Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1110229 times)

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #615 on: December 10, 2012, 02:42:26 PM »
Loops, I am sure Magical Sandra can do that. I've seen the same thing happen with Steven Craig. So I am sure if they bitch enough they can get it removed, which to me, outs then as frauds further.

That being said, and again I am speaking of Keen, because I have no experiences with the others, but I can't imagine aT&T opening themselves up to that kind of liability or possibly FCC sanctions over an advice site, which isn't going to make the company nearly as much as other branches with more to lose. I mean, misuse of information was one of the things that brought down the psychic friends network in the 90's.

IF by some chance, they do have my name and address, I would expect to be wowed more! Lol and I have never been dazzled with details like that. And if they were to google me, it'd do little good. There's nothing there and there are thousands of women in my state, with my name, in my age group.

Now, I imagine readers probably troll others' pages and if they see a repeat caller, could talk about them. We have almost all seen that infamous Keen Bash list. And that's fine. Bash away. As long as my address and CC info are kept secure, I would care less.

While I totally believe you on the info sharing, I just 100% doubt at this point in time they can see anything other than an email address and a note box.

As fr as these "experts" though, who were they? We're they former readers on these sites? Which ones? And why are they outing themselves?

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #616 on: December 10, 2012, 05:25:43 PM »
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 01:26:25 AM by Nottakingthebait »


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #617 on: December 10, 2012, 06:42:31 PM »
@kickingthehabit..she probably only zeroed in on those two because they were often talked about in that old forum. I vaguely remember that. I looked at some of the old emails I used to get from that group..and there was mention of Lisa hanging up if you left bad feedback for another reader on liveperson and possibly teaming up with a confirmed scammer to promote readings. Everyone then assumed she was info sharing. It was never truly confirmed, though.

I just want to know how curiousgirl knows how they get address information, thats all.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2012, 06:45:12 PM by loops77 »

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #618 on: December 10, 2012, 06:44:58 PM »
@Loops, hhhmmm...not sure about that! But ok


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #619 on: December 10, 2012, 06:50:04 PM »
@Loops, hhhmmm...not sure about that! But ok

What are you not sure about?

I think everyone has their own definition of a scammer. If we looked on this very forum, those people who got final outcomes totally wrong could be labled scammers. I havent read with Cookie, but MSLisaMs predictions suck, although she is a good empath.  I think people give them credit because they had one odd ability to see you in your bedroom or mention the color of your clothes. I mean, who besides Kisha has been consistently right for people on here? Cookie was dead wrong for quite a few people here...

Offline Luckystar

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #620 on: December 10, 2012, 07:39:49 PM »
  I just want to know how curiousgirl knows how they get address information, thats all.   

I would like to know to....because if a reader is accurate enough to guess a city or state where i am living, i would like to make sure they don't have my personal information up front.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #621 on: December 10, 2012, 10:23:34 PM »
@Loops, hhhmmm...not sure about that! But ok

I think everyone has their own definition of a scammer. If we looked on this very forum, those people who got final outcomes totally wrong could be labled scammers. I havent read with Cookie, but MSLisaMs predictions suck, although she is a good empath.  I think people give them credit because they had one odd ability to see you in your bedroom or mention the color of your clothes. I mean, who besides Kisha has been consistently right for people on here? Cookie was dead wrong for quite a few people here...

Sapphire21 and  Gaylene. Consistently accurate for me. Kisha also.
Until someone wants to give me cold hard evidence to back up accusations I can't be bothered believing it. Sure I will believe my son did his homework simply because he told me so.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #622 on: December 10, 2012, 10:58:11 PM »
Hmmm... well, here's my take, for what it's worth.

Cookie was very wrong with me regarding the outcome of two different situations.  I truly believe Cookie is gifted.  She told me things no one could know unless they did have some sort of gift.  She knew the state I live in, that I work closely with a man named Timothy, the number of children I have and accurate descriptions of each of them (both physically and personality wise), as well as many other random details.  When I would read with Cookie, she would blow me away.  One time she even told me the colors I was wearing and described where I was sitting.  She is very impressive.  Unfortunately, the opposite of what she told me would happen in each situation. 

I do not doubt that she works for others, and I know first hand she is gifted.  Sadly, nothing panned out for me, and I could see how someone would call her a scammer if this happened to them.  In my experience, Cookie was overly positive.  In hindsight, I would say she fed me a fairytale.  I am sad she didn't work for me because I spent a lot of money on calls to her, but I wouldn't deter anyone from trying her out themselves. 

I have found that it is best to realize that no one psychic will know everything or can be 100% right.  I don't expect that kind of a reader.  Even my favorite reader (who has the best track record for me) has been wrong before.  I didn't rule her out just because she missed something.  It's best to be realistic with your "reading" expectations.  Also, think about the type of readers you're calling. An empath may be able to tell you what the other person is feeling, but that doesn't mean actions will follow those feelings.  I've felt a lot of things in my life, and I most certainly haven't acted upon all those feelings.  I'd think most people are this way.  A remote viewer like Cookie may see snippets, but that doesn't mean she'll be right on the outcome.  It's hit or miss.  This isn't a science.

I wish everyone the best as they seek out their go-to reader(s).

