Author Topic: I'm convinced my POI will reappear  (Read 13641 times)

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: I'm convinced my POI will reappear
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2019, 05:06:30 AM »
What's your zodiac sign fidget?


Scorpio and Aquarius....omggggggggggg lol not sure if your POI has the MENTAL CAPACITY to take on your intense scorpionic emotions and enery. No wonder why he is "avoidant" right now fidget...THat's what aquariuses do!!  They just dip out. lol Very detached signs.

So true they really are. Also people pleasers and martyr mentality. Make great friends. Codependency in partnerships or problems with jealousy as in they give too much for others and their partners get jealous.

He's a martyr for sure. No jealousy with either of us. He was very giving, but unfortunately got completely side lined with an ongoing family issue he feels obligated to deal with...but is codependent for sure in that obligation. It wasn't really "us" that was the issue, if that makes sense.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: I'm convinced my POI will reappear
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2019, 06:16:47 AM »
Hey now! I"m an Aquarius damn it! But yeah, unfortunately we will definitely dip out if we feel controlled, abused, just sick of some shit. That's for true but it usually takes a lot to make us leave. And yeah, we CAN be emotionally detached but when we're in love, not so much. I mean we still like our space, sure. But we love deeply and we love hard and we definitely are very self sacrificial but we also hate secretive types of people and we hate lies more than anything.....infidelity.......dishonesty........disloyalty........but really that secretive shit is just whoa and we have a hard time trusting that. We get a bad wrap a lot but, we can be really good people.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: I'm convinced my POI will reappear
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2019, 02:19:24 PM »
Thanks both. I was well aware early on the "incompatibility" of our signs according to many in astrology. I'm not a big astrology fan because they tend to dump people into categories without any gray area. My POI is definitely an "avoider" or a "runner". I am definitely the one who faces things head on (to a fault sometimes). What astrology doesn't take into account is that people can and do recognize their traits and their shortcomings. Sometimes these differences can even benefit a relationship because they can create balance as well as different perspectives. My POI knew I was the action oriented one. Problem? Here's the solution. Argument? Let's discuss it now instead of later. It made him uncomfortable many times, BUT he would also come running to me when he didn't know what do to about something. He could overwhelm easily, so I was the source of reason. He could also get jealous, especially because I do have platonic friendships with men. I knew because of this insecurity in HIM, I needed to be completely transparent in everything I did. That doesn't mean I had to ask permission or not be friends with men, but I knew that he was more comfortable if he was included in the friendships and I was open about them. He is an extremely loyal person and cheating was something I never had to worry about. He learned over time that I was equally loyal. Different signs can be a struggle, but if you recognize the strengths and weaknesses of both, you can certainly work with them and even learn from them. Lord knows if I met someone just like me, the issues would probably be way bigger.

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: I'm convinced my POI will reappear
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2019, 02:51:23 PM »
i don’t believe in compatibility of signs but sun signs holding similar traits sure. My ex wasn’t supposed to be compatible with me but we were. It just worked. I see plenty of non matched signs in psychic readings that work. Maybe due to rising signs?

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: I'm convinced my POI will reappear
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2019, 03:42:59 PM »
There’s a lot more than just your sun sign. Rising signs are extremely important and so are moon signs. The sun sign is not as important as the other two in my opinion. And you have to see aspects because someone can be a Leo but with a ton of aspects to Saturn which makes them more like a Capricorn or an Aquarius with a lot of aspects to Pluto will make them more Scorpionic. I’m not an Aquarius and I’m detached so lol. Being detached is a very Saturnian trait which is why both Aquarius and Capricorn are ruled by it. And btw you would be surprised that Aquarius is the Scorpio of the air signs. Both of these signs carry a lot of karma with them if you believe in that type of stuff. Aquarius and scorpios have a lot in common esp both being fixed. They’re both detached in their own ways. They both have issues with vulnerability and they both can be cold if they feel they’re being controlled. It also depends on. Whether you come in contact with an evolved Sign or an unevolved sign. There’s so much to astrology it’s fascinating and mind blowing. You can tell a lot about a guy from his chart. You can see his upbringing, family life, how he is in relationships, is he a cheater. Fascinating stuff

You are sooooooooooo right with this one. So so right. My ex is an Aries on the cusp of Pisces. Literally 3 hours out of Pisces. He's a Cancer rising with a Gemini moon. Now, according to every day astrology, I'm suppose to be so great with Aries. However, no, I'm not good with Aries. I've dated a few of them and just no. Now my ex doesn't have all of the typical Aries traits either. He's very laid back, quiet, he acts much more like a water sign, namely a Cancer, more than anything, and just no for me on those too. It really is amazing how well you can get to know a person, and even yourself, with an astrology chart. I love numerology too. I think life path numbers, soul urge, numbers etc are pretty amazing to check out and also sort of play a part in things. I also agree that it depends greatly on whether or not that sign is matured/evolved whatever you want to call it, because each sign can behave in ways that are very damaging to other people if not. Very nice commentary there! [size=78%] [/size][/color]

Offline Yt5587

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Re: I'm convinced my POI will reappear
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2019, 05:21:50 PM »
Does anyone know any info on libra? Lolol

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: I'm convinced my POI will reappear
« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2019, 05:37:14 PM »
There’s a lot more than just your sun sign. Rising signs are extremely important and so are moon signs. The sun sign is not as important as the other two in my opinion. And you have to see aspects because someone can be a Leo but with a ton of aspects to Saturn which makes them more like a Capricorn or an Aquarius with a lot of aspects to Pluto will make them more Scorpionic. I’m not an Aquarius and I’m detached so lol. Being detached is a very Saturnian trait which is why both Aquarius and Capricorn are ruled by it. And btw you would be surprised that Aquarius is the Scorpio of the air signs. Both of these signs carry a lot of karma with them if you believe in that type of stuff. Aquarius and scorpios have a lot in common esp both being fixed. They’re both detached in their own ways. They both have issues with vulnerability and they both can be cold if they feel they’re being controlled. It also depends on. Whether you come in contact with an evolved Sign or an unevolved sign. There’s so much to astrology it’s fascinating and mind blowing. You can tell a lot about a guy from his chart. You can see his upbringing, family life, how he is in relationships, is he a cheater. Fascinating stuff

You are sooooooooooo right with this one. So so right. My ex is an Aries on the cusp of Pisces. Literally 3 hours out of Pisces. He's a Cancer rising with a Gemini moon. Now, according to every day astrology, I'm suppose to be so great with Aries. However, no, I'm not good with Aries. I've dated a few of them and just no. Now my ex doesn't have all of the typical Aries traits either. He's very laid back, quiet, he acts much more like a water sign, namely a Cancer, more than anything, and just no for me on those too. It really is amazing how well you can get to know a person, and even yourself, with an astrology chart. I love numerology too. I think life path numbers, soul urge, numbers etc are pretty amazing to check out and also sort of play a part in things. I also agree that it depends greatly on whether or not that sign is matured/evolved whatever you want to call it, because each sign can behave in ways that are very damaging to other people if not. Very nice commentary there!

