Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1118270 times)

Offline Kate

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1155 on: March 30, 2018, 12:10:36 AM »
Me neither... I talked to her for 6 mins at 5.99. She then told me off as I didn't explain the kid of relationship I had with person. I heard you had to talk with her for 45 to 50 mins. Not happening for me.

I also find the cost prohibitive and often wish it were cheaper so we could at least get 6 mins for $20 - however I sometimes think we expect such a lot from readers.  It must be very hard to tune in, in such a short period of time.  Not many can do it - Cookie can.. at least she does with me.. My longer readers with her are always better.. she then can get a handle on the energy and sort through what she is seeing.  All in all, the cost is worth it (compared to wasting it on others) because I don't know any other reader that can equal Cookie's ability.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1156 on: March 30, 2018, 12:45:51 PM »
Cookie is always wrong on outcome, she has been wrong on every relationship outcome I’ve asked her about. She is better at small predictions and current but is her price worth that? It’s up for ppl to decide I guess.

Strange - that's not been my experience at all..

You've gotten a relationship outcome right with her? I guess she works better for others then

Yes - she has been pretty much 100% with me. 

Offline Kate

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1157 on: March 30, 2018, 12:49:37 PM »
I've read with Cookie for a while and she's told me things I didn't want to hear, as well as things I did. She's been right so far. She is slow, but I think if i let her talk things she sees on her own have been accurate.

I like to read mostly for guidance, I think situations can change drastically, I try not to get too enthusiastic about predictions.

Based on my own past experience, with other psychics, not her, when I got too excited about predictions I began to subconsciously act different towards the person I read about, to the point where things didn't play out naturally. It's better, in my opinion, to just let things be. If you confront someone you change the dynamics, things don't flow. That's just my opinion.

Also, certain predictions have happened as she has said.

I agree Stargazer. This is my experience also.. 

Offline whskers

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1158 on: March 30, 2018, 01:35:26 PM »
Cookie is always wrong on outcome, she has been wrong on every relationship outcome I’ve asked her about. She is better at small predictions and current but is her price worth that? It’s up for ppl to decide I guess.

Strange - that's not been my experience at all..

You've gotten a relationship outcome right with her? I guess she works better for others then

Yes - she has been pretty much 100% with me.

If it was a good outcome congratulations ;)
We need more happy endings on this forum

She got three outcome correct for me but 2 are negative and 1 positive

Offline scarlora

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1159 on: March 30, 2018, 02:54:32 PM »
I think she definitely has off days.  I read with her twice.  The first time she was crazy accurate in regards to past and present with zero info from me.  However, she called me at midnight and woke me up so I don't remember much of the convo.  She did tell me my ex would want to come back but she saw another split.  She could have been seeing the past on that.  He hasn't tried to come back yet.  Reading was in December.

The second reading was in February.  I had just been discharged from the hospital with influenza b and was waiting in the parking lot at the pharmacy.  So maybe that made me hard to read?  Her reading was basically her throwing a bunch of stuff at me to see if it would stick.  She even saw 5 men around me.  Wouldn't that be nice?

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1160 on: March 30, 2018, 03:05:28 PM »
I think she definitely has off days.  I read with her twice.  The first time she was crazy accurate in regards to past and present with zero info from me.  However, she called me at midnight and woke me up so I don't remember much of the convo.  She did tell me my ex would want to come back but she saw another split.  She could have been seeing the past on that.  He hasn't tried to come back yet.  Reading was in December.

The second reading was in February.  I had just been discharged from the hospital with influenza b and was waiting in the parking lot at the pharmacy.  So maybe that made me hard to read?  Her reading was basically her throwing a bunch of stuff at me to see if it would stick.  She even saw 5 men around me.  Wouldn't that be nice?
There probably was/is five men around you...doesn't mean it's relationship material. I get this a lot too. Readers often say this as if we are hot to trot, but I have tons of men around me where I work, in college, in the grocery store. I mean if they can't pinpoint better, is this really good information? Readers know exactly what to say to make you feel special but in hindsight, it's common sense.

I had a reader to mention they hear a lot of music around me if to make the convo spiritual, but I do keep my radio on constantly in my apartment. I mean she could have been picking up on that.

I had a reader tell me that she saw me taking classes soon, which would lead to an advancement, I believe it was DZigns. Well I am working on my masters, but come on...isn't that my hope that the degree would advance me? Picking up on the classes was great, but not being able to say anything definitive other than the obvious is not so great. She seemed on point too, but nothing she said ever transpired and it seemed specific to my situation, at the time as well.

