Author Topic: Feeling someone's energy  (Read 9493 times)

Offline Dreamer23

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Feeling someone's energy
« on: January 10, 2019, 02:59:12 AM »
I apologize if this was already a thread in the past...

I am wondering what experiences have people here had with feeling someone's energy...for example if you are connected to POI energetically, do you feel their love, or when they think of you, or even their anger at you, or any feelings directed towards you? Does anyone have proof that this exists?

I believe that communicating telepathically is possible and we do it all the time with the people we are close with.

I can't prove it 100% but I know sometimes I feel certain things and I don't know why they are I feel a strong sense of love or comfort and I wonder where it's coming from, or I feel a ton of anxiety for absolutely no reason and sometimes I wonder if it is because I am connected energetically to someone I care about.

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: Feeling someone's energy
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2019, 04:41:39 AM »
I do, I used to not hve this problem but my current poi is the one who I literally see hear and feel telepathically, I would have never ever believed it before, yet I am a psychic.. it’s normal for me to feel friends in pain, I’d never had some guy like that. That’s why I started consulting other psychics.
Anyways I have 100% proof of it, and he knows it too. Although right now he’s hurting and that makes me all smug. Ahahahha

Offline GodlyGodMate

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Re: Feeling someone's energy
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2019, 12:43:10 PM »
Wether you call it telepathy or soul bonding or anything else it's entirely real. From a young age I have been able to hear the thoughts, feel the emotions and physical pains of other living beings, including animals.  :)

I don't know how much you wanna know so I'm say a lot. Being able to feel the emotions and hearing the thoughts are apart of telepathy which is a different thing than soul bonding although it is much more powerful with soul bonbing but I'll get to that in a minute. Telepathy the thoughts are often kinda fuzzy but you can tell the genral thoughts the other person is thinking although some people can read it clear as day. You also get the emotions of the other person but I'm going to assume your a stronger soul because I can sense your presence.
Mind linking is similar to telepathy but it's continuous, you don't need to focus on the other person in order to feel and hear them, if the connection is strong enough in very rare cases you can even see and hear what the other person is seeing and hearing but you typically have to concentrait really deeply to even consider that. Mind likens are normally common among very close friends and occasional partners.

Now we're getting to some of the things I find more interesting. SOUL BONDS! I'm sorry, I kinda geek out over this stuff, I know and remeber way more than I should. Anyway there are 2 types of soul bonds, forced soul bonds and natraul soul bonds however there are a few different kinds of each I'll keep it simple. Natraul soul bonds are actually more common than simple mind links at least realitivly speaking, partly because there easier to identify. With any soul bond you can feel the physical pain of the others in your soul web, feel full strength emotions that sometimes overpower your own, and can clearly and easily communicate morapathically which is often a bit more difficult because you bypass the mind and communicate directly with other souls, souls are separate from the body but reside within and both shape and take shape of a body, that part is complicated.

Forced soul links are normally temporary and are used by commonly used by genuine  psychics and people like me, energy vampires! Now don't think anything is wrong or I'm evil, I take micro amounts of energy from large groups of people to both help cleanse them of negative emotion and also because I can't produce enough energy within my own body to sustain myself on normal food for prolonged periods of time, it really sucks, no matter how much food I eat I feel starving.

The second kind of forced soul bond is nicknamed the parasite bond. It's used by lesser type demons to latch onto living souls. I'm not sure I need to talk to much more about that one, it's straight foward. Interesting fact, certain types of demons merge themselves directly into a soul! These are typically demons that bare curses or are sent for a very specific person. These kinds of demons are not the mindless drones like a succubus, no. They are demons that can think more freely and can do many a dastardly deeds, I used to have one of those demons, I stole my good luck and replaced it with it's bad luck but he's gone now and things are getting better for me.  ;D

Sorry if it's really lengthy, I just really enjoy the study of the internal self and demonoligy.

I apologize if this was already a thread in the past...

I am wondering what experiences have people here had with feeling someone's energy...for example if you are connected to POI energetically, do you feel their love, or when they think of you, or even their anger at you, or any feelings directed towards you? Does anyone have proof that this exists?

I believe that communicating telepathically is possible and we do it all the time with the people we are close with.

I can't prove it 100% but I know sometimes I feel certain things and I don't know why they are I feel a strong sense of love or comfort and I wonder where it's coming from, or I feel a ton of anxiety for absolutely no reason and sometimes I wonder if it is because I am connected energetically to someone I care about.