Cancer rising with gemini moon in 12th. This is typical of men who have detached mothers or mothers who work a lot and as a result neglect their kids. Some kind of disconnect. Escapist tendencies and can be quite lazy. 12th house is the house of the subconscious because 1st house is our waking life and 12th is when we go to sleep aka subsconscious. Planets placed there (most) usually get drained out or theres some kind of disconnect. Moon in 12th house act out of subconscious patterns they dont  even realize they have. this is typical of most planets there. Its like the planet is controlling us rather than us with control.  12th house is like the opium den and 8th house is like a crack house. Except 8th house we know exactly whats in there and can control those planets (sometimes too much). 12th house we dont even know whats there and dont even want to touch it because we don't even know where or how to begin.

Girrrrrrrrl.............did you meet my ex in person or something? LOLOL. Yeah he's lazy as fk. He's lazy with efforts, jobs, relationships, like everything. The only thing he's not lazy with is making sure he looks prim and proper and seeking disgusting unhealthy amounts of attention. And yeah, he definitely operates out of his subconscious because this dude is completely unaware of his disgusting behavior patterns. And yes, his mother is a huge piece of shit. She didn't work a job a lot. She worked on finding a rich man to take care of her and yes she did neglect the hell out of my ex, which is why my heart feels so badly for him. I can understand and see why he is the way he is. His mother is also very emotionally distant and really, sort of non existent in that area which was something he needed so badly as he's a sensitive person. His mother is a massive narcissist. Super shallow. Sense of entitlement. I could go on and on about his wretched mother. Lastly, he is DEFINITELY an escapist. He lives in a distorted version of reality, usually in his own mind and he conjures up these grandiose ideas, but never does anything with them. It's sad because the dude is really really intelligent and creative. He has so much to offer in some ways, but, you know, just never does shit.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: I'm convinced my POI will reappear
« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2019, 06:08:43 PM »
There’s a lot more than just your sun sign. Rising signs are extremely important and so are moon signs. The sun sign is not as important as the other two in my opinion. And you have to see aspects because someone can be a Leo but with a ton of aspects to Saturn which makes them more like a Capricorn or an Aquarius with a lot of aspects to Pluto will make them more Scorpionic. I’m not an Aquarius and I’m detached so lol. Being detached is a very Saturnian trait which is why both Aquarius and Capricorn are ruled by it. And btw you would be surprised that Aquarius is the Scorpio of the air signs. Both of these signs carry a lot of karma with them if you believe in that type of stuff. Aquarius and scorpios have a lot in common esp both being fixed. They’re both detached in their own ways. They both have issues with vulnerability and they both can be cold if they feel they’re being controlled. It also depends on. Whether you come in contact with an evolved Sign or an unevolved sign. There’s so much to astrology it’s fascinating and mind blowing. You can tell a lot about a guy from his chart. You can see his upbringing, family life, how he is in relationships, is he a cheater. Fascinating stuff

You are sooooooooooo right with this one. So so right. My ex is an Aries on the cusp of Pisces. Literally 3 hours out of Pisces. He's a Cancer rising with a Gemini moon. Now, according to every day astrology, I'm suppose to be so great with Aries. However, no, I'm not good with Aries. I've dated a few of them and just no. Now my ex doesn't have all of the typical Aries traits either. He's very laid back, quiet, he acts much more like a water sign, namely a Cancer, more than anything, and just no for me on those too. It really is amazing how well you can get to know a person, and even yourself, with an astrology chart. I love numerology too. I think life path numbers, soul urge, numbers etc are pretty amazing to check out and also sort of play a part in things. I also agree that it depends greatly on whether or not that sign is matured/evolved whatever you want to call it, because each sign can behave in ways that are very damaging to other people if not. Very nice commentary there!

Cancer rising with gemini moon in 12th. This is typical of men who have detached mothers or mothers who work a lot and as a result neglect their kids. Some kind of disconnect. Escapist tendencies and can be quite lazy. 12th house is the house of the subconscious because 1st house is our waking life and 12th is when we go to sleep aka subsconscious. Planets placed there (most) usually get drained out or theres some kind of disconnect. Moon in 12th house act out of subconscious patterns they dont  even realize they have. this is typical of most planets there. Its like the planet is controlling us rather than us with control.  12th house is like the opium den and 8th house is like a crack house. Except 8th house we know exactly whats in there and can control those planets (sometimes too much). 12th house we dont even know whats there and dont even want to touch it because we don't even know where or how to begin.

Girrrrrrrrl.............did you meet my ex in person or something? LOLOL. Yeah he's lazy as fk. He's lazy with efforts, jobs, relationships, like everything. The only thing he's not lazy with is making sure he looks prim and proper and seeking disgusting unhealthy amounts of attention. And yeah, he definitely operates out of his subconscious because this dude is completely unaware of his disgusting behavior patterns. And yes, his mother is a huge piece of shit. She didn't work a job a lot. She worked on finding a rich man to take care of her and yes she did neglect the hell out of my ex, which is why my heart feels so badly for him. I can understand and see why he is the way he is. His mother is also very emotionally distant and really, sort of non existent in that area which was something he needed so badly as he's a sensitive person. His mother is a massive narcissist. Super shallow. Sense of entitlement. I could go on and on about his wretched mother. Lastly, he is DEFINITELY an escapist. He lives in a distorted version of reality, usually in his own mind and he conjures up these grandiose ideas, but never does anything with them. It's sad because the dude is really really intelligent and creative. He has so much to offer in some ways, but, you know, just never does shit.

