Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1102025 times)

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2250 on: June 07, 2019, 03:55:36 PM »
A question I want to bump.

What have others experiences been like when Cookie says “I see,” vs “I believe,” vs “it looks like.”

I’m wondering if anyone has noticed subtle differences in predictions when she uses those phrases.

Of course her “seeing” is ideal but I wonder on the others.

Thank you, britbrat. I can see Cookie assuming things.

It seems she’s been very very accurate for you.

The things she sometimes says she sees are things I have been able to validate or make a lot of sense. I feel like when she says she believes something she is making an assumption based on what she sees.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2251 on: June 07, 2019, 03:58:59 PM »
Cookie has been very accurate for me and several things she mentioned months in advance are playing out regarding my POI, but I don't think the outcome she sees is possible. I will not for sure after next month. I won't be in a long distance relationship with my POI.

Britbrat - so did Cookie give you a positive relationship prediction? Like did she say “i see you in a committed relationship” or anything. Just curious because I’ve never heard her say that to me ...but at the same time if she did say it it would be hard for me to believe lol

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2252 on: June 07, 2019, 04:18:36 PM »
Cookie has been very accurate for me and several things she mentioned months in advance are playing out regarding my POI, but I don't think the outcome she sees is possible. I will not for sure after next month. I won't be in a long distance relationship with my POI.

Britbrat - so did Cookie give you a positive relationship prediction? Like did she say “i see you in a committed relationship” or anything. Just curious because I’ve never heard her say that to me ...but at the same time if she did say it it would be hard for me to believe lol

Cookie has never said that to me. She didn't even say that about my ex-husband lol. I have only had 2 readings with Cookie since meeting my current. We met in November 2017 and we were exclusive by February 2018. He found out some information a few weeks back that as totally changed our relationship and he is possibly moving to a different state. Cookie told me she saw a move, but didn't tell me why and I don't think I asked. I will not be moving in fact there is no chance I would move for the next several years. I will not be with my poi if he moves and we have already started to have problems. Cookie still sees us together even with him moving several hours away. I don't see how this would be possible. Maybe it's a free will situation? She said she didn't see any other men around me. I won't hold her to the outcome because she has told me a lot of what was coming up that I can now validate. She mentioned some stuff back in 2018 that started happening in March.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2253 on: June 07, 2019, 04:44:48 PM »
Cookie has been very accurate for me and several things she mentioned months in advance are playing out regarding my POI, but I don't think the outcome she sees is possible. I will not for sure after next month. I won't be in a long distance relationship with my POI.

Britbrat - so did Cookie give you a positive relationship prediction? Like did she say “i see you in a committed relationship” or anything. Just curious because I’ve never heard her say that to me ...but at the same time if she did say it it would be hard for me to believe lol

Cookie has never said that to me. She didn't even say that about my ex-husband lol. I have only had 2 readings with Cookie since meeting my current. We met in November 2017 and we were exclusive by February 2018. He found out some information a few weeks back that as totally changed our relationship and he is possibly moving to a different state. Cookie told me she saw a move, but didn't tell me why and I don't think I asked. I will not be moving in fact there is no chance I would move for the next several years. I will not be with my poi if he moves and we have already started to have problems. Cookie still sees us together even with him moving several hours away. I don't see how this would be possible. Maybe it's a free will situation? She said she didn't see any other men around me. I won't hold her to the outcome because she has told me a lot of what was coming up that I can now validate. She mentioned some stuff back in 2018 that started happening in March.

Im sorry you’re in this situation but it blows my mind how far in advance Cookie was able to see a move.

I wonder if you had asked her why he would be moving in the initial reason if she would have been able to see it. She’s kind of at her best when she just blurts things out but I know she can be good with a few questions here or there.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2254 on: June 07, 2019, 05:15:02 PM »
Cookie has been very accurate for me and several things she mentioned months in advance are playing out regarding my POI, but I don't think the outcome she sees is possible. I will not for sure after next month. I won't be in a long distance relationship with my POI.

Britbrat - so did Cookie give you a positive relationship prediction? Like did she say “i see you in a committed relationship” or anything. Just curious because I’ve never heard her say that to me ...but at the same time if she did say it it would be hard for me to believe lol

Cookie has never said that to me. She didn't even say that about my ex-husband lol. I have only had 2 readings with Cookie since meeting my current. We met in November 2017 and we were exclusive by February 2018. He found out some information a few weeks back that as totally changed our relationship and he is possibly moving to a different state. Cookie told me she saw a move, but didn't tell me why and I don't think I asked. I will not be moving in fact there is no chance I would move for the next several years. I will not be with my poi if he moves and we have already started to have problems. Cookie still sees us together even with him moving several hours away. I don't see how this would be possible. Maybe it's a free will situation? She said she didn't see any other men around me. I won't hold her to the outcome because she has told me a lot of what was coming up that I can now validate. She mentioned some stuff back in 2018 that started happening in March.

