Author Topic: A few predictions that panned out with London  (Read 19861 times)

Offline melancholia

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A few predictions that panned out with London
« on: December 06, 2011, 10:45:22 AM »
Hey all, I've been lurking for a while but finally worked up the courage to post.  I had a few things work out that were predicted by London of CP. 

London - predicted back in mid-2010 that I'd leave my job at the time of my own volition.  I didn't believe her because, you know, the economy is terrible and no one was biting as far as my resumes went, and while I may be impulsive I try not to be stupid.  I forgot about the prediction. A few months later, I get fed up and quit on the spot one day.  I had actually forgotten about her prediction until I came across it while cleaning during my unemployed state. Finding that prediction led me to call her again.  She predicted I'd have a new job within months (she was very specific about the time frame, though I'm not being specific here). Sure enough, I was hired by my current employer as a marketing rep almost to the day.  She even predicted the position I currently hold. I wasn't hired in with this position and didn't think I was qualified for it, either, but I was promoted to it before training was complete.

I've also been involved in a complicated relationship for a few years.  I called her because I took a trip to visit this gentleman for a few days and was slightly perplexed that things weren't progressing beyond "friendship" values - some mild flirting, but he wasn't making any moves.  She predicted that the very next day he'd be stopping by to, ah, fix my misconception.  Suffice it to say, I thought she was blowing smoke - I was planning on leaving the next day.  Sure enough, he and I were due to meet for lunch before I left, but he wound up "visiting" me instead.  It was pretty bizarre (but really awesome). 

I always used to wonder if it was worth reading with London because she has this tendency to be somewhat vague in a lot of her predictions ("I definitely see it working out, sweetie" "It's going to be fine" etc, etc) and doesn't like to give a lot of details, but I'm starting to understand that the details aren't really what's important in the prediction and that maybe when psychics give you those details, they're only really doing it to comfort you and keep you going (or keep you on the line).  I've found that when they're less detailed and give straight answers, they're more likely to pan out.  I've also found that when it comes to long term relationship predictions, a lot of times the timelines are waaaaaaaay off but the predictions still come through, just at a different pace...provided I don't allow myself to stress, worry, and obsess over it.  If you can get the prediction about a long term relationship question (will he commit, will he leave his wife/girlfriend/babymomma/whatever, will he start displaying his feelings more) and then let it go, it's more likely to happen in the period of time predicted, but if you put a lot of energy into thinking about it and obsessing over it, that nervous energy carries over and has a negative impact on the relationship itself, pushing things back or even preventing things from happening (I actually wound up ending a relationship this way).  This has been my experience, anyway - whenever I get predictions that communication will improve and I start actively looking for that to happen, it doesn't.  When I've gotten predictions about communication improving and then let it go and went about my business without thinking too much about it, it does.  It works like a dream, in fact.

I think another key factor is limiting how often you read.  If I read with ps back to back to back over the course of a week (and I have binged like that before), a lot of what they say doesn't happen.  Maybe it's because my anxiety carries through and messes up the reading, maybe it's because my anxiety is preventing things from moving forward; I'm not sure.  But if I wait and read, say, once a month or once every two months and don't ask the same questions over and over, things wind up working out.  Just something to think about if none of your predictions are coming to pass.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2012, 07:26:23 PM by Somnus »

Offline guesswho

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Re: A few predictions that panned out with London
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2012, 07:09:26 PM »
I'm late, but this is true.  When you put a lot of energy on the predictions and focus on it things don't usually happen.  My predictions used to happen like clock work when I went on about my business.  Now that I'm focusing and putting energy - NADA.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: A few predictions that panned out with London
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2012, 10:22:33 PM »
Well how do you do that though? I dont put energy into the situation but whn the time frame comes I'm like okay it should be happening now and nothing...

How else can you not focus on it becaus that's so hard lol

Offline guesswho

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Re: A few predictions that panned out with London
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2012, 11:46:20 PM »
LLL - It is very hard to do, but I guess you just have to pretend that the person doesn't exist for now.  It really sucks, especially when you're paying your hard earned money.  You expect these dates to be accurate or at least ballpark!

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: A few predictions that panned out with London
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2012, 12:04:58 AM »
Lol very true!!

