Author Topic: My Story  (Read 15485 times)

Offline Tango

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My Story
« on: December 07, 2011, 06:57:04 PM »
Hi everyone, I just signed up with this forum but I've been following it since May, when I started calling psychics. I also started calling regarding my SM...but now I'm at the point that many of you have reached where I'm just so tired of hearing that "things will get better," "he loves you," "you two share a deep connection" and nothing ever changes. I don't know why I keep calling, but I think it keeps me hanging on that maybe one of these predictions will manifest.

Here is who I have talked to:

Anya Dawn - told me that we would be talking by the holidays, that he sees me as wife material and the person who he is with now isn't the one for him and he knows it; brought up immaturity

Elijah - talked about immaturity issues, basically the same thing as Anya Dawn; sees that we have an "organic connection"

Casey - told me that we would be together in 2012, when the universe pushes twin flames and soulmates together; told me that when "our numbers" are added together, they emit a strong vibration; we would be married and he would pass away before me, when I am 88 years old; I would own many properties and I will have a long life; told me I have the choice whether to walk away or not, not him

Nevaeh - really nice to talk to, but told me that they were broken up and when I said I didn't agree, even though I didn't know for sure I figured I would feel it too...anyway, I was right, they are still together and she kept insisting they had broken up "their energy isn't around each other's anymore"

Nina - told me on a few occasions that they weren't being intimate anymore, which I highly doubt; also told me there would be communication between us in two weeks or less (and that was at the beginning of Nov. that she said that); we would be talking by the holidays; told me that he is maturing and he was afraid; talking about a future together by April

Anasela - told me that things would not be the way they were before and we would be back together; told me he loves me and he's going through a lot right now; changed her mind completely when I told her something else later on and said he isn't going to be good for me

Annunciata - we will be together, he loves me

Meryl - we will be together, sees marriage, he loves me, he is scared and immature

Giselle - he is wondering whether he should leave this woman or not, and thinks of me; he feels like he is caught in a tug of war between the two of us

Charlotte - he will cheat on me again if we get back together; I will meet 2 new men, but the one that I will be with I was supposed to meet on Nov. 15 (never happened)

Fallon - he will cheat on me again; he will never be able to hold down a relationship; he will have an unhappy life so I should not choose him if he tries to come back because I wouldn't want kids to be involved during a divorce

Hern - we will meet again in January, in passing, and I will decide that I don't want him anymore

Seha - we will be together, he loves me, he needs to mature

Jacqueline - we will be together, communication in September (nothing!)

William - he will come forward in mid-September and it will be casual, but we will communicate and things will then start to progress (never happened)

Dave - he loves me and he sees me as being pure, he will come back to me in January and will have grown up; this woman uses things to manipulate and keep him with her and she has a black aura

Abigail - he loves me and will return, things will be better than they were before

Vallentina Rose - nice to talk to, but every time we talk, she pulls a "miracle card" which I'm not sure what to think of anymore! I haven't been having any miracles in my life and most definitely not in the love department! her predictions have not come to pass yet

Great Spirit - AWFUL! told me that no man will ever love me until I love myself, that my situation is my own fault because I need to love myself

Dawna - nice lady, but I could hear her watching TV in the background, named someone famous who she reads for (not sure what I think about this...) and told me "could you ever trust him again? he's going to be better when he returns but will you be able to trust him?"

Avalon - told me I would choose between 2 men: my SM who I will have a deep connection with but it will be difficult. There will be good times and bad times with him, or I can choose another man who I won't be as deeply connected to, but who will be very stable and have an even personality. Things will never be amazing, nor will they ever be horrible. She said I could be happy either way, so no neither choice would be wrong, just depends on what I want (hasn't happened yet)

Raven - told me that he would come back, that they will break up, and he has been thinking of me (hasn't happened yet). Raven was able to describe physical appearance of my SM exactly however!

I'm at the point where I have given up! It's been 2 years now and nothing (he left me for someone else) and during the past 2 years, he has treated me terribly to boot. Sorry for the rant, but I want to put who I've read with here, so that maybe it will be helpful to some of you considering these psychics. As you can see, I've read with so many people and not one single prediction on communication or contact has occurred. I'm tired of the false hope and having no money to spend because it all goes to readings.

Right now, I'm probably only going to keep speaking to the twins and Vallentina Rose if her predictions come to pass.

Offline Tango

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Re: My Story
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2011, 07:20:20 PM »
Forgot to mention a few others:

Allison - told me she didn't understand why he wasn't with me because he wanted to be with me and wasn't happy with her at all after I told her that predictions for contact did not pass

Jean - nice lady, but didn't get any predictions correct. Told me he loved me and we would be talking about getting married in April (like what Nina said). Very doubtful that this will come to pass given how things are right now (absolutely no communication)

Coco - said I would find a new man who is much older than me who looks like George Clooney and he would be the one. He would also have a Southern accent (haven't met anyone of that description)

Offline misty

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Re: My Story
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2011, 07:34:28 PM »
hey tango welcome to the forum!

