Author Topic: A long tale of woe, warning and hope!  (Read 14475 times)


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A long tale of woe, warning and hope!
« on: November 25, 2011, 02:36:51 PM »
I have never been so glad to see a website in all my life!!!
THANKYOU for being here.

OK - my story.

In 2003 - I was a (happily) single woman with a massive career - lots and lots of travel
all over the world, a beautiful home, two cars, a loving family, great friends and ... money!

I was a strong, independent, woman - proud of my achievements. Straight talking, straight thinking
and had gotten where I was by my own efforts - sheer hard work.

But there were a few clouds on my horizon.
I had been single for over 20years and starting to feel I wanted someone in my life.
I had been taken off the contraceptive pill I had been on for 27 years (its a mood enhancer
ladies - something I didnt know).
I had given up a really bad smoking habit and started to put on weight.
I began to realise I was being bullied by my boss and Work was going wrong for me.
I was pre-menopausal. Oh lovely!!

Quite a recipe for disaster!!! The medical profession failed miserably to identify the depression
that resulted and I started a steep and profound decline in all areas.

Then, two key things happened.

One, I started to see a man who was not free, not married, but in a long term relationship
he had no intention of leaving.

Two - I started phoning psychics. I dont even remember why. (I used to collect Tarot Cards
perhaps thats what started me off...)

In time, the man went by the wayside of course - I finally got the strength to dump him for
once and for all. Even then most psychics tried to convince me otherwise. They were
instrumental in my hanging on for four years! FOUR! I subsequently found out things about
him that no one - I mean NO ONE picked up on. Big things too.

I was, by then, spending £3000+ per month on psychics.

After four years I had nothing. I lost my home, my job and am in such debt my credit is ruined.
I now havent opened my post for nearly a year, I am too darn scared.
I have put terrible strain on my family and friendships. Let alone the strain and stress
I have put on myself!

There is no doubt in my mind that, without the 'help' I was paying a small fortune for, I would
NEVER have put up with what he put me through. I most certainly would not have stuck it out for four

Two years after that ended I got into another - better - relationship. But one that didnt last.
Again it would have been done and finished 18 months ago if it wasnt for me listening to psychics
advice! They are still telling me he will be back by christmas!

No he wont.

I work hard and long hours at a badly paid job at the moment - I am lucky to have one at all.
I live hand to mouth. I hardly go out and live from pay day to pay day.
My world has shrunk.
Having a poor credit history affects every aspect of my life - including getting a better paid job.

Even now I still somehow manage to find £1000 a month to call these blasted people.
I could be out of debt right now if I re-directed that money to the right places!!


I seem to have become totally dependent on their opinion or advice, some of which has been
disasterous not only with my relationships - but to my career too.
Even though I KNOW THIS - I am still going back?!

I now realise I have an addiction which I am finding difficult to break free from.

But I am determined to get myself back on track and try to pick the best bits from the
rubble of my life. This is going to be tough but it has to happen.

I have hit rock bottom - but now realise (rather cynically) that for many readers - it pays
to help keep me that way! We dont call them when we are happy. We dont call them when our
relationships are fabulous and working out. We dont call them when our career is riding
high. We call them when we have a problem - whatever that might be - a lack of confidence
in some area of our lives. They prey on that lack of confidence. It simply isnt in their
interests for us to be in a good place!

So - I have alot of experience of many CP readers over 8 years.

I have been guilty of putting good feedback on the site for readers after a particularly
happy call or when a small prediction came about. In hindsight, I now realise that these
'predictions' were just inevitable outcomes of a particular situation - there was little
in the way of true 'prediction' at all.

Now I know how little they are paid - it also explains why I have been on calls where I can
hear the reader is eating, drinking, doing chores, coping with their children/pets
or tapping away on their computer while speaking with me!!

After all this - theres a few things of which I am sure and a few experiences I can share.
If it saves you a few dollars, then this has been worth the effort.

I would really like to advise you to stop. Dont consult psychics at all.

If thats possible - do it. Do it now. Save your money. Live your life and take each
day as the adventure it should be. Trust your own instincts.

Like I used to.

