Author Topic: Hello Everyone!!  (Read 4324 times)

Offline Ninacy

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Hello Everyone!!
« on: January 12, 2019, 12:02:00 PM »
Finally got approved after two weeks of sending my registration request. I am new to this forum but not new to the psychic world--as a matter of fact, I have been both a reader (over the past 6 years) and a psychic junkie who tried over 80 psychics and readers, mostly for love predictions.  I have been a member and shared my reviews and opinions on two other psychic review sites as well and can't wait to become an active part of this lively community as well. Really like the energy of this forum after lurking for a while.

Anyway, my first experiences with psychics date back to around 8 years ago, when I was in college and I was requesting about an old ex who was very inconsistent with me and only used me for sex. I remember trying close to 20 psychics and most of them on Ebay (it was before the psychic ban). Luckily, as I was in tight college budget I didn't waste much (i think I spared close to $100-120) over these months and years of consulting psychics about him. Needless to say, only one or two readers have picked up his real intentions (sex) and were close to the date he would contact me. The guy is still interested in me in that aspect but I have totally moved on--he also got a woman pregnant and he is forced to pay childcare and only one psychic saw this. However, when these psychics said someone better would pop up, not only that didn't happen, I have gotten into a series of dates with guys that were not my types or wanted sex or one particular dreaded ex, who I wasted over $3000 on psychic readings on him in nearly three years.

And that brings us to the second part of my story with this dreaded ex that fueled my psychic addiction. We started dating after I finished college and finally moved on from the previous guy that took me 3 years to get over. That was in 2014. The guy chased me through social media and even told me auntie to set us up. I wasn't that interested in the beginning but I was "why not, he can't be worse than the college ex" he was so charming, young spirit, and attractive that after just 3 dates, I agreed to be in a relationship with him. Then gradually he got more distant, he was hot/cold and was angry at me for little things e.g teasing my appearance. I was falling hard and he was wtf?? But sex and some moments were simply out of this world. I have started consulting psychics just a few weeks before he dumped me. 90% of psychics would tell me he would come back--and a small minority told me he was an immature young guy (he is 3 years younger than me) who is looking for fun and no commitment.

It's been 4 years after our break-up and 3 years of failed predictions--weeks would become months and months went by and became years. The guy in the meantime had an off/on relationship with an 18-year-old and they almost got engaged but they finally called it quits. I was stalking his social media for nearly three years and all these psychic insights literally drove me insane--ohh he would break up with her, he is happy with her but it's not very serious, they will commit to each other, he has fights with his gf over you (yep, heard these from a few psychics too) and everything was a giant mess. The guy NEVER contacted me to this day, I finally stopped checking him on social media and stopped around a year and a half ago to ask psychics about him.

The thing is, I have asked psychics about the next guy that would pop up in my life and be the "one" but no luck. I've dated a couple of guys in the meantime but I felt no connection to them, especially one guy in particular who nearly all 5-6 psychics I asked about me told me he was serious and we would commit with each other. HELL NO. I have even hired a spell caster to gently push him off as he wasn't getting my indirect hints that I saw no connection nor future with us. There was no attraction or sense of compatibility with him, have no clue who or what these psychics were picking up.

As a psychic/reader myself who reads cards and uses no tools in some occasions, I have faith in psychic ability but so far very very few psychics impressed me and were accurate enough to want to come back. This made me even doubt my psychic skills sometimes. I will mention these of course in their respective postings. The rest failed miserably or only picked some details regarding the present but till this day, no actual love predictions came to pass and I'm still searching for that psychic who can pick up when this special guy will come into my life (if there's one of course).

I guess love life and feelings are the most fluid to predict...btw, most career and life predictions were accurate for me, it's just this part that I'm struggling with  :( >:(...

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: Hello Everyone!!
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2019, 04:05:43 PM »
Welcome! I too am a reader and started getting readings when “the one” wasn’t matching my intuition. Well now it’s been a few years and things are much clearer. It’s hard for psychics to date, when you know you know.

 I will tell you it took 4 years for my one to get me to date him, a year of dating, separation, returning, separation, we have been 2 more years him coming and going, and eventually this one settles down with me... in 2 more years. Not one psychic saw that far out and readings were always confusing. I had one tell me the day he would come back and that I’d turn away again, they said eventually “this and that, but not sure if it’s him,” I  also didn’t get it. Cards kept saying he’s my 10oc but life wasn’t lining up.

 Now we are closer to 2021 and a psychic finally saw it! It’s a miracle! Then I realized I was reading too much short term the entire time, my intuition didn’t align because it was years out, not a year, not two years, but more like 4 total. I did more, and I feel comfortable saying it will happen, I’m a good psychic, so I’m confident in this prediction.

