Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1110693 times)

Offline Calleronhiatus

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #855 on: July 16, 2017, 06:04:38 AM »
Others may not like what I have to say while Keisha is a bit better and at least ethical reader Cookie is completely scrappy reader. Nice person but awful readings. When I asked something about my pregnancy she asked back " you are not pregnant right now are you"? Why would I ask you and waste my money then? She said you won't get pregnant unless you are prescribed something by doctor. Wronggggg it was late October when I chatted with her and I got pregnant right way. Plus a few other predictions that never ever ever panned out.
Though I admit Lisa Diane saw "16" for me and right on 16th Dec I found that I am already 3 weeks along. She even saw a GREEN LOGO for the company I would work which never panned out. However my past company HAS green logo. Mine's predictions panned out but Lisa is better then Kisha and cookie. Both are so so.

Why do you being Kisha's name up in every dam thing? This post and thread is about cookie. Its your life? Which life? Because you apparently don't have one of all you can do is find ways to bring up Kisha daily. So pathetic.

Offline Caroline

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #856 on: July 16, 2017, 06:23:37 AM »
I read with Cookie last Sunday and I asked if I would be able to get my own place soon; she said I would have to explain my credit score.  She said she saw me moving on six either six days or six weeks.  I told her I wish it would be six days, but I doubted it.  Guess what I did today?  I moved.

Offline mystery123

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #857 on: July 16, 2017, 02:49:06 PM »
I read with Cookie last Sunday and I asked if I would be able to get my own place soon; she said I would have to explain my credit score.  She said she saw me moving on six either six days or six weeks.  I told her I wish it would be six days, but I doubted it.  Guess what I did today?  I moved.


Offline Shayalay

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #858 on: July 16, 2017, 04:46:48 PM »
I read with Cookie last Sunday and I asked if I would be able to get my own place soon; she said I would have to explain my credit score.  She said she saw me moving on six either six days or six weeks.  I told her I wish it would be six days, but I doubted it.  Guess what I did today?  I moved.

This is how accurate Cookie is for me.

Offline Love-33

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #859 on: July 16, 2017, 07:29:37 PM »
I read with Cookie last Sunday and I asked if I would be able to get my own place soon; she said I would have to explain my credit score.  She said she saw me moving on six either six days or six weeks.  I told her I wish it would be six days, but I doubted it.  Guess what I did today?  I moved.

This is how accurate Cookie is for me.

Do you know if she has a website or Facebook page or something other than keen?

Offline britbrat

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #860 on: July 16, 2017, 07:35:03 PM »
Cookie doesn't have her own site.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #861 on: July 17, 2017, 12:51:20 AM »
I read with Cookie last Sunday and I asked if I would be able to get my own place soon; she said I would have to explain my credit score.  She said she saw me moving on six either six days or six weeks.  I told her I wish it would be six days, but I doubted it.  Guess what I did today?  I moved.

She gave me the exact same prediction some time back. Dont know if its a general thing she throws out and it fit in your situation or not...

Offline lostsoul209

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #862 on: July 17, 2017, 01:03:45 AM »
I on her line now I want to see if I will get a positive outcome from her again. I hope she get to me today.

Offline Itsmylife

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #863 on: July 17, 2017, 04:54:35 AM »
Others may not like what I have to say while Keisha is a bit better and at least ethical reader Cookie is completely scrappy reader. Nice person but awful readings. When I asked something about my pregnancy she asked back " you are not pregnant right now are you"? Why would I ask you and waste my money then? She said you won't get pregnant unless you are prescribed something by doctor. Wronggggg it was late October when I chatted with her and I got pregnant right way. Plus a few other predictions that never ever ever panned out.
Though I admit Lisa Diane saw "16" for me and right on 16th Dec I found that I am already 3 weeks along. She even saw a GREEN LOGO for the company I would work which never panned out. However my past company HAS green logo. Mine's predictions panned out but Lisa is better then Kisha and cookie. Both are so so.

Why do you being Kisha's name up in every dam thing? This post and thread is about cookie. Its your life? Which life? Because you apparently don't have one of all you can do is find ways to bring up Kisha daily. So pathetic.