I can see that with him. Wasted talent is so sad to see. Idk people always say how sweet cancers are and emotional but unevolved cancerians can be HIGHLY manipulative and selfish. Crabs move sideways not forward which is why theyre so polarizing. Esp men with cancer placements with mommy issues is prime seed for manipulative behavior. The sign is associated with the mother/4th house. A mother will feed her child before feeding another. Cancers are inherently selfish but can be very giving to people they love if they let you in that shell which theres not a lot of room in there. Most evolved cancers are not that emotional because think of that hard shell and are actually very determined and some of the hardest workers because capricorn is their shadow side they need to incorporate. The more trauma a cancer goes through, the more close they become. Scorpions have stingers in case you get too cold but cancerians have a whole exoskeleton you need to get through.

Are you a professional astrologer? Because if not, you need to be. LOL. I mean damn. You're hitting the nail on the head big time. He's definitely very unevolved. Very immature in almost every way, but not intellectually. He's like genius in that area. I mean, this dude can conjure up ideas out of nowhere and he has such a massive artistic talent, mathematically gifted, he can sing and his voice is heavenly (to me anyway), he can draw and his art work is so beautiful. I don't know. I can think of and see a ton of good things in this man, and what's more, I can see the potential that he has to be a great person, a good man, a good father, etc. But he is very emotionally distant and cold. But then there are fleeting moments when he is the sweetest most sensitive person ever, but those moments rarely come to the surface. He also has major issues letting go, as the typical crab does, and he let's it turn into bitterness. He's extremely extremely selfish and manipulative as well. But then, again, there are those fleeting moments where he can be absolutely giving. Example: He finally buys me a ring and he's all sweet and loving and seems like he's committed.........but two months later, he leaves, breaks up with me and has been a right jack ass ever since..........until as of late. Now he's being sweet again. But that's because his situation is failing, I'm sure of it. He'll be sweet when he wants or needs something. I know this dude too well. I mean, I KNOW he has some sort of feelings for me but they are consistent enough or deep enough or whatever you wanna call it to sustain a long term healthy consistent relationship and I definitely can't build a life with the one can. That's one of the reasons his wife left him after 10 years of marriage. He wouldn't hold down a job for longer than a few months at a time. He cheated on her too. He pathologically lied to her too. He was super selfish and also very clingy and controlling too. He did all that same shit to me and he's still the same way. The moment I'm about ready to move on, he starts to swing back around. I noticed he's also very psychic as well. He told me he had a dream back in December that I was with another man. So he asked me if I was. But I think his dream was telling him that I had another man coming in just like the other psychics told me I would have in April. So it's like, he can feel the energy shifts and then he gets scared and then he starts being nice and slowly tries to make his way back in to my life on a certain level. He drives me crazy. It's like a constant mindscrew. I can't handle it anymore. You know? Sometimes loving someone just isn't enough to keep you hanging on anymore. :(

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: I'm convinced my POI will reappear
« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2019, 06:17:21 PM »
I have despised every Cancer man I have ever dated. For me they are manipulative and clingy. Both ended up stalking me in a scary, mentally ill, think restraining order material.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: I'm convinced my POI will reappear
« Reply #24 on: January 23, 2019, 06:25:22 PM »
I have despised every Cancer man I have ever dated. For me they are manipulative and clingy. Both ended up stalking me in a scary, mentally ill, think restraining order material.

My son's father was a Cancer. He was a compulsive liar. Like big time. He was emotionally distant but man did he lie badly. He also was very depressed a lot after I left him and remained bitter toward me ever since. He even accused our son of betraying him when my son wanted to come back and live with me again. He hardly ever speaks to my son to this day. This happened when my son was 13 years old. He's now 24 years old. His father is a right piece of shit.

My mother is a Cancer and she too is a compulsive liar and very very selfish in every single way. Very emotionally distant and cold, but with my brother, she's totally opposite. She's warm and caring and will do anything for him that he wants. With me, not even close. I call her out on her bullshit though. I never used to. But I got tired of the guilt trips and manipulation. So I started doing it. I took on most of my dad's traits. He was a full on Aries. Lol. But my dad always kept it real. No lies. No manipulation. Just some straight up punch you in the face type truth. I always appreciated and admired it. Although I wish his delivery method had been a bit less angry and volatile.

I had a male friend who was a Cancer and omfg this guy.......his whole life was a lie. He would lie and say he was hanging out with famous people and doing tours with them. Lie about his jobs, which he would never hold one down longer than about a month. I mean, this dude just whoa. But he was funny as shit. Lol.

I never did date another full on Cancer after my son's father. And I didn't think the Cancer rising part of my ex would effect him so damn much but my goodness it sure did cause typically Aries don't lie like that. Idk what happened to this dude.

My ex's ex wife is a Scorpio and boy did she get his ass good. She was silent about all the moves she made and struck just at the right time. He is still butt hurt over it to this day. But hey, I don't blame his ex wife at all. He made her crazy too for a time. Poor woman.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: I'm convinced my POI will reappear
« Reply #25 on: January 23, 2019, 06:27:50 PM »
There’s a lot more than just your sun sign. Rising signs are extremely important and so are moon signs. The sun sign is not as important as the other two in my opinion. And you have to see aspects because someone can be a Leo but with a ton of aspects to Saturn which makes them more like a Capricorn or an Aquarius with a lot of aspects to Pluto will make them more Scorpionic. I’m not an Aquarius and I’m detached so lol. Being detached is a very Saturnian trait which is why both Aquarius and Capricorn are ruled by it. And btw you would be surprised that Aquarius is the Scorpio of the air signs. Both of these signs carry a lot of karma with them if you believe in that type of stuff. Aquarius and scorpios have a lot in common esp both being fixed. They’re both detached in their own ways. They both have issues with vulnerability and they both can be cold if they feel they’re being controlled. It also depends on. Whether you come in contact with an evolved Sign or an unevolved sign. There’s so much to astrology it’s fascinating and mind blowing. You can tell a lot about a guy from his chart. You can see his upbringing, family life, how he is in relationships, is he a cheater. Fascinating stuff

You are sooooooooooo right with this one. So so right. My ex is an Aries on the cusp of Pisces. Literally 3 hours out of Pisces. He's a Cancer rising with a Gemini moon. Now, according to every day astrology, I'm suppose to be so great with Aries. However, no, I'm not good with Aries. I've dated a few of them and just no. Now my ex doesn't have all of the typical Aries traits either. He's very laid back, quiet, he acts much more like a water sign, namely a Cancer, more than anything, and just no for me on those too. It really is amazing how well you can get to know a person, and even yourself, with an astrology chart. I love numerology too. I think life path numbers, soul urge, numbers etc are pretty amazing to check out and also sort of play a part in things. I also agree that it depends greatly on whether or not that sign is matured/evolved whatever you want to call it, because each sign can behave in ways that are very damaging to other people if not. Very nice commentary there!