I had my local reader predict him, predict the 10oc, and predict when he would be with me. Then we broke up, she said another guy will come in August, she added another part that was him, he came September. Now she says a guy will come in December, actually he will be back in September, she doesn’t see the short term flings I’ve had, she keeps predicting a guy who is serious in those time frames, again, he will be back, then I break up again. She is unable to see the puzzle. But she saw the final outcome. That didn’t help when my intuition was agreeing and life wasn’t matching, cause even she described him. Ok I realize this sounds convoluted. Bear with me.

Now if it doesn’t pan out the way I think, that’s only cause I get an equally awesome partner by then. So either way I win in this, Hahahaha. So anyways if your conflict is that, it took me 2 years of psychic addiction to finally get a reader that could see 2-3 yrs out and gave me the AHA! moment. Who is Yona.everyone else said in the foreseeable future he will come back (this year) and break up again. Which is true, it’s our next step, this year, I felt. That’s our pattern.

And one psychic always sees literally when he will contact and I’ve gone back to her many times.

This has been a lonnnng process, if I was normal, I could just go date guys and be happy with attention I get. I’m not normal, so no normal romance for me either. Nothings ever quite clicked that way with me. I’m also supposed to get a fling as well before he returns this year, so let’s see.

Now, when we had just broken up, reader told me it’d done for good, that’s what I needed to hear at the time, and in the energy, but those ones were way off. Sometimes you hear what you need to hear from guides so you can focus on something else. A few months later, the better psychics were like yeah he will be back. I’d already calmed down and shifted focus.

Welcome anyways! Hopefully my story helps. Or doesn’t. Sorry it’s confusing. It’s similar to yours.

Offline sunshineluv7

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Re: Hello Everyone!!
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2019, 04:37:30 PM »
I wonder why some of us get these long drawn out convoluted "situationships" and others just seem to have it way easier, who probably never or rarely need or want to get readings.

I'm in idk what year with a guy who was seen as "my guy" but I fell in love with someone else in the meantime, who I was engaged to. Now both situations are @#!$ed. Lol

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Hello Everyone!!
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2019, 09:55:16 PM »
I’ve questioned this myself and then I just stopped asking and just got to the point of whatever will he will be with whoever. You can’t control other people but you can control yourself. Personally, I just think all of this stuff is going to happen the way it’s going to happen regardless and some people don’t really deal with these types of convulated relationships and then there’s others like us that do no matter how it starts off. I swear sometimes it feels  like I’m an alien that just landed on this planet because I feel like I can’t relate to most people. And I never was able to even when I was young even with simple things.

I agree ladya and same for me.

I don't think it is something we can really change. I was never going to be the type of person who just settles down in a normal, conventional relationship. You could attribute it to all sorts of things, like my upbringing or other experiences in life, but I think it is innate. I'm just not like other people. I can't relate to normies at all. The few I find who are kind of like me, and have relationships with, are not normies either, and because we are not it makes it difficult to work out the logistical circumstances of a relationship (job, location, home, etc.) And I can't even control myself really because I am disabled and in poor health. My circumstances are pretty well fixed and there's not much I can change. So I feel like I have very little control over my own life much less being able to share it with someone else.

This.........I never even thought of it this way. I can't relate to normal societal stuff either. Therefore, I relate the others who are more like me and aren't "normal" either and unfortunately the abnormals tend to have some serious psychological issues lol. Maybe I do to? Lol. I don't know but I guess it's attracts like. The men I have been with go against the grain of everyday life. Unfortunately, they don't carry the traditional values of a relationship like being loyal? I do though. So maybe I'm half and half and need to find another half and half? Lol. I don't know.

It's also hard to be in a relationship when you are extremely intuitive, or psychic, or an empath, or a combination of things. It really is. You just "know" certain things. That's the biggest issue I have in my current situation. I feel like even though I may get with someone new, I really feel strongly that I'm gonna end up with this person that I'm dealing with now and I feel like he will learn some things and possibly change some of his ways. I don't know. I may be living in a fantasy but it's just this feeling I get in my stomach. It may not happen for years and years to come, but it's just something I feel right now and I've always felt very tied to this person on a soul level. It's actually really annoying to be honest. I keep saying I wish I could just not feel these ways and maybe I won't once I move on with someone else. Maybe it really is just an emotional desire. I can't friggin tell the difference sometimes. That's even more annoying.

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: Hello Everyone!!
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2019, 11:12:53 PM »
Phew I’m so lad you just said that. I’ve never been normal, yes my situation is weird, so is my whole life, I’m a psychic for gods sake. I have literally nothing better to do, I enjoy my life, my friends, my work, this isn’t holding me back in any form but holy hell I got thrown for a spiritual loop about it. And now I know why. It would be ridiculous for me to believe this would ever leave my life, since it’s been consistent for 5 years. So I. Not missing anything, I’m open minded to something else, but nothing less than the love that lights the souls. Sorry, nobody else did it for me. I’m not young, I just don’t crave companionship other than that....

