Author Topic: Contact confusion question  (Read 6441 times)


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Re: Contact confusion question
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2019, 04:12:00 PM »
No, which psychics have worked for you?
I just don’t think Psychics ability eixist. successful story rarely happen on here and peoples poi rarely come back and when I look at the reviews on keen all I see is that the top reader on keen all they do is mislead peoples.

Actually, the majority of them do come back unless you’ve completely cut that energy off. All of the exes that were hard for me to let go and I struggled with, have come back. This took years for them to come back but they did. It may not be the time or way you wanted it but they do come back. And honestly if you strongly believe there are no psychic abilities in anyone, save money! Go to a spa or plan a vacation:)

Same with me. They always come back. Idk. Usually within a year. Even if i try to cut off the energy, they come back LOL.

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Re: Contact confusion question
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2019, 04:14:22 PM »
Not saying they couldn't mix the two but I think that is more dependent on how well the reader has honed their ability.  Now There are still a full six days left of January.  It may seem like it might not happen right now but he could message you on the 31st in the afternoon.  It still is January at that point.  So stay positive.  He will contact you.

Offline Yt5587

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Re: Contact confusion question
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2019, 04:40:07 PM »
Thanks for the feedback guys! Yes I just know he will. Idc if it’s this month or next month or whenever you know when you just KNOW.? I think as females, we are more blessed with this feeling. I’m actually happy living my life and just going with the flow. My vibration has definitely shifted, thank God because I can’t afford any more readings lol. I’m actually trying to manifest more money ☺️ I believe the less resistance you put into something, the easier it comes in


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Re: Contact confusion question
« Reply #18 on: January 25, 2019, 04:41:27 PM »
Thanks for the feedback guys! Yes I just know he will. Idc if it’s this month or next month or whenever you know when you just KNOW.? I think as females, we are more blessed with this feeling. I’m actually happy living my life and just going with the flow. My vibration has definitely shifted, thank God because I can’t afford any more readings lol. I’m actually trying to manifest more money ☺️ I believe the less resistance you put into something, the easier it comes in

that's amazing to hear. You got this girl! I def agree with you  ;D

Offline Yt5587

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Re: Contact confusion question
« Reply #19 on: January 25, 2019, 05:11:38 PM »
Thanks for the feedback guys! Yes I just know he will. Idc if it’s this month or next month or whenever you know when you just KNOW.? I think as females, we are more blessed with this feeling. I’m actually happy living my life and just going with the flow. My vibration has definitely shifted, thank God because I can’t afford any more readings lol. I’m actually trying to manifest more money ☺️ I believe the less resistance you put into something, the easier it comes in

that's amazing to hear. You got this girl! I def agree with you  ;D

😘❤️ thank you

Offline icloud9

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Re: Contact confusion question
« Reply #20 on: January 25, 2019, 06:34:20 PM »
Not saying they couldn't mix the two but I think that is more dependent on how well the reader has honed their ability.  Now There are still a full six days left of January.  It may seem like it might not happen right now but he could message you on the 31st in the afternoon.  It still is January at that point.  So stay positive.  He will contact you.

I agree!! Exes always come back for the most part...I have no doubt you and your love will reunite!! Stay positive <3

Offline sjm1986

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Re: Contact confusion question
« Reply #21 on: January 26, 2019, 03:47:33 AM »
My exes always came back too. Just to add to the mix lol. Part of the problem though is that it would only be after they got a bunch of other crap out of their system. So it looked like they'd never come back because they were with someone else and posting all over Facebook and such. One even got married and they all still came back afterward. I was so hurt by them finding someone else (many of which they found during our relationship) and it took a really long time so in that time, I met someone new and forgot about the ex, every single time. I think it was probably because while they were living it up with their new gf, they were ignoring me and I would eventually stop looking them up because it hurt too much. I think that broke the bond. By not having any interaction with them and then having enough time pass that someone else ended up filling the space. But they always would come back and the only reason it wasn't the relationship I'd been hoping for was because I was disgusted by them at that point. There were many psychics who got all of it right and some were even with correct timing. I think when we don't care about the guy anymore, we're not as excited to post about it though.


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Re: Contact confusion question
« Reply #22 on: January 26, 2019, 04:18:16 AM »
Not saying they couldn't mix the two but I think that is more dependent on how well the reader has honed their ability.  Now There are still a full six days left of January.  It may seem like it might not happen right now but he could message you on the 31st in the afternoon.  It still is January at that point.  So stay positive.  He will contact you.

I agree!! Exes always come back for the most part...I have no doubt you and your love will reunite!! Stay positive <3

I just want to say I love your positivity <3 This kind of post makes my day!!! Thank you for that smile, icloud:)
Also Sparky, I hope you're doing well man!!

Sorry, just had to say these few things. Back on topic!

Offline Yt5587

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Re: Contact confusion question
« Reply #23 on: January 26, 2019, 07:56:09 AM »
Yes iCloud and sparky, love seeing positive posts on here! Thank you so much for the support ❤️

Offline Yt5587

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Re: Contact confusion question
« Reply #24 on: January 26, 2019, 08:04:13 AM »
My exes always came back too. Just to add to the mix lol. Part of the problem though is that it would only be after they got a bunch of other crap out of their system. So it looked like they'd never come back because they were with someone else and posting all over Facebook and such. One even got married and they all still came back afterward. I was so hurt by them finding someone else (many of which they found during our relationship) and it took a really long time so in that time, I met someone new and forgot about the ex, every single time. I think it was probably because while they were living it up with their new gf, they were ignoring me and I would eventually stop looking them up because it hurt too much. I think that broke the bond. By not having any interaction with them and then having enough time pass that someone else ended up filling the space. But they always would come back and the only reason it wasn't the relationship I'd been hoping for was because I was disgusted by them at that point. There were many psychics who got all of it right and some were even with correct timing. I think when we don't care about the guy anymore, we're not as excited to post about it though.

Yeah mine all came back when I no longer cared lol. I still have one that still msgs me. One came back after he was married...I never got readings on them

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Re: Contact confusion question
« Reply #25 on: January 26, 2019, 07:13:20 PM »
Lurker here, keeps me from calling keen! : ) haha ---but I had to chime in, in my experience, they always come back too, the grass just isn't greener like they think. The hardest part is letting go of the needy energy, once you do that - surprise! Also, sometimes they come back just to show you how much you've outgrown them and you don't care anymore. It's a win/win. Hard to get there, I know it. It takes a lot of personal growth and self love. I sincerely hope it all works out for you!