Author Topic: My Keen Experiences and Recs  (Read 16148 times)

Offline Aaron0326

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My Keen Experiences and Recs
« on: January 03, 2019, 07:10:53 PM »
Long time consumer of keen readings here. I’ve also been using this forum for a long time and would like to contribute to the discussion. 

Just to preface, I want to say what most of you likely know already. Seeking psychic advice will pretty much always result in a negative net result.  We reach out in times of distress looking for insight and receive enough hits to keep us hooked but we always end up feeling incomplete because we never find readers capable of leaving us with zero doubt.  Thus, we seek more and more insight that inevitably conflicts itself and leaves us right back where we started.  In hindsight, even the best readers have simply given me a temporary fix for heartache or insecurity.  Maybe this is what we are really after and maybe that is worth something - probably not the money most of us have flushed away.  Anyone..

I do believe in psychic ability and I do believe keen has some talent.  I’ve called far more keen psychics than I would like to admit.  I’m very skeptical and not easily swayed when it comes to this topic. There are wayyyy more cold readers on keen than people give credit for. Some are very talented at it and I have no doubt that plenty of readers share info.  That being said, Here are a few I put some of my faith in. 

Spiritualist reader:  she stands out from all the rest as having an authentic gift in my experience.  However, I haven’t found her to be  useful.  She has never really given me great insight on the matters I specifically call her about and I have never really got concrete predictions from her.  However, she has pulled info out of the air that she could not have possibly guessed.  Things I did not call about and did not need insight/advice on.  Nevertheless, she has floored me with things she randomly drops.  Very, very specific things that no one knows about.  Unfortunately, those insights have never really helped me because they never seem to pertain to the issues I call her about and they tend to be random past events that are no longer relevant to my life.  In fact, I no longer call her for this reason.  I really wish her insight would be more helpful because she truly has been blessed with something unique. 

Rose of angels:  what a character.. I have probably called her more than any other reader despite more than half of our readings being totally useless and confusing.  She does have a real gift though and there have been times where it has actually helped me.  Like cookie, she has pulled info out of the air that she could not have ever possibly guessed.  Her personal advice can be bizarre though and sometimes it feels like she just offers advice instead of insight. 

Advisor arieal:  She has actually given me some bang on predictions regarding relationships and other random information that turned out to be totally correct.  She even warned me that I had a warrant out for my arrest one time which I thought was crazy - turns out I had an I paid ticket I didn’t know about.  However, she has also been quite wrong on multiple occasions and has the tendency to flip flop on readings at times.  I think she likes to be positive to a fault.  Overall, I do really like the lady and she absolutely has a gift.

Psychic readings with Gail:  my experience with her has been similar to arieal.  She has made some bang on predictions and pulled some really compelling info out of the blue.  She has been wrong a few times as well.  I still value her insight though.  Definitely gifted.

Soul love clairvoyant guidance:  I have never got predictions from her but her insight into current matters has been excellent.  I really value her insight. 

Insight by Jamey: she’s pretty under the radar but she’s good.  Not a big prediction reader but her insight and advice have really been valuable. 

Pacific Blue psychic:  georgia is currently my favorite reader.  She is really really talented and is a total sweetheart. What is unique  about her is the terms and anaologies she uses to deliver her messages - they are always uncannily relavent to the matter at hand.  I feel like the words she chooses to deliver her insight are in themselves validations of her gift and she doesn’t even seem to realize it.  She’s another one of those readers who will randomly pull something out of the air mid reading that startles you. Things unrelated to your reading but very relevant to your life. 

Shaman kira:  I’m kinda on the fence with her but I have to admit she has been quite accurate thus far with me.  Maybe I just haven’t liked what she’s told me but I feel like she’s almost negative to the point of distorting the reading.  Nevertheless, she has yet to be wrong with me. 

These ^ are the only readers I can really vouch for from experience.  I’ve called a lot of the popular readers mentioned on this forum without much luck.  Aries intuition for example has never really validated anything for me and has been very generic.  I never left a reading with her feeling like she had an authentic gift but maybe we just don’t connect.  Queen of cups I just don’t know.. sometimes I feel like she has it but I never really know.  Just don’t know what to make of her.

I do want to add a psychic outside of keen who has been quite accurate for me and he is George Valentino.  I’ve been calling him every now and then for a few years and although some readings have been a lot better than others, he has given me a number of correct predictions and insights.  I think he has a legitimate gift. 

Offline psychic girls

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Re: My Keen Experiences and Recs
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2019, 07:37:22 PM »
Agree everything you said. We call them to get high for 2 or 3 days then anxiety kick in again so we call them again to make sure they said everything is OK. I do think they are real psychics but I don't think they can prediction anything.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: My Keen Experiences and Recs
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2019, 08:22:31 PM »
Rose of Angels...i tried her on bitwine.  where she goes by violet rose.

Weird is the word for it.  She told me my POI talks to him mom about me.  His mom passed on years ago.  I told her this and she says he talks to her in prayer....???

I never really got a solid answer out of her.

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: My Keen Experiences and Recs
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2019, 08:23:32 PM »
Rose of Angels...i tried her on bitwine.  where she goes by violet rose.

Weird is the word for it.  She told me my POI talks to him mom about me.  His mom passed on years ago.  I told her this and she says he talks to her in prayer....???

I never really got a solid answer out of her.

My poi talks o his mom too or has about me, she is also passed. It’s in spirit.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: My Keen Experiences and Recs
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2019, 08:24:31 PM »
Rose of Angels...i tried her on bitwine.  where she goes by violet rose.

Weird is the word for it.  She told me my POI talks to him mom about me.  His mom passed on years ago.  I told her this and she says he talks to her in prayer....???

I never really got a solid answer out of her.


