Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1102336 times)

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2235 on: June 07, 2019, 05:47:16 AM »
I dont know what to say about cookie she picks up small insignificant stuff well but nothing she has said has ever worked out for me. In my last reading I asked her whats coming up in my love life in 2019. She started by saying did you cut your hair. I said no she said you didnt cut or color or change your hair I again said no. She said this is what I see coming up in 2019. SERIOUSLY cookie. At some point in 2019 I am going to probably cut color my hair? But what does that have to do with my love life. So random

Offline Shubhra

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2236 on: June 07, 2019, 08:19:32 AM »
i had read with Cookie in April and she told me a lot of things which seemed accurate .

1. My POI has a muslim woman around him- True but it confused me as the woman he dumped me for is a muslim and his ex wife who actually created initial issues is also a muslim.
2. she asked if my POI was a muslim which is true as she felt he had more in common with the woman around him and hence he left. which is true as he left to reconcile with his ex wife and this new woman was just someone he was fucking. but again it confused me as both are muslims.
3. she said he is on dating apps. I dont know about now but he was someone who was always on dating apps and was always hunting.
4. she said the new woman buys clothes and shoes for him. I used to do that and she asked if its me or the new woman. I dont know ..may be the new woman is doing it too
5. she said he has a pattern of leaving 1 woman for another and he always wants more than 1 woman at a time. That is true. That is really a pattern.
6. she said he has feelings for me but if he loved me he will be with me. Which i feel is true
7. She said he is in a different country/place than me. Not true really though he is spending 3-4 days a week in a different city. So may be true
8. she said financially he is fine as the new woman is taking care of him. true that
9. She said he left as i was complaining about his ex wife meddling in our lives and earlier i would keep quiet. True that. I was quieter earlier and then i started feeling i was being taken for granted and he was just using me. She said these exact words about my feelings.
10. she said he doesnt love the new woman. he loves what she is doing for him. Very much like him so could be true
11. She said he is promising marriage etc but he may not do it. and this woman will lose patience in 2 years...much like me. Knowing him its possible. She said he is just saying it to manipulate her into doing stuff for him.
12. She said he is a natural born cheater. True. He cheated on his ex wife atleast 5-6 time which he told me himself and then he cheated on very true
13. She said anyone who dates him has to know that he can really be harmful as he is a charmer and then uses people. Very much true as i am now able to see it as we broke up.
14. She said he will never initiate anything with me and i need to talk to him and initiate any meeting or contact. Not  true. he messaged once and then i messaged yday and then he asked to meet which i denied. so here she was wrong.But yes the first time he messagesd me on 2 May and thenn i messaged him on 6 June post which he asked to meet and talk.
15. she said i will talk to him but wont get into realtionship with him. true as i told him i cannot be with him for who he is and how he treated me. he also confessed to me that many times he drove past my house to just see me and he has been trying to find me on insta/fb/whatsapp of mine or my friends. i have blocked him on all for me and my daughter.
16. she said if he comes will be unhealthy for me. she said he may if this new woman starts complaining too and that seems possible.
17. She also said i may see some pic on some social media about him and her family that will piss me off and it happened yday. i spoke to him in the morning/evening and then at night i just looked up some member of her family on insta and there the pic was. His dog in that new woman's house. the woman he cheated on me with.
18. she said he feels we were not compatible . may be true as until a certain time i used to keep quiet and then i realised i had enough
19. she knew his feelings- he felt he didnt give me a chance that he was nevre there for me and that he regrets what he did. He confirmed some of it but he is a horrible egoistical man. He cheated on me but still wont accept that he left for his ex wife which a lot of other psychics also confirmed.
20. she said she doesnt see me in a relationship. true. as i am unable to love and trust. she said i need healing. which is true.
21. she said he is someone who wants the freedom to do what he wants when he wants. this is 100% accurate. It doesnt matter if this could be bad for me or the relationship but he will do what he wants to the extent that he will be on dating apps because he feels not being on them when i ask him to or stop flirting when i ask him to means end of freedom and he feels that makes him crave for forbidden fruits even more.
22. She also said that things are going to get better for me financially and yes, i did get a one time reward from my company.
23. She said i will get a btter job/role. Not sure as i am not actively looking for a job but i am doing a better role - same level in my current job.
24. she said i am working in a consulting organization in contracts/HR and tht was 100% accurate
25. she said, i will meet someone at work to be in a relationship who will be my life partner. she didnt give any timeline. So yet to happen

so i guess out of 25 , she was wrong only on 1 and 1 is yet to happen....thats a good score.
So she sure has a gift.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2019, 11:03:08 AM by Shubhra »

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2237 on: June 07, 2019, 12:13:50 PM »
Well, Cookie got that I would lose weight. I got on the scale today and lost 7 lbs. without really trying. So, she got one thing right. Lol

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2238 on: June 07, 2019, 12:59:46 PM »
Well, Cookie got that I would lose weight. I got on the scale today and lost 7 lbs. without really trying. So, she got one thing right. Lol

Try 20 lbs! I lost that much without trying since February. She specifically said I would get to 160lbs and I’m at 161. Which is great because I needed to loose this weight lol

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2239 on: June 07, 2019, 01:37:07 PM »
Well, Cookie got that I would lose weight. I got on the scale today and lost 7 lbs. without really trying. So, she got one thing right. Lol

