Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1102616 times)

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2625 on: August 24, 2019, 08:15:53 AM »
Has Cookie ever told anyone “the reading has changed”?

I had a situation where last year she kept seeing one thing for a while, then I did something, and then the next time I read with her she told me the reading changed and asked what I did lol


The only thing she did to me recently was change a time frame. In June she gave me 6-9 (literally June to Sept according to her). And she maintained that. In the last week of May she told me to initiate, I did and got no response. When I told her this a week later she said, “Didn’t I tell you to leave that man alone?” Uhhh no. So she said leave him alone, give it 6-9 and she even told me how it would go and how I could get what I wanted out of it.

Last week I read with her on the sneak on a different account. She gave me the same stuff, same story. Only difference was she asked me to pick 7-12. I picked 9. Only after did I realize that was the original timeframe she had given me. BUT she told me to contact. I told her no and asked what would happen. She said then I’d be waiting till December or 7-12 months. Nah.

Only thing I can think is it’s Cookie being Cookie and maybe she’s having an off day for you.

I also hate when she asks “well what did you do?” You’re the remote viewer! You tell me!

I honestly think she gets lazy sometimes, things change or she is wrong and doesn’t want to admit it or it has something to do with her manifestation stuff.

I’m sorry she switched up on you like that.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2626 on: August 24, 2019, 05:24:21 PM »
Has Cookie ever told anyone “the reading has changed”?

I had a situation where last year she kept seeing one thing for a while, then I did something, and then the next time I read with her she told me the reading changed and asked what I did lol


The only thing she did to me recently was change a time frame. In June she gave me 6-9 (literally June to Sept according to her). And she maintained that. In the last week of May she told me to initiate, I did and got no response. When I told her this a week later she said, “Didn’t I tell you to leave that man alone?” Uhhh no. So she said leave him alone, give it 6-9 and she even told me how it would go and how I could get what I wanted out of it.

Last week I read with her on the sneak on a different account. She gave me the same stuff, same story. Only difference was she asked me to pick 7-12. I picked 9. Only after did I realize that was the original timeframe she had given me. BUT she told me to contact. I told her no and asked what would happen. She said then I’d be waiting till December or 7-12 months. Nah.

Only thing I can think is it’s Cookie being Cookie and maybe she’s having an off day for you.

I also hate when she asks “well what did you do?” You’re the remote viewer! You tell me!

I honestly think she gets lazy sometimes, things change or she is wrong and doesn’t want to admit it or it has something to do with her manifestation stuff.

I’m sorry she switched up on you like that.

Actually it wasn’t an off day. This was a reading back from last August 2018 (I only read with her every 2-3 months). Everything from that reading that she said changed DID. The trajectory of what she was picking up for the first 3-4 times I called her last year (one month it was twice) she did not see me going to his house AT ALL. But then she said “the READING HAS CHANGED” and now saw him inside the mans house in the kitchen. It happened exactly as she saw. So it made me think of the free will and manifestation was interesting.

But things did change - I CUSSED HIS ASSS OUT... basically when she kept telling me over and over that he was lying to me about his BM in his house.... she picked up on the argument on the call and saw all that new stuff!  Curious if it happened to anyone else lol

This was an old situation that already passed but wondered about other readings that may have “changed”

Haven’t read with her since June, but will call her in September for an update
« Last Edit: August 24, 2019, 05:28:23 PM by Sparkle002 »

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2627 on: August 24, 2019, 05:27:18 PM »
Also for those who read with Cookie - I am aware of a new “Cookie-ism” if she EVER says “he or she LOOKS DIFFERENT” then THEY ARE DIFFERENT!! BEWARE. Lol

(This hasn’t only happened to me but other friends I know so I can now say it is a definite ISM)

Remember she can see stuff with someone else and think its the same person you are calling about lol

Offline miss_t

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2628 on: August 27, 2019, 01:52:41 AM »
Here’s an update as promised.
Updates in bold and green.

I noticed the things she said in the last 5-10 minutes happened in almost the exact order as she saw it.

Thanks ya’ll. She called around midnight est. Was just supposed to be on the phone for 20 minutes but when I only have 1 min left she’d start to talk about something interesting so ended up talking to her for over 30 minutes! And even up to the last minutes, she’s still talking about something that I’m curious about but my bank account was already crying 😭 lmao so ended the call.

In the first 5-10 minutes she just says what she sees which can be a bit confusing ‘coz it’s like disjointed bits and pieces of a bigger picture. Then around the 15 to 30 minute mark, she seems to get more details and so she’ll repeat some of the things she said earlier but clearer. She’s able to understand and get the whole picture by then.

