Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1109280 times)

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #645 on: January 23, 2013, 08:33:39 PM »
I wonder where she started to go downhill... Totally unbelievable as she's been lined up 20+ people for like 3 years.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #646 on: January 23, 2013, 10:03:06 PM »
1 customer? Wow! Maybe people started to realize she is a great remote viewer but predictions not so much. I love Cookie but am still waiting for things to manifest from her readings last year. I told myself that until that happens, I'll hold off on anymore readings from her. it's so tempting to want to jump in her queue sometimes though
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 11:11:26 PM by psychicgirlie »

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #647 on: January 23, 2013, 11:09:06 PM »
Yeah, pretty shocking.  I wonder if we make or break a reader's fortune for a brief period sometimes.  When some good readings are reported, we start running to get a reading.   I am sure we have discussed the length of queues of some readers after someone posted positives.  I guess Cookie has felt the other side of it, she has had some negative posts a few times.  Lately, no one even mentions her and her queue has disappeared.  I have decided, unless my guy reappears in my life, as Cookie said, I will not get another reading.  It is great to talk to her and  hear what she has to say, but, too expensive and also then I wait for something that does not happen.  I don't want to feel that way.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #648 on: January 24, 2013, 12:35:42 AM »
I am the same way, as much as I love her, I will not have any more readings till at least one thing manifest. She did not actually make any love predictions for me, as a matter of the fact she told me the opposite, she told me he will be back but I must run away from him for my own sake. I agree, perhaps we make or break someone's fortune ;)

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #649 on: January 24, 2013, 02:59:07 AM »
@Rima I totally agree. I have spent an outrageous amount of money on Cookie and I refuse to spend another dime. She is  an excellent remote viewer and has given some great advice but when it comes to can forget it. Love her but I'm giving it a rest for now.


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #650 on: January 24, 2013, 04:04:48 AM »
I wish I found this forum a lot earlier it would have saved me thousands. I spent thousands on cookie. She would get one or two things right which pushes me to feel she is right. She would do her remote viewing tricks and suck me in farther. Am so sad. I would read with almost twice daily. Maxed out credit card after credit card, she will make you her 'friend' and make you trust her so that when her predictions fail you won't have the heart to give her a bad feedback. I question callbacks also I feel something is wrong, they can give family and friends a free one minute and they all queue up to fill it up. There was a time I was number 28 in line at 10pm and by 8am the next morning it was already my turn. Am so sad. Caryfaith is another scam, someone is always dying in her family, she talks about herself about how she used to read with stars In ny, about her dog, she talks about her bible to make you feel she is a christian, she keeps you on the phone to make money off you.


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #651 on: January 24, 2013, 10:07:03 PM »
Saw on cookie's call back 4 people in line and then suddenly someone  leaving feedbacks saying that cookie was spiritual, gives out scripture etc well I really didn't like that and felt that cookie was doing a pr move. I googled this person and the feedback he left for cookie are his first ones which is very suspicious and saying that she gives out scriptures reminds me of caryfaith who talks about her bible but scammed me. I don't know about any of you cookie has never given me scriptures to read at all, she was giving me appointments all the time, when I had a problem with one of my credit cards I couldn't get her and when I fixed it and had more money she was back again feeding me fantasies.many things she said didn't make sense but she always had a way to cover it up. Those that have read with her look at your notes and you will see that almost all her predictions are very general and could fit anywhere, she will then do her remote viewing thing to get you into believing. She told a friend of mine something even sent her an email later someone else called on my friends behalf and she said something different from what she had been saying.he really loves you, you will be physical again, her numbers include 25-30 days, 13, etc. She is not ethical at all. At the end of a call there is always something hanging that would make you call back.if you decide to read with her be careful protect your money put only enough that you are willing to spend so that keen will cut you off, if anyting is hanging don't call back and always remember that her accuracy rate is very low.

Offline Rima

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #652 on: January 24, 2013, 11:32:40 PM »
No, she never gave me scriptures.  I am going to have to defend Cookie a little bit.  I have always maintained the position that her relationship prediction did not happen for me at all.  Other predictions did and bang on!  When she said I would by a house in September, I had not even seen the house.  It was already end of July.  But, I saw the house on Aug 4th, had a ratified contract the same day and closed on Aug 31.  That is not all, she said I would buy 1-3 miles from ex.  My house is one mile away from his place.  She correctly predicted the street name will have a "V" and an "A" in it.  She mentioned the main street by name.  These are all predictions.  They came true.  So, I would be dishonest if I said she didn't or couldn't predict anything.  When I asked her about my ex before the current ex, Cookie said he is going to start living with his new girlfriend.  I laughed as he was the classic mr. commitment phobe and he only recently started this relationship.  Within a month, she moved in with him.  So please, take the good and the bad.  I wish Cookie would be right about what mattered to me the most, sadly she wasn't even close.  Never even saw him once.  So there, my take on Cookie is she has a gift, but, she also adds to the gift, her own interpretation or even addition.  Does she say things that don't at all happen? Yes, it does seem to be the case. 