Will you only be calling VR and the twins because they're cheaper then the CP psychics or because they've been able to give you some accurate details other then the physical appearances?

VR pulled out the miracle card last time i talked to her. I think that was the first time she did that or maybe second out of like the last 4-5 times i've spoken to her.. I was really freaking out of nowhere and she was able to calm me down. I actually thought she was a bit rude the first time I talked to her but she's quite nice when she gets to know you.  Her time frame for me is inline with others for me

Did she give you a time frame that already passed and nothing happened or are you still waiting?

Offline Tango

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Re: My Story
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2011, 07:42:49 PM »
Hi Misty! Yes, the money is definitely part of it. The only one who I would consider calling from CP is Nina, just because she was so good with details and just knew everything without me having to ask. I also like that she doesn't ask me any questions. It's just hard to get in to talk to her because she changes her schedule a lot.

I liked VR because she seems pretty straightforward and she got some details about him accurate. She predicts contact before Christmas so her prediction has not yet come to pass. Maybe she pulled the miracle card because I would need one for us to get back together! Raven was the one who got the physical description right on and she has told me timing is really hard but she sees us talking. Avalon predicted that there would be a death of someone close to him and then he would reach put for support. I just started speaking to the three of them 2 weeks ago when I quit CP, so I have decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and hope that something comes to pass! I would like at least one prediction to happen!

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Re: My Story
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2011, 08:11:06 PM »
You're right its hard finding someone who doesnt ask questions but i still sometimes give the basic info that I think is already obvious...that we're broken up. Doesn;t take a genius to figure out why we call them lol

I'm glad you're trying cheaper psychics, and just because theyre cheaper doensnt mean they arent any good. I have a few trusted advisors from PPN that i go back to every time because they get the little predictions right most of the times. I've spent a good amount on PS psychics and they didn't do squat.

I really hate it when psychics tell you someone is going to die, I've been told that too abot someone dieing in my ex' life who I know as well.  I wonder if anyone else here was told the same and if it really did happen

Offline Synergy

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Re: My Story
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2011, 08:41:47 PM »
Welcome Tango!!!!

I feel your pain.  I've spoken to almost all of those advisors you've mentioned and more.

I wanted to step in and let you and Misty know that I've spoke to VR a few times as well.  I really liked her, BUT last time I spoke with her she told me to walk away from my new guy and wait for my SM to come back because he's the one for me.  It was a really weird call.  It was almost like she didn't want to be wrong about what she's said about my SM before, so she was insistent that I not give up on him.  That's when I thought she was a little rude, just as Misty pointed out.  I kept asking her about all the wonderful qualities my new guy exhibits, and she wouldn't even address it!  It was really odd. 

I'm at a point where I'm ready to do what I want to do and not what readers tell me to do, but I just had to share that tidbit about VR.

I don't know if you are really looking for straightforward predictions or if you like speaking with empaths, but I spoke with "Healings by Rob" for the first time last week when I was uncertain of what to do with my two guys.  Oh my goodness!  He was SO ACCURATE in describing both men!!!  He didn't really give me a timeframe or anything, so I want to warn you about that.  If you want to speak with someone who can tell you what your guy is thinking/feeling, this reader may be able to help if you connect with him as well as I did.  I just told him their names, and he asked me to wait while he connected.  There was a moment of silence, and then he was off and running.  I hadn't had a call like that in awhile.

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Re: My Story
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2011, 09:01:05 PM »
lol Synergy... I actually wanted to call Healings By Rob instead of Zhanya last saturday morning...but i ended up calling her because i couldnt find any reviews on him on the forum.

Do you think 5 mins with him is enough to see if we connect?

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Re: My Story
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2011, 09:11:44 PM »

I just PM'd you.  BUT, yes, I think you'll definitely know in 5 minutes.  I had the 5 free minutes when I spoke with him, but I did add funds to the call because we had such a good connection.  I haven't had such a good call with a new reader in a long time! 

AND don't worry about Zhanya.  I spoke with her once... and it was terrible!!  I'm not sure how she's a top producer.  She actually told me everything was going to work out, so it's not like I was mad that it was a negative reading because it wasn't.  I just didn't think she was demonstrating any psychic abilities. 

Offline glasshalffull

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Re: My Story
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2011, 09:56:04 PM »
Hi everyone, I just signed up with this forum but I've been following it since May, when I started calling psychics. I also started calling regarding my SM...but now I'm at the point that many of you have reached where I'm just so tired of hearing that "things will get better," "he loves you," "you two share a deep connection" and nothing ever changes. I don't know why I keep calling, but I think it keeps me hanging on that maybe one of these predictions will manifest.

