Major prediction came to pass...Cookie and Golden Dawn Tarot got it specifically right with me and POI. I’ve had several premonitions that pointed to this coming to pass last July.
This is literally something even my friends didn’t think would happen. (No not marriage or engagement or any “final” outcome stuff...don’t really care about that). It was pretty significant to me though!
Congratulations!! Was it with the man you thought things were over with, that Yona said would happen?
YEP IT WAS! I’m seeing progression now as she stated too i had to let her predictions play out...Cookie saw progression too with specifics...and a couple of those things happened
I knew it would happen! Remember we were telling you it could still happen?? And I am SO happy that it did! You deserve it!! I am so so happy or you!!!:)
We should get Embibems in here to see! I think given her situation she'd love to see this(: I'm so happy for you!!!!!!!
Hey guys! Thanks for telling me to come to this forum-- @sparkle I'm really happy for you. Your story gives me hope. I've never read with Cookie before and consider myself done with readings for a bit (MAJOR binge this past weekend) but I would like to read with her in the future.
@sparkle, did Cookie's prediction for you line up with what other readers were telling you? I think you've also read with Mattie, as I have, but I'm forgetting the specifics if you have (I apologize if you haven't lol). I'm just curious if the predictions Cookie provided you matched any others, as I'm feeling unsure about some of my heavy hitters after this major blow this past week. I'm trusting my gut--I've been trying lately to hone my intuition through meditation, essential oils, prayer, salt baths, even vivid and lucid dreaming (I've always been a major vivid dreamer, near nightly). I think it's working because I just *know* that my story isn't finished yet
And I'm so happy that yours is continuing in a positive direction!! Keep me posted and thanks @josh for getting me to check this forum out, too
Thanks everyone!! for this specific prediction...only Golden Dawn Tarot (Keen) and Cookie predicted this one. Actually both of them predicted something else that came to pass last August (eerily both predicted the same thing)....difference is Cookie “saw” it on her own and I “asked” GDT (she is better with questions).
So there are actually 9 readers that have been saying the same thing with this guy...and nope none of them are “fairy tale marriage predictions”....more so relationship breakthroughs milestones...and honestly ...all readers have kept it very real with me too...which I love.
So some of you may know I have premonitions that actually come to pass. I’ve seen things that have actually specifically happened with me and him..specific to smells and colors and time of day. In the past prediction I even mentioned that it would be connected to an event ...and yep it was!. The thing is I’ve never used this gift on anyone else, but I’ve never had it so connected with a POI (found an explanation to this in astrology)...but Yona speficifcally said that these premonitions would give insights to my poi...when she first predicted him back in 2016 she called it a “spiritual connection” and got the high preistess for me in all readings...pretty cool
But to be transparent, I’ve had several blows with my situation as well (nothing super major), but luckily i was warned about them..and kept expectations super low so I wasn’t utterly jacked up when things didn’t happen (I was also going out with other guys btw lol)... My readers told the good and the bad with this situation lol so i wasn’t really blindsided when he would do or not do certain things...
But Yes this was an exciting prediction to have happen though!
what was the astrological explanation? was it nodal contacts? There's a few others that show that type of connection and even some that correspond to longevity but those are more in vedic texts.
Pluto(me) in your partners 12th
In the 12th house of secrets and the sub-conscious and unconscious. The house of self-undoing, sorrow, regret, healing, and psychiatry, in short, it's not an easy house. It's Neptune's house and things are always vague, unclear, mystical, spiritual. It's also the house of past lives, and hidden things. It's the house of seeking help and healing.
The Pluto person can obtain some great insights into the house person that may or may not be comfortable for the house person. The 12th house is a tricky house well much of Astrology is, but the 12th households, both our soul-mate and our nemesis, our healer, guru or spiritual guides so it's contradictory and complicated.
This is typically a very powerful psychic connection where after time, you will notice the relationship happens so much on an unconscious level. The Pluto person can bring to light many of the hidden insecurities or ways in the which the house person sabotages them.
This is a powerful psychic connection to where the house person will feel as if the Pluto person knows what the house person is thinking at all times, and in some cases causing a sort of confessional. ...(POI) Moon Trine Neptune (me): Keen
psychic sensitivity; so psychic they are susceptible to emotional atmosphere around them and they react strongly. “When Neptune is harmoniously linked to the luminaries in the chart of a person who can respond to its higher rays, it can bestow gifts of a clairvoyant and clairaudient nature.” Pg 558, Alan Oken’s Complete Astrology
And several other connections ...