Author Topic: Readers mixing up energies  (Read 3843 times)

Offline Love2lovenj

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Readers mixing up energies
« on: January 11, 2019, 01:28:17 AM »
Have you had a reading and felt like they hit it out of the park? Then you reread the transcripts and think in certain areas they were actually picking your feelings rather then your POI. Or is there a slight possibility that your both feeling the same? 

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: Readers mixing up energies
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2019, 01:44:22 AM »
Do you Mean they were picking up your hopes?

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Readers mixing up energies
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2019, 03:54:19 AM »
Well one reader said that they weren't ready to see me because of fear that the feelings would rush back up to the surface.  Which i know that's how i was feelings.

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Re: Readers mixing up energies
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2019, 04:18:56 AM »
Ok in fairness there you might both be feeling that, that’s not unusual when you’ve loved someone.

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Re: Readers mixing up energies
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2019, 04:23:15 AM »
Well one reader said that they weren't ready to see me because of fear that the feelings would rush back up to the surface.  Which i know that's how i was feelings.
They used that stock line on everyone. Either he scared or it because of fear. 99 Percent of the time I’m sure there just not into you.

Offline sjm1986

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Re: Readers mixing up energies
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2019, 08:15:07 AM »
Well one reader said that they weren't ready to see me because of fear that the feelings would rush back up to the surface.  Which i know that's how i was feelings.
They used that stock line on everyone. Either he scared or it because of fear. 99 Percent of the time I’m sure there just not into you.

That doesn't make sense though. Since Love2lovenj said they were feeling those feelings then obviously it's possible to be afraid. Whenever I'm hurt or afraid that something's going to hurt me, I run. I'd rather hide from it than to face it. It's extremely unhealthy and it ruins everything but it's a reaction that I can't control. So if any psychic was to tell my boyfriend that I was avoiding him because I was afraid he was going to confirm my fears, they'd be completely correct. And saying "99 percent of the time" is in itself a stock line. How do you know whether the guy is into her or not? How do you know it's not what he was feeling? Maybe every psychic that's told you your POI was scared was correct. How would you know the difference? Maybe he's scared and also not into you. It's not very helpful or insightful to respond to this post with a general bash on psychics. Love2lovenj posed a specific question with some specific background details so they deserve responses that address the question and offer insight.

For the record, I agree that it's probably the both of you feeling a very similar way. It's hard to see it when you're involved in it but I've been a fly on the wall with many of my friend's marriages and I've noticed that each partner will have similar thoughts toward the other, especially when they're fighting or when things have high emotions. When two of my friends had separated, we literally heard the same story from both of them about wanting to come back together but being afraid the other one was already talking to someone else. They each had a "someone else" in mind that they thought their respective partner was interested in. They both were wrong since they both were too depressed about it to talk to anyone else. Anyway, I don't think the psychic was just reading you. It's possible for them to get confused as to which feeling is whose I think, but they should still be able to tell that there are two different energies. They wouldn't ONLY feel your energy. At least I don't think that's how it works. If they were just reading your energy, then it wouldn't be possible for them to say my bf is feeling calm and content (he's always so damn calm and content) because I'm hardly ever calm and content. So I would think that if a psychic could distinguish my bf's energy, they could distinguish your POI's energy too.

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: Readers mixing up energies
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2019, 01:11:23 PM »
Same here, just because it’s a stock line doesn’t mean it’s not true. And I’ve never heard someone say this, even though it’s been true for some of my clients, seems reasonable after a breakup.

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Re: Readers mixing up energies
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2019, 01:22:34 PM »
« Last Edit: January 11, 2019, 01:24:51 PM by psychic girls »

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Readers mixing up energies
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2019, 02:50:38 PM »
Thank you sjm1986.  The reader isn't scripted but when she was explaining what was currently his thoughts on a situation i was like ok.  I mean how do i know we aren't speaking.  Then a few weeks later I'm like rereading and i was like shoot i was feeling that way.  I kinda sabotaged things because i was afraid of being vulnerable again and repeat the cycle.  But at the same token he could be emotionally in the same boat as me.