Here is who I have talked to:

Anya Dawn - told me that we would be talking by the holidays, that he sees me as wife material and the person who he is with now isn't the one for him and he knows it; brought up immaturity

Elijah - talked about immaturity issues, basically the same thing as Anya Dawn; sees that we have an "organic connection"

Casey - told me that we would be together in 2012, when the universe pushes twin flames and soulmates together; told me that when "our numbers" are added together, they emit a strong vibration; we would be married and he would pass away before me, when I am 88 years old; I would own many properties and I will have a long life; told me I have the choice whether to walk away or not, not him

Nevaeh - really nice to talk to, but told me that they were broken up and when I said I didn't agree, even though I didn't know for sure I figured I would feel it too...anyway, I was right, they are still together and she kept insisting they had broken up "their energy isn't around each other's anymore"

Nina - told me on a few occasions that they weren't being intimate anymore, which I highly doubt; also told me there would be communication between us in two weeks or less (and that was at the beginning of Nov. that she said that); we would be talking by the holidays; told me that he is maturing and he was afraid; talking about a future together by April

Anasela - told me that things would not be the way they were before and we would be back together; told me he loves me and he's going through a lot right now; changed her mind completely when I told her something else later on and said he isn't going to be good for me

Annunciata - we will be together, he loves me

Meryl - we will be together, sees marriage, he loves me, he is scared and immature

Giselle - he is wondering whether he should leave this woman or not, and thinks of me; he feels like he is caught in a tug of war between the two of us

Charlotte - he will cheat on me again if we get back together; I will meet 2 new men, but the one that I will be with I was supposed to meet on Nov. 15 (never happened)

Fallon - he will cheat on me again; he will never be able to hold down a relationship; he will have an unhappy life so I should not choose him if he tries to come back because I wouldn't want kids to be involved during a divorce

Hern - we will meet again in January, in passing, and I will decide that I don't want him anymore

Seha - we will be together, he loves me, he needs to mature

Jacqueline - we will be together, communication in September (nothing!)

William - he will come forward in mid-September and it will be casual, but we will communicate and things will then start to progress (never happened)

Dave - he loves me and he sees me as being pure, he will come back to me in January and will have grown up; this woman uses things to manipulate and keep him with her and she has a black aura

Abigail - he loves me and will return, things will be better than they were before

Vallentina Rose - nice to talk to, but every time we talk, she pulls a "miracle card" which I'm not sure what to think of anymore! I haven't been having any miracles in my life and most definitely not in the love department! her predictions have not come to pass yet

Great Spirit - AWFUL! told me that no man will ever love me until I love myself, that my situation is my own fault because I need to love myself

Dawna - nice lady, but I could hear her watching TV in the background, named someone famous who she reads for (not sure what I think about this...) and told me "could you ever trust him again? he's going to be better when he returns but will you be able to trust him?"

Avalon - told me I would choose between 2 men: my SM who I will have a deep connection with but it will be difficult. There will be good times and bad times with him, or I can choose another man who I won't be as deeply connected to, but who will be very stable and have an even personality. Things will never be amazing, nor will they ever be horrible. She said I could be happy either way, so no neither choice would be wrong, just depends on what I want (hasn't happened yet)

Raven - told me that he would come back, that they will break up, and he has been thinking of me (hasn't happened yet). Raven was able to describe physical appearance of my SM exactly however!

I'm at the point where I have given up! It's been 2 years now and nothing (he left me for someone else) and during the past 2 years, he has treated me terribly to boot. Sorry for the rant, but I want to put who I've read with here, so that maybe it will be helpful to some of you considering these psychics. As you can see, I've read with so many people and not one single prediction on communication or contact has occurred. I'm tired of the false hope and having no money to spend because it all goes to readings.

Right now, I'm probably only going to keep speaking to the twins and Vallentina Rose if her predictions come to pass.
Hi Tango, I had a very good reading with Seha but at CP. She was spot on describing the ex. Do you remember any specifics about your reading with her?

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Re: My Story
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2011, 11:03:00 PM »
Welcome! It's scary reading your list, I've read with many of them. Dave actually gave a timeline? He's know for NOT doing that!

I went back in my notes (many from 2010) to see how mine compared (only a few contact predictions came true).

I held on for 18 months and have only recently set myself free from my ex

Offline Tango

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Re: My Story
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2011, 11:39:27 PM »
Synergy, I think that you are exactly right. You should go with whatever your heart tells you. I think that you're doing great by letting this new person in and giving him a chance, because he deserves one and you deserve to be happy no matter what. I don't think it's right for any psychic to tell you what to do. Isn't that unethical? They're here to give insight and to guide, but ultimately the choice is up to us! It's our life and really, what VR might think is a good match for you is HER opinion and that can be totally different from your opinion of what's good for you.

glasshalffull, I have pulled out some notes and found that I read with even more psychics than I thought while I looked for Seha's notes. Awful!

