Cookie is a remote viewer. She sees snapshots of events, past, present and future.
She told me in my July reading that my ex would be standing on my patio with me in October. She described what we were looking at, she even told me he was wearing a blue jacket. Not a chance this will happen. But something did happen. My friend who is a realtor came over last week. He has the same build as my ex. He was wearing a blue jacket and were standing on the patio together. And it happened in October. Everything she described of what we were looking at was correct! Except for one minor detail... Wrong fricking guy! Lol
She said I'd have a job change in October, that all through August and September I would be incredibly annoyed with the nit-picking crap from my boss. All true, I was laid off last week. But haven't found anything yet. She said job change, she didn't say I'd get another job first, she didn't say what I'd be doing after, she said the nit picking and annoyances will stop in October and I will get out of that toxic environment.
I'm not 100% sure how remote viewing works. What I do know is she can see conversations happen, she sees random unimportant stuff and she gets snapshots of things ie: names like my ex's son's name she pulled out of a hat.
She saw my stomach shrinking, saw me exercising and losing weight, she saw me getting stressed, she saw lawyers around me, she saw court coming up at the end of the year. She's seen me on my motorcycle (which I've never breathed a word about, she even saw my ex's motorcycle and commented on how funny that was that we had something like that in common) she saw my ex's truck and the colour, my car, the colour and how many doors... The list of funny things she's seen is endless.
But the thing about her, is she's not always right, she doesn't get the people or the conversations right sometimes, she doesn't get feelings and intentions right sometimes either. She's been incredibly Bang on for me and than incredibly wrong for me on many different occasions.
But she's human. And she's definitely NOT taking notes. I've called from two different users and had the same info on both calls months apart. She's fallible, she's human and she definitely NOT 100%.
Just because she called out the name of the street or saw your house in her head, doesn't mean that she'll be right about a relationship. And this is one of those things where everything she says is completely questionable and you cannot count on anything she says until it actually happens.
I love her. I think she has the most amazing gift I've ever seen and I'll continue getting readings from her every year. But like anything, you have to just roll with the punches, keep going with your life and see what happens.
Oh Cookie Monster, it would be so rad if you were always right! Unfortunately even with as gifted as she is, you have to take everything she says with a grain of salt. Ugh.