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #653 on: January 25, 2013, 12:13:04 AM »
No, she never gave me scriptures.  I am going to have to defend Cookie a little bit.  I have always maintained the position that her relationship prediction did not happen for me at all.  Other predictions did and bang on!  When she said I would by a house in September, I had not even seen the house.  It was already end of July.  But, I saw the house on Aug 4th, had a ratified contract the same day and closed on Aug 31.  That is not all, she said I would buy 1-3 miles from ex.  My house is one mile away from his place.  She correctly predicted the street name will have a "V" and an "A" in it.  She mentioned the main street by name.  These are all predictions.  They came true.  So, I would be dishonest if I said she didn't or couldn't predict anything.  When I asked her about my ex before the current ex, Cookie said he is going to start living with his new girlfriend.  I laughed as he was the classic mr. commitment phobe and he only recently started this relationship.  Within a month, she moved in with him.  So please, take the good and the bad.  I wish Cookie would be right about what mattered to me the most, sadly she wasn't even close.  Never even saw him once.  So there, my take on Cookie is she has a gift, but, she also adds to the gift, her own interpretation or even addition.  Does she say things that don't at all happen? Yes, it does seem to be the case.
hi! I understand and I have read with many readers and spent more money on those than her. Cookie has remote viewer ability and may get some things other than relationships for some people and for some fail woefully on all fronts but that is not the issue with me. Most of us here usually have more anxiety about relationships than even jobs etc, she uses that anxiety to make money. She would say things about your relationship that was not true to keep you coming back. That is unethical, credit card after credit maxed out when she knew she was leading you on. Appointment after appointment to feed you lies. If she had been right I would not feel bad. When I started to question she would ask me to contact him first which contradicted every reading she gave me about seeing the guy or he coming to my house, advising me if I had sex with him that all would be fine. I am very bitter. She gave my friend the same lines and she can't even bear to hear cookie's name. When we get psychic readings yes we take the good with the bad but when someone you trusted and believed scams you and takes your money when she knew you didn't have much to begin with that is wicked. Very wicked.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #654 on: January 25, 2013, 12:43:28 AM »
I was just stating my experience and that's all.  Cookie has not done to me, what she has done to you and others (allegedly).  I mean, she has not asked me to call repeatedly, or something to that effect, playing on the anxiety.  Actually, she has cancelled on me many times and I did spend a good deal of money.  She has also told me to chill and in some readings she started with saying nothing has changed since we spoke last.  But, still those calls were long as she would throw in something that would ring true to me.  I am not sure she did that to string me along, so, I can't say for sure that she was unethical with me. 
« Last Edit: January 25, 2013, 12:52:29 AM by Rima »


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #655 on: January 25, 2013, 01:44:54 AM »
I was just stating my experience and that's all.  Cookie has not done to me, what she has done to you and others (allegedly).  I mean, she has not asked me to call repeatedly, or something to that effect, playing on the anxiety.  Actually, she has cancelled on me many times and I did spend a good deal of money.  She has also told me to chill and in some readings she started with saying nothing has changed since we spoke last.  But, still those calls were long as she would throw in something that would ring true to me.  I am not sure she did that to string me along, so, I can't say for sure that she was unethical with me.
I respect your opinion and I understand. I wish I had found this forum earlier that would at least warned me and maybe would have saved me. I hope if there are people out there that have started to question their own readings and loss of money or those that have not yet started with her that they are able to be saved with this forum. Am not saying for people not to read with her but I know I will never read with her again, I am saying as you read with her be careful and keep your wits around you and if something doesn't sound or feel right stop stop stop. Don't be another a statistic. I will not talk about my friend as you put allegedly so I will talk about only myself. I am still depressed with her betrayal and I have lost lots and lots of money. Others that have read with her out there who feel that now with hindsight things don't seem right will know for themselves. I am bitter and may one day forgive her in my heart because she made me feel like she was my friend and wouldn't hurt me. I would have easily given her the money without even a reading than to have her take it from me the way she did. That's what hurts. If you know what happened to me at the end of this cookie drama you would feel sorry for me but I am not ready to share that yet with people. Whoever she works for congratulations. She did not work for me and she put me in an embarassing situation that I may never live down.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #656 on: January 25, 2013, 03:05:39 AM »
I am not going to read with her either unless ex walked into my life.  I have passed that low point where I could not survive without a psychic telling me he is coming back.  I also spent thousands.  So don't worry about me.  Been there, depressed as hell, now I am getting better.  I have no reasons to get another reading.  He doesn't care, no matter what Cookie or any other psychic says.


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #657 on: January 25, 2013, 11:51:08 AM »
One day we will all look back at this period of our lives and even look at these exes that caused us to go down this road and think omg what was I thinking? LOL. I have not gone on a psychic binge in a while and now when I talk to a very few psychic I talk about when a new relationship is coming which I didn't even want to hear about before it was always boo hoo I want my ex, someone that doesn't even care if am alive or dead LOL. By the way back in december kisha had given me a number one for when my energy would be clear to allow my heart to accept a new relationship and when she said it I hated her for it LOL but she was december I wanted a new guy to make me forget my ex but now for the past 2 weeks I want a new relationship for me not to make me forget my ex so she was right this is january the first month. I know some people hate her number thing but am actually fine with it and she is at least 95 percent right for me. Anyway this forum is great and if there are people here who don't post but read I want you to know that it will get better, that the depression will end, the light will shine again, it doesn't feel that way now but it will. It happened for me, rima and others. You will get through this rocky time and be a much stronger person.I still take it one day at a time like an alcoholic would do but with this forum where you will be free to talk honestly, your family, friends, and God you will pull through. Omg its like am giving a summon. Anyway you get the picture. It will get better!!!

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #658 on: January 25, 2013, 02:25:50 PM »
Thanks Jen80 !
 I really appreciate your words of encouragement! It's true, at some point in our lives we will look back at all of this, the unhappiness, the calls, the exes, and be totally ok.

It will have been steps in our growth and where we will be, will be much better.
I have been giving myself this little speech lately:"Trust that what is coming to you will be much better than what you had". Why should it not be?

Our exes drove us crazy in many ways - let someone else deal with them now!  I had my time in the ex life, brought what I could, learned what I was meant to, now off to my new lesson.

Now I am open for someone who will care for me the right way. I deserve that!


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #659 on: January 25, 2013, 02:58:44 PM »
Hi waiting, that was beautiful!