Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1112909 times)

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1035 on: January 09, 2018, 09:24:44 PM »
It's sad to say, but that has happened to a lot of us. You read fab reviews and then the reader, who many use, isn't fab for you.
I don't get it, but as many overly post, one reader that is good for another might not be good for you.
It's just part of the risk taken when getting readings.

Offline Luckystar

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1036 on: January 09, 2018, 09:49:37 PM »
Cookie is right about alot of small things but I just don't know about her sometimes.

In my last reading she saw me moving for a job in a different state which she has said to me before...and I have been planning to move but she also said stuff that didnt resonate with me like "I see you getting better at meditating" ...I have never meditated in my life.

Also she was correct about a person I had asked about in a previous reading. She had said that we would be on and off and for the past year or two that's been pretty accurate. However this last time I asked him if she thought I could see him soon ...she said if I pushed it I would see him. We hadn't spoken because things kind of ended on a bad note. I sent him a couple of messages and I got

Offline Kate

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1037 on: January 10, 2018, 10:52:51 AM »
I also talked for about 10 minutes (which was pretty expensive imo).But because everyone says she's accurate,I took the plunge. Before I answered the call I thought,"okay she is about to give me a firm yes or no...To a yes or no question" lol. I was wrong. There were tons of details.which I'm sure will makes sense in the next few months. Honestly some of the things she said would happen are things that are realistic and I had in my for a while. I got off the phone feeling overwhelmed.Like I wanted to call other people because I didn't really get an answer. Also I heard people say she helps with law of attraction and drawing things you want to you.She made a small suggestion to me and I will do it. I had high hopes.A lot like when I was in line for Alpha Female for weeks and she got absolutely everything wrong and didn't give an outcome...

I had the same experience with firm outcome, but then again I didn't want to spend $6 a minute waiting for her to get to the point - I think after ten minutes I just hung up.  She kind of was all over the place.  none of the smaller predictions happened either...I read all the rave reviews and I simply don't get it LOL.

This is the issue with Cookie - a 10 min call is not necessarily enough to work through the maze of info she gets. 

I have read with her a lot - and she has been 99% accurate... But when I read with her in the beginning, it would take quite a long time before I really understood what she was seeing.  It seemed like a muddle from the past, present and future..

She knows my situation now, so can go straight into a reading without me saying much.

Re giving advice on the LoA - this did not happen in early readings.. but she does assist me now with meditation, visualisation and changing my energy. 

She always leaves me feeling better than worst after a call because of this.. however, the bottom line is that she is super expensive considering the time it takes to get the information needed.

I continue to read with her, because she is the only reader who has seen things that have immediately manifested within the time frames she has visioned. 

She has been amazing with predictions for me - not 100% (unless things are still to manifest.)  However, she always stresses the importance of belief.

I understand she is not perfect - but considering the competition she has on keen and elsewhere, she is pretty much the best IMO.

When I first read with her, I was never going to go back because the info was confusing and I did not believe she was correct (I later found out she was!..)

I gave her a second go because a small prediction she had seen manifested.

On the second call she saw something no one else saw.. again I did not believe it.. it was a big thing.. and it manifested almost immediately... it blew me away!!

She has had hit after hit after hit with me. .. not 100% - and somethings have happened that I am surprised she did not see clearly.. however, once again, who else can do the above? 

There are other readers that are better empaths.. Veruska and Sweethearts Tarot saw something recently that Cookie had not picked up.. but they have missed a lot of things she has seen.

I just wish she had a personal site that was more affordable that Keen etc...

Offline Xssweater

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1038 on: January 10, 2018, 01:04:49 PM »
I agree with 10 minutes not being enough. She was spilling with info. Her predictions are about 5-6 months out for me. Nothing immediate. Even if I did call back it'd be after that time. Don't get me wrong,all the things she said we're 100% believable and realistic in my situation. Even with her small prediction being months out I can see a lot of the things she said happening. I'll give updates for sure

Offline njlady

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1039 on: January 10, 2018, 06:25:28 PM »
I also talked for about 10 minutes (which was pretty expensive imo).But because everyone says she's accurate,I took the plunge. Before I answered the call I thought,"okay she is about to give me a firm yes or no...To a yes or no question" lol. I was wrong. There were tons of details.which I'm sure will makes sense in the next few months. Honestly some of the things she said would happen are things that are realistic and I had in my for a while. I got off the phone feeling overwhelmed.Like I wanted to call other people because I didn't really get an answer. Also I heard people say she helps with law of attraction and drawing things you want to you.She made a small suggestion to me and I will do it. I had high hopes.A lot like when I was in line for Alpha Female for weeks and she got absolutely everything wrong and didn't give an outcome...