Cancer rising with gemini moon in 12th. This is typical of men who have detached mothers or mothers who work a lot and as a result neglect their kids. Some kind of disconnect. Escapist tendencies and can be quite lazy. 12th house is the house of the subconscious because 1st house is our waking life and 12th is when we go to sleep aka subsconscious. Planets placed there (most) usually get drained out or theres some kind of disconnect. Moon in 12th house act out of subconscious patterns they dont  even realize they have. this is typical of most planets there. Its like the planet is controlling us rather than us with control.  12th house is like the opium den and 8th house is like a crack house. Except 8th house we know exactly whats in there and can control those planets (sometimes too much). 12th house we dont even know whats there and dont even want to touch it because we don't even know where or how to begin.

Girrrrrrrrl.............did you meet my ex in person or something? LOLOL. Yeah he's lazy as fk. He's lazy with efforts, jobs, relationships, like everything. The only thing he's not lazy with is making sure he looks prim and proper and seeking disgusting unhealthy amounts of attention. And yeah, he definitely operates out of his subconscious because this dude is completely unaware of his disgusting behavior patterns. And yes, his mother is a huge piece of shit. She didn't work a job a lot. She worked on finding a rich man to take care of her and yes she did neglect the hell out of my ex, which is why my heart feels so badly for him. I can understand and see why he is the way he is. His mother is also very emotionally distant and really, sort of non existent in that area which was something he needed so badly as he's a sensitive person. His mother is a massive narcissist. Super shallow. Sense of entitlement. I could go on and on about his wretched mother. Lastly, he is DEFINITELY an escapist. He lives in a distorted version of reality, usually in his own mind and he conjures up these grandiose ideas, but never does anything with them. It's sad because the dude is really really intelligent and creative. He has so much to offer in some ways, but, you know, just never does shit.

I can see that with him. Wasted talent is so sad to see. Idk people always say how sweet cancers are and emotional but unevolved cancerians can be HIGHLY manipulative and selfish. Crabs move sideways not forward which is why theyre so polarizing. Esp men with cancer placements with mommy issues is prime seed for manipulative behavior. The sign is associated with the mother/4th house. A mother will feed her child before feeding another. Cancers are inherently selfish but can be very giving to people they love if they let you in that shell which theres not a lot of room in there. Most evolved cancers are not that emotional because think of that hard shell and are actually very determined and some of the hardest workers because capricorn is their shadow side they need to incorporate. The more trauma a cancer goes through, the more close they become. Scorpions have stingers in case you get too cold but cancerians have a whole exoskeleton you need to get through.

Are you a professional astrologer? Because if not, you need to be. LOL. I mean damn. You're hitting the nail on the head big time. He's definitely very unevolved. Very immature in almost every way, but not intellectually. He's like genius in that area. I mean, this dude can conjure up ideas out of nowhere and he has such a massive artistic talent, mathematically gifted, he can sing and his voice is heavenly (to me anyway), he can draw and his art work is so beautiful. I don't know. I can think of and see a ton of good things in this man, and what's more, I can see the potential that he has to be a great person, a good man, a good father, etc. But he is very emotionally distant and cold. But then there are fleeting moments when he is the sweetest most sensitive person ever, but those moments rarely come to the surface. He also has major issues letting go, as the typical crab does, and he let's it turn into bitterness. He's extremely extremely selfish and manipulative as well. But then, again, there are those fleeting moments where he can be absolutely giving. Example: He finally buys me a ring and he's all sweet and loving and seems like he's committed.........but two months later, he leaves, breaks up with me and has been a right jack ass ever since..........until as of late. Now he's being sweet again. But that's because his situation is failing, I'm sure of it. He'll be sweet when he wants or needs something. I know this dude too well. I mean, I KNOW he has some sort of feelings for me but they are consistent enough or deep enough or whatever you wanna call it to sustain a long term healthy consistent relationship and I definitely can't build a life with the one can. That's one of the reasons his wife left him after 10 years of marriage. He wouldn't hold down a job for longer than a few months at a time. He cheated on her too. He pathologically lied to her too. He was super selfish and also very clingy and controlling too. He did all that same shit to me and he's still the same way. The moment I'm about ready to move on, he starts to swing back around. I noticed he's also very psychic as well. He told me he had a dream back in December that I was with another man. So he asked me if I was. But I think his dream was telling him that I had another man coming in just like the other psychics told me I would have in April. So it's like, he can feel the energy shifts and then he gets scared and then he starts being nice and slowly tries to make his way back in to my life on a certain level. He drives me crazy. It's like a constant mindscrew. I can't handle it anymore. You know? Sometimes loving someone just isn't enough to keep you hanging on anymore. :(

haha no im not but i find it so fun and love researching on it. It's interesting though, the more I've discovered and researched the less you get mad about people's behaviors toward you. It gives you insight into who they are and why they are and guess what it has nothing to do with you at all. its sad but true, love sometimes isn't enough esp when one person refuses to see  their faults and change.

Ok so now I'm starting to feel like you and I were twins in another life or something. LOL. Seems we think a lot alike. I agree with you about not being able to get as mad at people but, honestly, i still do. I have a bad temper when it comes to lies and deceit because I'm a full on believer of self reflection and change and I have a really hard time tolerating those that don't. That is a flaw of mine and a life lesson too. I realize that. I'm working on it.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: I'm convinced my POI will reappear
« Reply #26 on: January 23, 2019, 06:41:31 PM »
I have despised every Cancer man I have ever dated. For me they are manipulative and clingy. Both ended up stalking me in a scary, mentally ill, think restraining order material.

LOL i think i'm the only one that loves them. This is common though. I hear it all the time. I like earth sign men (not virgos) and cancerians. An evolved cancer man will be one of the most ambitious manly man you'll ever come across. IF they're evolved LOL.