Wow so she didnt even see the committed relationship with your ex husband....geeeez ok she is super iffy. Great with details though but relationship stuff its like what in the world!! Especially in this situation where you won't be moving. Lawd have mercy smh.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2255 on: June 07, 2019, 05:54:37 PM »
I dont know what to say about cookie she picks up small insignificant stuff well but nothing she has said has ever worked out for me. In my last reading I asked her whats coming up in my love life in 2019. She started by saying did you cut your hair. I said no she said you didnt cut or color or change your hair I again said no. She said this is what I see coming up in 2019. SERIOUSLY cookie. At some point in 2019 I am going to probably cut color my hair? But what does that have to do with my love life. So random

Yes, this I found very annoying about Cookie. If you tell her no or you don't know (about any of the random stuff she picks up), she continues down the same useless path of spouting and repeating the same useless insignificant information. It's like her needle is stuck and she can't move forward.

I wonder if she does this when she can’t connect to you instead of just saying she can’t connect.

Which sucks if that’s the case.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2256 on: June 08, 2019, 03:20:44 AM »
I just wanted to say that everything Cookie “saw” “believed” or blurted out in my Feb. reading, even down to timing came to pass. There were even some feelings/remote viewing I was able to validate.

If anyone wants specifics you can PM me.

This most recent reading she gave me timing but didn’t know what it meant. She gave me a lot of validations, things I instantly knew, but let’s see what actually happens.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2257 on: June 08, 2019, 10:13:24 PM »
Has anyone had a reading with Cookie where she is just flowing with info then stops and says, “now depending on what you want to ask me...” then starts flowing with the info again!


1) depending on what I want to ask you? Just tell me whatever you see.

2) what does that even mean?!? Lol


3) why ask if you’re going to keep talking (which I prefer) anyways?

Oh Cookie, the crazy Oracle.

Offline lp1111

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2258 on: June 08, 2019, 10:24:15 PM »
Does cookie have any sort of schedule? I’m sure it’s been mentioned before but this thread is so long.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2259 on: June 08, 2019, 10:28:10 PM »
Does cookie have any sort of schedule? I’m sure it’s been mentioned before but this thread is so long.

She used to call in the middle of the night (I'm on EST), but the last time she called me it was the middle of the day.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2260 on: June 08, 2019, 10:33:09 PM »
Has anyone had a reading with Cookie where she is just flowing with info then stops and says, “now depending on what you want to ask me...” then starts flowing with the info again!


1) depending on what I want to ask you? Just tell me whatever you see.

2) what does that even mean?!? Lol


3) why ask if you’re going to keep talking (which I prefer) anyways?

Oh Cookie, the crazy Oracle.

Yes! But it was after all her Cookie-isms. I kept saying "no", "no", "not that I know of", "nope", and then there was a pause and she said "so is there something you want to ask me?" LMAO...I should have said "no" and see what she would have said.  ;D

Offline lp1111

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2261 on: June 08, 2019, 10:39:40 PM »
Does cookie have any sort of schedule? I’m sure it’s been mentioned before but this thread is so long.

She used to call in the middle of the night (I'm on EST), but the last time she called me it was the middle of the day.

Lol! So it could be at any point I’m taking. I’ve been waiting in line on keen and Click4Advisor, and both have been at a standstill.  :(

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2262 on: June 08, 2019, 10:53:23 PM »
Has anyone had a reading with Cookie where she is just flowing with info then stops and says, “now depending on what you want to ask me...” then starts flowing with the info again!


1) depending on what I want to ask you? Just tell me whatever you see.

2) what does that even mean?!? Lol


3) why ask if you’re going to keep talking (which I prefer) anyways?

Oh Cookie, the crazy Oracle.

Yes! But it was after all her Cookie-isms. I kept saying "no", "no", "not that I know of", "nope", and then there was a pause and she said "so is there something you want to ask me?" LMAO...I should have said "no" and see what she would have said.  ;D

Fidget, that’s too funny, you should have said no lol.

She literally was in fire with information, then said, “now depending on what you want to ask me...(pregnant pause) a man that you met online is coming up, what’s his name? (I tell her) it’s him, you met him online and he did xyz.” All correct.

She asks me this ridiculous question but then proceeds to flow with more verifiable info. Just keep talking and don’t ask me! Lol

I still find Cookie-isms funny. To me it means she’s not connecting or not as she would like. In ten years she never mentioned a change to my hair or appearance. She’s only ever said, “I see you as the short one with the long dark hair.” Once I was blonde at the time and she described it as light colored. She only brings up hair colors to me to sort out who she is seeing.

She also never mentioned weight to me until last week. She mentioned I’d gain because of a change in meds. That happened in the past so maybe she read that but I can’t as of now say she’s wrong about it. I keep losing and gaining the same 10 lbs but in the past two weeks I’ve lost the ten. Stress is a bitch.

She also mentioned lab work which I had a bunch of over the spring and I have a script for new bloodwork soon. Uhhhh....thanks for reminding me, Cookie. Lol
« Last Edit: June 08, 2019, 10:55:24 PM by SomethingBetter »

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2263 on: June 08, 2019, 10:56:48 PM »
Does cookie have any sort of schedule? I’m sure it’s been mentioned before but this thread is so long.

I truly believe Cookie exists in her own time and space lol

Offline Illumin8

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2264 on: June 08, 2019, 11:55:12 PM »
She still does call in the middle of the night. The last call came in at 3am

