Author Topic: Bitwine and the high priced readers....  (Read 18458 times)

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Bitwine and the high priced readers....
« Reply #45 on: May 16, 2019, 06:11:42 PM »
Yes they have different gifts but IMO if they know they don't have a gift for predictions they should leave that alone. Big difference between saying "He's missing you and thinking about calling you" versus saying "He will call you this weekend."

Where a lot of readers get themselves in trouble is they make definite predictions based on picking up on something that may change like thoughts, feelings, intentions. Saying that any particular thing will happen based on that is just a guess. Pretty much no one contacts a psychic to hear guesses.

Even with a clairvoyant, sometimes the visions they see are totally accurate, but then they try to put a story around it and they misinterpret what it means. And sometimes they see things that already happened but they misinterpret it to be the future and make a prediction based on it. Big difference between saying "This is what I see..." versus "This is what will happen."

Ideally a psychic should just report what they see/hear/sense without embellishment, and avoid making guesses or claims based on their own personal interpretation. Unfortunately most tend to embellish, so as a client you have to figure out which part of what they said is real psychic information, and which part is just a guess or extrapolation. And a lot of times you won't know the difference until you see what actually happens.

It shouldn't require a whole lot of explanation though to understand what kind of reading you are getting. Any specifics they think you should know about how they work should be in their listing, so it doesn't take up time during the reading. If you start the reading and they go into long explanations of how their gifts work or how you should understand their predictions, my advice is to end the reading and find someone else.

All a psychic needs to do is tell you what they are picking up, and avoid making claims that are beyond the reach of their gifts. It really shouldn't be that complicated. If there is something special you need to "understand" about how they give readings, it means they have probably had a lot of people report back that they weren't accurate.

Agree with pretty much all of this. My basic point is that I think a lot of people don't completely appreciate that gifts are different and unique among readers, one person is not necessarily as talented as another, and understanding how to get the best out of a reading with one specific person, especially one you aren't familiar with, isn't always the easiest to do. Being an informed consumer on psychics is like trying to walk through a mine field, haha.

Offline Xrossbow

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Re: Bitwine and the high priced readers....
« Reply #46 on: May 17, 2019, 01:49:27 AM »
I dont know what to tell you, the reader that gave me the reading about the plane told me that if I sat in a different seat or cancelled the flight I would be ok and so that is what I did, I had a free will choice to cancel or sit somewhere else, the plane still crashed (well a crash landing but close enough)     so...I don't have a belief in destiny, to me you call a psychic to find out what is coming so that you can change it.

I had a reader once, Linda Masson?   something like that, told me that I would be robbed at the ATM if i went at night so I went in the daytime and nothing happened but I did hear about a mugging at the ATM that I was to be my free will actions did change that event but the mugging happened.

if I ask if someone is thinking of calling me and a psychic says, yes, he will call tomorrow but he may get distracted and call the next day, I dont see that as a cop out at all...but thats me...

I do appreciate all of your beliefs but I have called a ton of readers so it makes perfect sense to me  :)     

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Bitwine and the high priced readers....
« Reply #47 on: May 17, 2019, 03:04:32 AM »
I dont know what to tell you, the reader that gave me the reading about the plane told me that if I sat in a different seat or cancelled the flight I would be ok and so that is what I did, I had a free will choice to cancel or sit somewhere else, the plane still crashed (well a crash landing but close enough)     so...I don't have a belief in destiny, to me you call a psychic to find out what is coming so that you can change it.

I had a reader once, Linda Masson?   something like that, told me that I would be robbed at the ATM if i went at night so I went in the daytime and nothing happened but I did hear about a mugging at the ATM that I was to be my free will actions did change that event but the mugging happened.

if I ask if someone is thinking of calling me and a psychic says, yes, he will call tomorrow but he may get distracted and call the next day, I dont see that as a cop out at all...but thats me...

I do appreciate all of your beliefs but I have called a ton of readers so it makes perfect sense to me  :)     

I don't think the cop out is referring to a prediction on timing being off a bit. Now when they say in a week and a month goes by and nothing happens then they say free will that's another story.  Since basically what they predicted never happened.

Offline Xrossbow

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Re: Bitwine and the high priced readers....
« Reply #48 on: May 19, 2019, 03:29:13 AM »
of course, thank goodness that my predictions didnt take 3 years, I believe he said that 3 years is possible but not the norm, I had my "events" read a few weeks ago and already 8 of 10 have happened so to be honest if the other 2 happen in 3 years or not at all, Id still consider this reader to be a good guide for me, I personally like him and a couple others on the site so I will be calling them at least for now....

I like readers who tell me what is coming and then tell me how to avoid it so I can change it and thats what Linda, Terry and Maria do. 

I think I will call all 3 and test them tonight, I will ask if my mom is planning to call me tomorrow, now she often calls me on Sunday because its her church day and after church she calls to tell me what the sermon was about but sometimes she gets distracted, I am not sure why not knowing what a person will do invalidates a reader?     

How can even a psychic know what a person will do with their free will?    Maria told me that my girlfriend (not Gwen)  was thinking about cheating on me but she might or might not, she has free will and I found out she was right, she had the thougts, she ultimately decided not to, does that Maria isnt a real psychic?   then how did she know that Ali was thinking of cheating on me?    Again I think we expect psychics to be perfect or know everything or never be wrong...

I called Jamey today, not sure of her last name now?   I asked her for a prediction that would happen today to prove her abilities, she told me I would be asked to a dance, I was not asked to a dance but then I was talking to my friend Bill and he said that he had been given 2 tickets to a dance and he had thought to invite me but changed his mind, to ME that was a HIT, she knew about the dance, she saw the invite but he changed his mind because he has free will.   

Whatever, I dont care what other people believe, I answered because I am one of Terry's clients and I wanted to speak of my experiences.    cheers!

Offline Sweetsydney2000

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Re: Bitwine and the high priced readers....
« Reply #49 on: May 19, 2019, 03:32:38 AM »
of course, thank goodness that my predictions didnt take 3 years, I believe he said that 3 years is possible but not the norm, I had my "events" read a few weeks ago and already 8 of 10 have happened so to be honest if the other 2 happen in 3 years or not at all, Id still consider this reader to be a good guide for me, I personally like him and a couple others on the site so I will be calling them at least for now....

I like readers who tell me what is coming and then tell me how to avoid it so I can change it and thats what Linda, Terry and Maria do. 

I think I will call all 3 and test them tonight, I will ask if my mom is planning to call me tomorrow, now she often calls me on Sunday because its her church day and after church she calls to tell me what the sermon was about but sometimes she gets distracted, I am not sure why not knowing what a person will do invalidates a reader?     

How can even a psychic know what a person will do with their free will?    Maria told me that my girlfriend (not Gwen)  was thinking about cheating on me but she might or might not, she has free will and I found out she was right, she had the thougts, she ultimately decided not to, does that Maria isnt a real psychic?   then how did she know that Ali was thinking of cheating on me?    Again I think we expect psychics to be perfect or know everything or never be wrong...

I called Jamey today, not sure of her last name now?   I asked her for a prediction that would happen today to prove her abilities, she told me I would be asked to a dance, I was not asked to a dance but then I was talking to my friend Bill and he said that he had been given 2 tickets to a dance and he had thought to invite me but changed his mind, to ME that was a HIT, she knew about the dance, she saw the invite but he changed his mind because he has free will.   

Whatever, I dont care what other people believe, I answered because I am one of Terry's clients and I wanted to speak of my experiences.    cheers!

I tried to speak to Jamey yesterday but she couldn’t connect 🙄 I like Terry. What’s he been like with timeframes for you?