Offline GodlyGodMate

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Re: Feeling someone's energy
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2019, 12:47:14 PM »
I hope my nerd out was helpful at least, that is if anyone reads it lol, don't really expect anyone to because I didn't realize how long it was...

Sorry for that. :P

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Feeling someone's energy
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2019, 01:47:52 PM »
GodlyGodMate, that IS fascinating.  Could you tell what type of bond couples have? Even if you don't know them? Or do couples generally have the same kinds of bonds?

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: Feeling someone's energy
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2019, 03:17:22 PM »
100% could believe my poi is using demonic forces ahahhaha just kidding but hat is amazing and interestingly not too long at all

Offline Dreamer23

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Re: Feeling someone's energy
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2019, 04:51:37 PM »
Very interesting indeed, thanks for sharing. I don't quite get the mind linking stuff, and the soul bonding seems interesting.

I guess it's so much more complicated than I thought. But definitely fascinating.

I agree that being involved romantically with someone, you can have a soul bond. That is why I am very careful about romantic relationships...I don't get involved easily in one, I don't think it's healthy to share energies with lots of people...but that's just my opinion, and it's a digression.

I don't know if I believe in the demonic stuff, but I have talked to psychics who tell me it's very real. I guess I just don't want to look into it too much.

Does the natural soul bonding occur between soulmates only? I would think that kind of soul bonding is only possible to be strong if two people are soulmates.

Offline GodlyGodMate

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Re: Feeling someone's energy
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2019, 06:02:06 AM »
Every soul bond varies from person to person and natural bonds can be very different from one another. Romanticized bonds as their often called are one of the stronger kinds of bonds but they are one of the least common because of there intensity. Believe it or not most people have at least 3 to 5 bonds outside of a family tree and most are with close friends, these kinds typically fall under 1 of 4 categories depending on the bonds intensity although the bond may feel stronger to one person than the other. The scale is Cara, Partha, Mense and Obdule from least to greatest. It's not so black and white, no soul is the same, a soul can vary in size, intensity, shape and color but the weight of a soul is determined by the actions performed through the continuous lifespan of a soul, as in the souls lifetime not the body's.

GodlyGodMate, that IS fascinating.  Could you tell what type of bond couples have? Even if you don't know them? Or do couples generally have the same kinds of bonds?

Offline GodlyGodMate

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Re: Feeling someone's energy
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2019, 06:21:34 AM »
Natural Bonds can happen between many people, not just soul mates. The term is used in a lot more of a black and white sense than it should be. All the natural bonds make up a web of connected souls, it is unclear if everyone is connected in one giant web and the sensations of others are dulled through other people to a point we can't feel them or if it's because we don't have any direct connection with those people. the other theory is that everyone has thier own individualized soul webs including the people in your web, as in their web is personal just like yours, I personally lean more towards the personal web theory because to me it makes more sense.

Soul bonds are easily made and broken although personality conflictions may prevent people from making soul bonds however they may still be friends. Soul bonding is not and I cannot say this enough, is not JUST for soul mates and there is no one specific soul mate for any one person. A soul mate has certain criteria to be considered a possible soul mate, the emotional connection must be genuine, their soul must have a compatible personality for a bond to occur and that's about it really. Your partners are all about preference although I know I am forgetting the third rule. I think it's something about aura compatibility?

And for the demon thing or any of this really, your not expected to believe every word I say, everyone has different opinions and without every person being able to see what I see or do what I do it's an impossible task to prove any of this. I do appreciate the fact that you are listening me out though so that counts for something.  :)

And as for me saying soul bonds dissolve easily, that's in relative term, it takes more than you'd think but probably less than you should expect so don't dwell on it.

The energy thing isn't as it seems either. It's possible to turn emotional energy into pure energy but your right, absorbing it carelessly could be problematic which is why I try to be as careful as I can.

Very interesting indeed, thanks for sharing. I don't quite get the mind linking stuff, and the soul bonding seems interesting.

I guess it's so much more complicated than I thought. But definitely fascinating.

I agree that being involved romantically with someone, you can have a soul bond. That is why I am very careful about romantic relationships...I don't get involved easily in one, I don't think it's healthy to share energies with lots of people...but that's just my opinion, and it's a digression.

I don't know if I believe in the demonic stuff, but I have talked to psychics who tell me it's very real. I guess I just don't want to look into it too much.

