Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1101953 times)

Offline joyjoy

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2670 on: September 15, 2019, 02:58:38 AM »
I've seen people write about her so much and I was curious so tried to join her waitlist and then I get an error message.  I've tried a bunch of times--anyone know why this may be happening?  It doesn't happen with other readers.

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2671 on: September 15, 2019, 03:11:54 AM »
I've seen people write about her so much and I was curious so tried to join her waitlist and then I get an error message.  I've tried a bunch of times--anyone know why this may be happening?  It doesn't happen with other readers.

I believe it's a glitch of the system. I experienced this 2 weeks ago for a couple of times but finally could get in her line. You may need to contact customer service and share the issue with them.

Offline joyjoy

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2672 on: September 15, 2019, 03:44:34 AM »
I've seen people write about her so much and I was curious so tried to join her waitlist and then I get an error message.  I've tried a bunch of times--anyone know why this may be happening?  It doesn't happen with other readers.

I believe it's a glitch of the system. I experienced this 2 weeks ago for a couple of times but finally could get in her line. You may need to contact customer service and share the issue with them.

thank you

Offline maggs30

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2673 on: September 15, 2019, 03:20:53 PM »
Cookie nailed it too. He is distracted with work yes I realize how generic it sounds lol. Has more feelings then what He says. Again sounds generic but I spent the night last night and he was super excited telling me about all he has accomplished in the last month. And then we slept cuddled up all night. When we drifted apart in sleep he would stir and reach out and pull me back to him. She said sex has been sporatic the last 3 to 7 weeks thanks for noticing Cookie. She said we would have sex again I'm so sorry for what ever visions Cookie saw 😂😂 I now have to wonder what all she.  sees 😨 should I be mortified she sees us?!

Offline Rayban212

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2674 on: September 15, 2019, 07:44:45 PM »
Maggs did you ask her specific questions or general?
I’m currently in her que waiting

Offline maggs30

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2675 on: September 15, 2019, 09:36:50 PM »
Maggs did you ask her specific questions or general?
I’m currently in her que waiting

I always ask what his thoughts and intentions are and what is coming up for us.

Offline joyjoy

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2676 on: September 22, 2019, 03:15:26 PM »
What other sites is Cookie on, other than Keen?  And, how long does it usually take for her to get through her queue?  I'm number 20 and I think I've only moved up 6 spots because other people's time expired.  Does she have a schedule, at all?


Offline Jili1945

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2677 on: September 22, 2019, 05:52:58 PM »
What other sites is Cookie on, other than Keen?  And, how long does it usually take for her to get through her queue?  I'm number 20 and I think I've only moved up 6 spots because other people's time expired.  Does she have a schedule, at all?


People can extend their waiting time and so no time expires.

Offline GoldieShawn

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2678 on: September 22, 2019, 09:57:55 PM »
Oh Cookie.

Background: I have read with Cookie probably 20 times over the past few years (it used to be quicker to get ahold of her). I have never known quite what to make of her readings so I have not left a review. I decided I needed to do more to share since I have been helped by these reviews so I'm updating on several of the readers I have read with.

I've called about two different guys, the first one was never meant to be but sadly I wasted a lot of time and money calling psychics to hang onto hope. Now I'm thankfully over him and would not take him back if he showed up on my doorstep with flowers and a diamond. Cookie was one of the people I called about him. Looking back, she never told me I was going to marry him or end up with him, but she said "if I changed the way I deal with him" or "if I became more confident", etc. She also consistently told me things were about to get better, he was about to contact me, etc.

She has had countless hits of random little things that have happened. Things with my car, things with my house, the classic Cookie-isms of weight and hair, and more. She has also seen a couple of specific situations that did occur as she saw, but not in the context in which she saw them. By this I mean that the event happened, but she took it as the relationship was progressing but in reality, it was stagnant/dying out.

I believe she is genuinely caring and she has taken the time to talk to me when I was really upset. As a reader, I feel she is hit or miss. She has gotten some more hits on my more recent situation than the first one (the predictions were long-term positive but short term negative and freaked me out...but she was correct). The trouble was, when I called back about 6 months later for an update, she didn't seem to know anything about that situation and couldn't say any more about her long-term prediction.

 I also think a reading with her is either on or it's off. My last one with her was off - she didn't really say much of anything and I didn't add time when it came up. What I don't like is the not knowing whether what you just heard is nothing important or some secret riddle that's going to unfold months later.

