Author Topic: Positive readings now negative  (Read 7364 times)

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Positive readings now negative
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2018, 10:00:30 PM »
@icloud: I can't help it but feel angry with myself. I've spent a ridiculous amount of money getting readings on this guy over the last 5 years. I feel like one of the main reasons I kept holding on was BECAUSE of the readings. They'd tell me things would get better, and they did. But it was always only for a short amount of time and things would be bad the majority of the time.  Some of these readings are down right confusing as of late to be honest. Actually, ever since October.

1. April of this year I'm told of someone new coming in with physical description of said person and was told I'd "entertain" the idea of indulging.

2. June, July, August, September, no mention of this new person again. Was told ex was going to return "home" which means to my place and wouldn't be in said location for an "extended period" of time. Well, it's been 7 months and he's still there. I guess extended means years? Idk and I'm not even trying to figure it out anymore.

3. Starting October 15th reading, I'm told that eventually I will move on because they see me in a new actual relationship but ex is still lingering wanting to be part of my life and having a hard time coming to terms with me being involved with someone else.

4. November 3rd reading, I'm told of the same new guy that I'm supposed to connect with but that I'm hesitant with that relationship at first and so it may be something I just get involved with temporarily or entertain the idea of.

5. November 21st reading, told of the same new guy, description, age, etc. yet again and told I'd be feeling like I was in a more steady and open relationship but isn't sure if it's long term yet and that it may just be something I entertain and test out. Meanwhile, ex is still around lingering but that I'm not putting a whole lot of energy into it and I'm feeling "a loss" at the same time I'm engaging with someone new.

I am so f'ing confused with those readings. It's clear that some dude is coming in that is a certain age and looks a certain way. Ok I get that part. But, is it just another waste of my time? It is temporary and then something happens with ex and he returns here? Like wtf happened to the readings from June, July, August, and September? lol. How is it that the ex returns "home" if I'm involved with someone new? I just can't even understand stuff right now.

I know I'm not having anymore readings until January or February. I'm very much into astrology and I know that we've been in retrograde energies since October and they don't leave until the end of this month so I'm really not surprised at the confusion. I should have known better than to get readings during a venus and mercury retrograde. If I get a reading in January and it still comes out as confusing, then I'm done with readings for a very long time, if ever.

« Last Edit: December 02, 2018, 10:04:05 PM by Miss Philosopher »

Offline icloud9

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Re: Positive readings now negative
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2018, 11:00:21 PM »
@icloud: I can't help it but feel angry with myself. I've spent a ridiculous amount of money getting readings on this guy over the last 5 years. I feel like one of the main reasons I kept holding on was BECAUSE of the readings. They'd tell me things would get better, and they did. But it was always only for a short amount of time and things would be bad the majority of the time.  Some of these readings are down right confusing as of late to be honest. Actually, ever since October.

1. April of this year I'm told of someone new coming in with physical description of said person and was told I'd "entertain" the idea of indulging.

2. June, July, August, September, no mention of this new person again. Was told ex was going to return "home" which means to my place and wouldn't be in said location for an "extended period" of time. Well, it's been 7 months and he's still there. I guess extended means years? Idk and I'm not even trying to figure it out anymore.

3. Starting October 15th reading, I'm told that eventually I will move on because they see me in a new actual relationship but ex is still lingering wanting to be part of my life and having a hard time coming to terms with me being involved with someone else.

4. November 3rd reading, I'm told of the same new guy that I'm supposed to connect with but that I'm hesitant with that relationship at first and so it may be something I just get involved with temporarily or entertain the idea of.

5. November 21st reading, told of the same new guy, description, age, etc. yet again and told I'd be feeling like I was in a more steady and open relationship but isn't sure if it's long term yet and that it may just be something I entertain and test out. Meanwhile, ex is still around lingering but that I'm not putting a whole lot of energy into it and I'm feeling "a loss" at the same time I'm engaging with someone new.

I am so f'ing confused with those readings. It's clear that some dude is coming in that is a certain age and looks a certain way. Ok I get that part. But, is it just another waste of my time? It is temporary and then something happens with ex and he returns here? Like wtf happened to the readings from June, July, August, and September? lol. How is it that the ex returns "home" if I'm involved with someone new? I just can't even understand stuff right now.

I know I'm not having anymore readings until January or February. I'm very much into astrology and I know that we've been in retrograde energies since October and they don't leave until the end of this month so I'm really not surprised at the confusion. I should have known better than to get readings during a venus and mercury retrograde. If I get a reading in January and it still comes out as confusing, then I'm done with readings for a very long time, if ever.

I completely hear you. I would be very angry, too. just feel like we gotta take these readings with a grain of salt and never just 100% rely on them. Even the most skilled psychics cant see EVERY SINGLE picture, so i feel like what gets revealed during readings are only like maybe 60~80% of the whole picture and the rest unfolds as time goes and maybe that's where free will is involved. And OMG yes! the retrograde energy has been crazy...can't wait for the new year.
Have you read with Cookie by the way? Sometimes she reveals amazing information (in a general reading) - heard she doesn't work for everyone tho... so far she hasn't WOW'ed me yet with SPECIFIC details because last time I read with her she didnt really give me much detail..But some stuff she saw turned out to be right (certain things not happening) so im back in the queue to get more insight. Maybe you need a general reading??? but wait until the new year.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Positive readings now negative
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2018, 12:18:23 AM »
@icloud: I haven't tried cookie for several reasons. 1. Her line is soooooooo long. 2. She's expensive per minute 3. I heard you have to have like a minimum of like 20 minutes because she rambles a lot and she can be confusing. I definitely don't need another confusing reading lol.

My go to's are always accurate and they were consistent as well. I just don't understand how all the readings from June are supposed to play out given the extra new energy coming in. So yeah, no more retrograde readings for me. All these energies will be gone by December 21st so I'm just going to wait until January before I have anymore. End of January that is to see if what was suppose to play out in January actually does. So, maybe I'll just wait til beginning of February instead. Lol.

Offline Yt5587

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Re: Positive readings now negative
« Reply #18 on: January 01, 2019, 07:44:04 PM »
So this is pretty funny...but whenever I’ve called Phoenix Burning, she gives me positive....when I’ve done chat with her...negative! Hahaha this has happened twice.

I’ve called other readers back when timeframes have passed (my trusted ones) and they will literally apologize and tell me that is what they saw at the time and they must have misread it. I had one reader tell me...I’m going to give you minutes so you don’t waste your money, if the timeframe passes again, use the minutes to update me and we’ll look into it again.

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: Positive readings now negative
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2019, 03:24:28 AM »
You are lucky it was only 5 years with the narc. They are so good they can often bankrupt women or men and last much longer on their source of attention. These are scary relationships but don’t hurt yourself over the money. If the psychics didn’t give you false hope, I assure you he would have.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Positive readings now negative
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2019, 03:34:46 AM »
You are lucky it was only 5 years with the narc. They are so good they can often bankrupt women or men and last much longer on their source of attention. These are scary relationships but don’t hurt yourself over the money. If the psychics didn’t give you false hope, I assure you he would have.

I believe this guy is what they call a "covert" narc. Those are a bit different than the typical narc. They are actually capable of recognizing crappy behavior, even feeling guilty about it, but for whatever reason they don't change it. They also don't really go out to intentionally hurt people, it's just that their selfishness causes others pain. Whereas, the other type of narc, really does go out to intentionally cause massive amounts of pain. This guy doesn't match all the typical narc behaviors. But he definitely matches the covert narc behaviors lol. Idk. You're right though, they are VERY good at what they do. Dangerously good.