I had the same experience with firm outcome, but then again I didn't want to spend $6 a minute waiting for her to get to the point - I think after ten minutes I just hung up.  She kind of was all over the place.  none of the smaller predictions happened either...I read all the rave reviews and I simply don't get it LOL.

I just love her.  Her stuff falls into place.  Last night I was listening to something and I realized that Cookie told me two months ago that I was going to be working on this particular thing.  It wasn't something I would normally be doing.  She said it was one of the signs that I would see when something else was  getting ready to happen.  I got excited because I realized more things were falling into place for me.  It takes patience for her stuff to happen sometimes.  Just like with Judi. 

She doesn't give cookie-cutter readings and her style isn't for everyone but I have found her to be worth it.  I'd rather pay for a reading with her or Judi once a month and toss in a reading here or there with someone else I like and be satisfied rather than bouncing around with a bunch of other readers.

Offline Kate

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1040 on: January 10, 2018, 06:41:10 PM »
I also talked for about 10 minutes (which was pretty expensive imo).But because everyone says she's accurate,I took the plunge. Before I answered the call I thought,"okay she is about to give me a firm yes or no...To a yes or no question" lol. I was wrong. There were tons of details.which I'm sure will makes sense in the next few months. Honestly some of the things she said would happen are things that are realistic and I had in my for a while. I got off the phone feeling overwhelmed.Like I wanted to call other people because I didn't really get an answer. Also I heard people say she helps with law of attraction and drawing things you want to you.She made a small suggestion to me and I will do it. I had high hopes.A lot like when I was in line for Alpha Female for weeks and she got absolutely everything wrong and didn't give an outcome...

I had the same experience with firm outcome, but then again I didn't want to spend $6 a minute waiting for her to get to the point - I think after ten minutes I just hung up.  She kind of was all over the place.  none of the smaller predictions happened either...I read all the rave reviews and I simply don't get it LOL.

I just love her.  Her stuff falls into place.  Last night I was listening to something and I realized that Cookie told me two months ago that I was going to be working on this particular thing.  It wasn't something I would normally be doing.  She said it was one of the signs that I would see when something else was  getting ready to happen.  I got excited because I realized more things were falling into place for me.  It takes patience for her stuff to happen sometimes.  Just like with Judi. 

She doesn't give cookie-cutter readings and her style isn't for everyone but I have found her to be worth it.  I'd rather pay for a reading with her or Judi once a month and toss in a reading here or there with someone else I like and be satisfied rather than bouncing around with a bunch of other readers.

Yeah I have to agree - however, I have not found Judi great. 

She has got certain random details right.. but very very very few.  Others she has missed or been inaccurate (others I know have better luck)..

Cookie is the best I've ever spoken to. 

Before I read with Cookie, one of the readers I kept returning to was Matt Fraser who has an 8 month waiting list, but sometimes logs onto BSD.

He blew me away with the accuracy of the details he was able to see (living and dead). He is a psychic medium and immensely talented - however, his predictions were off.  That's the difference..

I'm still sometimes tempted to call him for a read on the current - but the difference with Cookie, is that she empowers me..

She makes me feel in control of my future. 

No other psychic has done that for me.. there really isn't much point calling anyone else.. but I do from time to time when I can't get her...

Offline Kate

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1041 on: January 10, 2018, 07:32:08 PM »
I also talked for about 10 minutes (which was pretty expensive imo).But because everyone says she's accurate,I took the plunge. Before I answered the call I thought,"okay she is about to give me a firm yes or no...To a yes or no question" lol. I was wrong. There were tons of details.which I'm sure will makes sense in the next few months. Honestly some of the things she said would happen are things that are realistic and I had in my for a while. I got off the phone feeling overwhelmed.Like I wanted to call other people because I didn't really get an answer. Also I heard people say she helps with law of attraction and drawing things you want to you.She made a small suggestion to me and I will do it. I had high hopes.A lot like when I was in line for Alpha Female for weeks and she got absolutely everything wrong and didn't give an outcome...