- She said my POi will continue to be indecisive for up to 2 years. 😯 We’re almost 1 year now.  and that if I’m patient, this will go somewhere but not as fast as I want it to be. She said it looks like he wants more with me but she sees him saying he don’t wanna rush on things. She asked me if he already said that.And yep he did several months ago. She didn’t say that he’s gonna say it again.

- She sees something going on with him in a uniform or with someone on a uniform. She also asked if I know what this means. I didn’t. But now I remembered he has an upcoming court appearance for his traffic violation. Maybe that’s it?

- She also picked up another woman who has been in and out of his life but he’s not necessarily in love with her. She didn’t say exactly what’s going on with them now but that they could have been long term if he wasn’t afraid of commitment. She said she was in his life prior to me so I think that’s his ex that he mentioned to me before. She said he is the way he is now, skeptic and don’t want to rush things because of what happened in his last relationship. She also asked if I know her. I don’t. He just mentioned an ex briefly before.

 Cookie’s remote viewing skills amazing by the way but sometimes she’s having a hard time interpreting what she sees that’s why she ask questions.. She keeps seeing his family and that it looks like wherever they are, it looks like he’s also there and she sees a young child. She then asked me if there’s a child involved. Maybe she thinks he has a child. I told her, few days ago he travelled to visit his sister and bonded with his only niece. He even sent me pics and vids with his cute niece while he’s there. And Cookie was like “oh so that’s what I’m seeing”. He’s also been with other fam members last week. Like a date with his mom and then his grandma.

She knows  both of our ethnicity. She knew he is caucasian and I’m asian. She said the other woman is the same as him. I think I now know who this woman is. She is my POI’s ex that is of the same ethnicity as him and that is still connected to him because she’s the only ex that he became friends with and is now dating one of his good friends. So yeah, they are just friends. Cookie didn’t say that they are fooling around or anything. She just said that she’s in and out of his life and that he knew her before me.

She knows I have dark hair with highlights sometimes and said I am the one he wants to be with and that he likes me more than he is telling me. She also knows that he lives on a different city but she didn’t mention where and that we don’t see each other often.

-She said a lot of things will happen  with my life in me 8-12 months or august to december going to january. She validated a lot of things. Said it looks like I was disappointed with my POI in the last 3 weeks/days and caused me to have doubts because of what happened. True. 3 days before the reading, that happened and she was also right about him feeling the same because he thinks I don’t trust him. She knows I haven’t met his family yet. She said once he starts talking about having me meet his fam, I’ll know exactly where’s he’s coming from and that it means our relationship is already on another level. On the last few minutes of the reading, she said his family keeps coming up and it looks like they know me. That he already told them about me and that’s why he’s been visiting and talking to close family members..

-She also said that it looks like my POI is stopping something or deleting an online profile and that he is cutting off communication with women he used to talk to. Women he met around the same time as me. I met him in a dating site by the way.  She said she thinks this is the reason she’s seeing other women in the beginning of the reading.

- She said in the next 2 weeks, we will schedule something but will have a delay initially but then later will be on track. Yep, a week after the reading he said he’s gonna come see me. Was cancelled and cookie was right about me being disappointed for the same reason I was last month. Anyway, just as predicted He instead decided to come see me 2 weeks after the reading.

She also said that In the next few weeks, I will find out about other women Yep, 2-3 weeks after the reading, I found out about other women but not the way I thought it would be. I initially thought that I’ll catch him fooling around with other women. lol Me and poi were talking and he asked me about one of my exes and so I asked him back about his. Months ago when I asked him, he didn’t say much, but now he opened up about 3 other exes, described them, and reasons why it didn’t work out. One of these women fit the description of the woman Cookie saw as being connected to him to this day. She probably saw her because they are still friends.

- In the last 3 minutes of the reading, she started talking about seeing my poi showing up unexpectedly, and that I will have a surprised look on my face. For the first time ever, my poi showed up unexpectedly. He would usually tell me in advance if he’s gonna come see me but last week I was surprised when he told me he’s already in my city and wants to spend time with me even just for lunch, so yeah we did.

I also wanna add this, Cookie mentioned that she saw me talking to my poi then he would call me and i’ll be surprised It didn’t make sense during the reading but I think what Cookie saw was me and poi TALKING through text, then he suddenly CALLED me and I was in fact surprised coz he don’t usually call unless it’s important. Most of the time we only talk in person or text. We only call once in a while but text everyday. So him suddenly calling just to say hi even if we’re already texting that moment is a surprise for me.