For those who, like me, will keep calling - for a while at it with your eyes open.

First of all, you must know most are not psychic at all. No way. Thats MOST of them guys -
no matter how much you are paying for them. Some are even dreadful at reading people
and simple counselling. 

So most people purporting to be 'psychic' are counsellors. But sometimes, when they
are good at it, it does little harm and maybe thats what you actually need. Its when
they are required to predict an outcome that they come unstuck - this is where it goes
off the rails and some pretty poor/bad/dangerous advice gets given.

Theres a big difference between an opinion, a bit of advice and a prediction.
After discussing a situation how many have told you what 'he' should do or needs to do...
 but not what he WILL do? Thats an opinion - an observation - and it doesnt take a psychic
to do that!

Some have a 'theme' - if you watch their videos you will pick up on their personal
bug bears. For example, with Miss Krystal its 'fear'. She will start in on that very
quickly in a reading "What are you afraid of in this situation".

Others are just great to chat to. Some, frankly, thats all they actually DO! Jean, for example
has never - but never - actually attempted to give me a real 'reading' or predictions.
Nothing resembling the kind of discussion you would expect with a psychic. Lots of sympathy
and empathy but not a 'reading'.

There are people out there with a gift. Of that I am in no doubt. But they are few and far
between. There are a few very good Tarot Card readers too. Even so - When it comes to
predictions, take care of the self-fulfilling prophecy. Dont MAKE it happen and credit a
psychic for being accurate!
When you call a 'psychic' - for whatever reason. Tell them nothing. Give nothing away in your
voice or attitude. Prepare your question and keep it simple - stay as upbeat as possible.

Take notes - not just of what they tell you - but of what they ASK you and end the call without
explanation the mement you realise you are being led a dance.

NEVER tell a psychic that you recently ended a relationship - they will always tell you that
the person will be back. Wait to see if they 'pick it up'.

Career questions can really stump them. Dont get specific. The fakers will pump you for info.

If you feel you have had a good reading - go over it in your mind - did you give them clues?
Have you just had what you feel or said simply re-packaged and fed back to you?
'Fishing' for info takes many forms - from straight out questioning to giving a broad response
or statement and seek confirmation they are on the right tracks.

Dont be tempted to fill any silences with information. Michelle uses silence - alot.

$6.50 is a shed load of money just to be told to 'light a candle', chant something positive or
to write your desires on a piece of paper and burn/bury/put under your pillow!

Watch too for the psychic who claims they told you something would happen - 'remember, I said that, I told you that would happen'... then ask you to leave a testimonial. Jayzie has a habit for that.

Remember that:
we ALL feel we've had a tough time in our lives
Women feel ALL men have 'problems with commitment' especially if you are in a relationship
that isnt working
We all feel we are not valued enough at work
We all feel we are not rewarded enough for the work we do
We've ALL got baggage
You are likely to be in a relationship that isnt working, has just ended or just started - it
doesnt take much to find out which applies to you!

I have been developing and following these little home made 'rules' for a few months now - they are
helping me wean myself off making these calls.

The following current CP readers are people who I have spoken to in the most recent past, some more than others. They are now PERMANENTLY OFF my list of psychics to call - for very good reason. 
In no particular order:

Sabrina, Maryanne, Meryl, Karmystic, Kallista, Venus, Jean, Danni, Jayzie, D'Arcy, Angel, Diamond,
Michelle, Shauna, Trinity, Shamira, Eve, Bridget, Mercedes, Abigail, Winter, Maggie, Naveah, Marin,
Violet, Tammy, Taylor, Miss Krystal, Teva, Josslyn, Lalita, William, Gennessa, Kyra, Samadi, Kelli,
Brendalynn, Scarlett, Paige, Teagan, Phoebe, Elijah, Rianne, Elizabeth, Zofeya,Amelia, Lucrecia, Lori,
Hearn, Rogers, Gail, Linda, Sara, Clarissa, Leah, Mary Frances, Ivy, Anya Dawn, Julia, Alison, Rianne,
Donna, Eve, Kinsey, Dezi, Ginger, Leo.

