Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1110209 times)

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #585 on: December 09, 2012, 04:23:15 AM »
Similar to pretty much all other decent fakes.
You are too right about this. I'm starting to believe this myself. 

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #586 on: December 09, 2012, 04:33:18 AM »
Zee, I read with tons of readers, and it wasn't until I let go of that and dealt full on with the trauma of what took place in the years before that lead me down that path that my life changed. I could never believe now that I ever did any of that, but I did, and I let them control my life and hopes. I think for me and others I knew, we had to learn the really hard way. There were a few readers who really broke my heart, and the last one (not Cookie) did such a number on me and sort of imploded near the end when the timeframes she boxed herself into didn't come true. Suddenly something in me snapped and everything changed, like I woke up from a bender and bad dream. I and friends who experienced this have always kept up with this world though, a bit like a reminder of how it can happen to anyone and how we need to trust ourselves. It wasn't until I stopped all of this and trusted myself and took charge that I healed and my life took a happy turn.

I do still believe in ability, but it's VERY rare to truly find it. And even then I think it's such a powerful thing that only very very few on this earth can probably properly harness it.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #587 on: December 09, 2012, 03:13:19 PM »
Can you please share who the reader who strung you along was?
Who was honest with you instead?

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #588 on: December 09, 2012, 04:27:00 PM »
I am curious who else you have read with, I dont see any post regarding any of the other 40 or so readers you say were wrong for you.  It is a shame that Cookie was not right for you, but she does not connect with everyone.  Would you please share with us who are the clever fakes, and who scammed you?

I read with her on Keen. I read all the reviews and looked her up at the time, and due to my friend's raving, I tried her. I lost $300 thanks to it. I can assure you nothing she said was happening at present with my ex or the other man was true. Nor did what she said they would do happen. And the other man she told me about simply did not exist, nor did the person in the hospital "around me". When we had our second call and she started to say stuff about the ex and what he'd do, she said he was planning on coming to see me or something. I asked how as he was across an ocean. She started to stutter a bit and tried to cover herself. When we got onto the issue of the other man who there had been potential with, she started to say similar things about calling me and going out with me. Again, he's also across an ocean from me and we only had online access after having met in person. I asked how he'd do these things due to his location, and more stuttering and covering.

When I asked about this man in a near state she said would be my next bf, I assumed she'd tell me similar to what she did before, but there were changes to the story this time. She even told me his name would be Jonathan!   ::)  I don't have the notes anymore, but there were contradictions and oddness between both reads, and also what she told me during the first read was odd too as I knew some real life info and it didn't seem possible that she could be correct. I was still in a very bad mindset at this time after what lead me to these readers, so I gave her that second chance. It was a huge huge lesson. She can not remotely view or tell the future, but she is a clever fake and reads responses very well. Similar to pretty much all other decent fakes.


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #589 on: December 09, 2012, 04:57:07 PM »
I concur with your post, that I can appreciate when others post for us to be cautious in getting readings, because there are readers that might not be as accurate as we had hoped, but unless they give us the readers that they suspect are that way, how can others stay clear of them?

I do understand that there are cases where one person does not connect to a particular psychic, and therefore, it would be wrong to assume they will not work for everyone, but If I read with psychics that I later not only suspected, but confirmed had been wrong about the situation or outcome, I'd want to share that information with everyone so that people could bear that in mind when consulting them.  Not to say that a reader who is inaccurate with one, might be inaccurate with all, mind you...but certainly if I found out that their inaccuracy was more a case of the psychic being unethical, I'd think it crucial to share.

I can't speak for everyone on the forum, but if I had an uneasy feeling about a particular psychic, or psychics, chances are I would not call them again.  If members here fear any fall out for sharing that information or that they didn't work in their case, what difference does it make?
I am curious who else you have read with, I dont see any post regarding any of the other 40 or so readers you say were wrong for you.  It is a shame that Cookie was not right for you, but she does not connect with everyone.  Would you please share with us who are the clever fakes, and who scammed you?

I read with her on Keen. I read all the reviews and looked her up at the time, and due to my friend's raving, I tried her. I lost $300 thanks to it. I can assure you nothing she said was happening at present with my ex or the other man was true. Nor did what she said they would do happen. And the other man she told me about simply did not exist, nor did the person in the hospital "around me". When we had our second call and she started to say stuff about the ex and what he'd do, she said he was planning on coming to see me or something. I asked how as he was across an ocean. She started to stutter a bit and tried to cover herself. When we got onto the issue of the other man who there had been potential with, she started to say similar things about calling me and going out with me. Again, he's also across an ocean from me and we only had online access after having met in person. I asked how he'd do these things due to his location, and more stuttering and covering.

