Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1106632 times)

Offline HopefulHeart

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #810 on: April 07, 2017, 10:40:35 PM »
Cookie never really gave me any timing either. The most she gave was numbers like "in 3 to 6" or "between 6 and 12". But never made clear what those numbers were. I remember in one reading she said how she was getting between 3 and 6 and it was either something happened between us and he was feeling good, or maybe in 3 to 6 good will happen. And i was like... well that's pretty freaking broad. There were also a few instances where she read something as going to happen but it already had.

But I do have to say she was once one of the best for me. I havent called her in a VERY long time but my first reading was very good with her and the 2nd was also not bad. The first reading i had with her she got A LOT of things right in regards to past and present (down to knowing the city my POI works in, our physical descriptions, she knew that I'd lost weight and changed my hair, etc). She did have a good amount of predictions that did come to pass, nothing all that major yet, but the rest of her predictions were just too general for me or made no sense at all. She is definitely gifted, and really about 75-80% of what she told me was right on. But looking back some of her stuff was just too general for me to be entirely over the moon.

Offline Luckystar

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #811 on: April 11, 2017, 11:16:02 PM »
My call got cut short last week with Cookie and I just saw she sent me some free minutes. Does anyone know how long free minutes are good for on Keen? is it a month?


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #812 on: April 12, 2017, 12:14:16 AM »
My call got cut short last week with Cookie and I just saw she sent me some free minutes. Does anyone know how long free minutes are good for on Keen? is it a month?
yes it's a month

Offline Luckystar

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #813 on: April 12, 2017, 04:03:20 PM »
My call got cut short last week with Cookie and I just saw she sent me some free minutes. Does anyone know how long free minutes are good for on Keen? is it a month?
yes it's a month

Thank you :)

Offline truballer4life2k

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #814 on: April 17, 2017, 06:58:01 AM »
I had a horrible reading with cookie this morning. I dont know what she was doing before but it was completely off. She changed the reading mid conversation because she was wrong about something(when we last spoke) and went from saying we will talk again to seeing that we wont reconsile but we will talk. I spoke to her last year and im pretty sure it was positive so its strange to get such a weird reading.

Offline wildfox87

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #815 on: April 20, 2017, 04:23:42 AM »
I had a reading with cookie about 5 days ago for the first time, and wasn't impressed at all. I got no details, it was very scattered nothing made sense.. She said there was going to be a loss of something from may to july and then proceeded to say it was related to communication from POI after i had asked a question about the POI, then had asked me if that was happening now ...she just seemed as though she was grasping for information. She had no answers for me, and I got absolutely nothing from the call. What a waste of money..

Offline Luckystar

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #816 on: April 20, 2017, 06:21:22 AM »
Sorry you had a bad experience wildfox. When cookie is on her game, she is really on it. I mean like quoting things literally from people in my life or exact thoughts and it is scarily accurate. Last time I called her I had a list of men I wanted her to touch on that I wrote down. She said "Depending on what you want to ask me it looks like you have several men here you want to ask about"'s just crazy. When she's off her game things don't make sense sometimes. I feel like many times she just sees random pieces of information and has a difficult time organizating it. Kind of like getting a few pieces of a puzzle without ever knowing what the full picture would look like. Also, she doesn't seem to know past from present and future sometimes, I have found that she does get confused occasionally.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2017, 06:24:28 AM by Luckystar »

Offline Itsmylife

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #817 on: April 20, 2017, 08:11:11 AM »
Most of the readers also use guessing games by giving out random numbers to predict any timeline such as "6" for example and some innocent clients, when sometimes does realize try making sense of "6" by 9-3 or 3+3 LOLOLOL. Cookie is such a reader  :P

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #818 on: April 20, 2017, 03:09:16 PM »
Cookie doesn't normally give me numbers, but rather insight into a situation or predictions. I know she has been wrong for some here but for me she has been mostly correct regarding things happening in the future

Offline Shayalay

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #819 on: April 20, 2017, 03:25:16 PM »
A lot of reads with Cookie don't make a lot of sense at the time because she's in the future. I know mine was like that. She got the present correct and reassured me on the near-future (which was also correct) but other things I thought she was misinterpreting or something. Nope. She was literally correct in everything and was giving me a big overview of the next year and up to the present in my life and about my POI. It was just that she was in the future and what she was talking about hadn't happened yet.

As we speak, something Cookie told me friend way back, at least six months ago, is happening right now exactly as she saw it. And it was so puzzling that we thought Cookie had mixed up me and friend's POI.

(This is due to geographical associations. Cookie was seeing a man and south Florida. I have connections with south Florida, friend's POI does not so the only thing we could conclude was a mix-up. Nope. Friend is currently in south FL on business, is furious and ready to walk away from POI as predicted, and just met an interesting, unmarried man she finds attractive there. Other readers got this guy by his name, and that she would meet him through work. Bam. Now we're waiting to see what happens ...)

Offline Luckystar

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #820 on: April 20, 2017, 05:19:36 PM »
Other readers got this guy by his name, and that she would meet him through work. Bam. Now we're waiting to see what happens ...)

If you don't mind me asking, which readers got an actual name? Thanks

Offline Shayalay

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #821 on: April 20, 2017, 07:02:25 PM »
Other readers got this guy by his name, and that she would meet him through work. Bam. Now we're waiting to see what happens ...)

If you don't mind me asking, which readers got an actual name? Thanks

I asked her, waiting for the text back (she's working). Cookie got a name for me. It was just a friend I'd just been talking to when she called but I do know she can get names. Allie Theiss got this same guy by name coming in as a romantic option for me, probably six months before we became friends. He might think it's an option but I sure don't, lol.

Offline Shayalay

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #822 on: April 20, 2017, 07:09:49 PM »
Other readers got this guy by his name, and that she would meet him through work. Bam. Now we're waiting to see what happens ...)

If you don't mind me asking, which readers got an actual name? Thanks

She said it was either Solara (Alphafemale) or a lesser-known reader named Alayna Freese.

Offline Luckystar

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #823 on: April 20, 2017, 07:34:21 PM »
Thank you  :)

Offline njlady

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #824 on: May 06, 2017, 01:07:52 PM »
When does she come on?  Or do you just keep waiting in line and hope she comes on over the weekend?