Where I have a particular story to tell about any of these - I may add on this site under the
name topic. You will note there are very few high price psychics in that list. Thats because I cannot
book myself onto the inevitable queue. Thankgoodness!!

Also - I have found that price is no indicator of a true gift.

I am wavering about Abigail, Abrielle, Jacqueline and Catherine - who I like as people but not 100%
convinced about.

The people I would recommend to others:

LIAM - I found Liam to be very good to talk to and I would do again, if I can catch him. But I dont
regard him as a predictive reader - I think of him as a good sounding board.

SILVER  - I have been reading with her for years, a Tarot reader. Shes good and a number of her
predictions with regard to work, in particular, have come about.

PEYTON - Called her recently for the first time and was impressed. But a second reading is always
the real test!

VICKI-JOY - I havent called her for a while but I have always found her to be quick, accurate and
focussed. I believe she has something.

Finally - at the start of this miserable journey - years ago - I spoke with a psychic called Amethyst at CP.  When I asked her about my relationship - she said - and I quoter her word for word:
 "All I can see is financial loss. Serious financial loss".

I didnt listen. In fact - I ended the call!!

I didnt want to hear it - it seemed so totally unbelieveable at the time - I dismissed it.
She is no longer with CP and I wish I could find her. She was the ONLY one that
ever got it right, really truly right.

Just goes to show though. Even if you find someone thats the real deal and who gets it right -
it can be hard to hear the truth......

Wishing you all the very best and thankyou for reading this far!!!


Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: A long tale of woe, warning and hope!
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2011, 02:12:37 AM »
Hello Waterminx, I am so sorry for your troubles and especially since it seems they were brought about by the psychics themselves. Shame on them for continuing to encourage you, as they did me, for a relationship that was never going to happen. I held on for 3 years and wasted so much money in that timeframe. I also missed out on several very nice gentlemen as the psychics were telling me that they were only a diversion until "my soumate" would return. Yeah right. Thats why he's with someone now and has been for over a year now. This relationship he is in was supposed to end months ago. As far as I know, its still going strong. Even though they described him so well, he never got in contact with me as they said he would. And he certainly has never indicated in any way that he wants even a friendship with me. I feel so foolish and even went to the Wahm forum where the psychics talk to each other and asked for help. I had several offers but only one lady offered her help free of charge. And she has helped me. She does claim to be psychic but also told me that used to be a paid counselor. In her first free email to me, she said she doesnt think I will ever see this man again. And if by chance that I would, that I would only feel pity for him at that time. I dont know that her predictions mean anything and Im not holding onto them. But she is a very nice lady and she helped me tremendously to start my recovery and to stop calling the hotlines. It may be just her counseling talents but maybe thats what I truly needed. I wish you luck in ceasing to call any psychics. If you would like the info on this lady I told you about, please feel free to contact me. She does have a website and told me she charges only about one or two dollars a minute. Maybe she could help you to move on also and to stop calling the expensive psychics. Good luck to you and many blessings.

Offline Libra

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Re: A long tale of woe, warning and hope!
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2011, 06:30:17 AM »
Whatever happens in my life will happen with or without a psychic reading

So true 4everhopefull. We all need to hear that.

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Re: A long tale of woe, warning and hope!
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2011, 03:47:58 AM »
Thanks for sharing your experience Waterminx. You have been through a lot, I hope things are getting better for you now. wow you have read with several psychics, please do share your experience with them, that will help us too.


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Re: A long tale of woe, warning and hope!
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2011, 03:18:49 PM »
I have indeed, Loveblooms - this is just the folks I have spoken with since May this year!
Many others have gone by the wayside I am afraid.
AND only from CP - it doesnt include the two UK sites I use. 
Things are on the up - I am still hooked, unfortunately but... not so bad as I was.



Will add what I can where I can when I can.

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Re: A long tale of woe, warning and hope!
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2011, 04:14:34 PM »

I appreciate you sharing your story as well.  I feel better about walking away from my ex.  When I started calling early this year, I would wait for certain timeframes to pass and nothing would happen.  Then I'd keep calling.  A great guy is interested in me, and I can't believe that I almost convinced myself to walk away because I "need" to wait and see if these February predictions are correct.  Give me a break!!! I am ready to live!  My supposed "SM" is an idiot if he does feel the way all these readers say he does, yet he doesn't make a move.  You snooze, you lose!