When I asked about this man in a near state she said would be my next bf, I assumed she'd tell me similar to what she did before, but there were changes to the story this time. She even told me his name would be Jonathan!   ::)  I don't have the notes anymore, but there were contradictions and oddness between both reads, and also what she told me during the first read was odd too as I knew some real life info and it didn't seem possible that she could be correct. I was still in a very bad mindset at this time after what lead me to these readers, so I gave her that second chance. It was a huge huge lesson. She can not remotely view or tell the future, but she is a clever fake and reads responses very well. Similar to pretty much all other decent fakes.

Offline curiousgirl

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #590 on: December 09, 2012, 05:31:17 PM »
I only posted about Cookie and one other here, as the others I read with aren't ones I've seen listed here, and my reads were years ago. There were about 40 readers though I'd say. None were right, some hooked me in badly and I spent hundreds or thousands with them. If you PM me I'll give you the info, but likely some of them will have different names on Keen or are out of business. I know one is mostly underground now as she was found out, so she only comes onto the site she scammed on a bit.

I think that learning the hard way that these readers are scammers is the only way most of us really learn our lessons though. I remember not listening to people who had concrete evidence of scams and info sharing or just plain incorrectness, but because I and others wanted to believe there were people to guide us, we kept on. We all suffered in the end, but I will say that when you come out of it, you gain a lot of knowledge and caution that you would not have had otherwise. A very hard lesson to have, however!

In the years since my reads I've found out the truth about what was going on with the people I asked about, or was far enough away to review things and see it for myself. No one was ever right. No one ever knew what was happening or would happen. They told me what would make me happy or keep me coming back. The truth of what happened was nothing like what anyone said.

Offline jordie

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #591 on: December 10, 2012, 01:10:23 AM »
I appreciate reading others reviews of psychics but when someone comes on here, someone that never posted before, and calls a particular reader a fake, a scammer, and cant remote view, I am more suspicious of the poster then the reader. There are many pages of cookie demonstrating accurate remote viewings for many people here. She might not be all that great for predictions but I don't doubt her remote viewing abilities. Not all psychics work for everyone and I am sure there are many scammers out there. Curiousgirl, sorry cookie did not work for you and you feel she is a fake. You mentioned you did not read the entire thread yet, if you do you will see that her remote viewing has been amazing for many.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #592 on: December 10, 2012, 01:27:25 AM »
I appreciate your post, Jordie. I was a high posting member of a now defunct psychic clients forum years ago. Well, not that long ago as it's only been gone maybe a year. I spent a year and a half mostly on LP, and lost probably 10K. I knew and still know others who went through what I did and what most of you are. I've been through hell and back and Cookie was one of my many hellish experiences. I also know inside and out how scams are done and it's a bit more clear too about how to read human behavior and people when you're free of all this and on the other side. Eventually and hopefully, most of you will be!

I've emailed those who have PMed me with info. I appreciate if you believe in Cookie, I just hope that you've not lost too much. She's a fake like basically all the others online. Or at least 99.99% of them. Trauma or heartbreak is usually what drives us to this world. Once you're out of it you remember that you have the ability to see people and situations without help. You know that you're worth more than pining for someone who's shown they don't' want to be with you or aren't' a decent person. You eventually heal, go on to better things, and are so so soooo grateful that that cruel, disgusting person that lead you down this path did you the favor of showing you who they are and what they are certainly NOT worth! That's when you'll feel at ease and happiness can come in. Trust me. Even if it's a long path, it happens. In the meantime, till each of us finds our waterloo moment that makes us stop seeing readers, we'll never see beyond the hopes or their talents -- which are cold reading and people reading. That's something all of us can do and do all the time without thinking about it. It's not hard, but a skilled manipulator knows how to do it and use it.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #593 on: December 10, 2012, 01:38:05 AM »
While I understand where you're coming from, I have to agree that Cookie can remote view. She accurately described the lay out physically of my last job, how we had to badge into the buildings for security reasons, how I looked physically as well as a very unique ring I wear all the time. No one could have out of nowhere guessed the design of this ring. That alone is proof enough for me she can remote view. Of course, her predictions didn't happen. At least nothing of importance. But meetings and encounters she saw did happen, down to every minute detail, within a few weeks of the readings. But again they were of zero importance. They were trivial encounters and details. BUT I called for fun with Cookie and wasn't let down.

That being said, I agree most readers are fake. There is one who works 100% for me and I stick to her alone for a reading, a short one, once every other month or so.

