Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1110666 times)

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #570 on: November 21, 2012, 11:16:55 PM »
Not since the end of June and it was just a 3 word I have no clue where he is? But they ALL say you will here from him, he feels bad about the way things went down, he has to get the courage up to contact you, blah blah, yes it gives you hope that is false I guess from what I see so far. I will always love him and wish so bad I could forget about him, but I have been trying for over a year, geez, am I crazy, beginning to think so! So why do I still have hope, because I still love him....I know deep down if he cared I would have heard from him by now, and the holidays really hurt, I dread them  :'(


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #571 on: November 21, 2012, 11:43:09 PM »
Yah, I know the feeling. I know, I hate the holidays right now too!!

 You have to keep living your life, and maybe one day you will hear from him. But in the meantime, you have to tell yourself you may not. Beleive me I know how you are feeling as I am in the same boat.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #572 on: November 22, 2012, 12:38:55 AM »
@jonnie, I hear you, have been there done that and still sort of kind of doing it, so no I did not get my lesson lol. I know it actually makes it more difficult to let it go when a reader like cookie for example, gives ditails which are scary accurate, like he has this color car and you have this color car, and you work here and you guys have a common friend named this! But you see, I personally came to conclude that readers see what already happened, but not necessarily future as it will precisely manifest. So speaking of cookie, when she says he feels bad and so and so and will do this to reach out to me, I really do not count on it although I would love to do so, but what I count on is when she tells me at such and such dates you did so and so and because of that he felt rejected and that is why this happened. Maybe I do not make sense and maybe it is just a way to fool and justify my action of calling her yet, I do not know, just at least I hope this way I might be able to she'd some light on the reasons of why something happened, in my own case that I had absolutely no idea why did we get where we are right now ...

Offline curiousgirl

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #573 on: December 08, 2012, 11:25:35 PM »
Hello, I'm new here  :D I haven't yet read this thread in full but will soon. I just wanted to add that I read with Cookie a few years ago when a friend told me that she was the BEST. During the first call she said a lot about who I asked about and then mentioned a few other things as well as saying she saw someone new for me. It seemed like she was aware (from Keen I assume) of where I lived locale wise. It was partially wowing and partially stuff I didn't think would happen.

I didn't get to ask all I wanted, so I called back after making another appointment. This time there were some contradictions, and when I asked about the same people she seemed thrown. She also was thrown when I gave her facts about these people based on things she didn't know, such as the fact some did not live any where near me. I could tell she was lying and making it all up. Sure enough, NOTHING she said came true. Believe me, I asked about several people and situations, but it was all made up. From what I know, the things she told my friend were all false as well. I think she's a great scam artist, but that is all.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #574 on: December 09, 2012, 01:08:21 AM »
R u sure u read with the cookie that this thread is about ;)

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #575 on: December 09, 2012, 01:33:12 AM »
I dont think cookie is a fraud because she does pick up on scarily accurate details. For example, car colors and types, what you're wearing, ect. I do think she works better if she just reads what she sees. Her predictions for me did not manifest; not she didnt work for me but she definately has a gift.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #576 on: December 09, 2012, 02:16:21 AM »
i agree Cookie has a gift. however, what i think what is DANGEROUS is she can remote view (see things in your world through you), which reels you in. i think it's amazing and cool she can do this. however, most people are calling about what the future holds, not senseless details about what is happening in front of you. i mean, what good does that do? having said that, i think it's very questionable if ANYONE can see the future. and if and when they can, the degree of accuracy of that is not what we hope for i think. i've just started to realize that nobody can really see the future. i think people can pick up immediate stuff, and guess things will play out moving in that certain direction. however, things change so easily and this is where readers start talking about the free will thing. we want them to see the things that created the change to begin with, but i just don't think all of that is possible.

Offline curiousgirl

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #577 on: December 09, 2012, 02:23:01 AM »
Yes, it's the same Cookie! My reads with her were all faked and wrong. I can assure you nothing she said came true. She said an ex would make contact again and want to get back with me. She said that a prospective bf would come around again and make amends but not amount to much. She said someone would be in the hospital or was. She mentioned in detail a man in banking who lived a few states away as being my next bf and my meeting him around the fall. NONE of this happened. During the second call she was caught out when I mentioned the locations of a few people and some other facts. She repeated some things but also said new things which conflicted. I had pages of notes (I'm quick!). Nothing came true or was accurate. As time went on, the info she gave became even more laughable as I heard and found things out on my own through others.

She asked for me to send photos of myself and my ex to read for me. All that she did was reply and say I was pretty. That was kind, but that wasn't a read. The friend she read for was given inaccurate reads too. She thought Cookie was real as she was told a name (a very common one) as being connected to a business.

Often I found that we wanted to believe readers and would fit what they said into our lives. None of it was ever real or true or accurate though. I read with about 40 people at least, and not one was correct no matter who they were. All it did was lengthen my pain and the trauma of the events which lead me to readers in the first place. Sad but true. However, it did change me and made me more aware of a lot of things, and for that I'm grateful.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #578 on: December 09, 2012, 02:38:21 AM »
Agreed, Truth. She has a gift, it's just a dangerous and often useless gift I you're looking for predictions.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #579 on: December 09, 2012, 03:10:59 AM »
Agreed! Let me share this clip of what a reader told me in chat on bitwine after asking " will he reenter my life and on what terms? "
she wrote:
Please know im more of a life coach than psychic. i tell u what i see how i see it. The future is not set and is subject to free will - therefore a psychic cannot predict the future. They see the potential future and will guide to you help find the best path forward. Any one giving you a yes or no for sure is lying to you. We are not God. only God has the power to say yes or no for sure. Do not ever believe in any human to that level. What I am telling you is honest and no one else will tell you any of this.

