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Astrology research

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--- Quote from: Miss Philosopher on January 02, 2019, 05:10:53 AM ---
--- Quote from: ladya on January 02, 2019, 04:55:19 AM ---
--- Quote from: Miss Philosopher on January 02, 2019, 03:46:53 AM ---I hate eclipses lol. They're beautiful to watch but some of the energies that come with them feel rough. I don't have any astrologer suggestions. I also use a software for the charts etc. I just know that eclipses typically bring endings and beginnings at the same time as both go hand in hand obviously. When one thing is ending, something else is beginning it's place. It could just be the end of a way of thinking, it could be the end of a relationship, and in my experience, sometimes it can literally be the end of someone's life on earth. My dad's sister died during the eclipse energies of 2013. My dad also died during the eclipse energy in August of 2017. Idk. Maybe I'm looking too deep into it.

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thats a typical theme with eclipses. i think there is supposed to be a lot of partial eclipses as well this year. here is a video that one of my favorite astrologers made overlooking 2019 and mentions them. he also did an overview for each sign for 2019 and does monthly scopes. extremely well spoken and immense knowledge when it comes to astrology.

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Thank you sooooooooo much for sharing. I'm going to watch now! I hope he gives the good bad and ugly though. One thing I've noticed with a lot of the youtube astrologers is that whenever I watch the yearly forecast for my sign or any other sign the theme seems to be way too positive "good things are coming in this exciting year for you" yet the last few years have been very difficult and pretty bad for me in many ways. I just like the realness lol.

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yes he's very real. i think the last few years have been hard collectively it def has been for me as well. let me know what you think!

Just FYI:
Wow, thank you everyone!


another overview of 2019 if anyone is interested

Just FYI:

--- Quote from: Still tired on January 05, 2019, 08:34:35 PM ---
--- Quote from: Still tired on January 02, 2019, 05:13:31 AM ---I don't have anyone I can recommend (I think the one astrologer who gave me an a amazing reading doesn't give readings anymore.) But some of the ones I follow for updates are Starseed astrology, Sirius Joy, and Peter Novak. And I used to follow Kaypacha all the time (Tom Lecher? or Lescher? I forget his name) is really good for casting charts because you can tweak a lot of different settings on there.

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I forgot to mention Lee Harris, here's his January update

I also like Robert Phoenix, and Laura Walker (

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Thanks! I’ll have to check that out.


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