« Last Edit: December 10, 2012, 01:40:53 AM by SomethingBetter »

Offline curiousgirl

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #594 on: December 10, 2012, 01:55:41 AM »
Do you have a unique name, SomethingBetter? Keen readers get access to your name and address. People can be googled. Esp when appts aren't immediate.

Most buildings have security badges/systems. And if she had an idea of what you do, she could tell you about layouts that way.

I understand you believe in her and your experiences, but in my "day" with these sites, I found that trivial things were the ones to come true as they're off the cuff sort of things and generic.

She's no different than others, and it does take talent to read someone and do a convincing "psychic" read. She "looked at" people for me, and everything was wrong. Same for the friend who spent a ton with her. It's either trivial stuff or stuff you can't prove, like what someone you're not involved with at present is thinking or doing. How can you prove that info is accurate?

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #595 on: December 10, 2012, 02:13:52 AM »

No I have a very common name. I have googled myself for fun, nothing comes up. I'm also pretty sure that KEEN readers cannot see your name and address. That would go against all sorts of privacy laws. And some readers on these sites are seriously unstable, can you imagine what kind of issues  it would cause if they had access to names or addresses? That being said, I don't see what an address or name would have to do with describing my ring. Which she did.

As far as most buildings having badge access, does anyone else have that at their place of work, here? What if I delivered pizzas for a living? And no, she didn't know what I did for a living. And she did describe the layouts of both buildings my company owns. One was a one floor, the other three floors and all had different styles pertaining to what was done in those floors.

I think you mistook what I said as me having some vested interest or belief in her, which I do not. I read with her for fun and liken her to a carnival gypsy attraction. It was fun and gave me a few laughs, but nothing I truly cared about or really even gave a second thought too.

I understand you and your friend lost money to her. I am sorry for that but there are 30 plus pages of people here saying she described their home, what they were wearing, that they were naked while talking to her, etc.To me that at least shows that she was remote viewing. Now, no one here has really said she accurately predicted an outcome.

For me she was a fun 2 or 3 calls. No more, no less. And it's my belief she's not a fake per se, just not what she exactly promotes herself to be or not what most are looking or in a psychic.

« Last Edit: December 10, 2012, 02:20:51 AM by SomethingBetter »

Offline DreamLoveBelieve

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #596 on: December 10, 2012, 02:30:55 AM »
Do you have a unique name, SomethingBetter? Keen readers get access to your name and address. People can be googled. Esp when appts aren't immediate.

Most buildings have security badges/systems. And if she had an idea of what you do, she could tell you about layouts that way.

I understand you believe in her and your experiences, but in my "day" with these sites, I found that trivial things were the ones to come true as they're off the cuff sort of things and generic.

She's no different than others, and it does take talent to read someone and do a convincing "psychic" read. She "looked at" people for me, and everything was wrong. Same for the friend who spent a ton with her. It's either trivial stuff or stuff you can't prove, like what someone you're not involved with at present is thinking or doing. How can you prove that info is accurate?

Keen readers DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS!!  They can't even discuss caller usernames on their Community Forum (I have read through their forum and it is heavily monitored by Keen)!!  There IS a notes section that readers can type notes about a caller and they CAN see who is calling before the phone even rings, but it is a VIOLATION of the Keen policies to divulge any such personal information!!

It's even discouraged for Advisers to share that type of information!!  From the Keen website for Advisers:
"Personal Contact Information
For your safety, Keen recommends that you do not disclose personal contact information to other members of this site. If you choose to reveal this information, please know that you do so at your own risk. Additionally, Keen does not recommend or encourage members to use the Keen site to solicit other members to meet with them in person.

To protect the privacy of our members, Keen does not permit Advisors to post their personal contact information, such as an email address, phone number, mailing address or Instant Messenger ID, on their listings or home page.

If a member leaves personal contact information about themselves or about you in feedback, please fill out a Support Form and select "Play Fair Inquiry" from the drop down menu so that we may remove it. Please see the Privacy Policy if you have questions about the use of information you provide to Keen."

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #597 on: December 10, 2012, 02:32:47 AM »
Thanks, Dream, I was looking for that. Imagine the lawsuits AT$T would have on their hands otherwise? Lol

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #598 on: December 10, 2012, 02:35:23 AM »
Anytime SB!!  I hardly post in the forum but when someone is putting out information that I know is blatantly FALSE, I feel the need to respond!!  :D

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #599 on: December 10, 2012, 02:37:34 AM »
And again, I could care less about Cookie, I just like giving credit where credit is due. And that was misinformation.