Offline melancholia

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Re: A few predictions that panned out with London
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2012, 01:45:32 PM »
Generally speaking, if you're still calling psychics about that same issue repeatedly, like more than once every, say, two months, or if you're obsessing over it at night, or you're around that person and you're wondering why they aren't just DOING something already - you're putting too much energy into it.  It's basically a situation where you take the reading, file it away in the back of your mind, and then just go with the flow.  Ignore the setbacks and don't focus on them too much, because I've found that psychics will not pick up every last setback out there - interpersonal relationships are complicated and involve more people than we're even aware of, things go on in the other person's life that are not directly connected to us and it impacts their decision-making at any given time.  No psychic can prepare for every eventuality because of free will; not just ours or our significant others', but those around us and our significant others as well.  However, if we're able to pull it back and take a deep breath when something does go awry, it will (usually) work itself out.  If we obsess over it and feed our energy into it, it worsens things by far.

That's not to say that a psychic can't be completely and utterly wrong, but if you don't allow yourself to stress over things when they start going south you have a better chance of salvaging the situation or, at the very least, maintaining your mental health.

I guess really it all just boils down to relaxing and letting things happen in their own time, and the best way to do that?  Request that they NOT give you a timeline, no matter how tempting it is.  Ask for ultimate outcomes, ask if things will be improving in the near or far future, ask HOW things will develop so you know what signs to look for if you must, but ask that they not give you specific dates because all you'll do is stress when the deadlines pass.  You can't put deadlines on interpersonal relationships.  Emotions don't work that way. Love doesn't work that way. The only things that come out of a deadline are fear and the frustration that comes with it.  Don't fall into that trap.

Offline violet

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Re: A few predictions that panned out with London
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2012, 10:39:13 PM »
I see it like this.  Any reading is going to be 50/50 accurate.  Either things are going to work out the way we want them to or they're not.  The main thing that bothers me are the readers that you feel comfortable with and like and when things don't happen the way they predicted all along they change their tune and blame free will or tell you you're better off with someone else, etc.  I don't have a problem with a reader giving me bad news in the initial reading but don't play games and string someone along and when you realize it's not happening change the outcome.  I have no tolerance for that anymore.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: A few predictions that panned out with London
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2012, 11:23:53 PM »
Exactly!!!!!!!! Agree 100%!


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Re: A few predictions that panned out with London
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2012, 11:41:50 PM »
It is very difficult to not focus on a timeframe when one is offered.

Violet, I agree that I would prefer to have bad news upfront rather than be strung along and then the reader changes everything once I tell them things are not going positively as they saw. I respect and appreciate the honesty and it helps the caller to move on quicker.

I think the best readers should not take continuous calls about the same situation because there is no new information that they can provide if nothing has changed. They are basically an ear to vent to but on the callers dime. Based on feedback I have read, so many callers like the psychic they are calling and consider them to be a friend (even to the point of defending negative feedback from others when clearly not everyone has the same connection with a reader). But the problem is psychics are not friends, they are making money off of these calls. I see people write how nice, caring, sweet, patient etc. a reader is but realistically, who is not going to be nice to you and put up with your same exact questions over and over again when they want your money? A friend would be concerned about a caller's finances and encourage them to keep the calling to a minimum, if at all.

For example on Keen, Northstarjulie was a good reader for me, accurate, honest, and pleasant but I clicked on a different page to read more feedback (I am a feedback junkie, love confirmation stories hehe) she had up and there was a person who literally called everyday or every other day and the fact that she allowed and continues to allow that to go on for so long put me off of her. No wonder she could afford to not take new callers for so long! The same with VisionsByVicky, she has the same few callers that call everyday leaving feedback saying how they can't live without her, she is their saint, even with a few saying the predictions haven't happened but they have so much faith because they "love" her and she helps them keep their sanity  :o.

Offline LiveLaughLove

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Re: A few predictions that panned out with London
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2012, 12:09:48 AM »
Agree again kindred!

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: A few predictions that panned out with London
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2012, 12:29:06 PM »
I come here almost daily and read the updates. Im always happy to hear that someones predictions came true, but so many times something goes awry after that prediction happens and throws us back to square one. I have to say that I am trying very hard to break the psychic addiction. My calls have dwindled to maybe once a month or every two months. Very proud of myself. And my finances are showing that decrease in calls. Im also doing my best to let it all go, something I should have done from day one instead of focusing on someone that walked away from me. And if it is true that when we focus, the energy is clogged and wont allow things to happen as they should have, then I messed things up horrendously with my obsession.
Another point that I have been thinking about a lot. I do believe in psychic ability. BUT........think about the thousands of people online and just out there that claim to be psychic. Excuse me, but not all of them are. Its too easy to spend money and expect a psychic reading but talking to someone that is just really good at giving general information or reading into something we say that we dont even realize we are saying. For instance, if we say we are calling about a man, of course that means we are broken up and want to be reconciled. If its about employment, we are most likely looking for work.
I know I have had predictions for the last three years that someone new would be walking into my life. Every timeline has come and gone, nothing. Ive dated some but none of them go beyond two or three dates. I dont call that having someone come into my life.
In all of the readings I had over the past 3 years, only a few things happened and only a few things were exact. Sad thing is they were all things that didnt matter anyway.
Its up to each of us to decide just how many calls we want to make, but I truly think that we are only making ourselves miserable calling all the time and having expectations of something to happen that most likely wont. And Ive also found that it is much easier to file it away and not think about the predictions if you dont call so often. Find something new to focus on, like you for a change. Right now, Im focusing on losing a few pounds and sprucing up my house. I deny the urge to look at "his" facebook page to see if pictures are gone yet. When he pops into my head, I say "Go away". Im watching more movies and enjoying more time with my kids. You wouldnt believe how I neglected to spend quality time with my kids because I was closed up in my bedroom researching new psychics, lol.
Just some things to think about, not bashing anyone for calling all the time cause I did the same thing for so long. Ive just realized it was all a mistake. One call told me all I should have needed to know. From then on out, it was just a repeat performance for the psychics. At my expense.


