not worried at all..we've spoken before that's why i'm kind of surprised you came at me like that..
I didn’t come at you. I said she’s always on which TO ME is a red flag. She looks like the type that just leans more negative than the other way around. You yourself said she was only right for you on one occasion and off on others.
well I'll explain..second time she was right and wrong..(second POI)..she said he had feelings for me, but had intense anxiety about relationships (which is the total opposite of the reading she gave me on first guy-she basically told me to run lol)..
For second guy she said if I could wait around and go at his would develop..but I chose to kind of walk because I wasn't happy with the way he was acting..when I tried her again to ask her if he would reach out again after I ignored his last text..she told me no..he won't reach out again, he feels rejected. And that was last September/end of August actually..and she was right, he never did reach out again.
SOO many readers told me he would but that's why I say she was right and wrong..but I did choose to not reply to him so I made my own choice..if that make sense.
But i agree Ladya (sorry btw),..she does lean negative..but that to me is a good thing with readers..I can't deal with sugarcoaters anymore.