I second that if she's being vague or saying 'depending on what you want to ask me', just end the call politely. She doesn't have anything for you that day. She also seems to have trouble giving an ultimate answer ("will we be together or not"). I have never had her say anything really bad about anyone, including an ex-bf who was emotionally abusive. She tends to skew toward the "you can turn this around if you want to." Also, FWIW, she seems to read men with money skewed toward the positive, even if they are not that great to you.

When she talks about sex, she is hilarious. I totally wish she was my friend and I'd take her out for mimosas and listen to stories. But for a reader, I am often confused by what she says and it's hard for me to get over that I kept going for so long on the previous guy thinking I could turn it around like she said.

Offline joyjoy

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2679 on: September 22, 2019, 11:17:11 PM »
Oh Cookie.

Background: I have read with Cookie probably 20 times over the past few years (it used to be quicker to get ahold of her). I have never known quite what to make of her readings so I have not left a review. I decided I needed to do more to share since I have been helped by these reviews so I'm updating on several of the readers I have read with.

I've called about two different guys, the first one was never meant to be but sadly I wasted a lot of time and money calling psychics to hang onto hope. Now I'm thankfully over him and would not take him back if he showed up on my doorstep with flowers and a diamond. Cookie was one of the people I called about him. Looking back, she never told me I was going to marry him or end up with him, but she said "if I changed the way I deal with him" or "if I became more confident", etc. She also consistently told me things were about to get better, he was about to contact me, etc.

She has had countless hits of random little things that have happened. Things with my car, things with my house, the classic Cookie-isms of weight and hair, and more. She has also seen a couple of specific situations that did occur as she saw, but not in the context in which she saw them. By this I mean that the event happened, but she took it as the relationship was progressing but in reality, it was stagnant/dying out.

I believe she is genuinely caring and she has taken the time to talk to me when I was really upset. As a reader, I feel she is hit or miss. She has gotten some more hits on my more recent situation than the first one (the predictions were long-term positive but short term negative and freaked me out...but she was correct). The trouble was, when I called back about 6 months later for an update, she didn't seem to know anything about that situation and couldn't say any more about her long-term prediction.

 I also think a reading with her is either on or it's off. My last one with her was off - she didn't really say much of anything and I didn't add time when it came up. What I don't like is the not knowing whether what you just heard is nothing important or some secret riddle that's going to unfold months later.

I second that if she's being vague or saying 'depending on what you want to ask me', just end the call politely. She doesn't have anything for you that day. She also seems to have trouble giving an ultimate answer ("will we be together or not"). I have never had her say anything really bad about anyone, including an ex-bf who was emotionally abusive. She tends to skew toward the "you can turn this around if you want to." Also, FWIW, she seems to read men with money skewed toward the positive, even if they are not that great to you.

When she talks about sex, she is hilarious. I totally wish she was my friend and I'd take her out for mimosas and listen to stories. But for a reader, I am often confused by what she says and it's hard for me to get over that I kept going for so long on the previous guy thinking I could turn it around like she said.


Thanks for writing all this.  I'm so on the fence about Cookie--I'm newer to this forum and all the writing about Cookie and Kisha immediately got my attention--I'm not doing very well to snuff out this compulsion, but I am getting better at choosing so I'm spending my money, and less of it, more thoughtfully.  I spent $50 on Kisha and it was well worth it--but I'm not entirely sure what to think about Cookie.  At this point, it's more of a game with my OCD, how many, if any, spots I move up in her queue a day. I'm so on the fence.  But, this review you wrote is super helpful.

Offline GoldieShawn

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2680 on: September 22, 2019, 11:42:20 PM »
Joyjoy - you are welcome. We all gotta stick together :)

Also, I should say that I definitely see the point that we each have a lot of responsibility in our own lives and don't mind a reader telling me what I need to do to take ownership. Cookie gave me a lot of LOA stuff and other advice that I think was good general advice and info and I ate it up and did all of it. Said prayers multiple times per day, visualizations, read books, etc. I was at that point where I was willing to try anything. If someone would have told me to strip down and paint myself purple and run through the streets naked singing the Barney theme song to get him back, I would have done it.

However, it did not change my outcome with the first guy. I'm okay with this (a long time after) because I wouldn't want him anyway, and it's probably good life skills, but I do think it delayed my process of moving on to think I was actively engaged in getting him back and that there was hope.

We all follow a journey and who knows, maybe this was preparing me for something in the future.

I feel like I'm in a much better place today, and maybe I needed to go through all of that to get there and be ready for what's (hopefully) coming with guy #2.