Call me an alien is just fine!!! I’m so glad you guys get it.

And yes I just knew. Maybe he knew before me but knew it couldn’t be soon, idk... he told me many times we would know each other for a long long time and should have had 2 kids already.... lol he’s also psychic. But right now he doesn’t see us reconciling which I found surprising... he’s more of a remote viewer. He can see what I’m doing but not where I’m going. I see where we are going and frustrate that he delays the inevitable. Didn’t stop me from breaking up with him, since that appears to be part of the process. Even our palm lines match, last 3 of our phone numbers, so it’s not like it isn’t obvious, call me delusional, I guess I could be, but I believe in love, and I’ll get mine, period. If someone else pops in great but I’m 99.9% sure it’s him, in 2 more years.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2019, 11:20:30 PM by jhuskindle »

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: Hello Everyone!!
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2019, 11:24:17 PM »
Phew I’m so lad you just said that. I’ve never been normal, yes my situation is weird, so is my whole life, I’m a psychic for gods sake. I have literally nothing better to do, I enjoy my life, my friends, my work, this isn’t holding me back in any form but holy hell I got thrown for a spiritual loop about it. And now I know why. It would be ridiculous for me to believe this would ever leave my life, since it’s been consistent for 5 years. So I. Not missing anything, I’m open minded to something else, but nothing less than the love that lights the souls. Sorry, nobody else did it for me. I’m not young, I just don’t crave companionship other than that....

Call me an alien is just fine!!! I’m so glad you guys get it.

Being an alien is great haha. I always felt my life had this weird fated element to it because I remember when I used to be young and not really aware I would notice things but kinda just disregard it for the most part. Like there'd be a month where Id attract people all with the same name. Then, next month it would happen with same birthday or look the same. I was just like oh cool this is weird but cool coincidence lol but now it makes more sense but still confuses the eff out of me at times. That's a major reason why Ive come to believe life is more predestined than we like to believe and I've stopped trying to control it as much.

Same thing here! Nd I’ve always ‘known ‘ and with knowing, I was never, ever wrong.  I kept thinking I must be wrong about this, it was a total existential crisis. But no, I was right, and psychics cannot pick up that far out except Yona, or rather, because it’s been so long it finally came up. I’m very lucky, though, mypany readers are able to read me well, like a book. My local psychic has spot on visions of me, and I am so lucky for that. Everything they’ve said has come true. Call it self fulfilling prophecy, I will be with my love, lol and rich and semi famous. Ahhahaha

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: Hello Everyone!!
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2019, 11:36:25 PM »
Phew I’m so lad you just said that. I’ve never been normal, yes my situation is weird, so is my whole life, I’m a psychic for gods sake. I have literally nothing better to do, I enjoy my life, my friends, my work, this isn’t holding me back in any form but holy hell I got thrown for a spiritual loop about it. And now I know why. It would be ridiculous for me to believe this would ever leave my life, since it’s been consistent for 5 years. So I. Not missing anything, I’m open minded to something else, but nothing less than the love that lights the souls. Sorry, nobody else did it for me. I’m not young, I just don’t crave companionship other than that....

Call me an alien is just fine!!! I’m so glad you guys get it.

Being an alien is great haha. I always felt my life had this weird fated element to it because I remember when I used to be young and not really aware I would notice things but kinda just disregard it for the most part. Like there'd be a month where Id attract people all with the same name. Then, next month it would happen with same birthday or look the same. I was just like oh cool this is weird but cool coincidence lol but now it makes more sense but still confuses the eff out of me at times. That's a major reason why Ive come to believe life is more predestined than we like to believe and I've stopped trying to control it as much.

Same thing here! Nd I’ve always ‘known ‘ and with knowing, I was never, ever wrong.  I kept thinking I must be wrong about this, it was a total existential crisis. But no, I was right, and psychics cannot pick up that far out except Yona, or rather, because it’s been so long it finally came up. I’m very lucky, though, mypany readers are able to read me well, like a book. My local psychic has spot on visions of me, and I am so lucky for that. Everything they’ve said has come true. Call it self fulfilling prophecy, I will be with my love, lol and rich and semi famous. Ahhahaha

Cheers to that! I've had weird knowings about myself my entire life. Like i remember being really young like maybe 10? and always feeling like I'd never marry super young or have kids very young but knowing the exact person I would end up with and their characteristics. Kinda knew what my life would look like and what not. To this day that feeling never changed lol. I was a weird kid lolol like i felt like old in a little kids body. I understood all these things and I used to write and I remember reading it over years later and being like this sounds like a middle-aged person. life is wild LOL.

