Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1110210 times)


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #630 on: December 11, 2012, 05:01:38 AM »
That must have been before ATT bought them out, then. Anyway, I can believe it. But I'm hopeful that it isnt going on now. I'm definitely sure that Kasamba/Liveperson pulled the same tricks when they were more popular. It seems like no one bothers visiting that site now.

If I ever get the urge to call cookie, it would be to spy on someone, since that seems to be her strongest talent. And I agree, readers should have a stronger sense of what they are good at, so that they don't lead clients on under the guise of being a "multi-talented psychic" that knows all things. If you are just good at spying at people, say that.

ETA: I wonder if Cookie ever took the time to test her abilities before contracting paid clients. Maybe she would have discovered what exactly she is good at before dashing the hopes of some client. I would never contact a reader we discussed here, but it would be enlightening if Cookie could read this thread with an open mind to get a sense of how her clients are affected by her readings. Maybe she could improve for future clients since she still seems so popular. Just a thought....
« Last Edit: December 11, 2012, 05:05:42 AM by loops77 »

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #631 on: December 11, 2012, 05:08:13 AM »
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 01:25:40 AM by Nottakingthebait »

Offline curiousgirl

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #632 on: December 11, 2012, 11:56:16 AM »
Kicking, I have only seen four readers I knew of discussed here. I could have missed discussions of others. I only came to the board the other day and have already spent too much time here, but have wanted to be contentious. I can't repeat myself anymore, nor can you or others I guess. You clearly have your beliefs and I clearly believe what I was privy to. I mention Cookie in these posts HERE on this thread as this thread is about her with sidelines. If I ignored people and posts I'd be accused of lying about who I am and what I know. I sent you the list and info in good faith and also posted here in good faith. It's clear you yourself don't believe me, which I feel badly about, but there's nothing I can do. I wish you well and hope this all ends well for you. I do remember what it's like to feel as you do, and again, I wish you the best as it's a hard road to even feel the need to call a psychic let alone anything else connected.


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #633 on: December 11, 2012, 01:04:44 PM »
I've tried to keep abreast of this discussion, but I have to admit, lengthy posts reguritating one's point of view cause me to lose interest.

I'd just like to add one recommendation.  Buying psychic advice is no different than buying anything in life.  Caveat emptor:  Buyer beware.  That doesn't mean that one shouldn't employ the services of a psychic, but rather that one should simply be aware that all things may not be as they seem.

I think there's value in what curiousgirl is attempting to share, albeit, my personal opinion is that she might be exaggerating the situation to make her point.  At the end of the day, there could be value in securing psychic readings, but only if one considers the facts, one's own intuition and common sense  equally when the message is offered.  To cast facts, intuition and common sense aside when getting readings is folly.  Rather, one should consider the psychic reading simply one piece of information to consider when weighing what one should do.  In fact, perhaps it would be wise to consider a variety of psychic readings to get the best and total picture. 

To gain the greatest value from others experiences, it might be wise for contributions to hone in on psychics' individual skill sets, so that other people can assemble a list of psychics to consult to secure the complete picture.

Furthermore, I think this forum would greatly benefit members if we spent more time validating the specific skills of particular psychics, rather than to try to rate them in general.  We do that in other professions, so why not here?

I know I would greatly benefit from a series of new generic threads that would discuss which psychics have been most accurate in portraying feelings, events, the past, the present, timing, outcome etc from members that have been able to validate the accuracy.  We all know that not every psychic will be highly specialized (and therefore most accurate) in all areas.  We see and accept this in other professions all the time.  Why not organize the forum by field of specialty?

« Last Edit: December 11, 2012, 01:06:32 PM by smee2 »

Offline jordie

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #634 on: December 11, 2012, 01:25:34 PM »
I only came to the board the other day

In addition to checking out psychics also check out the person giving out information. Twice curious has said she just came to the board but has been registered since September with the first post showing up this week.

Date Registered: September 16, 2012

I agree with KTH, bring the board back to reviews. I am beyond tired of the cycle of people showing up inferring that ones who get readings are pathetic, life in the toilet, etc and will be so much happier when I come out on the other side. Other side of what?  I am happy, led a full too busy life and have some good close friends. I enjoy the readings I get and the insight I am given. The only thing that makes me miserable is reading some if the negative crap that feels the need to show up at times.

Smee  - good idea. I started a few threads months ago about who is a good tarot reader, outcomes and I think empath. Sometimes I wish I had the ability to organize posts and cross reference things. Drives me nuts how things can get scattered at times.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #635 on: December 11, 2012, 08:11:45 PM »
What information? I took her "I only came to the board the other day" to mean she just recently started posting.

Offline curiousgirl

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #636 on: December 12, 2012, 12:51:54 AM »
I'm sorry that all the emails and other info I've given makes anyone think I have an agenda (esp in threads about specific readers) or that I'm exaggerating. I gave my experiences, lists and credentials (if you will) and if that's not enough, that's ok. How is anyone here to be believed if that's not enough? Or is it only people who say "yes, this one is REAL!" who are allow to post?