Does the natural soul bonding occur between soulmates only? I would think that kind of soul bonding is only possible to be strong if two people are soulmates.

Offline Dreamer23

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Re: Feeling someone's energy
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2019, 01:41:51 PM »
Wow, very interesting. I know I have some kind of bond with friends because when I think of them they call me or text and vice versa. But I don't feel anything energetically, it's all mental. I would think of a friend and then I get a text. But nothing in my body. Whereas with a romantic connection, I feel such strong energy in my body, it's quite amazing I didn't know we could feel love and stuff from miles away, even across continents. Is that a twin flame energy? I've had that happen when the other person is in another continent and I felt the energy as if he was only a few blocks away.

Where can one read more about this stuff? Any books you recommend?

And I think you are right about having the same aura colors or something like that, this is something a psychic told me that it's important.

Offline GodlyGodMate

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Re: Feeling someone's energy
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2019, 06:17:04 PM »
The color of, size and density of an aura can change somewhat depending on mood but stay a similar color unless something drastic or extremely stressful happens. Kinda like how metal stays the same if you heat it a little but when you heat it a lot it changes color. I have been thinking about writing a book or two about the things I knew but I wasn't sure if people would be interested in it. As of any books about it, I'm actually unsure. I have read a few on Magick but those aren't the same. I mostly know from experience really so I never really looked for a book about this stuff, sorry...  :(

Wow, very interesting. I know I have some kind of bond with friends because when I think of them they call me or text and vice versa. But I don't feel anything energetically, it's all mental. I would think of a friend and then I get a text. But nothing in my body. Whereas with a romantic connection, I feel such strong energy in my body, it's quite amazing I didn't know we could feel love and stuff from miles away, even across continents. Is that a twin flame energy? I've had that happen when the other person is in another continent and I felt the energy as if he was only a few blocks away.

Where can one read more about this stuff? Any books you recommend?

And I think you are right about having the same aura colors or something like that, this is something a psychic told me that it's important.

Offline Sweetsydney2000

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Re: Feeling someone's energy
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2019, 11:07:56 AM »
I have felt my exes energy so strongly for 2 days. I knew he was missing me. I knew he was thinking of me. I could actually feel it. We hadnt spoken for 5 weeks but I knew he was coming closer. He messaged yesterday. I think if you have a strong enough connection  with someone, you just know.

Offline Dreamer23

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Re: Feeling someone's energy
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2019, 03:40:19 AM »
I apologize if this was already a thread in the past...

I am wondering what experiences have people here had with feeling someone's energy...for example if you are connected to POI energetically, do you feel their love, or when they think of you, or even their anger at you, or any feelings directed towards you? Does anyone have proof that this exists?

I believe that communicating telepathically is possible and we do it all the time with the people we are close with.

I can't prove it 100% but I know sometimes I feel certain things and I don't know why they are I feel a strong sense of love or comfort and I wonder where it's coming from, or I feel a ton of anxiety for absolutely no reason and sometimes I wonder if it is because I am connected energetically to someone I care about.

Yes I have seen direct proof it exists...I've had 3 long distance relationships where all 3 guys confirmed things I was picking up on energetically from them, and vice versa they picked up on things from me. One could literally hear my thoughts and would call me on the phone and answer what I was thinking! And I mean he was well aware that he was doing it, it was not a coincidence. One time I was mad at him and "yelled" at him in my head and he called right away and yelled back at me, "don't yell at me in your head like that." I mean that was almost too much, like you lose all sense of having any privacy! Lol

With many different people, not just people I am close to, I have picked up on it when they were say reading an email I sent them, like I can actually hear them reading it in their head and forming their response, and then their reply would come immediately after that. Or, I have woken up in the middle of the night at the exact moment someone sent me an email, knowing that they just one.

Sometimes I just get strong feelings out of nowhere and I won't really know why until I talk to someone and find out they were going through something. Yes these things are definitely real. We are so connected to other people in ways we don't always recognize. Energy is like an ocean and what you think and feel sends ripples out. And those ripples come back from other people.

Wow! This is impressive. I get this with friends sometimes, but not to this degree. This is on a whole other level!
I tested this with POI and asked him if he thinks of me at certain times and he said he doesn' that bummed me out, I thought we were connected in that way because it's way too strange sometimes I feel a strong strong energy and I think of him and he would get in contact with me somehow. But he is not that self aware and he could also be lying to me.

But I wish I had your skills, Still tired!


