Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1112927 times)

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1650 on: November 04, 2018, 08:19:55 PM »
So do we understand that she has actual gift and not cold read?

I am worried after seeing people say mattie is 100% real and could not know unless she was psychic. How do we know cookie not just cold read? Really wondering not try to bash

You don't know, and I don't know. Nobody really, truly knows. You keep going on readers' threads asking for "updates" and wringing your hands about whether they're "real" or not. Please listen:

Even truly gifted readers can be wrong. Even people who have been right before, can be wrong. Nobody is infallible. You will NEVER get the peace that you are seeking by continuing to post these kinds of messages here.

Offline whskers

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1651 on: November 05, 2018, 02:40:39 AM »
For what it's worth, I had a reader (not Cookie) tell me that NY symbolizes east coast or northeast and California symbolizes west coast. It may not mean the specific state.

May be she is thinking or seeing citys  when she cites those places? It is the most common in America for city life I think. Or at least what i think of. So that could be thank you then a gain you would think she would just say city. May be she just sees a symbol for city and assume it mean NYC or California

Cookie can see, somebody is living in LA, and working in Orange County.  If that’s not gift, I don’t know what is.

She can even see my profession. For example (changed facts):

Cookie: this guy thinks a lot about someone with blonde hair
Me: I have blonde hair
Cookie: this girl is European.
Me: I am european.
Cookie: this girl is a doctor and works in a hospital.
Me: I am a doctor and I work in a hospital.
Cookie: it’s you. He thinks a lot about you.

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1652 on: November 05, 2018, 03:05:42 AM »
For what it's worth, I had a reader (not Cookie) tell me that NY symbolizes east coast or northeast and California symbolizes west coast. It may not mean the specific state.

May be she is thinking or seeing citys  when she cites those places? It is the most common in America for city life I think. Or at least what i think of. So that could be thank you then a gain you would think she would just say city. May be she just sees a symbol for city and assume it mean NYC or California

Cookie can see, somebody is living in LA, and working in Orange County.  If that’s not gift, I don’t know what is.

She can even see my profession. For example (changed facts):

Cookie: this guy thinks a lot about someone with blonde hair
Me: I have blonde hair
Cookie: this girl is European.
Me: I am european.
Cookie: this girl is a doctor and works in a hospital.
Me: I am a doctor and I work in a hospital.
Cookie: it’s you. He thinks a lot about you.

She went through a similar series of things trying to puzzle out who she was seeing. It went like this:

Cookie: She's thinking a lot about someone in her life. Who is the woman with lighter hair?
Me: Well the Other Woman has dark hair almost black
Cookie: And how about lighter hair? I see two people with lighter brown hair
Me: My ex and I both have light brown hair
Cookie: And are any of you really tall?
Me: That's me. I'm tall
Cookie: Much taller than either of them? Are you around 5'8" or more?
Me: Yep, that's me. I'm 5'11". They are both about 5'4"
Cookie: Ok, yes, she's thinking a lot about the really tall person, she's missing you

It's freaky honestly. And that wasn't all, she got the city where my ex works correct, too, as well as the amount of distance between us. I gave her no idea that we were long distance but she knew anyway, and not only that, but the correct amount of hours drive from one city to the other.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2018, 03:09:22 AM by journalmuse »

Offline wishes215

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1653 on: November 05, 2018, 08:50:08 PM »
Does she brings up california and new york for every body? I read comment and I got that to.

Yes she said New York to me. “Does ur poi have anything to do with NY/NJ?” I don’t think he does.

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1654 on: November 06, 2018, 02:32:54 AM »
Cookie got a lot of facts correct for me. She said
What is brown and grey about your POI. I was shocked he has brown hair that has started to get a lot of grey in it
She asked me about an Asian woman and and Indian woman. He observes the Indian woman. Thats me
She said NY, California and Florida for me I have lived in all three places.
There were countless other little things that she got right that she would not have known at all. She guessed he is caucasian I am not.
She knew we were in a waiting period she knew he and I work together but he is not my supervisor. I mean a lot of stuff. Her predictions still remain open for me which I will report back on. She said in 2019 Jan things are supposed to start moving for me which is not too far off

Offline Penelope

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1655 on: November 07, 2018, 07:19:40 AM »
I am new here and wanted to share my reading with Cookie.  I finally connected with her a couple of days ago but we got cut off due to a storm happening at her end.  Still, my reading lasted about 30 mins.  She asked me to pick a number between 1-5 initially but didn’t really reference that again.  She started off with a general read than asked if I had specific questions.  She picked up on a lot of details for me while answering my questions.  For example, she saw two men around me, one with dark hair and complexion and one with brown hair.  She saw I have highlights in my hair.  She noted that my POI was Caucasian.  She saw that I am from a different race or culture.  All correct.  What was really spooky was when she said she saw a consultant, a supervisor and a manager.  Those are the exact positions of me and the people I asked about.  Cookie also called me out that I didn’t ask her if my POI was in love with me so she proceeded to answer the question I didn’t ask. I really hope her predictions pan out.  Not all were great but they do move things forward one way or another!