An evolved man of any sign would be a refreshing change for me. Lol

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: I'm convinced my POI will reappear
« Reply #27 on: January 23, 2019, 06:52:36 PM »
There’s a lot more than just your sun sign. Rising signs are extremely important and so are moon signs. The sun sign is not as important as the other two in my opinion. And you have to see aspects because someone can be a Leo but with a ton of aspects to Saturn which makes them more like a Capricorn or an Aquarius with a lot of aspects to Pluto will make them more Scorpionic. I’m not an Aquarius and I’m detached so lol. Being detached is a very Saturnian trait which is why both Aquarius and Capricorn are ruled by it. And btw you would be surprised that Aquarius is the Scorpio of the air signs. Both of these signs carry a lot of karma with them if you believe in that type of stuff. Aquarius and scorpios have a lot in common esp both being fixed. They’re both detached in their own ways. They both have issues with vulnerability and they both can be cold if they feel they’re being controlled. It also depends on. Whether you come in contact with an evolved Sign or an unevolved sign. There’s so much to astrology it’s fascinating and mind blowing. You can tell a lot about a guy from his chart. You can see his upbringing, family life, how he is in relationships, is he a cheater. Fascinating stuff

You are sooooooooooo right with this one. So so right. My ex is an Aries on the cusp of Pisces. Literally 3 hours out of Pisces. He's a Cancer rising with a Gemini moon. Now, according to every day astrology, I'm suppose to be so great with Aries. However, no, I'm not good with Aries. I've dated a few of them and just no. Now my ex doesn't have all of the typical Aries traits either. He's very laid back, quiet, he acts much more like a water sign, namely a Cancer, more than anything, and just no for me on those too. It really is amazing how well you can get to know a person, and even yourself, with an astrology chart. I love numerology too. I think life path numbers, soul urge, numbers etc are pretty amazing to check out and also sort of play a part in things. I also agree that it depends greatly on whether or not that sign is matured/evolved whatever you want to call it, because each sign can behave in ways that are very damaging to other people if not. Very nice commentary there!

Cancer rising with gemini moon in 12th. This is typical of men who have detached mothers or mothers who work a lot and as a result neglect their kids. Some kind of disconnect. Escapist tendencies and can be quite lazy. 12th house is the house of the subconscious because 1st house is our waking life and 12th is when we go to sleep aka subsconscious. Planets placed there (most) usually get drained out or theres some kind of disconnect. Moon in 12th house act out of subconscious patterns they dont  even realize they have. this is typical of most planets there. Its like the planet is controlling us rather than us with control.  12th house is like the opium den and 8th house is like a crack house. Except 8th house we know exactly whats in there and can control those planets (sometimes too much). 12th house we dont even know whats there and dont even want to touch it because we don't even know where or how to begin.

Girrrrrrrrl.............did you meet my ex in person or something? LOLOL. Yeah he's lazy as fk. He's lazy with efforts, jobs, relationships, like everything. The only thing he's not lazy with is making sure he looks prim and proper and seeking disgusting unhealthy amounts of attention. And yeah, he definitely operates out of his subconscious because this dude is completely unaware of his disgusting behavior patterns. And yes, his mother is a huge piece of shit. She didn't work a job a lot. She worked on finding a rich man to take care of her and yes she did neglect the hell out of my ex, which is why my heart feels so badly for him. I can understand and see why he is the way he is. His mother is also very emotionally distant and really, sort of non existent in that area which was something he needed so badly as he's a sensitive person. His mother is a massive narcissist. Super shallow. Sense of entitlement. I could go on and on about his wretched mother. Lastly, he is DEFINITELY an escapist. He lives in a distorted version of reality, usually in his own mind and he conjures up these grandiose ideas, but never does anything with them. It's sad because the dude is really really intelligent and creative. He has so much to offer in some ways, but, you know, just never does shit.

I can see that with him. Wasted talent is so sad to see. Idk people always say how sweet cancers are and emotional but unevolved cancerians can be HIGHLY manipulative and selfish. Crabs move sideways not forward which is why theyre so polarizing. Esp men with cancer placements with mommy issues is prime seed for manipulative behavior. The sign is associated with the mother/4th house. A mother will feed her child before feeding another. Cancers are inherently selfish but can be very giving to people they love if they let you in that shell which theres not a lot of room in there. Most evolved cancers are not that emotional because think of that hard shell and are actually very determined and some of the hardest workers because capricorn is their shadow side they need to incorporate. The more trauma a cancer goes through, the more close they become. Scorpions have stingers in case you get too cold but cancerians have a whole exoskeleton you need to get through.

Are you a professional astrologer? Because if not, you need to be. LOL. I mean damn. You're hitting the nail on the head big time. He's definitely very unevolved. Very immature in almost every way, but not intellectually. He's like genius in that area. I mean, this dude can conjure up ideas out of nowhere and he has such a massive artistic talent, mathematically gifted, he can sing and his voice is heavenly (to me anyway), he can draw and his art work is so beautiful. I don't know. I can think of and see a ton of good things in this man, and what's more, I can see the potential that he has to be a great person, a good man, a good father, etc. But he is very emotionally distant and cold. But then there are fleeting moments when he is the sweetest most sensitive person ever, but those moments rarely come to the surface. He also has major issues letting go, as the typical crab does, and he let's it turn into bitterness. He's extremely extremely selfish and manipulative as well. But then, again, there are those fleeting moments where he can be absolutely giving. Example: He finally buys me a ring and he's all sweet and loving and seems like he's committed.........but two months later, he leaves, breaks up with me and has been a right jack ass ever since..........until as of late. Now he's being sweet again. But that's because his situation is failing, I'm sure of it. He'll be sweet when he wants or needs something. I know this dude too well. I mean, I KNOW he has some sort of feelings for me but they are consistent enough or deep enough or whatever you wanna call it to sustain a long term healthy consistent relationship and I definitely can't build a life with the one can. That's one of the reasons his wife left him after 10 years of marriage. He wouldn't hold down a job for longer than a few months at a time. He cheated on her too. He pathologically lied to her too. He was super selfish and also very clingy and controlling too. He did all that same shit to me and he's still the same way. The moment I'm about ready to move on, he starts to swing back around. I noticed he's also very psychic as well. He told me he had a dream back in December that I was with another man. So he asked me if I was. But I think his dream was telling him that I had another man coming in just like the other psychics told me I would have in April. So it's like, he can feel the energy shifts and then he gets scared and then he starts being nice and slowly tries to make his way back in to my life on a certain level. He drives me crazy. It's like a constant mindscrew. I can't handle it anymore. You know? Sometimes loving someone just isn't enough to keep you hanging on anymore. :(

haha no im not but i find it so fun and love researching on it. It's interesting though, the more I've discovered and researched the less you get mad about people's behaviors toward you. It gives you insight into who they are and why they are and guess what it has nothing to do with you at all. its sad but true, love sometimes isn't enough esp when one person refuses to see  their faults and change.

