for your pointers.
I really really appreciate your help.
I am new here and from India so for me USD payments become too much as i earn in rupees and spending in dollars.
This insight is very valuable for me.

I am down to Kira and Kisha and may be will book both, my funds permitting. just counting how much i have. :-(

Thanks a bunch everyone.

Kisha is pretty good at the current and short  term for me.  She was negative for me but so far things seem to be in line with what she saw.  She didn’t give me any long term predictions as free will seems to be in play in my situation so things could go in different directions.

Cookie was able to pick up some crazy details about my situation.  She even described someone’s hair color or job description.  Her predictions for me are for the summer so I cannot comment on the accuracy.  It’s probably safe to say that since she predicted nothing right now, she’s probably correct so far and realistic in her timeline. 

Kira seems to be good at picking up current energy.  She even did a trance and pulled things right out of my POI.  She didn’t give me a prediction.  Her reason for that was interesting.  If she read him empathically, it would seem that he will reach out and step up.  But, she also saw that he is unlikely to act on his emotions so she said it would be dangerous for her to give me timing.  So, she’s pretty honest with telling you what she sees.

You may also want to try Abundant Vision at  She’s sometimes on Keen but most available through her site.  She’s $2.50/min.  I’ve had decent predictions from her and she doesn’t sugarcoat.

What do you mean she did a trance? Like, trance channeling? Like the way judi's inner light does?

Offline user5942

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Re: who to consult- Shaman Kira or Kisha or Cookie.
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2019, 06:46:59 PM »
Kira was not accurate for predicting, only “right now”.

Kisha’s predictions are coming to light a year after I read with her.

Her email readings are excellent.

Everyone’s different, though.

I never spoke with Cookie.