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1656 on: November 07, 2018, 07:31:06 AM »
This reader seems to pick up things scary accurate, and validates well. I look forward to reading with her, and hope her line moves quicker  ;)

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1657 on: November 07, 2018, 03:03:24 PM »
So I just signed up to read with her, I’m number 95 LOL but I’m anxious to get her call.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1658 on: November 07, 2018, 03:09:55 PM »
i was hesitant to post what Cookie told me yesterday , but it is so funny . She started describe the person I will end up with and said :"Oh, he has a big penis ". Then she added :" it's a huge one" and started laughing. Lol

Offline njlady

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1659 on: November 07, 2018, 10:26:20 PM »
i was hesitant to post what Cookie told me yesterday , but it is so funny . She started describe the person I will end up with and said :"Oh, he has a big penis ". Then she added :" it's a huge one" and started laughing. Lol

Let us know how that prediction pans out, lol.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1660 on: November 07, 2018, 10:45:21 PM »
i was hesitant to post what Cookie told me yesterday , but it is so funny . She started describe the person I will end up with and said :"Oh, he has a big penis ". Then she added :" it's a huge one" and started laughing. Lol

Let us know how that prediction pans out, lol.

Bwhahahaha! She asked me one time - “what’s going on with him shaking in the bed?” “It’s like he is having seizures in the bed!” I said “cuz I’m good in the bed”. She said “shut up girl lol” and we both started laughing

Offline Sag78

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1661 on: November 08, 2018, 05:43:33 AM »
i was hesitant to post what Cookie told me yesterday , but it is so funny . She started describe the person I will end up with and said :"Oh, he has a big penis ". Then she added :" it's a huge one" and started laughing. Lol

Let us know how that prediction pans out, lol.

There is always the light at the end of the tunnel . LOL

Offline Cc2019

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1662 on: November 10, 2018, 05:55:08 PM »
Waiting to speak with cookie.  Been stuck at 1 for almost a week!! Any ideas as to when she typically calls?? Weekends vs weekdays??

Offline Hillcam

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1663 on: November 12, 2018, 04:25:26 PM »
I think it’s been about nine months since I talked to Cookie. She predicted that the summer months my ex would come back toward me if I waited for him. Again, I’ve said it before on her thread... I thought she was nuts for implying I’d wait five months to see him.

I started dating again a few months later but ended up single in June once again after realizing the new man I’d been seeing was abusive and I spent some time with my ex POI.

That was literally the only thing Cookie got right for me. We did not reconcile and we never will. I’m in her queue now but I’ll most likely cancel my callback

Offline Kate

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1664 on: November 14, 2018, 11:23:19 PM »
I think it’s been about nine months since I talked to Cookie. She predicted that the summer months my ex would come back toward me if I waited for him. Again, I’ve said it before on her thread... I thought she was nuts for implying I’d wait five months to see him.

I started dating again a few months later but ended up single in June once again after realizing the new man I’d been seeing was abusive and I spent some time with my ex POI.

That was literally the only thing Cookie got right for me. We did not reconcile and we never will. I’m in her queue now but I’ll most likely cancel my callback

Cookie has been so right for me it's freaky.. consistently, with outcomes, future events, 99%... she predicted some health things recently that I so wanted not to be true, and all came true.. all things I did not want to happen.. and have been SO frightening.. although I have followed her advice and taken the action she told me to quickly.. hopefully by doing so can minimise any effects...

But I wanted to mention an issue with Keen.  I joined Cookie's queue on Keen about 2 months ago at over 100... the call came through last night, I took it, got keen's hold music as it "connected me to your advisor" then I heard Cookie's faint voice behind the hold music.. "this cookie' I told her I couldn't hear her because of the music.. and eventually had to drop the call..with Cookie saying "do you want to call me back..." ;)

 Keen has been terrible for me with technical issues.. dropping calls, calls that sound like they are from Mars.. when I called them about it a few months ago after not being able to hear QoC, they told me it was issues with the advisor's phone and not their fault.. crazy.. I did go to ask for a refund this morning via the satisfaction guarantee, but realised that nothing had been docked from my account.. which made me think I should have struggled to hear and talk to cookie over the music! And had a free read!