Ok so now I'm starting to feel like you and I were twins in another life or something. LOL. Seems we think a lot alike. I agree with you about not being able to get as mad at people but, honestly, i still do. I have a bad temper when it comes to lies and deceit because I'm a full on believer of self reflection and change and I have a really hard time tolerating those that don't. That is a flaw of mine and a life lesson too. I realize that. I'm working on it.

I think we were LOL. maybe youre my twin flame. plot twist. I am the same way. Thats why i love all these types of things because i love looking beyond the surface. I love knowing what makes people tick how they work, what theyre all about. It's always fascinated me. But i have a habit of sometimes being too much where im like can't you see what i see this is what's wrong with you LOL. But i've gotten better. i hate superficiality and people who don't self reflect. 99% of my life is spent in self reflection. I believe anyone can change because i feel i'm always changing and evolving. But i think it's because i self reflect so much and always try to be better. This also results in me outgrowing relationships of all kind quite often.

Yeah ok so now I'm CONVINCED we're twin flames. I read what you wrote and felt like I wrote it. LOLOLOL!!!!!!!! Definitely a plot twist. So, what are you doing later? Wanna go have a drink? LOLOLOL!!!! Just kidding. I do believe that we have soul groups though and so now I'm thinking, we're in the same soul group. That's really awesome though! <3

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: I'm convinced my POI will reappear
« Reply #28 on: January 23, 2019, 07:16:50 PM »
There’s a lot more than just your sun sign. Rising signs are extremely important and so are moon signs. The sun sign is not as important as the other two in my opinion. And you have to see aspects because someone can be a Leo but with a ton of aspects to Saturn which makes them more like a Capricorn or an Aquarius with a lot of aspects to Pluto will make them more Scorpionic. I’m not an Aquarius and I’m detached so lol. Being detached is a very Saturnian trait which is why both Aquarius and Capricorn are ruled by it. And btw you would be surprised that Aquarius is the Scorpio of the air signs. Both of these signs carry a lot of karma with them if you believe in that type of stuff. Aquarius and scorpios have a lot in common esp both being fixed. They’re both detached in their own ways. They both have issues with vulnerability and they both can be cold if they feel they’re being controlled. It also depends on. Whether you come in contact with an evolved Sign or an unevolved sign. There’s so much to astrology it’s fascinating and mind blowing. You can tell a lot about a guy from his chart. You can see his upbringing, family life, how he is in relationships, is he a cheater. Fascinating stuff

You are sooooooooooo right with this one. So so right. My ex is an Aries on the cusp of Pisces. Literally 3 hours out of Pisces. He's a Cancer rising with a Gemini moon. Now, according to every day astrology, I'm suppose to be so great with Aries. However, no, I'm not good with Aries. I've dated a few of them and just no. Now my ex doesn't have all of the typical Aries traits either. He's very laid back, quiet, he acts much more like a water sign, namely a Cancer, more than anything, and just no for me on those too. It really is amazing how well you can get to know a person, and even yourself, with an astrology chart. I love numerology too. I think life path numbers, soul urge, numbers etc are pretty amazing to check out and also sort of play a part in things. I also agree that it depends greatly on whether or not that sign is matured/evolved whatever you want to call it, because each sign can behave in ways that are very damaging to other people if not. Very nice commentary there!

Cancer rising with gemini moon in 12th. This is typical of men who have detached mothers or mothers who work a lot and as a result neglect their kids. Some kind of disconnect. Escapist tendencies and can be quite lazy. 12th house is the house of the subconscious because 1st house is our waking life and 12th is when we go to sleep aka subsconscious. Planets placed there (most) usually get drained out or theres some kind of disconnect. Moon in 12th house act out of subconscious patterns they dont  even realize they have. this is typical of most planets there. Its like the planet is controlling us rather than us with control.  12th house is like the opium den and 8th house is like a crack house. Except 8th house we know exactly whats in there and can control those planets (sometimes too much). 12th house we dont even know whats there and dont even want to touch it because we don't even know where or how to begin.

Girrrrrrrrl.............did you meet my ex in person or something? LOLOL. Yeah he's lazy as fk. He's lazy with efforts, jobs, relationships, like everything. The only thing he's not lazy with is making sure he looks prim and proper and seeking disgusting unhealthy amounts of attention. And yeah, he definitely operates out of his subconscious because this dude is completely unaware of his disgusting behavior patterns. And yes, his mother is a huge piece of shit. She didn't work a job a lot. She worked on finding a rich man to take care of her and yes she did neglect the hell out of my ex, which is why my heart feels so badly for him. I can understand and see why he is the way he is. His mother is also very emotionally distant and really, sort of non existent in that area which was something he needed so badly as he's a sensitive person. His mother is a massive narcissist. Super shallow. Sense of entitlement. I could go on and on about his wretched mother. Lastly, he is DEFINITELY an escapist. He lives in a distorted version of reality, usually in his own mind and he conjures up these grandiose ideas, but never does anything with them. It's sad because the dude is really really intelligent and creative. He has so much to offer in some ways, but, you know, just never does shit.

I can see that with him. Wasted talent is so sad to see. Idk people always say how sweet cancers are and emotional but unevolved cancerians can be HIGHLY manipulative and selfish. Crabs move sideways not forward which is why theyre so polarizing. Esp men with cancer placements with mommy issues is prime seed for manipulative behavior. The sign is associated with the mother/4th house. A mother will feed her child before feeding another. Cancers are inherently selfish but can be very giving to people they love if they let you in that shell which theres not a lot of room in there. Most evolved cancers are not that emotional because think of that hard shell and are actually very determined and some of the hardest workers because capricorn is their shadow side they need to incorporate. The more trauma a cancer goes through, the more close they become. Scorpions have stingers in case you get too cold but cancerians have a whole exoskeleton you need to get through.