I had the same experience with firm outcome, but then again I didn't want to spend $6 a minute waiting for her to get to the point - I think after ten minutes I just hung up.  She kind of was all over the place.  none of the smaller predictions happened either...I read all the rave reviews and I simply don't get it LOL.

I just love her.  Her stuff falls into place.  Last night I was listening to something and I realized that Cookie told me two months ago that I was going to be working on this particular thing.  It wasn't something I would normally be doing.  She said it was one of the signs that I would see when something else was  getting ready to happen.  I got excited because I realized more things were falling into place for me.  It takes patience for her stuff to happen sometimes.  Just like with Judi. 

She doesn't give cookie-cutter readings and her style isn't for everyone but I have found her to be worth it.  I'd rather pay for a reading with her or Judi once a month and toss in a reading here or there with someone else I like and be satisfied rather than bouncing around with a bunch of other readers.

Yeah I have to agree - however, I have not found Judi great. 

She has got certain random details right.. but very very very few.  Others she has missed or been inaccurate (others I know have better luck)..

Cookie is the best I've ever spoken to. 

Before I read with Cookie, one of the readers I kept returning to was Matt Fraser who has an 8 month waiting list, but sometimes logs onto BSD.

He blew me away with the accuracy of the details he was able to see (living and dead). He is a psychic medium and immensely talented - however, his predictions were off.  That's the difference..

I'm still sometimes tempted to call him for a read on the current - but the difference with Cookie, is that she empowers me..

She makes me feel in control of my future. 

No other psychic has done that for me.. there really isn't much point calling anyone else.. but I do from time to time when I can't get her...

Just following on from what I wrote earlier.. I thought it might help people here if I mentioned the techniques Cookie tries to get callers to adopt.

It took me a while to understand what she meant when she was telling me to meditate and visualise in order to bring something desired on sooner.

I used to try really really hard to follow her advice - concentrating very hard... and that was the killer..

Visualisation shouldn't take effort..  it's like a day dream..

It's the state you may have experienced as a child whilst staring out the window instead of listening to the teacher.

The state you get into when driving on a long road trip, but forgetting your driving and letting your mind wonder..

You get yourself in a calm, meditative state.. not panicky, or stressed (this is perhaps the hardest part.)

Once there, visualisation should be like a daydream.. Something with no effort or attachment..

Try first with something you want, but something that doesn't have an emotional hold over you (i.e. isn't heart breaking.)

Try with money - to see it raining down on you.. feel the notes in your hand..the texture, the smell etc think about it.. then let your mind wonder away.. return to it.. think about something else.. return to it.. get used to just imagining it without any emotion..

Visualising your POI is the same.. You simply have a nice fantasy.. with no attachment or panic or stress...

The fantasy always has to be him/her coming toward you, talking to you.. not the other way have to hear the voice and see the person in your minds ear/eye etc. (Just as you were seeing, feeling the money.)

Think about it.. enjoy it.. then let it go and focus on something else..

it's the letting go .. not feeling afterwards like you are missing, or wanting.. but just having a random fantasy that you enjoy for enjoyment sake... and then letting your mind wonder onto something else.. making dinner etc's the letting go that makes the difference.. 

Doing it daily with no expectation brings results.

This is how things manifest quicker...

When Cookie tells you what she sees.. she does see it, but she wants YOU to also see it - visualise it/believe it... she sees it.. but it is your visualisation that either hurries (or changes) the outcome.. 


Offline Xssweater

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1042 on: January 10, 2018, 08:40:03 PM »
Thanks for writing about her method. I'm happy I finally got to read with her. maybe next reading I'll allow 20-30 min. I was mainly looking for a yes or no but the stuff she said I took notes on. Her energy was pretty cool. She was nice and just kept talking. I did volunteer a lot of information. The next time I'll ask what things I could do to make my situation better instead

Offline Kate

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1043 on: January 11, 2018, 09:49:46 AM »
Do you know how angry I am at the fact that I waited over TWO weeks in her queue, but when the phone rang, I was at work in a meeting and could NOT leave? Now I'm 44th in line. UGH!