Jordie, I know you've not trusted me for whatever reason from the start, and that's ok. I found this board in late Aug or early Sep. I sent a request in on an email I've only used for the old group I mentioned and some mailing lists. I checked the email for the auto confirm notice I thought I'd get two days in a row, and I got nothing. And then (and I'm sure I'll be accused of lying, but that's ok) my now husband moved here from the UK on the 3rd of Sep. We married on the 6th. We've been busy with real life, immigration, the usual changes and things you need to get done when newly married, and now Xmas. I work full time and am often home late as well. Often I remembered while out that I needed to check to see if a registration notice ever came, but never did. Not until I remembered late last week while at work and made a note for myself to check over the weekend. I did, and lo and behold at the bottom of three months of spam was a click this link to confirm blah blah email.

My first post however, came this weekend. I saw the Cookie threads (lots of them!) and posted. I then saw a Lisa M. thread. I posted. I then a day or two later saw two other threads where I had read with the people they were about, and I posted. And then I posted in one other thread about healing.

If this is how you treat people who have dissenting info - info which sadly one day most of you will come to see was true (and I have been there and then some!), then there's nothing I can do. My conscience wouldn't allow me to not say something on any reader if I see a thread or get an email with questions. I was one of the three mods on that old list and at times ran things on my own. If you think I wasn't privy to Petyon Place psychics and psychic client wise, then....well...again, I don't know what to say. I'm sorry that my info counters what some of you believe or want to, and I'm sorry that PMing my story when asked wasn't enough for one or two of you to treat me as if I'm nothing but a plant of some sort (by who?!). But again, that's ok. I've been there and trust me, I understand why it's ruffled feathers.

With that, I'll answer the emails I've gotten and stop posting here save for any email followup.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #637 on: December 12, 2012, 04:34:32 AM »
...I love how every time I come back here after breaking for a few months, people are fighting.  Geez.

Offline jordie

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #638 on: December 12, 2012, 01:02:27 PM »
Curious, congratulations on the marriage I wish you many happy years.
I don't mind your reviews of psychics, I enjoy hearing about others experiences. What ruffles my feathers is when someone comes on an calls someone a fake when so many others have had a positive experience. I just find things more believable when someone says so and so did not work for me and this is why. I agree that there are many fakes. I am not going to call anyone a liar, all I ask for is proof to back up information. If I didn't I would be blindly accepting what you say and that is no different than blindly accepting what any psychic says. I only go back to the psychics that have proven to be right for me.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #639 on: December 12, 2012, 02:46:23 PM »
@Zee - that's what I thought, too.

@Somnus - If its any consolation, there hasn't been any drama here for a while that I know of, lol!

@curiousgirl - I appreciate you coming here and sharing. If perhaps you were countering your posts with promotion of other psychics I would be skeptical but IMHO I think you're just trying to be helpful. I have been on the fence lately due to some recent information I received concerning my ex in real life that pretty much negates most of what I've been told. I've been shaken up about it and am open to the possibility that I may have been led down the "garden path" by some (NOT ALL).

@jordie - "I agree that there are many fakes. I am not going to call anyone a liar, all I ask for is proof to back up information. If I didn't I would be blindly accepting what you say and that is no different than blindly accepting what any psychic says." I totally agree with this, well said. :)

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #640 on: December 12, 2012, 03:09:40 PM »
I thought the same, Zee. Tbh, I could care less about the Cookie aspect of any of this, I want more details on what was said in these groups, it seems vague to me. I'm not doubting, I just have a hard time believing some if the details these people on these sites can supposedly see.

Decibel, oh no! What happened, I thought you guys were in good terms again?

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #641 on: December 16, 2012, 07:00:12 PM »
Thanks everyone for a good laugh this morning  ;D for some reason I can not see why we feel to attack someone just because a prediction did not come to pass :) there is nothing wrong with sharing our experiences but if sharing that experience has lots of hostility in it (which actually can be understandable in so many different situations), it will make it look like we have an agenda and deviate from the main purpose of the sharing the experience which actually can be a very honest intention.  Maybe sharing our experience with the intention of informing/helping / warning others should simply say what happened. There is nothing wrong to share our frustrations (which we all do) but just maybe it should not contain any sort of hostility.

As most of people I talked to here know, I did not have even one single prediction manifest so far and I read with over 150 psychics (well let's put it this way, no predication from people who saw a contact in my case, which makes like over 135 readers). Cookie is one of the people who saw a contact, did it happen, no, will it happen, maybe, most probably no, will this make cookie a lier NO. In my opinion should I ever call her a lier, NO. She shared with me what she saw/felt will happen. She did not sugar coat or gave me a fairytale and did not try to make me call her back, she even told me she sometimes gets something on people she read for and wants to email them but she is reluctant because does not want people think she is trying to get them to call her. And just looking at her call back queue, does she really need to do such a thing, I think no...
Anyway, maybe it might be helpful sometimes to try to realize we are not reading with the almighty, we are reading with human beings who most probably are not much different from ourselves but might have some extra gifts that we might not or not know how to use them. ;)

And by the way this post is not towards anyone or any comment or any opinion, I just wanted to put my two cents in, that is all  ;)

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #642 on: January 23, 2013, 08:11:14 PM »
As you know I like Cookie.  I do think, most of her romance/love predictions don't happen.  Yet, I like her as she has predicted other stuff bang on!  Anyway I was curious as to how she was doing, so I checked her queue and there is 1, yes ONE customer in line.  I remember the days when there would be 30 plus customers in queue!!!  This board is like a stock market for readers, LOL.  Hope everyone is doing well.  Happy 2013 to all.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #643 on: January 23, 2013, 08:14:51 PM »
That is

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #644 on: January 23, 2013, 08:25:53 PM »
I meant to put "that is shocking" lol