Are you a professional astrologer? Because if not, you need to be. LOL. I mean damn. You're hitting the nail on the head big time. He's definitely very unevolved. Very immature in almost every way, but not intellectually. He's like genius in that area. I mean, this dude can conjure up ideas out of nowhere and he has such a massive artistic talent, mathematically gifted, he can sing and his voice is heavenly (to me anyway), he can draw and his art work is so beautiful. I don't know. I can think of and see a ton of good things in this man, and what's more, I can see the potential that he has to be a great person, a good man, a good father, etc. But he is very emotionally distant and cold. But then there are fleeting moments when he is the sweetest most sensitive person ever, but those moments rarely come to the surface. He also has major issues letting go, as the typical crab does, and he let's it turn into bitterness. He's extremely extremely selfish and manipulative as well. But then, again, there are those fleeting moments where he can be absolutely giving. Example: He finally buys me a ring and he's all sweet and loving and seems like he's committed.........but two months later, he leaves, breaks up with me and has been a right jack ass ever since..........until as of late. Now he's being sweet again. But that's because his situation is failing, I'm sure of it. He'll be sweet when he wants or needs something. I know this dude too well. I mean, I KNOW he has some sort of feelings for me but they are consistent enough or deep enough or whatever you wanna call it to sustain a long term healthy consistent relationship and I definitely can't build a life with the one can. That's one of the reasons his wife left him after 10 years of marriage. He wouldn't hold down a job for longer than a few months at a time. He cheated on her too. He pathologically lied to her too. He was super selfish and also very clingy and controlling too. He did all that same shit to me and he's still the same way. The moment I'm about ready to move on, he starts to swing back around. I noticed he's also very psychic as well. He told me he had a dream back in December that I was with another man. So he asked me if I was. But I think his dream was telling him that I had another man coming in just like the other psychics told me I would have in April. So it's like, he can feel the energy shifts and then he gets scared and then he starts being nice and slowly tries to make his way back in to my life on a certain level. He drives me crazy. It's like a constant mindscrew. I can't handle it anymore. You know? Sometimes loving someone just isn't enough to keep you hanging on anymore. :(

haha no im not but i find it so fun and love researching on it. It's interesting though, the more I've discovered and researched the less you get mad about people's behaviors toward you. It gives you insight into who they are and why they are and guess what it has nothing to do with you at all. its sad but true, love sometimes isn't enough esp when one person refuses to see  their faults and change.

Ok so now I'm starting to feel like you and I were twins in another life or something. LOL. Seems we think a lot alike. I agree with you about not being able to get as mad at people but, honestly, i still do. I have a bad temper when it comes to lies and deceit because I'm a full on believer of self reflection and change and I have a really hard time tolerating those that don't. That is a flaw of mine and a life lesson too. I realize that. I'm working on it.

I think we were LOL. maybe youre my twin flame. plot twist. I am the same way. Thats why i love all these types of things because i love looking beyond the surface. I love knowing what makes people tick how they work, what theyre all about. It's always fascinated me. But i have a habit of sometimes being too much where im like can't you see what i see this is what's wrong with you LOL. But i've gotten better. i hate superficiality and people who don't self reflect. 99% of my life is spent in self reflection. I believe anyone can change because i feel i'm always changing and evolving. But i think it's because i self reflect so much and always try to be better. This also results in me outgrowing relationships of all kind quite often.

Yeah ok so now I'm CONVINCED we're twin flames. I read what you wrote and felt like I wrote it. LOLOLOL!!!!!!!! Definitely a plot twist. So, what are you doing later? Wanna go have a drink? LOLOLOL!!!! Just kidding. I do believe that we have soul groups though and so now I'm thinking, we're in the same soul group. That's really awesome though! <3

HAHAHA. how does 8 sound ;D I believe in soul groups as well. That's why we get pulled toward certain readers, teachings, forums, or youtube videos. I love numerology, personal soul numbers, and all that stuff as well. We're def part of the same one!

Ok so............I'm a life path 7 and soul urge 5............what's yours? Lol.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: I'm convinced my POI will reappear
« Reply #29 on: January 23, 2019, 08:00:09 PM »
There’s a lot more than just your sun sign. Rising signs are extremely important and so are moon signs. The sun sign is not as important as the other two in my opinion. And you have to see aspects because someone can be a Leo but with a ton of aspects to Saturn which makes them more like a Capricorn or an Aquarius with a lot of aspects to Pluto will make them more Scorpionic. I’m not an Aquarius and I’m detached so lol. Being detached is a very Saturnian trait which is why both Aquarius and Capricorn are ruled by it. And btw you would be surprised that Aquarius is the Scorpio of the air signs. Both of these signs carry a lot of karma with them if you believe in that type of stuff. Aquarius and scorpios have a lot in common esp both being fixed. They’re both detached in their own ways. They both have issues with vulnerability and they both can be cold if they feel they’re being controlled. It also depends on. Whether you come in contact with an evolved Sign or an unevolved sign. There’s so much to astrology it’s fascinating and mind blowing. You can tell a lot about a guy from his chart. You can see his upbringing, family life, how he is in relationships, is he a cheater. Fascinating stuff

You are sooooooooooo right with this one. So so right. My ex is an Aries on the cusp of Pisces. Literally 3 hours out of Pisces. He's a Cancer rising with a Gemini moon. Now, according to every day astrology, I'm suppose to be so great with Aries. However, no, I'm not good with Aries. I've dated a few of them and just no. Now my ex doesn't have all of the typical Aries traits either. He's very laid back, quiet, he acts much more like a water sign, namely a Cancer, more than anything, and just no for me on those too. It really is amazing how well you can get to know a person, and even yourself, with an astrology chart. I love numerology too. I think life path numbers, soul urge, numbers etc are pretty amazing to check out and also sort of play a part in things. I also agree that it depends greatly on whether or not that sign is matured/evolved whatever you want to call it, because each sign can behave in ways that are very damaging to other people if not. Very nice commentary there!

Cancer rising with gemini moon in 12th. This is typical of men who have detached mothers or mothers who work a lot and as a result neglect their kids. Some kind of disconnect. Escapist tendencies and can be quite lazy. 12th house is the house of the subconscious because 1st house is our waking life and 12th is when we go to sleep aka subsconscious. Planets placed there (most) usually get drained out or theres some kind of disconnect. Moon in 12th house act out of subconscious patterns they dont  even realize they have. this is typical of most planets there. Its like the planet is controlling us rather than us with control.  12th house is like the opium den and 8th house is like a crack house. Except 8th house we know exactly whats in there and can control those planets (sometimes too much). 12th house we dont even know whats there and dont even want to touch it because we don't even know where or how to begin.

