Kat23 you know which club i tried real hard to join? The “nailed it” club. In that club, members get phone readings or email readings and the reader ‘nailed’ their poi personality, nailed the exact date they would get their job, and nailed the date they would hear from their poi down to the minute. I dreamt of being accepted in the “nailed it” club. For so long I imagined what it would be like if a reader nailed it for me. I tried all the best ones. Dates came and passed, and when I called back the dates kept being pushed back another month. For me, manifestation never happens to be that very week or that very day. Its always the next month. And month after month, my dreams were shattered. What joy to have had a chance in the “nailed it” club 
I've been to a nailed club before...palm reading decades ago...that's why I believe in pre destined and free will is just illusion...everything that was said came to pass...
since then, nada...if there's a nailed club now, I will be the second in line...you will have my vote to be the first in line..
There are hits and misses in many of my readings, more misses than hits..the hits are usually insignificant but because it is rare..it still a wow moment for me...like you, I tried almost everyone...cookie gave me two predictions..two different readings..end of december...then December to April 15...very specific date!!! I didn't ask why wide range cause my head is thinking april 15 tax day..o how I hate that date..I got distracted!.. part1 of the prediction today failed...
My hopes, dreams have been shattered million times..now I am skeptical on everything...I agree it will be a joy to have a chance in the nailed club....