LOL Jordie and KTH gave me a funny this morning
I am a newbie here and don't know how to start a new topic. So I'm gonna just ride on the coattails of this thread. Now a little about me; I've been on keen for far too long than I'd like to admit. However, I just found this website and I love it! You guys rock!

You give so much good information.
Now of course my question was "Will he come back?" This man and I fell in love. I felt we had a DEEP connection. Past lives, twin flames yada yada. We broke up almost 9 months ago over some real garbage. It hurt me sooo bad. We were completly no contact. However, in that time I had about 15 dreams about him. I have talked to many of them. Of course everyone said "he's coming back" all except for Hawk Spirit, Miranda Lewis and 1 other. Everyone was giving me numbers, dates that just didn't pan out. From this website I decided to try Kisha. I put $ on the account. I was trying very carefully to follow her rules on her page so I emailed her to ask her if I did everything ok and she cold BLOCKED me for no apparent reason at all! I was like ****!" I really wanted to read with johnna duke and magical sandra and Dr. Donna. You all know the deal with these 3 they don't take new callers. Cookie is just too damn expensive and makes you wait too long.
So here I go lonley and still very attached to my ex. The person who stands out in my mind is Kreoyl2luv. She said you will be taking some sort of standardized test, which you will past. Focus on that first. After which he will come back. Ok so I had to take a test for my teaching certification and I did pass. I started reading with old seraphim harbinger and I must say she is probably 1 of the most under rated readers on keen. Check her feedback she is awesome! Love just listening to her gentle soothing voice. She is a no non sense reader and I like that. She told me "he still loved me and getting back together is gonna take some time" She told me in her reading I keep coming up as the high priestess and for me to work on my own intuitive skills. She told me to send him mental messgaes in my everyday thoughts. Ok Harbinger.
So I come to this forum and you guys are speaking on manifestation. I did follow Harbinger’s advice and I began meditating, doing rituals, reading tarot and asking my higher beings for signs possibly through my dreams. No lie people I began that very night having dreams about him. My cards told me to pay attention to people I meet in synchronicity. I walked out of my house 1 day and he was driving down my block. Talk about a coincidence! He didn’t stop or speak so of course I was discouraged and confused. I shut down my keen account. Signed back up and ran into Saphirebird. She asked who is the little boy? How’d she know he has a son whom I became very attached to. I told her I was ready to just give up. She said not to. I guess I’m a little perturbed that She only sent me 1 free minute throughout all the contact. Next up, through you guys I read with Gaylene on her website. Now Gaylene is great she also said it was a go. She said a couple of weeks which I said ***! But I liked Gaylene very much and would read with her again in the future. 1 day I just said “to hell with this, I’m making myself miserable. He’s not coming back so just gear up to meet someone new. I became angry at myself for even allowing myself almost 9 months of grief with someone who is no contact with me. I needed to detach. I sent him a test basically telling him he can shove his own head up his own ****, but I said it a little nicer.

I knew I was walking away because I now felt insulted because I felt I should know that someone who won’t contact after so long probably does not love you. So I go back on keen not wanting a prediction. I was done with that. But guidance and direction on my new path. I saw Source Power open and although she’s priced over my budget, I went for it. She said “once he feels that he lost you he’ll come back” I liked SP a lot. She followed up and she gave me free minutes!

Now thing is when I contacted Saphirebird I was feeling something. I was feeling like he was on his way back. That’s probably why she was able to connect with me. My feelings and vibes for this man are strong. However, I got discouraged. I kept hearing; oh I see a 2, a 4 a 10. It will be July, November, February… Just 1 day after I cut the cord he called, we talked for 2 1/2 hours. He asked if I’d take a trip out of state and I know he still loves me. I’m going to take it slow. Now which psychic do I credit? SP is a great empath. Saphirebird picked up on things but I don’t think I will read with her again. When I spend my money I want rewards lol. However Kreoyl2luv (the metaphysician) got it spot on! Gaylene also stands out since she said I know its unbelievable but it will be a couple of weeks. She also spoke about travel. Old Seraphim harbinger is the 1 who always said it would happen. She gave me the insight I needed to guide myself through this through spirituality. Give SP a chance. Try harbinger if you want real guidance and honesty. That woman knows her stuff. Gaylene is a go go go! Hope this helps someone and sorry again for posting it in the wrong place. I’m a newbie!