Girrrrrrrrl.............did you meet my ex in person or something? LOLOL. Yeah he's lazy as fk. He's lazy with efforts, jobs, relationships, like everything. The only thing he's not lazy with is making sure he looks prim and proper and seeking disgusting unhealthy amounts of attention. And yeah, he definitely operates out of his subconscious because this dude is completely unaware of his disgusting behavior patterns. And yes, his mother is a huge piece of shit. She didn't work a job a lot. She worked on finding a rich man to take care of her and yes she did neglect the hell out of my ex, which is why my heart feels so badly for him. I can understand and see why he is the way he is. His mother is also very emotionally distant and really, sort of non existent in that area which was something he needed so badly as he's a sensitive person. His mother is a massive narcissist. Super shallow. Sense of entitlement. I could go on and on about his wretched mother. Lastly, he is DEFINITELY an escapist. He lives in a distorted version of reality, usually in his own mind and he conjures up these grandiose ideas, but never does anything with them. It's sad because the dude is really really intelligent and creative. He has so much to offer in some ways, but, you know, just never does shit.

I can see that with him. Wasted talent is so sad to see. Idk people always say how sweet cancers are and emotional but unevolved cancerians can be HIGHLY manipulative and selfish. Crabs move sideways not forward which is why theyre so polarizing. Esp men with cancer placements with mommy issues is prime seed for manipulative behavior. The sign is associated with the mother/4th house. A mother will feed her child before feeding another. Cancers are inherently selfish but can be very giving to people they love if they let you in that shell which theres not a lot of room in there. Most evolved cancers are not that emotional because think of that hard shell and are actually very determined and some of the hardest workers because capricorn is their shadow side they need to incorporate. The more trauma a cancer goes through, the more close they become. Scorpions have stingers in case you get too cold but cancerians have a whole exoskeleton you need to get through.

Are you a professional astrologer? Because if not, you need to be. LOL. I mean damn. You're hitting the nail on the head big time. He's definitely very unevolved. Very immature in almost every way, but not intellectually. He's like genius in that area. I mean, this dude can conjure up ideas out of nowhere and he has such a massive artistic talent, mathematically gifted, he can sing and his voice is heavenly (to me anyway), he can draw and his art work is so beautiful. I don't know. I can think of and see a ton of good things in this man, and what's more, I can see the potential that he has to be a great person, a good man, a good father, etc. But he is very emotionally distant and cold. But then there are fleeting moments when he is the sweetest most sensitive person ever, but those moments rarely come to the surface. He also has major issues letting go, as the typical crab does, and he let's it turn into bitterness. He's extremely extremely selfish and manipulative as well. But then, again, there are those fleeting moments where he can be absolutely giving. Example: He finally buys me a ring and he's all sweet and loving and seems like he's committed.........but two months later, he leaves, breaks up with me and has been a right jack ass ever since..........until as of late. Now he's being sweet again. But that's because his situation is failing, I'm sure of it. He'll be sweet when he wants or needs something. I know this dude too well. I mean, I KNOW he has some sort of feelings for me but they are consistent enough or deep enough or whatever you wanna call it to sustain a long term healthy consistent relationship and I definitely can't build a life with the one can. That's one of the reasons his wife left him after 10 years of marriage. He wouldn't hold down a job for longer than a few months at a time. He cheated on her too. He pathologically lied to her too. He was super selfish and also very clingy and controlling too. He did all that same shit to me and he's still the same way. The moment I'm about ready to move on, he starts to swing back around. I noticed he's also very psychic as well. He told me he had a dream back in December that I was with another man. So he asked me if I was. But I think his dream was telling him that I had another man coming in just like the other psychics told me I would have in April. So it's like, he can feel the energy shifts and then he gets scared and then he starts being nice and slowly tries to make his way back in to my life on a certain level. He drives me crazy. It's like a constant mindscrew. I can't handle it anymore. You know? Sometimes loving someone just isn't enough to keep you hanging on anymore. :(

haha no im not but i find it so fun and love researching on it. It's interesting though, the more I've discovered and researched the less you get mad about people's behaviors toward you. It gives you insight into who they are and why they are and guess what it has nothing to do with you at all. its sad but true, love sometimes isn't enough esp when one person refuses to see  their faults and change.

Ok so now I'm starting to feel like you and I were twins in another life or something. LOL. Seems we think a lot alike. I agree with you about not being able to get as mad at people but, honestly, i still do. I have a bad temper when it comes to lies and deceit because I'm a full on believer of self reflection and change and I have a really hard time tolerating those that don't. That is a flaw of mine and a life lesson too. I realize that. I'm working on it.

I think we were LOL. maybe youre my twin flame. plot twist. I am the same way. Thats why i love all these types of things because i love looking beyond the surface. I love knowing what makes people tick how they work, what theyre all about. It's always fascinated me. But i have a habit of sometimes being too much where im like can't you see what i see this is what's wrong with you LOL. But i've gotten better. i hate superficiality and people who don't self reflect. 99% of my life is spent in self reflection. I believe anyone can change because i feel i'm always changing and evolving. But i think it's because i self reflect so much and always try to be better. This also results in me outgrowing relationships of all kind quite often.

Yeah ok so now I'm CONVINCED we're twin flames. I read what you wrote and felt like I wrote it. LOLOLOL!!!!!!!! Definitely a plot twist. So, what are you doing later? Wanna go have a drink? LOLOLOL!!!! Just kidding. I do believe that we have soul groups though and so now I'm thinking, we're in the same soul group. That's really awesome though! <3

HAHAHA. how does 8 sound ;D I believe in soul groups as well. That's why we get pulled toward certain readers, teachings, forums, or youtube videos. I love numerology, personal soul numbers, and all that stuff as well. We're def part of the same one!

Ok so............I'm a life path 7 and soul urge 5............what's yours? Lol.

im a life path 3 and soul urge 7. destiny/expression number 7. personality number 9

Lots of 7s wonder you're a huge self reflector ;) 9 humanitarian and very open minded.........3 happy go lucky and generally really've got a good combo there miss! My destiny is a 9 and personality is a 4.......lots of matching numbers there twin! :p

