What tarot cards beyond their symbolism, from your reading experience, indicate that a person's POI doesn't have romantic feelings for them, has moved on or even thinks they are weirdos and stalkers??
From my experience, these cards indicate a lack of romantic feelings more often than others:
-Death (80% probability of no feelings). For some reason, most readers will tell the questioner that their POI is going through a transition and it could be that way as "death" is mostly symbolic, however, I believe there is no romance and strong feelings here at all. Most of the time (unless it is surrounded by highly positive cards), it means that the other person's feelings for the questioner are virtually dead.
-4 of cups (99% probability). This is probably the strongest rejection card in the deck. There are no other "hidden" positive meanings here, for me at least. The man clearly is rejecting a cup and minds his/her own business.
-7 cups (80% probability). Could mean that either the questioner or their POI is in denial and can't see clearly. Maybe hidden feelings and fantasies but an expression of these don't come out.
-The Fool (70%). Indicates a player, usually below 35 who's a wild spirit that puts their freedom first. May indicate surface sexual feelings but absolutely no strong feelings or commitment here at all.
-5 of Pentacles. There is something very pity-ful and depressive with this card and when I get this in the feeling position, I gently tell the questioner that their POI cares about their well-being and fears they are depressed because they have shown signs of not doing very well and they want them to do well. The alternate meaning of the card is still negative...like the two people in the picture, it means "being left out in the cold". There is a tiny chance that a person's POI thinks that they have been left in the cold by the questioner but still, I see no positive action and expression of feelings with this card.
-King or queen of swords. Indicates a very calculative and tough person that takes decisions for their own sake and not for others.
-Hanged Man. Complete lack of action and expression of feelings most likely indicates apathy and/or watching from a distance.
Also, sword cards with odd numbers e.g 3 of swords are generally unfortunate when it comes to feelings
I'm curious to know though which cards indicate plain fear and disgust for the other person...like they think the questioner is a stalker or weirdo that they should be away from at all costs. Can't think of any card that indicates that ;/