Aliens unite! Oddly I’m also one of the few people who feel very fulfilled and enriched in my life also, this has never been a detriment, only benefit, except in the field of romance where I’ve been alone quite a bit. But if I get soul love instead of that .... we’ll... normal love... I won’t mind the wait after all, if it’s boring connection only I’ll stick to friendship. With benefits if I need it.

And still living a very fulfilling life.

Offline sunshineluv7

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Re: Hello Everyone!!
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2019, 12:50:55 AM »
Hmm...maybe I does have to do with being psychic or empathic or both. I don't like to consider myself a psychic, but I've if my top readers does. And I guess I've always known things for no reason and been sure and I've never been wrong. But it's rare. She says it's because I'm a Taurus and Taurus psychics are very weird to have because we have so much stubbornness and emotional ties that until we are settled romantically our intuition and emotions are tied up and mostly blocked. Lol.

But I do think me feeling things deeper and "understanding" these men and feeling my pain and theirs makes it really difficult to be like NBD, next!

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Hello Everyone!!
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2019, 01:14:33 AM »
LOL@Aliens. Yes we can be the alien club or, the older soul club. I think we're just older souls is what it is and therefore we are capable of understanding in some strange way, the crappy behaviors and unpredictable behaviors of others in a way that a lot of others can't. Hell, I even understand the narcissists, psychopaths, serial killers, etc. I wouldn't BE one, but I can see the deeper rooted issues and causes of certain behaviors and because of that, I think we deal with these people a lot longer than we should in an attempt to help them figure it out and maybe make some changes.

I wish I was able to separate my own emotions from my empathy and intuition. I am a sponge. I absorb so many energies and ESPECIALLY the one I'm in a relationship with. So, I'm typically not a confused person or emotionally all over the place, but if I'm dealing with someone that is, then I can appear to be very bipolar. It drives me nuts and so I stay alone most of the time. I just have a hard time blocking energies out, separating things etc. I'm totally not evolved when it comes to that part. Oh, and I cannot meditate worth a crap. I try so hard but nope. It ain't happenin.

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: Hello Everyone!!
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2019, 01:18:07 AM »
Phew I’m so lad you just said that. I’ve never been normal, yes my situation is weird, so is my whole life, I’m a psychic for gods sake. I have literally nothing better to do, I enjoy my life, my friends, my work, this isn’t holding me back in any form but holy hell I got thrown for a spiritual loop about it. And now I know why. It would be ridiculous for me to believe this would ever leave my life, since it’s been consistent for 5 years. So I. Not missing anything, I’m open minded to something else, but nothing less than the love that lights the souls. Sorry, nobody else did it for me. I’m not young, I just don’t crave companionship other than that....

Call me an alien is just fine!!! I’m so glad you guys get it.

Being an alien is great haha. I always felt my life had this weird fated element to it because I remember when I used to be young and not really aware I would notice things but kinda just disregard it for the most part. Like there'd be a month where Id attract people all with the same name. Then, next month it would happen with same birthday or look the same. I was just like oh cool this is weird but cool coincidence lol but now it makes more sense but still confuses the eff out of me at times. That's a major reason why Ive come to believe life is more predestined than we like to believe and I've stopped trying to control it as much.

Same thing here! Nd I’ve always ‘known ‘ and with knowing, I was never, ever wrong.  I kept thinking I must be wrong about this, it was a total existential crisis. But no, I was right, and psychics cannot pick up that far out except Yona, or rather, because it’s been so long it finally came up. I’m very lucky, though, mypany readers are able to read me well, like a book. My local psychic has spot on visions of me, and I am so lucky for that. Everything they’ve said has come true. Call it self fulfilling prophecy, I will be with my love, lol and rich and semi famous. Ahhahaha

Cheers to that! I've had weird knowings about myself my entire life. Like i remember being really young like maybe 10? and always feeling like I'd never marry super young or have kids very young but knowing the exact person I would end up with and their characteristics. Kinda knew what my life would look like and what not. To this day that feeling never changed lol. I was a weird kid lolol like i felt like old in a little kids body. I understood all these things and I used to write and I remember reading it over years later and being like this sounds like a middle-aged person. life is wild LOL.

Aliens unite! Oddly I’m also one of the few people who feel very fulfilled and enriched in my life also, this has never been a detriment, only benefit, except in the field of romance where I’ve been alone quite a bit. But if I get soul love instead of that .... we’ll... normal love... I won’t mind the wait after all, if it’s boring connection only I’ll stick to friendship. With benefits if I need it.

And still living a very fulfilling life.

same. I've always been quite happy on my own. I rarely ever get lonely so it takes a soul love for me to dabble in the connection. Settling has never been and option and my soul won't allow me to. there's a quote i found once that i love and it was: " like being alone. I have control over my own sh**. Therefore, in order to win me over, your presence has to feel better than my solitude. You're not competing with another person, you are competing with my comfort zones."