See if you can book an appointment - email her and let her know what happened and how much you want to talk to her.. and try and book an appointment.

Offline whskers

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1044 on: January 17, 2018, 04:05:03 AM »
I also talked for about 10 minutes (which was pretty expensive imo).But because everyone says she's accurate,I took the plunge. Before I answered the call I thought,"okay she is about to give me a firm yes or no...To a yes or no question" lol. I was wrong. There were tons of details.which I'm sure will makes sense in the next few months. Honestly some of the things she said would happen are things that are realistic and I had in my for a while. I got off the phone feeling overwhelmed.Like I wanted to call other people because I didn't really get an answer. Also I heard people say she helps with law of attraction and drawing things you want to you.She made a small suggestion to me and I will do it. I had high hopes.A lot like when I was in line for Alpha Female for weeks and she got absolutely everything wrong and didn't give an outcome...

I had the same experience with firm outcome, but then again I didn't want to spend $6 a minute waiting for her to get to the point - I think after ten minutes I just hung up.  She kind of was all over the place.  none of the smaller predictions happened either...I read all the rave reviews and I simply don't get it LOL.

I just love her.  Her stuff falls into place.  Last night I was listening to something and I realized that Cookie told me two months ago that I was going to be working on this particular thing.  It wasn't something I would normally be doing.  She said it was one of the signs that I would see when something else was  getting ready to happen.  I got excited because I realized more things were falling into place for me.  It takes patience for her stuff to happen sometimes.  Just like with Judi. 

She doesn't give cookie-cutter readings and her style isn't for everyone but I have found her to be worth it.  I'd rather pay for a reading with her or Judi once a month and toss in a reading here or there with someone else I like and be satisfied rather than bouncing around with a bunch of other readers.

Yeah I have to agree - however, I have not found Judi great. 

She has got certain random details right.. but very very very few.  Others she has missed or been inaccurate (others I know have better luck)..

Cookie is the best I've ever spoken to. 

Before I read with Cookie, one of the readers I kept returning to was Matt Fraser who has an 8 month waiting list, but sometimes logs onto BSD.

He blew me away with the accuracy of the details he was able to see (living and dead). He is a psychic medium and immensely talented - however, his predictions were off.  That's the difference..

I'm still sometimes tempted to call him for a read on the current - but the difference with Cookie, is that she empowers me..

She makes me feel in control of my future. 

No other psychic has done that for me.. there really isn't much point calling anyone else.. but I do from time to time when I can't get her...

Just following on from what I wrote earlier.. I thought it might help people here if I mentioned the techniques Cookie tries to get callers to adopt.

It took me a while to understand what she meant when she was telling me to meditate and visualise in order to bring something desired on sooner.

I used to try really really hard to follow her advice - concentrating very hard... and that was the killer..

Visualisation shouldn't take effort..  it's like a day dream..

It's the state you may have experienced as a child whilst staring out the window instead of listening to the teacher.

The state you get into when driving on a long road trip, but forgetting your driving and letting your mind wonder..

You get yourself in a calm, meditative state.. not panicky, or stressed (this is perhaps the hardest part.)

Once there, visualisation should be like a daydream.. Something with no effort or attachment..

Try first with something you want, but something that doesn't have an emotional hold over you (i.e. isn't heart breaking.)

Try with money - to see it raining down on you.. feel the notes in your hand..the texture, the smell etc think about it.. then let your mind wonder away.. return to it.. think about something else.. return to it.. get used to just imagining it without any emotion..

Visualising your POI is the same.. You simply have a nice fantasy.. with no attachment or panic or stress...

The fantasy always has to be him/her coming toward you, talking to you.. not the other way have to hear the voice and see the person in your minds ear/eye etc. (Just as you were seeing, feeling the money.)

Think about it.. enjoy it.. then let it go and focus on something else..

it's the letting go .. not feeling afterwards like you are missing, or wanting.. but just having a random fantasy that you enjoy for enjoyment sake... and then letting your mind wonder onto something else.. making dinner etc's the letting go that makes the difference.. 