I know they say readers pick up energies so i was just wondering if your energy is so strong could they just be picking up yours.

Offline sjm1986

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Re: Readers mixing up energies
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2019, 11:50:36 PM »
Thank you sjm1986.  The reader isn't scripted but when she was explaining what was currently his thoughts on a situation i was like ok.  I mean how do i know we aren't speaking.  Then a few weeks later I'm like rereading and i was like shoot i was feeling that way.  I kinda sabotaged things because i was afraid of being vulnerable again and repeat the cycle.  But at the same token he could be emotionally in the same boat as me.

I know they say readers pick up energies so i was just wondering if your energy is so strong could they just be picking up yours.
I think it's possible on an off day that they could pick up your energy but I don't think it would be "instead". I think it would be "also". So there would be two different things coming in. If they picked up your energy the strongest and his was similar to yours, it could all lump together as one idea I suppose but it wouldn't be too far off to just say it's the same feeling. Basically, I think when they're looking at a particular person and how they feel, that you as the querent become an outside entity. And if they can pick up on your energy so distinctly, then they clearly have a gift for reading energy and it wouldn't be too much to say that they should also be able to read your POI's energy without any problems. It's really hard to say with this particular reader though, because it would all depend on "how" she saw what she saw. If she just felt something out of the blue, it would be less clear who it came from but if she focused on him and "saw" him feeling a certain way, then that's very much his own feeling. Also, if she used cards to come to that conclusion then it's most likely his feelings and not yours.

Offline aquagirl

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Re: Readers mixing up energies
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2019, 12:17:05 AM »
Thank you sjm1986.  The reader isn't scripted but when she was explaining what was currently his thoughts on a situation i was like ok.  I mean how do i know we aren't speaking.  Then a few weeks later I'm like rereading and i was like shoot i was feeling that way.  I kinda sabotaged things because i was afraid of being vulnerable again and repeat the cycle.  But at the same token he could be emotionally in the same boat as me.

I know they say readers pick up energies so i was just wondering if your energy is so strong could they just be picking up yours.

This is why it's important to be in a clear state of mind when you go for a reading, and have stable energy. It's not that they will mix up the energy, it's more that the energy connected to you may be harder to read. Think of it like a radio station, sometimes the signal is really strong other times it's weaker and full of static.  Your fear energy could possibly amplify his fear energy in the reading.  Usually your energy and his should be that easily confused.  But yours can skew the reading if that makes sense.

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Readers mixing up energies
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2019, 01:17:54 AM »
No i totally get it.  When i go into a reading i go open minded not at all emotional.  To be honest when i had this reading it was really a quick update i paid for 10 min.  As stupid as it was i was driving so i asked for an update on the situation and she flooded me with info.  I didn't even get to read it because like i said i was stupid enough to call when i was heading home.  Unfortunately she is one of those advisors that is hard to catch when she is on.  So weeks later after reading the transcript over again i was like wow either we both feel exactly the same or she picked up on me.

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: Readers mixing up energies
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2019, 01:24:24 AM »
No i totally get it.  When i go into a reading i go open minded not at all emotional.  To be honest when i had this reading it was really a quick update i paid for 10 min.  As stupid as it was i was driving so i asked for an update on the situation and she flooded me with info.  I didn't even get to read it because like i said i was stupid enough to call when i was heading home.  Unfortunately she is one of those advisors that is hard to catch when she is on.  So weeks later after reading the transcript over again i was like wow either we both feel exactly the same or she picked up on me.

I think you may both have felt that way. Just reading this thread intuitively.

Offline Ninacy

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Re: Readers mixing up energies
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2019, 12:13:41 PM »
As a person who has been on both side of the spectrum (giving and getting readings) YES, it happens pretty often and unfortunately, psychics have no control over this. Even the most reputable and talented ones can mix-up energies in occasions simply because they don't know you in person and can't tell like who is feeling what. There are some measures to minimize this mix-up but it still happens...