And that I was surprised because he doesn’t usually initiate things and I’m getting tired being the one to always initiate.

She said my birthday is coming up. True. Next month (August). And that on my birthday, I’d be able to prove something about his character. She said it looks like he wants to please me. Yep, he made me happy on my bday. I thought he didn’t care or wasn’t gonna put atleast an effort but he did. He was the first one to greet me. We didn’t get to see each other on that day but he sent me his bday gifts, which was a surprise. I especially love his bday message telling me I’m an awesome person who deserves the best.

She started talking about something in the next few weeks but I run out of fund and have to end the call 😭

By the way in the middle of the reading she asked me what else I wanna ask her, I thought she’s done with my POI so I asked about career and said she sees 3 opportunities for me and talked about each one. She also see me having an opportunity to move and that i’ll be travelling. She also said “oh start writing that book”. I was speechless for a few seconds coz I thought of doing that way way back but never did. She said “You WILL right that book. You’ll see”.

-She also said that it looks like another man will be attracted to me that I’ll meet at work or through work.
Then after, she saw my poi again and continued talking about him up to the end of the reading.

My bank account cried so much after. Haha! But I think she gave me so much too. Validated a lot. Now let’s see if her predictions come to pass. I’ll update end of next month.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2019, 02:09:08 AM by miss_t »

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2629 on: August 30, 2019, 11:57:29 PM »

Has anyone EVER had Cookie predict or “see” marriage or their wedding?
I’m asking for a friend - because Cookie literally saw this entire wedding with the gown and ring and everything. Ive read her enough to know she doesnt just throw that out.

I’m asking because she is known for her Cookie-isms, so I wanted to know if she has ever said this to anyone and it actually come true - and if it was, was it YOUR wedding or SOMEONE ELSE’s lol (cuz we know she mixes stuff up!!)

Offline Apalm831

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2630 on: August 31, 2019, 03:42:57 AM »

Has anyone EVER had Cookie predict or “see” marriage or their wedding?
I’m asking for a friend - because Cookie literally saw this entire wedding with the gown and ring and everything. Ive read her enough to know she doesnt just throw that out.

I’m asking because she is known for her Cookie-isms, so I wanted to know if she has ever said this to anyone and it actually come true - and if it was, was it YOUR wedding or SOMEONE ELSE’s lol (cuz we know she mixes stuff up!!)

Tell PLL I’m definitely not wearing a pink bridesmaid dress. So Cookie Fer sure got THAT wrong. 😂

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2631 on: August 31, 2019, 03:44:42 AM »

Has anyone EVER had Cookie predict or “see” marriage or their wedding?
I’m asking for a friend - because Cookie literally saw this entire wedding with the gown and ring and everything. Ive read her enough to know she doesnt just throw that out.

I’m asking because she is known for her Cookie-isms, so I wanted to know if she has ever said this to anyone and it actually come true - and if it was, was it YOUR wedding or SOMEONE ELSE’s lol (cuz we know she mixes stuff up!!)

Tell PLL I’m definitely not wearing a pink bridesmaid dress. So Cookie Fer sure got THAT wrong. 😂

😂BWAHAHAH! Yeah that pink threw me off - dont think its her style!

Offline maggs30

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2632 on: September 02, 2019, 10:54:50 AM »
Oh Cookie lol. I got off work at 10:30 last night and needed to be awake at 5 am to go back to work. So Cookie calls me at 1am. What in the world does he feels a certain way about you mean? She then says he has a lot more feelings for me than he shows and he's tired and burned out. Of course he is with his schedule. Then she has me laughing because she says your sex life together will be sporadic for 3 to 7 weeks. Yep Cookie I'm 5 weeks into that thanks. Then she said there is a woman he has a working relationship with that flirts with him because he draws a lot of attention. Yes I think he's hot too 😂 on a side note Christina474773 said someone will say something about him that will make you question things. He will not cheat on you so when you hear it tell them send me a naked picture of him as proof or its s lie😂 she actually yelled at me saying 3 men are around me true and don't I dare cheat on him because he won't cheat on me. I guess I should have asked Cookie for a naked picture.

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2633 on: September 02, 2019, 11:25:24 AM »
I think I’ve discovered a new, deeper layer of Cookie-isms.

If she says, “has he/she told you you’re not compatible. Well he’s going to
Tell you or he has” and “he’s looking for something he hasn’t found in another person.”

Yeah news cookie-isms.

Feel free to add more. These are just newly discovered by me.