Try 20 lbs! I lost that much without trying since February. She specifically said I would get to 160lbs and I’m at 161. Which is great because I needed to loose this weight lol

I'm hoping it's a marker. She said I will lose wait and POI would notice I had a makeover. Seemed far fetched at the time, but here we are. Lol

Edited to add that when I got the reading in March, I was at my all time flabbiest.  I literally laughed at her. 😳
« Last Edit: June 07, 2019, 01:40:02 PM by Fidget1028 »

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2240 on: June 07, 2019, 02:05:40 PM »
Well, Cookie got that I would lose weight. I got on the scale today and lost 7 lbs. without really trying. So, she got one thing right. Lol

Try 20 lbs! I lost that much without trying since February. She specifically said I would get to 160lbs and I’m at 161. Which is great because I needed to loose this weight lol

I'm hoping it's a marker. She said I will lose wait and POI would notice I had a makeover. Seemed far fetched at the time, but here we are. Lol

Edited to add that when I got the reading in March, I was at my all time flabbiest.  I literally laughed at her. 😳

She said the EXACT same thing to me! My reading was in April and June 1st. She said I will be loosing more weight. When I lost the first 10 he didn’t notice ...not sure if he would now since I let him go lol

Cookie did say its not over between my POI#1 and I so who knows

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2241 on: June 07, 2019, 02:11:46 PM »
Well, Cookie got that I would lose weight. I got on the scale today and lost 7 lbs. without really trying. So, she got one thing right. Lol

Try 20 lbs! I lost that much without trying since February. She specifically said I would get to 160lbs and I’m at 161. Which is great because I needed to loose this weight lol

I'm hoping it's a marker. She said I will lose wait and POI would notice I had a makeover. Seemed far fetched at the time, but here we are. Lol

Edited to add that when I got the reading in March, I was at my all time flabbiest.  I literally laughed at her. 😳

She said the EXACT same thing to me! My reading was in April and June 1st. She said I will be loosing more weight. When I lost the first 10 he didn’t notice ...not sure if he would now since I let him go lol

Cookie did say its not over between my POI#1 and I so who knows

Well we haven't reconnected, so I don't know how he's going to notice. 😑

Offline Yt5587

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2242 on: June 07, 2019, 02:22:31 PM »
I got the losing weight him noticing line from her as well but haven’t seen each other in two years lol

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2243 on: June 07, 2019, 02:26:28 PM »
I got the losing weight him noticing line from her as well but haven’t seen each other in two years lol

Lol well there goes Cookie and one of her typical lines!

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2244 on: June 07, 2019, 02:27:16 PM »
I got the losing weight him noticing line from her as well but haven’t seen each other in two years lol too! But she gave me March to October this year.

Offline lp1111

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2245 on: June 07, 2019, 02:27:51 PM »
I dont know what to say about cookie she picks up small insignificant stuff well but nothing she has said has ever worked out for me. In my last reading I asked her whats coming up in my love life in 2019. She started by saying did you cut your hair. I said no she said you didnt cut or color or change your hair I again said no. She said this is what I see coming up in 2019. SERIOUSLY cookie. At some point in 2019 I am going to probably cut color my hair? But what does that have to do with my love life. So random

I’m sorry you wasted your money on this, but it really made me LOL. That’s crazy. Although I would say women tend to drastically change their hair when something significant happens in their love life 😂 I’m hoping if I ever am able to get a reading with her I didn’t wait months for something like this!

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2246 on: June 07, 2019, 03:13:56 PM »
I feel like I’m reading with a different Cookie them y’all.

She seemed on fire and just free flowing with info.

Other than the weight comment (which could be true because I’m gaining and losing the same 10 lbs) and telling me to initiate everything else was accurate and on point.

Now whether anything happens is the question. She couldn’t pin down timing like she did last time.

After a glass in wine, some Xanax and a good cry I am putting all this to the side.

Offline britbrat

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2247 on: June 07, 2019, 03:32:36 PM »
A question I want to bump.

What have others experiences been like when Cookie says “I see,” vs “I believe,” vs “it looks like.”

I’m wondering if anyone has noticed subtle differences in predictions when she uses those phrases.

Of course her “seeing” is ideal but I wonder on the others.

The things she sometimes says she sees are things I have been able to validate or make a lot of sense. I feel like when she says she believes something she is making an assumption based on what she sees.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2248 on: June 07, 2019, 03:37:33 PM »
I dont know what to say about cookie she picks up small insignificant stuff well but nothing she has said has ever worked out for me. In my last reading I asked her whats coming up in my love life in 2019. She started by saying did you cut your hair. I said no she said you didnt cut or color or change your hair I again said no. She said this is what I see coming up in 2019. SERIOUSLY cookie. At some point in 2019 I am going to probably cut color my hair? But what does that have to do with my love life. So random

Yes, this I found very annoying about Cookie. If you tell her no or you don't know (about any of the random stuff she picks up), she continues down the same useless path of spouting and repeating the same useless insignificant information. It's like her needle is stuck and she can't move forward.

Offline britbrat

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #2249 on: June 07, 2019, 03:38:18 PM »
Cookie has been very accurate for me and several things she mentioned months in advance are playing out regarding my POI, but I don't think the outcome she sees is possible. I will not for sure after next month. I won't be in a long distance relationship with my POI.

