Author Topic: My Keen Experiences and Recs  (Read 16143 times)

Offline Yt5587

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Re: My Keen Experiences and Recs
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2019, 12:47:12 AM »
Is Kira strictly chat or will she take phone calls?  I have been calling Keen for 11 years but haven't talked with her before.  Just took a look at her page and she is logged in on chat.  I don't like chat - not worth the money to me, I feel like I get more out of a phone call.

I agree with you Jas. I prefer phone call. I feel both parties are connected better but I think she only does chat :/

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: My Keen Experiences and Recs
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2019, 12:48:10 AM »
Is Kira strictly chat or will she take phone calls?  I have been calling Keen for 11 years but haven't talked with her before.  Just took a look at her page and she is logged in on chat.  I don't like chat - not worth the money to me, I feel like I get more out of a phone call.

She's very fast chatting . I think she's only chat if i recall.

Offline njlady

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Re: My Keen Experiences and Recs
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2019, 12:54:31 AM »
Rose of Angels...i tried her on bitwine.  where she goes by violet rose.

Weird is the word for it.  She told me my POI talks to him mom about me.  His mom passed on years ago.  I told her this and she says he talks to her in prayer....???

I never really got a solid answer out of her.

No idea who that reader is but I talk to my father almost every day and he died close to 30 years ago.  He spends more time withe me now than he did when he was alive, lol.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: My Keen Experiences and Recs
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2019, 01:02:51 AM »
Rose of Angels...i tried her on bitwine.  where she goes by violet rose.

Weird is the word for it.  She told me my POI talks to him mom about me.  His mom passed on years ago.  I told her this and she says he talks to her in prayer....???

I never really got a solid answer out of her.

No idea who that reader is but I talk to my father almost every day and he died close to 30 years ago.  He spends more time withe me now than he did when he was alive, lol.

Aww 🙂

What’s weird about her telling me that was that I could not for the life of me picture this POI doing that. But if he did, I’m flattered. She also said the mother felt I was a blessing in his life, which was also very touching.

Offline sjm1986

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Re: My Keen Experiences and Recs
« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2019, 06:56:38 AM »
Rose of Angels...i tried her on bitwine.  where she goes by violet rose.

Weird is the word for it.  She told me my POI talks to him mom about me.  His mom passed on years ago.  I told her this and she says he talks to her in prayer....???

I never really got a solid answer out of her.

No idea who that reader is but I talk to my father almost every day and he died close to 30 years ago.  He spends more time withe me now than he did when he was alive, lol.

Rose of Angels said some weird things to me as well. And got WWAAAYYYY off topic to do so lol. It might not have been weird to anyone else but knowing the particular people I asked about, it was just weird. She had talked about my bf's best friend's wife being basically narcissistic and spending all the money and wanting to have more children to tie her husband down and that's why they got married in the first place. She said it caused my bf's best friend to talk negatively about marriage to my bf and that made him take a step back. Well, the weird thing is that my bf hadn't taken any steps back at the time and his best friend had been dating his wife for 5 years (high school sweethearts) before they married and they didn't have their first child until a few years after that. And the best friend has told me personally that they're trying for more kids because they both always wanted a large family. His wife is the sweetest woman in the world and he's always talking about how good he has it with her.

So I get it that it's possible that this is something that has happened to someone before, but just not for me and not these people. I wanted to get back to asking about my bf but when I asked more questions, she thought I was still talking about the best friend and went on about them again. Even if that was all true, it's like 6 steps to Kevin Bacon kind of thing where it's not something I'm that worried about because it doesn't really affect my situation directly. And as a side note, my bf is a grown ass man who wouldn't consider his best friend's marital problems to be a reason to "step back" from his currently functional relationship. She might've just had a bad day though. I think the reading started off accurate but after the weirdness set in, I couldn't trust any of it.

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: My Keen Experiences and Recs
« Reply #20 on: January 04, 2019, 04:49:02 PM »
Is Kira strictly chat or will she take phone calls?  I have been calling Keen for 11 years but haven't talked with her before.  Just took a look at her page and she is logged in on chat.  I don't like chat - not worth the money to me, I feel like I get more out of a phone call.

She only does chat.  I hate chat readings too.. they take up so much time and some things get lost in translation. 

Offline icloud9

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Re: My Keen Experiences and Recs
« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2019, 03:12:54 AM »
That is interesting about Shaman Kira being so negative. She actually gave me a positive reading in our one reading we have had but she seemed surprised by it almost. She said I actually see this continuing and you in a relationship with him by June so this is actually really good...I got the feeling it’s usually negative from her but I guess she at least sometimes have a positive thing to say? Time will tell. I agree wholeheartedly about Aries and QofC18. Cookie as well, said some very accurate things but they were so random and not helpful. Gail unfortunately was incorrect about a past POI for me. Those are the only ones I have also read with. These reviews are great and very detailed! Thank you! You are absolutely right about everything, i do call in moments of insecurity and it is so not worth the money.

Well I suspect most people calling psychics about relationships are not or we’re not in the most successful relationships so i feel it’s pretty logical that negative insight is standard haha.  That’s great she gave you positive news.  I guess what I was trying to say is that she kinda takes “not sugar coating” to the extreme.  It’s not necessarily a bad thing, it can just be a bit deflating when the insight isn’t what you want to hear.  Some psychics will say things like “ I’m so sorry hunny it’s not going to work but ultimately it’s a good thing because ___.”  Kira will deliver the same insight by saying something like “your ex doesn’t care and is actually talking to another person. Sorry dude.”  The naked truth hurts I guess.

She certainly gives it straight to you how it is. The first time i read with her I asked about my THEN-POI and I was so sure we were going to end up in a relationship and that's what a lot of advisors told me, too. and then she literally says "I’m sorry but don’t get your hopes up"
I actually took some offense to that. she said he was going to start acting funny very soon and that I would see his true colors. Well, that pissed me off and I ended the chat. but it turned out she was right.. He started to act funny literally couple of weeks later. But she could have said it a lot nicer! Sincerity told me that it wouldnt work out either but she was nice about it...
Or maybe because like you said Aaron0326, because it is a chat session, a lot of things are lost in translation. I think she is a very nice person, I've exchanged emails with her back and forth and she's very sweet and also explains things to you in an email if you need clarification. I think she's just blunt...and just doesnt waste time embellishing things so things can sound very abrupt.  I never felt she was rude, tho. Maybe I am biased now because she's helped me so much!

Offline ShootingStar

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Re: My Keen Experiences and Recs
« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2019, 11:35:55 AM »
I agree that she is very sweet in email exchange, and I do truly feel that her blunt honesty comes from a place of wanting what is best for you and not wanting you to hold onto something. Like if she said “he cares but...” people may hold onto the part about the guy caring and not that it still wasn’t going to happen with him anyway. I also want to second the bit about Sincerity. She gave me a negative outcome with a past POI and was one of the only ones, but the delivery was so nice and left room for maybe down the line if he gets it together but I see you waiting through at least the end of the year and I don’t want you to wait. I think I did hold on to the possibility but once i got over him I appreciated that she told me no. I wish I had known about Kira at the time because I’m so curious about what she would have said and maybe i would have moved on faster. Or maybe i would have been mad and written her off because every other reader told me differently. So far she and Sincerity have given nearly identical readings (timing, outcome, current things going on), so they are the two I’m sticking with.