As time goes on I’m starting to believe her less and less.

Random shit she’s good at but anything of substance I haven’t seen in quite a while for anyone.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2634 on: September 02, 2019, 11:37:10 AM »
I think I’ve discovered a new, deeper layer of Cookie-isms.

If she says, “has he/she told you you’re not compatible. Well he’s going to
Tell you or he has” and “he’s looking for something he hasn’t found in another person.”

Yeah news cookie-isms.

Feel free to add more. These are just newly discovered by me.

As time goes on I’m starting to believe her less and less.

Random shit she’s good at but anything of substance I haven’t seen in quite a while for anyone.

She said that to me. "He started to think that you two may not be compatible."

Shortly followed by "he thinks about you all the time. "


Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2635 on: September 02, 2019, 12:29:27 PM »
I think I’ve discovered a new, deeper layer of Cookie-isms.

If she says, “has he/she told you you’re not compatible. Well he’s going to
Tell you or he has” and “he’s looking for something he hasn’t found in another person.”

Yeah news cookie-isms.

Feel free to add more. These are just newly discovered by me.

As time goes on I’m starting to believe her less and less.

Random shit she’s good at but anything of substance I haven’t seen in quite a while for anyone.

She said that to me. "He started to think that you two may not be compatible."

Shortly followed by "he thinks about you all the time. "


Yup this was my read .

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2636 on: September 02, 2019, 12:37:45 PM »
I think I’ve discovered a new, deeper layer of Cookie-isms.

If she says, “has he/she told you you’re not compatible. Well he’s going to
Tell you or he has” and “he’s looking for something he hasn’t found in another person.”

Yeah news cookie-isms.

Feel free to add more. These are just newly discovered by me.

As time goes on I’m starting to believe her less and less.

Random shit she’s good at but anything of substance I haven’t seen in quite a while for anyone.

She said that to me. "He started to think that you two may not be compatible."

Shortly followed by "he thinks about you all the time. "


She said exactly the same words to me too: "He started to think that you two may not be compatible." and I am sure that he never thinks like this.

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2637 on: September 02, 2019, 12:47:09 PM »
I think I’ve discovered a new, deeper layer of Cookie-isms.

If she says, “has he/she told you you’re not compatible. Well he’s going to
Tell you or he has” and “he’s looking for something he hasn’t found in another person.”

Yeah news cookie-isms.

Feel free to add more. These are just newly discovered by me.

As time goes on I’m starting to believe her less and less.

Random shit she’s good at but anything of substance I haven’t seen in quite a while for anyone.

She said that to me. "He started to think that you two may not be compatible."

Shortly followed by "he thinks about you all the time. "


She said exactly the same words to me too: "He started to think that you two may not be compatible." and I am sure that he never thinks like this.

She said that he feels this way but doesn’t want to lose me . Then she went on to say that he thinks he can’t provide the things I want right now such as commitment so it’s easier to think we’re not compatible and he may or may not say those words.

But she sees him in 2020,2021 lol.

Not compatible though ! Hahaha

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2638 on: September 02, 2019, 02:28:01 PM »
Has anyone gotten “you will go on another level with him”

I’ve gotten that since last June. In my Feb reading of this year she said for my POI 1 - “From March - September, March - September - you are on another level with him. His family comes up and he is sleeping over more”

Well Cookie he slept over the other night - and I could count the times we slept over with each other this summer on ONE HAND. And yes he has been talking about his family - but  he always does.

Not sure what she really means by level 🙄. Mind you, when I read back in Feb I was still into him like that - now not much anymore. She did say he “gets better”. Usually last year when she said it- he did.

Maybe it was that HE went on a different level with ME lol
« Last Edit: September 02, 2019, 02:29:52 PM by Sparkle002 »

Offline Shayalay

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2639 on: September 02, 2019, 03:29:28 PM »
I hate to say it but it could happen next year. I had a ton of predictions in 2018 that only happened and are happening this year, Cookie's included.

Has anyone gotten “you will go on another level with him”

I’ve gotten that since last June. In my Feb reading of this year she said for my POI 1 - “From March - September, March - September - you are on another level with him. His family comes up and he is sleeping over more”

Well Cookie he slept over the other night - and I could count the times we slept over with each other this summer on ONE HAND. And yes he has been talking about his family - but  he always does.

Not sure what she really means by level 🙄. Mind you, when I read back in Feb I was still into him like that - now not much anymore. She did say he “gets better”. Usually last year when she said it- he did.

Maybe it was that HE went on a different level with ME lol

