@powerofnow- just keep going out and dating!!!! Cookie and Julie are my personal dream team

the two of then have at times given me the exact same readings. Maybe the reason why you aren't attracting the guys you have chemistry with is because those guys are nice guys, see your worth, chase you like they are supposed to but don't know how to create *attraction* with a woman.
My suggestion? If you have kick ass confidence which totally creates attraction because you know what you want, know what you are looking for etc. go out and find that guy! Don't wait around for then to come to you, go out and find them!
Go straight up to a guy that YOU find attractive and talk to him. As long as he's single and interested, he'll ask you for your number. But you have to keep that confidence up throughout. It's up to you to entice the opposite sex, so take some control. If the guy tells you he's married, involved etc. toss him. But if he's hot, you're attracted to him and he to you, you've got something to work with. But again, you absolutely have to keep your confidence up. If you fall for him before he falls for you, there is a possible roller coaster ride there, especially if he isn't ready or is going through something like a current break up etc. But seriously? Go flirt your ass off. Confidence is KEY. And all of a sudden you'll find your evenings booked solid with activities, with dates etc.
Another suggestion I have is a singles network. Google *singles* in your area and get yourself out there meeting new people. It's a numbers game baby. Make friends with everyone you can get your hands on, show off the fabulous personality you have, talk to everyone! Show that internal confidence that you have from tossing all the baggage and garbage of your past and keep moving! You can do this!
As for manifesting? Every night before you go to bed, picture yourself in a happy relationship. Picture that guy, holding hands, the feeling of being in love etc. if you can visualize being happy in a relationship, then anyone you go into a dating relationship will be more positive. Whatever is holding you back from the past, say *screw that!* ignore it! Let it stay in the past.
You just need to create positive feelings about your future, about being happy and focus on that. The next thing ya know, mr. Awesome rolls through the door when you didn't even see him coming. Maybe you start off as friends and get to know each other, but then it turns into something more, without too much thought process, with things happening naturally, without you over analyzing stuff, it just happens.
And that's where you want the picture in your head to be. But just keep getting yourself out there having fun and enjoying new people and watch the chips fall where they should

Good luck!!!