I really sympathize with your story because when I think of all the money I've spent on this, it makes me sick and sad.  I have two young daughters!  They have everything they need, and they are my life, but I could've done so much more for them with this money!!  It makes me feel terrible.

I am glad that you are coming back from this dark period of your life.  Your story gives me hope and strength.  You guys all know that I call a lot of psychics, but in the past 2 weeks, I have been calling them a bit less.  I hope this can become a trend.  I know that I won't stop calling completely, but it helps to have this forum as support.

Waterminx, Welcome! 

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Re: A long tale of woe, warning and hope!
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2011, 01:09:32 AM »
Welcome Waterminx! That is such a scary story, I can't believe you lost so much but OTOH I sort of can because I put thousands on my CC and have jacked up my minimum payment to a point where I have a hard time paying it.  :(

Synergy - I did the same as you. I'd wait for timeframes and call to get updated or I'd hear something through the grapevine (usually within a day or two of my last call) and I'd freak out so badly I'd have to call to get that clarified.

Do NOT walk away from that great guy if you have any interest in him! The guy I am seeing now, we had been interested in each other for 6 months or so and had I waited for my current timelines to pass (they were between Sept - Nov), I'd have missed out on three very happy months in my life. I still have timelines all the way up until next spring, but I decided I wasn't going to wait any longer and honestly it was his own damn fault! I stopped by to see him one night after spending a delightful day with the new guy (not a date) and he was so rude to me I just said screw it, you don't deserve me.

I have not called a psychic since early September and I feel great. Even better is that my cc balance has gone DOWN for the first time in 18 months and I feel a bit more in control of my life right now.

Once a psychic said that I hold my answers inside of me and you know what? They were right. I really did (and do). My intuition has always been pretty accurate, I have a good handle on my ex's attitudes and emotions, but I just can't wait for him to pull his head out of his ass anymore.

I think we all get to that point where we do have the strength to walk away from our ex's and the psychics and it takes a different amount of time for each of us. Hang in there everyone! This forum has helped SO much!


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Re: A long tale of woe, warning and hope!
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2011, 01:38:46 AM »
Wow, that's a really sad story.  I'm so sorry about how things turned out with the psychics.  I have called many, many psychics myself over the last three years.  The thing is that there are a handful that have been accurate and their predictions actually did happen with the timeframes they said, especially Abrielle.  Who knows though...  it might just have been a great guess.

I reconciled with my ex after on and off and listening to the psychics, but when I finally got him I realized that all of the waiting and calling psychics and uncertainty just turned me off from the whole situation.  I had been dreaming about the day we would get back together and my ex would propose and when I was given that opportunity this past March (proposal), I didn't want him anymore.  I don't know why I didn't!!  I guess I had never gotten over the break-ups and rejection.

I wonder how things would have turned out if I had never called a psychic.  I would have probably forgotten about my ex lightyears ago!  Oh well, you live and you learn.  I hope one day to not call psychics again or maybe once in a blue moon.  I don't think we were all meant to hang on.  I think life should just naturally run its course without us knowing, but it's very tempting when you're down in the dumps and you need hope.  It just sucks that most of these psychics aren't really psychic at all.

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Re: A long tale of woe, warning and hope!
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2011, 02:44:23 AM »
Wow, reading these last posts makes me really think. Some of you had the opportunity you had waited so long for but rejected it on your own. Wonder why these "psychics" didnt see that instead of saying things would work out. I think the biggest mistake I ever made was to call a psychic. It only makes you hang onto something that may or may not happen and prevents you from truly living your life. I think psychic visions are great if working with a crime or something like that is being investigated and they are looking for answers to something that has already happened. But to try to make choices for the future, I think psychic stuff is really not the answer. Im so glad Im not calling anymore. I still get the urge but I talk myself out of it by telling myself that nothing has manifested and my spending more money is not going to make it happen. I truly think that in the beginning I had the impression that the more I heard that it would happen, the faster it would manifest. It just doesnt work that way. Ive given up and Im moving on. He doesnt deserve me if he didnt make the effort to be with me. I am just telling myself he is settling for the one he has, cause I know in my heart I was the best for him. Im on my own and Im ok with that. I will be happy no matter what. Im truly blessed with all I have in my life. I have my health, and my childrens health, a good job, a nice home. I have my troubles but who doesnt. I am determined to count my blessings every day and be happy with what I have. To hell with that man and the psychic readings.

