Relationship Psychology Discussions > Connect With Others
Lookin to make some friends while I'm here
Hey there everyone, My name Is Jarod but you can call me June too, Actually prefer it, lol. Kinda strange, I know but we all have our quirks. I'm new to the community and I wanted to try and make some friends while I'm here, I feel I need to branch out a bit more, find some people who may share common ideas with me, that sorta thing. My friends here at home I love to bits, don't get me wrong but it can just be a bit strange to talk about psychics and supernatural things with most people, ya know? Let me know if any of you guys are willing to chat, and get to know each other. :)
hi June, nice to meet you! I'd love to chat. Feel to free message me :)
I am looking to make new friends too :) :)
You may want to try Facebook groups too.
Nice to meet you as well. My friends and family are not into these things at all and they'll think I'm nuts for dabbing with psychics and the occult so I get what you mean. Hope we can connect both through the public forum and private messages.
--- Quote from: FlutterShy on January 15, 2019, 09:11:36 PM ---Hey you guys I hope you can connect and find friends- but just a heads up, if you review under the same name for other forums, be careful! Be careful what information you share publicly... nothing terrible has ever happened to me in regards to identity theft, but it does happen. Not to mention advisors also get paranoid and will look you up via whatever shows up online (if they’re that type of an advisor). I recommend you privately message each other or use the chat forum. Also think about your future jobs/careers if you have to go thorough background checks, and use this email to link your job email, we had someone worried about that last time. And personally I do go thru background checks and luckily nothing online gets searched but it always makes me panic.
--- End quote ---
what do you mean? i use the same username on other boards (mostly so i dont have to remember user/passwords at different places) -- but its not my name so i dont think it would come up under anything and no one would be able to figure it out?
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