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Re: A few predictions that panned out with London
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2012, 05:54:49 PM »
4everhopeful, I love that when he pops in your head you say go away haha!!

I agree with you 100% that the vast majority of people on these lines are not "psychics". Most of the people are calling about an ex and if it is not an ex it is either someone they just met or someone they are having issues with. It is rare that someone calls about a relationship they are happy in unless they want to know if a proposal is coming. If they are truly happy they are too busy being happy to call. If the caller says he is with another woman that woman is always manipulative, crazy, using him etc. and they are bound to break up. Nine times out of ten they will say someone new is coming in and you will be happy with the new guy when the ex comes back. Exes are indeed exes for a reason and usually there are some negative things about them we are overlooking when wanting them back so bad. Even if he was the most amazing guy ever and you had the greatest connection, him walking away and leaving you to cry trumps all of that. A new guy is new and exciting without that baggage so again most likely scenario is that once you have someone new to focus on you won't want the ex as much. These "psychics" know the game because it has played out the same way millions of times.

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Re: A few predictions that panned out with London
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2012, 02:25:28 AM »
So true KIndred. When you think about it, arent all our stories the same? Im beginning to think that the readings are general and just part of everyday life. None of my predictions about the main question came true. Hes with someone else and even thought I get readings saying she wont be there in the future, I have never known him to post pics of anyone else so why would he post pics of her for everyone to see? And is she is the one then I feel sorry for him, lol. Cause I think he scraped the bottom of the barrel and I truly think she is out for one thing, a trip to America. If he is that stupid then let him go for it. He had it all with me and he threw it away. His loss. I was the best thing that ever walked into his life and no one can tell me differently. All that I hope for anymore is that I will at some point see him realizing the mistake he made. Cause no matter how many readings I have gotten that said that we would be together in the end, I cant see it happening now. And they tell me to release him in love and light, lol Excuse me, he didnt release me in love and light, he dumped me for some hussy that didnt mean diddly. I release him into misery and despair. Thats the best I can do for him, lol. Sorry but thats the truth and im about nothing if not the truth. Thats why I still believe in the old cliche of "Nice guys finish last". Im one of the nice guys till I get screwed over then your on my shit list and thats all there is to it. Sorry but thats the way it is and Im not gonna change. Tired of the bull shit and being screwed over while waiting for someone to sweep me off my feet. Aint gonna happen. Im going back to my tough self, I survived a lot better that way. To hell with the psychics.

Offline melancholia

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Re: A few predictions that panned out with London
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2012, 11:54:28 PM »
I guess really it all just boils down to relaxing and letting things happen in their own time, and the best way to do that?  Request that they NOT give you a timeline, no matter how tempting it is.

Then why bother calling? If that was really the case, the wouldn't give us timelines or outcomes. We'd call, get our general prediction and go about our life. Instead many of them hook us with what they "see" knowing full well we'll call back when the time passes and it doesn't happen, and then tell us about free will and all that.

My .02

I guess I don't really call asking for "when" so much as "what".   For me, that has been successful, time and again.

Offline Laurak22

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Re: A few predictions that panned out with London
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2012, 03:31:14 AM »
I think psychics are more empathic than knowing all. Because i dont think anyone knows all because we can change the course we are on. Alot of times psychics are just more intutive and empathic than others. And I have heard many times that timeframes are not good. I know psychic bee has been good with time frames with me. But most psychics not so much. Raven Star always tells me time is hard for psychics and to not ask her becuase shes wrong alot with time. At least she admits it! Most psychics want us to think they are like a god or sometihng. And thats not that case. When calling a psychic use it as advice and guidance. Not so much what will fully happen.