I had that happened in a specific situation with a specific person. This was 5 years ago > 3 years ago. So, nearly 2 full years of getting consistent predictions / timeframes across 3 - 4 trusted readers and each and every times, the prediction failed.
I think we are given a bunches of options in our lives, but we are supposed to achieve a certain number of things / check on some milestones - call it karma. I believe it was in this person's interest to act as the predictions showed and they would have fulfilled their karma better if they had taken those decisions and made the changes that the readers were able to see. But we always have the right to suck and to fail ourselves
- our karma wont be fulfilled, and we are going to be presented again and again and again with the same patterns until we face it. It might a life time or few lives time depending on how resistant we are to learn.