Doing it daily with no expectation brings results.

This is how things manifest quicker...

When Cookie tells you what she sees.. she does see it, but she wants YOU to also see it - visualise it/believe it... she sees it.. but it is your visualisation that either hurries (or changes) the outcome.. 


I have been doing this and it’s very effective thank you very much!

Offline Caroline

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1045 on: January 17, 2018, 04:26:48 AM »
I tend to think cookie takes notes and she has said the same thing to different people.

Offline Xssweater

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1046 on: January 17, 2018, 04:47:54 AM »
Really? Why do you think this? I went to look back at the call details and realized I actually spent 20 min on the phone with her. I did notice she repeated herself a lot and I was warned about that. Now that I think about it,the few really good advisors ppl mention tend to repeat themselves during a call. I guess it's the way they are receiving information. I really want to try Cookie again and maybe ask for a general reading. My question was about a love interest and the call was so open ended. Things were just kinda up in the air. And that's okay. I may wait a few months (save some $$) and give another try

I tend to think cookie takes notes and she has said the same thing to different people.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1047 on: January 17, 2018, 05:42:47 AM »
Cookie repeated herself a lot for me, and was very nice. Gave me a lot of info. But in regards to some really , really crucial info, she was really wrong. Some stuff happened within a week of her read which I had asked her about which she did not pick up. I had asked her specifically about it. It's ok, she's not perfect, I get it. But she went in such circles, I thought she was gonna puke from making herself dizzy .
I really liked her too.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1048 on: January 17, 2018, 07:47:43 AM »
Really? Why do you think this? I went to look back at the call details and realized I actually spent 20 min on the phone with her. I did notice she repeated herself a lot and I was warned about that. Now that I think about it,the few really good advisors ppl mention tend to repeat themselves during a call. I guess it's the way they are receiving information. I really want to try Cookie again and maybe ask for a general reading. My question was about a love interest and the call was so open ended. Things were just kinda up in the air. And that's okay. I may wait a few months (save some $$) and give another try

I tend to think cookie takes notes and she has said the same thing to different people.

She has repeated things I have told her in previous calls about my poi and our ethnicities.  In regards to her telling people the same thing she told me the same thing about moving that she told someone else.  And she’s told more than one person the poi is in love but afraid to say it.

Offline Kate

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1049 on: January 17, 2018, 10:47:03 AM »
Really? Why do you think this? I went to look back at the call details and realized I actually spent 20 min on the phone with her. I did notice she repeated herself a lot and I was warned about that. Now that I think about it,the few really good advisors ppl mention tend to repeat themselves during a call. I guess it's the way they are receiving information. I really want to try Cookie again and maybe ask for a general reading. My question was about a love interest and the call was so open ended. Things were just kinda up in the air. And that's okay. I may wait a few months (save some $$) and give another try

I tend to think cookie takes notes and she has said the same thing to different people.

She has repeated things I have told her in previous calls about my poi and our ethnicities.  In regards to her telling people the same thing she told me the same thing about moving that she told someone else.  And she’s told more than one person the poi is in love but afraid to say it.

If she knows information she will of course take that into account on the read. 

Sometimes she will come up with something when I am reading with her.. something she will interpret one way. However, after I give her some info, this can change the way she interprets what she is seeing, and help us muddle through the images she is getting - so I am not worried about feeding Cookie info (although when I read with her, I'll always ask an open ended question and let her run). 

She really will only tell you what she sees. 

She is a slow talker and obviously this plays into the time factor. 

Yes, she will repeat herself.. This can be for a few reasons. Either you have read with her recently and she is seeing the same thing. Or she will repeat something on a call if she is seeing it again and again (I have found that things she repeats usually have a strong probability of occurring.)

She can get energies mixed up - so watch for that.  But overall, she will only give you what she is seeing.

I am always a bit concerned when a reader goes from call to call (i.e. concerned about clearing the energy beforehand) So I prefer appointments if possible.. 

Overall Cookie has been astoundingly accurate with me..

I have noticed that events that she sees are not always in order...