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Re: Feeling someone's energy
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2019, 03:50:58 AM »
I apologize if this was already a thread in the past...

I am wondering what experiences have people here had with feeling someone's energy...for example if you are connected to POI energetically, do you feel their love, or when they think of you, or even their anger at you, or any feelings directed towards you? Does anyone have proof that this exists?

I believe that communicating telepathically is possible and we do it all the time with the people we are close with.

I can't prove it 100% but I know sometimes I feel certain things and I don't know why they are I feel a strong sense of love or comfort and I wonder where it's coming from, or I feel a ton of anxiety for absolutely no reason and sometimes I wonder if it is because I am connected energetically to someone I care about.

Yes I have seen direct proof it exists...I've had 3 long distance relationships where all 3 guys confirmed things I was picking up on energetically from them, and vice versa they picked up on things from me. One could literally hear my thoughts and would call me on the phone and answer what I was thinking! And I mean he was well aware that he was doing it, it was not a coincidence. One time I was mad at him and "yelled" at him in my head and he called right away and yelled back at me, "don't yell at me in your head like that." I mean that was almost too much, like you lose all sense of having any privacy! Lol

With many different people, not just people I am close to, I have picked up on it when they were say reading an email I sent them, like I can actually hear them reading it in their head and forming their response, and then their reply would come immediately after that. Or, I have woken up in the middle of the night at the exact moment someone sent me an email, knowing that they just one.

Sometimes I just get strong feelings out of nowhere and I won't really know why until I talk to someone and find out they were going through something. Yes these things are definitely real. We are so connected to other people in ways we don't always recognize. Energy is like an ocean and what you think and feel sends ripples out. And those ripples come back from other people.

Wow! This is impressive. I get this with friends sometimes, but not to this degree. This is on a whole other level!
I tested this with POI and asked him if he thinks of me at certain times and he said he doesn' that bummed me out, I thought we were connected in that way because it's way too strange sometimes I feel a strong strong energy and I think of him and he would get in contact with me somehow. But he is not that self aware and he could also be lying to me.

But I wish I had your skills, Still tired!

If he isn’t self aware, Sometimes it’s the higher self of the person sending you energy. Or he can be lying lol. Who knows.

Offline Dreamer23

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Re: Feeling someone's energy
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2019, 03:55:20 AM »
I apologize if this was already a thread in the past...

I am wondering what experiences have people here had with feeling someone's energy...for example if you are connected to POI energetically, do you feel their love, or when they think of you, or even their anger at you, or any feelings directed towards you? Does anyone have proof that this exists?

I believe that communicating telepathically is possible and we do it all the time with the people we are close with.

I can't prove it 100% but I know sometimes I feel certain things and I don't know why they are I feel a strong sense of love or comfort and I wonder where it's coming from, or I feel a ton of anxiety for absolutely no reason and sometimes I wonder if it is because I am connected energetically to someone I care about.

Yes I have seen direct proof it exists...I've had 3 long distance relationships where all 3 guys confirmed things I was picking up on energetically from them, and vice versa they picked up on things from me. One could literally hear my thoughts and would call me on the phone and answer what I was thinking! And I mean he was well aware that he was doing it, it was not a coincidence. One time I was mad at him and "yelled" at him in my head and he called right away and yelled back at me, "don't yell at me in your head like that." I mean that was almost too much, like you lose all sense of having any privacy! Lol

With many different people, not just people I am close to, I have picked up on it when they were say reading an email I sent them, like I can actually hear them reading it in their head and forming their response, and then their reply would come immediately after that. Or, I have woken up in the middle of the night at the exact moment someone sent me an email, knowing that they just one.

Sometimes I just get strong feelings out of nowhere and I won't really know why until I talk to someone and find out they were going through something. Yes these things are definitely real. We are so connected to other people in ways we don't always recognize. Energy is like an ocean and what you think and feel sends ripples out. And those ripples come back from other people.

Wow! This is impressive. I get this with friends sometimes, but not to this degree. This is on a whole other level!
I tested this with POI and asked him if he thinks of me at certain times and he said he doesn' that bummed me out, I thought we were connected in that way because it's way too strange sometimes I feel a strong strong energy and I think of him and he would get in contact with me somehow. But he is not that self aware and he could also be lying to me.

But I wish I had your skills, Still tired!

If he isn’t self aware, Sometimes it’s the higher self of the person sending you energy. Or he can be lying lol. Who knows.

Yep, I believe that.