Wether you call it telepathy or soul bonding or anything else it's entirely real. From a young age I have been able to hear the thoughts, feel the emotions and physical pains of other living beings, including animals.

I don't know how much you wanna know so I'm say a lot. Being able to feel the emotions and hearing the thoughts are apart of telepathy which is a different thing than soul bonding although it is much more powerful with soul bonbing but I'll get to that in a minute. Telepathy the thoughts are often kinda fuzzy but you can tell the genral thoughts the other person is thinking although some people can read it clear as day. You also get the emotions of the other person but I'm going to assume your a stronger soul because I can sense your presence.
Mind linking is similar to telepathy but it's continuous, you don't need to focus on the other person in order to feel and hear them, if the connection is strong enough in very rare cases you can even see and hear what the other person is seeing and hearing but you typically have to concentrait really deeply to even consider that. Mind likens are normally common among very close friends and occasional partners.
Now we're getting to some of the things I find more interesting. SOUL BONDS! I'm sorry, I kinda geek out over this stuff, I know and remeber way more than I should. Anyway there are 2 types of soul bonds, forced soul bonds and natraul soul bonds however there are a few different kinds of each I'll keep it simple. Natraul soul bonds are actually more common than simple mind links at least realitivly speaking, partly because there easier to identify. With any soul bond you can feel the physical pain of the others in your soul web, feel full strength emotions that sometimes overpower your own, and can clearly and easily communicate morapathically which is often a bit more difficult because you bypass the mind and communicate directly with other souls, souls are separate from the body but reside within and both shape and take shape of a body, that part is complicated.
Forced soul links are normally temporary and are used by commonly used by genuine psychics and people like me, energy vampires! Now don't think anything is wrong or I'm evil, I take micro amounts of energy from large groups of people to both help cleanse them of negative emotion and also because I can't produce enough energy within my own body to sustain myself on normal food for prolonged periods of time, it really sucks, no matter how much food I eat I feel starving.
The second kind of forced soul bond is nicknamed the parasite bond. It's used by lesser type demons to latch onto living souls. I'm not sure I need to talk to much more about that one, it's straight foward. Interesting fact, certain types of demons merge themselves directly into a soul! These are typically demons that bare curses or are sent for a very specific person. These kinds of demons are not the mindless drones like a succubus, no. They are demons that can think more freely and can do many a dastardly deeds, I used to have one of those demons, I stole my good luck and replaced it with it's bad luck but he's gone now and things are getting better for me.

Sorry if it's really lengthy, I just really enjoy the study of the internal self and demonoligy.
I apologize if this was already a thread in the past...
I am wondering what experiences have people here had with feeling someone's energy...for example if you are connected to POI energetically, do you feel their love, or when they think of you, or even their anger at you, or any feelings directed towards you? Does anyone have proof that this exists?
I believe that communicating telepathically is possible and we do it all the time with the people we are close with.
I can't prove it 100% but I know sometimes I feel certain things and I don't know why they are there...like I feel a strong sense of love or comfort and I wonder where it's coming from, or I feel a ton of anxiety for absolutely no reason and sometimes I wonder if it is because I am connected energetically to someone I care about.