I'm not disagreeing with SRCookie, but I've read with her twice and I still don't see what the hype is about her. She gives a lot of common sense, generalities IMHO.
The last time I read with her, she told me she sees me sleeping much better in three months time. So what? What kind of prediction is that? How is this leading me to anywhere? I don't get it.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1161 on: March 30, 2018, 03:49:45 PM »
Oh yes that has happened to me so often, where I left the reading thinking it was mind blowing, and then re-read or re-listened and I was like why was I so impressed?

Cookie was just saying weird non-related things when I read with her to my questions.  I had a straightforward question and she had a beat around the bush style of reading.  Which if she eventually got to the point, maybe it would have been ok, but when I'm paying by the minute, not even a flat rate, then it's just like she's milking it for more money.  She didn't come off as unethical to me but at the same time, I didn't have $200.00 to sit and listen to her talk about things I already knew about POI.  She would do better if she had  site like LP and read for an even price, where you feel you might get your money's worth.  Not Keen, the worst of them all, with that constant recording interrupting "one minute left" LOL.  UGH.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1162 on: March 30, 2018, 04:20:31 PM »
Oh yes that has happened to me so often, where I left the reading thinking it was mind blowing, and then re-read or re-listened and I was like why was I so impressed?

Cookie was just saying weird non-related things when I read with her to my questions.  I had a straightforward question and she had a beat around the bush style of reading.  Which if she eventually got to the point, maybe it would have been ok, but when I'm paying by the minute, not even a flat rate, then it's just like she's milking it for more money.  She didn't come off as unethical to me but at the same time, I didn't have $200.00 to sit and listen to her talk about things I already knew about POI.  She would do better if she had  site like LP and read for an even price, where you feel you might get your money's worth.  Not Keen, the worst of them all, with that constant recording interrupting "one minute left" LOL.  UGH.

Omg yes this is what so many of them do on Keen, sidestepping the actual question, rambling, telling you stuff that is irrelevant or that you already know. So not worth it for the amount of money they charge.

It's really not worth it...I think I spent around over $50 for that call with Cookie and walked away with no real answers.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1163 on: March 30, 2018, 04:21:04 PM »
It's the older generation who have no clue about setting up their own site or even what PayPal is. Keen does it all for them, so if she wanted to make better money and cut out the middle man, she can't do it. She is popular enough to take her clients with her, but it probably won't happen.

Offline Luckystar

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1164 on: March 30, 2018, 04:21:57 PM »
I've read with her for 5 years...I should know by now that she is more wrong than right when I ask specific questions about things that will happen. She's for sure gifted when she sees things on her own.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1165 on: March 30, 2018, 04:25:49 PM »
It's the older generation who have no clue about setting up their own site or even what PayPal is. Keen does it all for them, so if she wanted to make better money and cut out the middle man, she can't do it. She is popular enough to take her clients with her, but it probably won't happen.

yea I figured as much, she seemed much older and like set in her ways.  hey more power to her, her style of reading wasn't for me anyway, but her loyal clients will fork over the money on Keen.

Offline whskers

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1166 on: March 30, 2018, 04:33:22 PM »
I don’t like the rambling either.. I would always have to budget $100ish when talking to cookie. But this is her style of reading. She’s not a direct yes or no type of reader. I’d rather listen to her rambles and get 100% predictions correctly (which has been my experience with her) than pay $20, $30 to anyone whose prediction don’t happen. And another reason why I only read with cookie only once every 3 months. At first I wasn’t a fan. Everything she said didnt make sense. But as predictions unfold, I kept coming back to her. It came to a point where now she gives me a prediction and I will ask her.. i Want this to happen instead, what should I do? And she gives me advice. I don’t find her vague either. Her predictions are so specific. The first few readings, yes vague, but still outcome happened. But now she’s more specific. My last read with her she said “he is coming very clear tonight”. Do I think she has off days? Maybe. But hasn’t happened to me.. yet.