Hmmm what is my life... None of your business. Why you got so offensive about kisha...... Posts by me. I will choose to write what I want through my own internet and typeboard. Choose to ignore others at least with whome you have no agreement. I have no issue with Keisha but the way some people put her like a prediction goddess that is pathetic. Continue your discussion just don't bother what I choose to write.
As for cookie she is as terrible reader as all these others are 5.99 a min what a joke.

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #864 on: July 17, 2017, 07:51:28 AM »
No idea why Calleronhiatus goes around attacking peoples comments. I was attacked yesterday, for no reason. Don't like a post move on. Not everyone has the same opinion of readers. If a reader is wrong or right and a member writes a post, if you don't agree move on. No need for your rude childish comments.

Offline Itsmylife

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #865 on: July 17, 2017, 10:17:26 AM »
No idea why Calleronhiatus goes around attacking peoples comments. I was attacked yesterday, for no reason. Don't like a post move on. Not everyone has the same opinion of readers. If a reader is wrong or right and a member writes a post, if you don't agree move on. No need for your rude childish comments.

Can't agree with you more about choosing to move on regarding other people 's comments. I feel when we believe a reader is correct we choose to believe our ex will return or that long distance relationship will work out or We will get that top job or get into that best grad school etc etc because our readers can't be wrong how its possible they are wrong? Sometimes we don't get defensive about them but we are afraid to even consider the possibility that he is not into us or we will not get that job or its really over etc etc. I have been there. Have wasted so much money and have had heart ache not only because he was never into me but also my great psychic was wrongggg. Anyways my purpose is not to hurt anyone s feelings but just lay out my reality. If expressing my thoughts could save even someone's few bucks it will be all worth it. After all " psychic readings are for entertainment purpose ONLY" :) happy Monday and take care.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #866 on: July 17, 2017, 04:11:12 PM »
Cookie doesn't have her own site.
Doesn't she read from another site though? Prophetess 10487

Offline mystery123

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #867 on: July 18, 2017, 02:06:22 AM »
How accurate would you say Cookie is? I recently read with her and her reading is different than what other accurate advisors have said. So I'm a little confused. Any thoughts?

I read with her today and same thing! He reading was similar yet different. Similar in predicting changes in career and personal life but timeline is way in future that what other readers have given me.

Offline Shayalay

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #868 on: July 18, 2017, 02:27:52 AM »
How accurate would you say Cookie is? I recently read with her and her reading is different than what other accurate advisors have said. So I'm a little confused. Any thoughts?

I read with her today and same thing! He reading was similar yet different. Similar in predicting changes in career and personal life but timeline is way in future that what other readers have given me.

FWIW, this was the case in my readings with the timing. She turned out to be the only one right. Well, Gaylene got the right numbers but didn't know what they meant and kept thinking they were weeks.

Offline mystery123

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #869 on: July 18, 2017, 03:04:32 AM »
How accurate would you say Cookie is? I recently read with her and her reading is different than what other accurate advisors have said. So I'm a little confused. Any thoughts?

I read with her today and same thing! He reading was similar yet different. Similar in predicting changes in career and personal life but timeline is way in future that what other readers have given me.

FWIW, this was the case in my readings with the timing. She turned out to be the only one right. Well, Gaylene got the right numbers but didn't know what they meant and kept thinking they were weeks.

Oh thanks! Good to know! I mean it sounded reasonable and it wasn't a fairytale reading or anything but felt really good after talking to her. Sorta empowered, she had good energy!

She was consistent with Gaylene in her outcome but Gaylene, qoc18, yona, micah and few others said 4-6 and Cookie said next year. We'll see, but deep down I am not in a rush. Next year seems more practical than this year, cuz i think I need some time to myself.

It's interesting though because they both said they still see me in touch with my ex-POI even though I will let him go completely and he is not my life partner. I am interested in seeing how that happens since he will move in a month and I have lost interest in communicating with him.
And  the new person as described by  qoc18,, gaylene, cookie and couple more i dont remember.. has similarity.. I think it's very interesting how they pick up same stuff!

« Last Edit: July 18, 2017, 03:14:25 AM by mystery123 »