Author Topic: How do you know ....  (Read 5194 times)

Offline sawthelight

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Re: How do you know ....
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2019, 07:31:40 PM »
Ok please chime in on this topic i would love to hear people's take.  How do you know if its a generic reading or an authentic one? 

It can be really hard to tell the difference. I believe readings can be a combination of both. Even when they get some things that are really specific and personal to you, the rest could be generic filler, or cold reading.

I don't think they always know the difference either. They can get one or two really good hits where you say wow how did you know that. And they feel flattered and start acting a little arrogant. Then the rest of the reading could go sideways and stop making any sense. But they hold on to that one thing they got right as evidence that it is accurate and refuse to accept that the rest of it is off.

But if they never give you anything really specific to your situation, it's probably scripted.

How specific does it have to be? If I was asking about a person then I would look for them to describe something unique to that person. I wouldn't necessarily ask up front, I'd wait and see what they get on their own first but if they didn't give some detail then I would ask. Just to be sure they are connecting and they got the right person. It could be a physical attribute, not just "brown hair" which is too common and open to interpretation. But something distinctive like a large nose or bushy eyebrows, or green eyes. It could be a tattoo or a shirt they like to wear a lot. A hobby they like to do, or their job, or the kind of car they drive. I mean I wouldn't ask about any of those things specifically, but those are the kind of details that would give me more confidence in the reading.

If they pick up on specific phrases people have said then I am more skeptical of that because many of those things are more common than we would like to believe. I bet if we all share specific things our POI said to us at least a dozen people would be like OMG mine said that too. Especially when it's the type of guys who drive us to get readings, I think they all say the same crap regardless of their background in life. It's like a special code language for jerks.

HAHA!  YES!  My first POI reminded me so much of a long past Ex of mine...same jerkish mannerisms and behaviors.  In a lot of ways, it was like I was reliving that awful relationship with the Ex because I didn't learn my lessons the first time.

I'm a bit thickheaded but I definitely learned the lesson now.  First sign of any kind of dysfunctional behavior, and I'm out.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: How do you know ....
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2019, 08:58:20 PM »
HAHA!  YES!  My first POI reminded me so much of a long past Ex of mine...same jerkish mannerisms and behaviors.  In a lot of ways, it was like I was reliving that awful relationship with the Ex because I didn't learn my lessons the first time.

I'm a bit thickheaded but I definitely learned the lesson now.  First sign of any kind of dysfunctional behavior, and I'm out.

Same for me! Some of my exs you'd never guess were anything alike on the surface but they had really similar behaviors. Yup even mannerisms! I've been a little thick too lol (okay. A LOT. Sigh.) but I'm definitely not repeating that one again.

I hear ya! Live and learn I guess. 

I always go for guys who come on strong (just like my ex and first guy i called psychics about).  I'm pretty shy and reserved and (I'm told lol) unapproachable, so a guy has to be pretty aggressive for me to even notice he's interested...and they were both like that.  Unforunately, those are the guys that usually turn out to be players (the aggressive, flirty types).

My longest relationship was with a guy who I met through friends and who was pretty shy, but a good guy overall.  But he even told me, if he just saw me out somewhere, he never would have had the courage to approach me.  Only because we hung in the same crowd and talked that way is the reason we dated...


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Re: How do you know ....
« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2019, 10:37:59 PM »
You don't. All they do is guess, Even a blind squirrel can find a nut.

Offline bstalling

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Re: How do you know ....
« Reply #18 on: January 20, 2019, 01:59:58 AM »
I hear you Ladya but at this point in my life, I'm at the point where they can retreat and stay retreated LOL.  No time for that.   ;D ;D

I understand you completely. Its just so common esp with men with more alpha characteristics. Men with more feminine characteristics are less likely to act in that behavior. I think they dont even know why they do it lol :o

LOL its alpha alright. A lot of them dont even realize they are doing it. Reading the Red Pill really clarified some thins for me...