I asked a different reader, not cookie, why does she think it’s hard to read other people.. she said a lot of factors, the other person is very anxious, not concentrating, has a very mad negative energy, not very open, or there are just people who are easier to read. I’m not saying this is anyone, but try to meditate before going to readings. I do that before I go to readings, just clear my mind. One time I asked something to a reader and I wasn’t nervous or anything but it was a big deal for me. The reader said, I don’t get it, why is your anxiety going up when you talk about this topic. I don’t think I gave out anything for her to think that. A reader (not cookie) saw my late boyfriend will die. This is a very healthy, good career individual. Outcome? Yes he passed away. If ALL psychics are fairy tale bullshitter, then I don’t know what else how to say. And it’s not like it matters to me if people see them that way.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2018, 04:35:12 PM by whskers »

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1167 on: March 30, 2018, 04:50:21 PM »
I don't recall anyone saying all readers are bullshitters, it's just the information Cookie gave to me. General as F!
It's great she worked for you, but you gave her multiple chances. I don't do that other than with two reads, nor do I feel I'm the issue when I go to a reader. Either they are good/strong enough to read me or they don't. I noticed that none of the reasons that other reader gave as to why some people are hard to read, never once did she mention her skill as a reader. It's all the caller's fault. Some are easier to read I've known this and I don't go for all that meditation b.s. either. They just need to take me as I am. I'm just giving you my experience, I'm not in it to win it by any means. I know who works for me and who doesn't and just will continue the search.  That's all I'm saying.


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1168 on: March 30, 2018, 04:54:04 PM »
I think she definitely has off days.  I read with her twice.  The first time she was crazy accurate in regards to past and present with zero info from me.  However, she called me at midnight and woke me up so I don't remember much of the convo.  She did tell me my ex would want to come back but she saw another split.  She could have been seeing the past on that.  He hasn't tried to come back yet.  Reading was in December.

The second reading was in February.  I had just been discharged from the hospital with influenza b and was waiting in the parking lot at the pharmacy.  So maybe that made me hard to read?  Her reading was basically her throwing a bunch of stuff at me to see if it would stick.  She even saw 5 men around me.  Wouldn't that be nice?
There probably was/is five men around you...doesn't mean it's relationship material. I get this a lot too. Readers often say this as if we are hot to trot, but I have tons of men around me where I work, in college, in the grocery store. I mean if they can't pinpoint better, is this really good information? Readers know exactly what to say to make you feel special but in hindsight, it's common sense.

I had a reader to mention they hear a lot of music around me if to make the convo spiritual, but I do keep my radio on constantly in my apartment. I mean she could have been picking up on that.

I had a reader tell me that she saw me taking classes soon, which would lead to an advancement, I believe it was DZigns. Well I am working on my masters, but come on...isn't that my hope that the degree would advance me? Picking up on the classes was great, but not being able to say anything definitive other than the obvious is not so great. She seemed on point too, but nothing she said ever transpired and it seemed specific to my situation, at the time as well.

I'm not disagreeing with SRCookie, but I've read with her twice and I still don't see what the hype is about her. She gives a lot of common sense, generalities IMHO.
The last time I read with her, she told me she sees me sleeping much better in three months time. So what? What kind of prediction is that? How is this leading me to anywhere? I don't get it.

lol so true...I've gotten enough readings to be able to differentiate between general BS versus real solid psychic insight.

They will say "I see you doing something creative with work" ...every job has a creative side, and if there isn't any, then they'll say "you need to be more creative or focus on your creative passions"

They will always say "changes happening at work"...every single job will have changes (or even positive changes) lol and if your voice sounds young, they'll most likely mention something about "school", and if you are not currently in school, then they'll say they see you considering going back to school in the future, or taking some online courses, or something about education/training...they'll leave it broad enough to include everything and anything related to "learning"

And always, they'll say there is someone around you that likes you but you don't like him. It's not like you can ever verify this anyways so that's always a safe thing to say.


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1169 on: March 30, 2018, 04:59:46 PM »
And "someone around you is sick" is always a safe bet too. I mean come on, we all have elders in our families...or knows a friend who has a sick mother etc...

Oh my favourite is when they throw in the signs!! I see a Capricorn around you, an Aries, a Leo? a Sagittarius? Just recite the whole 12 signs lol. And "around you" is broad enough to include anyone from someone you're involved in a relationship with to someone you crossed paths with at the grocery store.

And don't forget the "names"...J name? A name? S name? T name? Do you know anyone with these initials? Does your family know anyone with these initials? Ok no? your mom probably met a P name you just don't know him.

By the way, what is with Spirit speaking in cryptic codes? A lot of mediums will say "ive got a passed spirit here with a J name", so the spirit doesn't even know their own name? I had psychics tell me that spirit guides communicate to them through letters like A and the spirit guides knows what colour of jacket I'm wearing, and yet they don't even know a person's godddamn name??

