Hmmm... well, here's my take, for what it's worth.
Cookie was very wrong with me regarding the outcome of two different situations. I truly believe Cookie is gifted. She told me things no one could know unless they did have some sort of gift. She knew the state I live in, that I work closely with a man named Timothy, the number of children I have and accurate descriptions of each of them (both physically and personality wise), as well as many other random details. When I would read with Cookie, she would blow me away. One time she even told me the colors I was wearing and described where I was sitting. She is very impressive. Unfortunately, the opposite of what she told me would happen in each situation.
I do not doubt that she works for others, and I know first hand she is gifted. Sadly, nothing panned out for me, and I could see how someone would call her a scammer if this happened to them. In my experience, Cookie was overly positive. In hindsight, I would say she fed me a fairytale. I am sad she didn't work for me because I spent a lot of money on calls to her, but I wouldn't deter anyone from trying her out themselves.
I have found that it is best to realize that no one psychic will know everything or can be 100% right. I don't expect that kind of a reader. Even my favorite reader (who has the best track record for me) has been wrong before. I didn't rule her out just because she missed something. It's best to be realistic with your "reading" expectations. Also, think about the type of readers you're calling. An empath may be able to tell you what the other person is feeling, but that doesn't mean actions will follow those feelings. I've felt a lot of things in my life, and I most certainly haven't acted upon all those feelings. I'd think most people are this way. A remote viewer like Cookie may see snippets, but that doesn't mean she'll be right on the outcome. It's hit or miss. This isn't a science.
I wish everyone the best as they seek out their go-to reader(s).
BTW, I think MsLisaM is a good empath and can see the present pretty well, but she was overall wrong for me when I consulted with her. I know she's worked for others though, so I wouldn't necessarily call her a fraud.