My poi talks o his mom too or has about me, she is also passed. It’s in spirit.

I know my POI was very close to his mother..and I remember kind of being flattered at the idea he would do that. 

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: My Keen Experiences and Recs
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2019, 08:25:18 PM »
@Aaron0326 - just curious as to Shaman Kira. What was she accurate on? Present? Future? Timelines? Anyway,  welcome to the forum. :)

Offline britbrat

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Re: My Keen Experiences and Recs
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2019, 09:24:38 PM »
I found Rose of Angels to be very unpleasant and overall unprofessional. She was actually in her kitchen washing dishes while giving me a reading. Her reading was total bs. She seemed to be a very miserable woman from my experience. I found George through another forum I was on a few years ago. I have had two readings with him and a few predictions happen. I don't have a lot of luck with the UK readers. He was pretty accurate for my friend a few times.

Offline ShootingStar

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Re: My Keen Experiences and Recs
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2019, 09:51:08 PM »
That is interesting about Shaman Kira being so negative. She actually gave me a positive reading in our one reading we have had but she seemed surprised by it almost. She said I actually see this continuing and you in a relationship with him by June so this is actually really good...I got the feeling it’s usually negative from her but I guess she at least sometimes have a positive thing to say? Time will tell. I agree wholeheartedly about Aries and QofC18. Cookie as well, said some very accurate things but they were so random and not helpful. Gail unfortunately was incorrect about a past POI for me. Those are the only ones I have also read with. These reviews are great and very detailed! Thank you! You are absolutely right about everything, i do call in moments of insecurity and it is so not worth the money.

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: My Keen Experiences and Recs
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2019, 11:06:55 PM »
Rose of Angels...i tried her on bitwine.  where she goes by violet rose.

Weird is the word for it.  She told me my POI talks to him mom about me.  His mom passed on years ago.  I told her this and she says he talks to her in prayer....???

I never really got a solid answer out of her.

That sounds exactly like rose haha.  Her messages can be very cryptic but sometimes she really hits the nail on the head.  I remember the first time I spoke to her I was calling about a recent ex I was trying to reconcile with(shocker, right?). She said “oh you’re worried about the blonde football player.”  Sure enough, there was a blonde linebacker at our university that my ex had been seeing after we split. She got herself a repeat customer with that one.

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: My Keen Experiences and Recs
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2019, 11:11:29 PM »
I found Rose of Angels to be very unpleasant and overall unprofessional. She was actually in her kitchen washing dishes while giving me a reading. Her reading was total bs. She seemed to be a very miserable woman from my experience. I found George through another forum I was on a few years ago. I have had two readings with him and a few predictions happen. I don't have a lot of luck with the UK readers. He was pretty accurate for my friend a few times.

Hah yes she can be very unpleasant and sometimes seems to be doing housework or something while reading. And yes, I have left many readings with her thinking wow, that was a waste of money.

Have to give George credit for nailing what would happen in my most recent relationship.  He told me some very specific things that would happen and they sure did.  I was really impressed. He also knew I was having digestive issues once.

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: My Keen Experiences and Recs
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2019, 11:16:27 PM »
@Aaron0326 - just curious as to Shaman Kira. What was she accurate on? Present? Future? Timelines? Anyway,  welcome to the forum. :)

She was very correct about my girlfriend’s stance on our relationship about a month ago and it wasn’t a generic statement either.  She said she saw things falling apart by my own doing and that I would turn around and try to reconcile the relationship despite ending it.  Didn’t think she would be right but she was.  That’s about it.

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: My Keen Experiences and Recs
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2019, 11:26:27 PM »
That is interesting about Shaman Kira being so negative. She actually gave me a positive reading in our one reading we have had but she seemed surprised by it almost. She said I actually see this continuing and you in a relationship with him by June so this is actually really good...I got the feeling it’s usually negative from her but I guess she at least sometimes have a positive thing to say? Time will tell. I agree wholeheartedly about Aries and QofC18. Cookie as well, said some very accurate things but they were so random and not helpful. Gail unfortunately was incorrect about a past POI for me. Those are the only ones I have also read with. These reviews are great and very detailed! Thank you! You are absolutely right about everything, i do call in moments of insecurity and it is so not worth the money.

Well I suspect most people calling psychics about relationships are not or we’re not in the most successful relationships so i feel it’s pretty logical that negative insight is standard haha.  That’s great she gave you positive news.  I guess what I was trying to say is that she kinda takes “not sugar coating” to the extreme.  It’s not necessarily a bad thing, it can just be a bit deflating when the insight isn’t what you want to hear.  Some psychics will say things like “ I’m so sorry hunny it’s not going to work but ultimately it’s a good thing because ___.”  Kira will deliver the same insight by saying something like “your ex doesn’t care and is actually talking to another person. Sorry dude.”  The naked truth hurts I guess. 

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: My Keen Experiences and Recs
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2019, 12:07:39 AM »
Yeah, Shaman Kira definitely doesn't sugar coat. But, I have to say that mine was also relatively positive. Not rainbows and butterflies, but realistic with future optimism.

Offline jas

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Re: My Keen Experiences and Recs
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2019, 12:41:18 AM »
Is Kira strictly chat or will she take phone calls?  I have been calling Keen for 11 years but haven't talked with her before.  Just took a look at her page and she is logged in on chat.  I don't like chat - not worth the money to me, I feel like I get more out of a phone call.

Offline Yt5587

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Re: My Keen Experiences and Recs
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2019, 12:45:48 AM »
Yeah, Shaman Kira definitely doesn't sugar coat. But, I have to say that mine was also relatively positive. Not rainbows and butterflies, but realistic with future optimism.

Ditto! I had a positive read with her as well:)