BTW, I think MsLisaM is a good empath and can see the present pretty well, but she was overall wrong for me when I consulted with her.  I know she's worked for others though, so I wouldn't necessarily call her a fraud. 

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #623 on: December 10, 2012, 11:17:11 PM »
Why would you feel you were connected and now you feel different?  If you used to connect with her what changed?

See and thats funny jordie cuz i used to connect with S21  and now i feel differently. Everyone has their own opinion i guess!

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #624 on: December 11, 2012, 03:59:04 AM »
I posted on four readers here total - the ones I had knowledge of by the names others asked for them on (readers go by a few names). Again, I'm not going to name names of who revealed info. I only know who half of them were anyhow. I understand the reluctance of some to believe me too. I was the same back in the day for people who cast doubts on people I trusted. The person here who remembers the old now gone group will remember me as kacho and privy to all the inner workings of the group and the info that came in (a percentage of which never was revealed for various reasons in each circumstance). There were readers who did anonymously and semi-anonymously reveal things. There were also ones who would reveal things when befriending clients to try and influence others. Lots of drama and situations, but all in the end had the same results...which was that none of us got anywhere with any readers save for small situations that were very rare.

I was thinking back to my first read with Cookie today on the train. She lead right in with one thing and then gave me a leading prediction based on what she was seeing currently. That was an impossible one and I inadvertently revealed some other info. That lead to more predictions. There are such clever ways that these people get info, but again, all she said was wrong beginning to end with me, and the other person I knew who saw her. She was taken aback when I told her what she told me about two of the people was literally impossible, but kept going and contradicting herself. I was confused due to her great ratings and the friend who still believed in her. Later on a psychic recovery group I never got much into, I remember her being mentioned as someone who'd done a lot of damage to others by the owner of it. I asked for info but never got a reply. That's understandable as I was saying in my email that Cookie seemed impressive the way she spoke, but I wasn't sure what to think as she told me things that were in no way possible in both reads. I always felt if she'd answered me, even briefly, she could have saved me getting that second read and spending that second batch of cash. But I guess you live and learn. That second read confirmed that it was another "next!" psychic situation for me. Sadly, the next (my last) took me for one of the two major rides of my time on those sites. But it also lead to the end of the madness for me once her dates and predictions didn't pan after months and thousands of $$ spent with her. a few of us outed her and she was so afraid of her standing (partly due to taking clients offsite for direct cash) that she actually went mostly underground. Still reads from what I know, but not much. And we also figured out her real identity very easily, which was there all along if we'd opened our eyes more and not believed everything that was told to us without anything to back it up with!

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #625 on: December 11, 2012, 04:17:40 AM »
Kicking, I sent you that email with my story and the list of most of who I saw back in the day the other day. I really hope you don't think I'm out to "discredit" just one or two readers with no further deeper info. I fully understand not believing someone who's had the opposite experience as you or others. But those who've come out the other side will see things that we don't see at the time we're getting reads. Things that are clear once the reason for the reads is over and gone and the healing has also completed.


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #626 on: December 11, 2012, 04:35:51 AM »
I posted on four readers here total - the ones I had knowledge of by the names others asked for them on (readers go by a few names). Again, I'm not going to name names of who revealed info. I only know who half of them were anyhow. I understand the reluctance of some to believe me too. I was the same back in the day for people who cast doubts on people I trusted. The person here who remembers the old now gone group will remember me as kacho and privy to all the inner workings of the group and the info that came in (a percentage of which never was revealed for various reasons in each circumstance). There were readers who did anonymously and semi-anonymously reveal things. There were also ones who would reveal things when befriending clients to try and influence others. Lots of drama and situations, but all in the end had the same results...which was that none of us got anywhere with any readers save for small situations that were very rare.

We don't need names of who spilled the info, just what exactly they spilled...and how exactly they used to get our address and names. We all know about cold reading..and not all of the psychics that are wrong are scammers as such. I joined the board, but I never read every single thread or was close enough with anyone to get special information.  But whatever.

I wonder what happened to the board. Who was the head mod that deleted it?

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #627 on: December 11, 2012, 04:45:04 AM »
The owner of the forum deleted the it due to a personal situation involving some legal proceedings to do with another site where the forum could have been twisted and used against her.

The readers who revealed inner info to us about the sites stated that Keen supplied readers (and remember this is '08/'09 and around then) with the names and addresses of clients. I've mentioned that on this thread before I think?

Think about this though...a psychic can't be right all of the time and for everyone, but surely if they and this gift they would be clear about what they can predict and tell you, and they would be right most of the time.  The errors would be in misinterpreting the info they get. If they are so bad at misinterpreting, then they shouldn't be taking others' lives and hopes into their hands.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #628 on: December 11, 2012, 04:57:47 AM »
Something else that I should have added is that in the time I was seeing readers, I recall there were people reading who really, truly, 100000% believed they were psychic and truly 1000000000% wanted to help others. Were they delusional or just wishful? Both maybe in different percentages. But they did as much damage to clients as those who were outright scamming. I can think of a few offhand I saw who I believe to this day feel they really are psychic and helping others, but they were definitely not!

Offline Synergy

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #629 on: December 11, 2012, 04:58:23 AM »
Ultimately, it's our choice to call. It's a risk you decide to take. There are no guarantees.