Awww shucks,

Thank you two

@loops - big picture... this is what I mostly ask for as she just let's all this info out and is a better reading (in my opinion) because she's far less biased regarding thought/feelings... but not everyone may agree.
So my last reading was just after my guy and I split and truth be told, I'm just so sick and tired of the whole ring-around-the-rosey crap with him so all I asked her was what was coming up regarding work in the next year just generally.
This is what she said:
-Contracts coming up (not a clue here)
-travel coming up (true, going to Mexico in the beginning of September)
-Aug-Dec there is a flow of opportunities that start coming in, a lot of different people
-Big financial stuff, sees me getting a mortgage (um, I'm in debt up to my ass, if I can get a mortgage, then I must be going to win the lottery coming up) saw big money, financial stuff and a lawyer, signing papers.
-not motivated (no effing shit sherlock, that's why I'm asking!)
-sees me starting to step out of my normal behaviour, beginning to be very creative and this changes everything (me? creative? uh... I'm a fricking virgo and I'm a bookkeeper, haven't got a damn creative bone in my body-nice try Cookie)
-sees me selling houses (ha ha ha! I failed my exam twice and I'm not going back, forget it, me getting my real estate licence and selling houses will happen when pigs fly, given up on that dream a long time ago)
-you've given up on your dreams but they will finally manifest (uh... didn't I say I already gave up? hmmm... no my brain is starting to stir, like maybe... )
-sees me studying and in school again (not a chance)
-you're procrastinating, stop procrastinating... (um, ok, ya that's correct, I'm in a lull over here!)
-you are going to start writing a story about what happened 10-12 years ago (uh, as PrettyLittleLiz says - You scary remote viewer! totally true, have been writing and writing and especially this weekend, loads of it)
-I see you astro projecting (oh eff off, don't you do that just before you fall asleep? ok, busted, can't lie I have been researching some of that stuff lately)
-Who's in Quebec or however it's said? (oh wow, k, that's really weird as I have a friend of mine who is in Quebec and is coming to my city to visit -that one came right of left field)
Lovelife: That's all I said, is ok, what about my lovelife Cookie?
-You are letting him go, but he's not gone, 6-8 weeks and he'll be back, you said something that forced him to deal with things and he's punishing you right now.
-Things start changing/happening after Oct-Dec. But it's going to be even more confusing then as he's going to pull all of the chemistry away and just be your friend.
-You can't pressure him, he hates it and will always back away, but then always come back. There is something about you that he can't help staying away from. But he's not ready right now. If you can't just be his friend first then you don't have anything and he doesn't trust this connection and will keep backing away until you get it right. You need a challenge and he's definitely a challenge to you. But this might take two years until he's ready and he needs you to be a friend. You can't have him in a relationship, so stop pushing him away. He's a good man. But it's going to take longer if you keep this up. Also, when he is ready are sure you're going to want him. He won't be a challenge anymore and you might move on to someone else who is a challenge for you. (Oh holy F**K! are you kidding me right now lady?

You're trying to tell me that I'm going to go thru EFFING hell for the next 2 years with this guy to just kick him to the curb because he's a challenge to me and that's why I'm holding onto him? Are you serious right now? Bugger, she may just be on to me my dear Whatson. Just bugger)
Question: is there anyone more suitable or better for me that is ready and wanting to have a girlfriend?
-yes, in the fall to the beginning of 2013. But you might not be interested because he's not enough of a challenge.
Question: so what you're saying is that I never toss this guy until he isn't a challenge anymore and then I toss him?
-correct. you hold onto him until he is ready, then you don't want him anymore, but then I always see him in your life. He never leaves, so I don't know what you will do at that time.
-when you get to know him, you are going to see things that you really, really don't like. he feels a lot of pressure from you and he can't have this pressure on him right now.
-but I see him looking at you through a big glass window, but you can't see him, but he's staring at you. He is as stuck and attached to you as you are him. You have psychic mind power over him and he can't get you out of his head. You are very powerful and do this to another man who's been there for a very long time and will never leave your life (true, my friend who's been kicking around for 12 years, but he's married with kids and she was dead wrong about the romantic prediction regarding he and I) He has incredible will power though and will stay away for a while, but it will pick back up again.
Question: So you see consistency coming about with this man?
-yes, both he and the other man will be more attentive towards you after August. And I don't see either one of them ever leave your life, they are always there.
-but with this man you are asking about, it will be bumpy for about 2 years, back and forth then smooths out after that. And you and him are manifesting seeing each other, you'll see him at the end of July/early August and start talking again.
(Bumped into him last Thursday, just about had a panic attack... holy crap that was really, really hard seeing him like that.Thank gawd I looked awesome)
-You can try to walk away, you can give up, you can just forget about him if you want, just move on, let it go. But i don't see you doing that. This man is going to be in your life for a very long time. I see him there always, for as long as i can see, same as the other guy, they are both there.
The way I take this reading is like this:
-my guy and i are over and he's never coming back in a romantic capacity. I'm going to move on with someone new soon I'm sure, but may establish just a friendship with this guy while he goes through his mucky, ucky life shit that I know is going on. Meeting him was just the absolute worst timing of my life, I was open and ready and he most certainly wasn't. Time heals all wounds, right? Well, this sucker may take a while to get over, but I'll eventually get over it. Just have to steer super clear of him, umm, like forever? ya, time to move on cfisher, it's just time to let it go.
For my next reading, as I said above, I am going to specifically ask about the man I will marry, if she sees me getting married and if I get my happily ever after? That way, I'll have something really positive to look forward too!!! Instead of dealing with this whole yucky messy crappy thing I've got myself into. Damn.