Offline joyjoy

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2681 on: September 23, 2019, 12:10:10 AM »
Joyjoy - you are welcome. We all gotta stick together :)

Also, I should say that I definitely see the point that we each have a lot of responsibility in our own lives and don't mind a reader telling me what I need to do to take ownership. Cookie gave me a lot of LOA stuff and other advice that I think was good general advice and info and I ate it up and did all of it. Said prayers multiple times per day, visualizations, read books, etc. I was at that point where I was willing to try anything. If someone would have told me to strip down and paint myself purple and run through the streets naked singing the Barney theme song to get him back, I would have done it.

However, it did not change my outcome with the first guy. I'm okay with this (a long time after) because I wouldn't want him anyway, and it's probably good life skills, but I do think it delayed my process of moving on to think I was actively engaged in getting him back and that there was hope.

We all follow a journey and who knows, maybe this was preparing me for something in the future.

I feel like I'm in a much better place today, and maybe I needed to go through all of that to get there and be ready for what's (hopefully) coming with guy #2.

Oh--that resonates.  POI #1 was from late 2016 until mid 2018 and I actually just spent the day with him yesterday (I hadn't see him for months)--I think about what I would have given to be with him at that time and how I mourned--OH, HOW I MOURNED!!--and how, as I got home yesterday, I was so glad it never worked out.  I pity his poor current gf (who is lies to, still). And no matter what happens with my current POI, I'm in a better place.  I like to think of him as my teacher--it was a hard AF lesson, but I'm still in a better place.  Ironic thing is that, now that I have fresh eyes, I realize he has some weird thing for me and how, if I were the last woman on earth, I can't see it happening....  On the other hand, without that crap, I would never have what I have now.

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2682 on: September 23, 2019, 04:29:16 AM »
One of the most accurate assessments of Cookie I’ve ever read. Been reading with her for almost 10 years and on probably 5 relationships.

Oh Cookie.

Background: I have read with Cookie probably 20 times over the past few years (it used to be quicker to get ahold of her). I have never known quite what to make of her readings so I have not left a review. I decided I needed to do more to share since I have been helped by these reviews so I'm updating on several of the readers I have read with.

I've called about two different guys, the first one was never meant to be but sadly I wasted a lot of time and money calling psychics to hang onto hope. Now I'm thankfully over him and would not take him back if he showed up on my doorstep with flowers and a diamond. Cookie was one of the people I called about him. Looking back, she never told me I was going to marry him or end up with him, but she said "if I changed the way I deal with him" or "if I became more confident", etc. She also consistently told me things were about to get better, he was about to contact me, etc.

She has had countless hits of random little things that have happened. Things with my car, things with my house, the classic Cookie-isms of weight and hair, and more. She has also seen a couple of specific situations that did occur as she saw, but not in the context in which she saw them. By this I mean that the event happened, but she took it as the relationship was progressing but in reality, it was stagnant/dying out.

I believe she is genuinely caring and she has taken the time to talk to me when I was really upset. As a reader, I feel she is hit or miss. She has gotten some more hits on my more recent situation than the first one (the predictions were long-term positive but short term negative and freaked me out...but she was correct). The trouble was, when I called back about 6 months later for an update, she didn't seem to know anything about that situation and couldn't say any more about her long-term prediction.

 I also think a reading with her is either on or it's off. My last one with her was off - she didn't really say much of anything and I didn't add time when it came up. What I don't like is the not knowing whether what you just heard is nothing important or some secret riddle that's going to unfold months later.

I second that if she's being vague or saying 'depending on what you want to ask me', just end the call politely. She doesn't have anything for you that day. She also seems to have trouble giving an ultimate answer ("will we be together or not"). I have never had her say anything really bad about anyone, including an ex-bf who was emotionally abusive. She tends to skew toward the "you can turn this around if you want to." Also, FWIW, she seems to read men with money skewed toward the positive, even if they are not that great to you.

When she talks about sex, she is hilarious. I totally wish she was my friend and I'd take her out for mimosas and listen to stories. But for a reader, I am often confused by what she says and it's hard for me to get over that I kept going for so long on the previous guy thinking I could turn it around like she said.

Offline joyjoy

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2683 on: October 01, 2019, 01:08:20 PM »
I would just like to say that, thanks to this board, I met Cookie and waited over a week to talk to her and we just hung up (she hung up after I tried to add more money for the second time), but I got my info.

Just out of curiosity, I looked at her wait list after we hung up and I'd have been the 19th person on line.

Waiting this last week--wondering when she'd call, and if I would be in a place where I could talk, wondering how she'd was like a whole experience!  And now, I feel like I should have a tee-shirt to commemorate it. (goldie--we need to make

Happy to say that she was totally in line with all the other readers!

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2684 on: October 01, 2019, 05:44:39 PM »
I’m surprised at how short cookies line is now.