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Re: A long tale of woe, warning and hope!
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2011, 04:03:13 AM »
Thanks 4everhopefull. It also helps to think, would your "SM" be spending this money to find out answers about you? Obviously the "SM" chooses to love himself more, why do we choose to love the other person more than ourselves.
When I think of needing to call a psychic I think I can use this money for a healing session, there are so many to pick and choose, something like that will help me and be an investment in myself, rather than paying money to hear predictions that may or may not happen.

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Re: A long tale of woe, warning and hope!
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2011, 12:53:48 PM »
I did have psychics tell me that I wold meet another man, my ex would come back and I'd have to make a choice. Some said I wouldn't want him anymore.

I think MANY of us have heard the exact same things.

I looked up my Abrielle notes. I talked to her in Oct and Dec 2010. According to her, we'd be happy in Jan 2011, reconciliation by April 2011, and there was to be a proposal in June 2011. The only thing that happened was that we spent NYD together, had a great time and that was IT. He told me he loved me when he was drunk and didn't deny it the next morning. Now? Nadda

Offline glasshalffull

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Re: A long tale of woe, warning and hope!
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2011, 03:29:42 PM »
Thanks 4everhopefull. It also helps to think, would your "SM" be spending this money to find out answers about you? Obviously the "SM" chooses to love himself more, why do we choose to love the other person more than ourselves.
When I think of needing to call a psychic I think I can use this money for a healing session, there are so many to pick and choose, something like that will help me and be an investment in myself, rather than paying money to hear predictions that may or may not happen.
Very good point, Libra. I have had the same thought. I can say that my SM would spend the money on herself! :-[

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Re: A long tale of woe, warning and hope!
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2011, 03:38:25 PM »
I did have psychics tell me that I wold meet another man, my ex would come back and I'd have to make a choice. Some said I wouldn't want him anymore.

I think MANY of us have heard the exact same things.

I looked up my Abrielle notes. I talked to her in Oct and Dec 2010. According to her, we'd be happy in Jan 2011, reconciliation by April 2011, and there was to be a proposal in June 2011. The only thing that happened was that we spent NYD together, had a great time and that was IT. He told me he loved me when he was drunk and didn't deny it the next morning. Now? Nadda
Yes, I had all kinds of scenarios predicted.

I have to say 'thank you GOD for this website!'. I find myself calling less and less. A few nice people PM me and that's a blessing too.

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Re: A long tale of woe, warning and hope!
« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2011, 02:40:07 AM »
I am happy to say that I havent called in weeks. I dont even have the urge really. I still go read testimonials and the blog at CP occasionally, but if I have even the slightest urge to call, I tell myself it wont make any difference if I do hear good things over the phone. Im concentrating on me for a change and losing weight (almost 5 lbs gone, YAY) and only 15 to go to be at my target weight. Im feeling so much better with putting all of this behind me. Im happier now than I have been in a very long time. I do still have my bad days, but they are beginning to be less frequent. When I think of "him", I am starting to tell myself he didnt love me enough to stick around so he doesnt deserve what I had and have to give. Actually, I am at a point of believing that being alone isnt so bad after all. I do what I want, when I want. I go where I want, when I want. Why did I ever put someone else before me?????? Put yourself in the #1 position and keep yourself there, no matter what. Its the only way to fly. :)

Offline Libra

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Re: A long tale of woe, warning and hope!
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2011, 05:00:44 PM »
Hi 4ever I agree with putting yourself first no matter what. Now I learned different spiritual techniques and use them as soon as I am feeling down, I feel the difference immediately, and usually feel 100% better within a day or two. 