Genessa - there would be a little connection in November (absolutely nothing!) and then reconnection in January

Chastity - I would hear from him before Halloween; he has been thinking of me (didn't happen)

Maeve - his girlfriend is involved with someone else (couldn't verify) and there would be some reconnection in Dec/Jan (doubtful about this one, has yet to pass)

Seren - told me I would be in a relationship by December and that I would choose between 2 men (hasn't happened yet) and they should break up in the next few days if her timeline is correct (also doubtful)

Tansy - we would communicate, he might try to get back together with me, and I would find a new man within 2 years who is stable and marry him (communication prediction did not occur)

Vicki Joy - communication in Sept with hopes to be in a relationship with me again; currently focusing on money (did not pan out)

Leo - he loves her and she loves him, I was a rebound and didn't mean anything but sex

And here's Seha's (this was back at the end of August) - they would break up soon; Sept. for contact; it may take 6 months for me to trust him again but I will see improvements; career change in 1 year

Sadly, everything happened completely the opposite. They didn't break up, no contact at all in Sept, the prediction of me taking 6 months to trust him can't happen because there isn't even an opportunity to try to trust him, and a career change happened in 1 month, not one year! I'd say that's pretty off, unfortunately

sunandmoon - it wasn't really a timeline from Dave, he just said that things would get better between us in January

Looking through my old notes is both really embarrassing and really sad. I can't believe that I've read with so many people and I can't believe that I haven't had a single thing happen!

The worst part is that these psychics tell you that contact will happen and it doesn't. You get your hopes up and you wait and wait and wait for absolutely nothing. I think that's the worst thing a psychic can do because it gives you hope when there isn't any. Lots of the psychics I have spoken to have also told me "if I didn't see a future with you and this man at all and if I didn't see him coming back, I would be the first one to tell you." I call BS!

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Re: My Story
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2011, 11:52:01 PM »
You are so right!  This is BS!  Don't understand why I keep calling.  If I followed their advice, I would be spending more money on psychics and less money enjoying my life.  I do not want to keep waiting for my ex when there are so many other men out there.  I am currently dating a new man.  I don't feel the SM connection but he's nice and fun.  All the psychics are telling me that he's so bad for me but that's something I want to find out for myself

Offline Tango

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Re: My Story
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2011, 12:06:09 AM »
I agree Starrlite, I just want to live my life and I think that's what all of us should do, even though sometimes it can be really hard.

Life is short so we should enjoy it as much as we can! I don't think we have to completely abandon the idea of being with our SM, but I do think it's important to change the focus. You can only have one conscious thought at a time, so use that conscious thought to think about someone who does make you happy, not someone who makes you sad! That's what I'm trying to do. I know for sure with 100% certainty that if the tables were turned and I did what my SM did to me back to him, he wouldn't be calling psychics all the time wondering if I would come back. In fact, I'm pretty sure he would have moved on almost immediately after...

If you meet someone who treats you well and makes you happy and he's fun, then why not? I don't believe in passing up opportunities. I just haven't had any guys interested in me who I was also interested in, that's my problem unfortunately.

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Re: My Story
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2011, 12:38:28 AM »
You are so right!  This is BS!  Don't understand why I keep calling.  If I followed their advice, I would be spending more money on psychics and less money enjoying my life.  I do not want to keep waiting for my ex when there are so many other men out there.  I am currently dating a new man.  I don't feel the SM connection but he's nice and fun.  All the psychics are telling me that he's so bad for me but that's something I want to find out for myself

Wow! I was told not so good things either about my new guy before I started to date him (a couple said I'd be happy with either man, Tansy said she felt I had more in common with the new man).

I wonder if they say that because it keeps us calling? So much of this goes on the law of averages IMO. Yes, many people get back together after a break up. If we start to see someone else seriously, we will be happy and high on endorphins and will we want to call as much anymore (my urge passed once I stopped obsessing about my ex)? If they tell us (and can convince us) the new guy is bad and to wait for the old guy since he's just around the corner, that will keep us calling when timelines pass.

My .02 (or many thousands????)

BTW I have 147 saved notes on my computer and a folder full of handwritten ones. I called from June 2010 to Labor Day this year. Plus a few email readings. Plus some forums. Ouch.

Offline Tango

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Re: My Story
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2011, 12:48:57 AM »
sunandmoon, that could be very true...but I really hope that the majority of readers don't try to keep us on the line or keep us hanging on for no reason. I'm hoping that most psychics try their best to give us advice that is beneficial to us. If I just wanted an opinion and a guess, I would just ask a complete stranger on the bus and I'd get a response for free! We are paying good money and I know that some readers do readings to pay the bills, but of all things to make stories about, lying about love is the worst!