This lady changed my outlook on readings so much and it makes perfect sense. So basically they see the here and now and make judgement about what the future MAY hold. I think that what we consider a "good future reader" probably has strengths in looking at the whole past and present and guesses accordingly.


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #580 on: December 09, 2012, 03:29:31 AM »
Curiousgirl and rain,
Are you of the opinion that good and reputable psychics are much more inclined to say that this is "probable" and that is not "probable" with the assumption that nothing changes significantly in the mindset of the persons involved?
Agreed! Let me share this clip of what a reader told me in chat on bitwine after asking " will he reenter my life and on what terms? "
she wrote:
Please know im more of a life coach than psychic. i tell u what i see how i see it. The future is not set and is subject to free will - therefore a psychic cannot predict the future. They see the potential future and will guide to you help find the best path forward. Any one giving you a yes or no for sure is lying to you. We are not God. only God has the power to say yes or no for sure. Do not ever believe in any human to that level. What I am telling you is honest and no one else will tell you any of this.

This lady changed my outlook on readings so much and it makes perfect sense. So basically they see the here and now and make judgement about what the future MAY hold. I think that what we consider a "good future reader" probably has strengths in looking at the whole past and present and guesses accordingly.

Offline curiousgirl

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #581 on: December 09, 2012, 03:38:59 AM »
My opinion is that a psychic is meant to be a psychic. They are meant to be able to tell you the near and maybe far future. Unless they expressly state they can only remotely view or do something else, all this "it's in God's hands" stuff is BS. Why go to them then? If a person says they are psychic and have a gift, and they tell you that x will happen on x date, then if it doesn't they can't claim that people or God changed the outcome (or worse, YOU!) in order to avoid responsibility for not being right or real.

With Cookie I know that she claimed things were going on with my ex and the other man, but she was wrong about what they were up to. I found out later from good sources what was really going on. She also was very thrown when I revealed they did not live near me at all.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #582 on: December 09, 2012, 04:00:59 AM »
Smee, I agree with Truth; in that I don't think any of them can see the future in a concrete way. I'm just coming to this realization that future predictions are based off of the past and then present path. It's what's likely to happen. The current path is what they are basing these future predictions off of.

 I think a good reader can read past the surface junk. For example, if you call a reader and your guy is upset with you a surface reader may say "he's done, he thinks you're a crazy *&*)*. A good reader may say he's upset with you and isn't saying very nice things right now, but once he calms down this is what he really feels. Thus bringing up his real intent or plan. 

So to answer your question no I do think a good reader should always assume that mindsets will stay the same. I do think a good reader will be able to see beyond artificial mindsets. I've read with way tooo many readers and I have realized some can go deep and some can't. Some can see the overall picture and some can just see in the moment. I do believe that some future predictions can pan out, but it's a toss and depends a great deal if everything stays on course which is never a sure thing.

As far as Cookie I think she is a gifted remote viewer and adds on whatever she personally thinks (not psychically thinks) as she goes. Which is wrong on so many levels.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #583 on: December 09, 2012, 04:02:54 AM »
curiousgirl, I just want to be sure, not doubting your experiences at all, but where did you read with Cookie? Through click4adivsor or Keen?  There is a storefront site (psychicreadingsbycookie), but it's not the same person in this thread (made that mistake already) and the storefront Cookie asks people to send in their photos or palm prints or images, something. Just saying it's not the same person.

I finally did get a reading with Keen Cookie and I still don't have a verdict about how good she is. I probably need to get a longer read to be sure. I did as most posters suggested and just let her flow. She stated I felt someone left me behind, although I’m not sure what she meant.  She also said I am coming out of a stagnate period and will be elevated financially around Jan, Feb, March.  She was too expensive so I didn’t get a lot of questions in but a couple of things she said rang true and her first statement has come up again in two other readings, although most readers are interpreting it wrong, so I still don't know about her.

What I did learn was how to get in and get a reading through Keen. Just very busy and have other outside interestes, so it's a waiting game with her.

I dont think cookie is a fraud because she does pick up on scarily accurate details.
This can be said by a lot of psychics, even minute details seem accurate. And this is the dangling carrot that reels plenty of people in.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #584 on: December 09, 2012, 04:17:37 AM »
I read with her on Keen. I read all the reviews and looked her up at the time, and due to my friend's raving, I tried her. I lost $300 thanks to it. I can assure you nothing she said was happening at present with my ex or the other man was true. Nor did what she said they would do happen. And the other man she told me about simply did not exist, nor did the person in the hospital "around me". When we had our second call and she started to say stuff about the ex and what he'd do, she said he was planning on coming to see me or something. I asked how as he was across an ocean. She started to stutter a bit and tried to cover herself. When we got onto the issue of the other man who there had been potential with, she started to say similar things about calling me and going out with me. Again, he's also across an ocean from me and we only had online access after having met in person. I asked how he'd do these things due to his location, and more stuttering and covering.

When I asked about this man in a near state she said would be my next bf, I assumed she'd tell me similar to what she did before, but there were changes to the story this time. She even told me his name would be Jonathan!   ::)  I don't have the notes anymore, but there were contradictions and oddness between both reads, and also what she told me during the first read was odd too as I knew some real life info and it didn't seem possible that she could be correct. I was still in a very bad mindset at this time after what lead me to these readers, so I gave her that second chance. It was a huge huge lesson. She can not remotely view or tell the future, but she is a clever fake and reads responses very well. Similar to pretty much all other decent fakes.