Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1112194 times)

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #435 on: October 04, 2012, 12:32:49 AM »
I just needed to know what to expect if I ever get the chance to speak to her. Thanks!

Offline CoolGirl

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #436 on: October 06, 2012, 08:08:40 PM »
Has anyone spoke (recently - in past month or so) to Cookie via Advisor Universe?
Have issue w/Keen account... Thanks

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #437 on: October 06, 2012, 08:13:57 PM »
@coolgirl! Where ya been lady???? Yes, I had a reading with her in the last month and a bit on advisor universe. Honestly? I think click is better than keen. It was phone to phone clarity, whereas with keen I always find the person sounds more distant or something... She's more expensive on there though...
« Last Edit: October 06, 2012, 08:21:06 PM by Cfisher »

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #438 on: October 06, 2012, 08:16:27 PM »
@ coolgirl, I did, but I think she is not there as much as she is on keen

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #439 on: October 06, 2012, 08:17:25 PM »
Oh! I forgot to say from my reading with her back in April. She said she saw me in a court/ a courtroom close to the end of the year. Correct! Mid-nov I have my day in court to dispute my speeding ticket. Crazy cookie. Damn, should've asked for outcome, but shmeh. Lol!

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #440 on: October 06, 2012, 08:19:11 PM »
@ cfisher, well based on what I read here she is apparently not that good with the outcomes, correct ?! :P

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #441 on: October 06, 2012, 08:25:04 PM »
Ha ha ha! I was going to post something cheeky about that, but ya, you are right, from what I hear from others, she is always wrong with predicted outcomes regarding relationship questions. My predictions are still pending and are years away. And her outcome for me is actually negative. So in my circumstance I actually believe her. But not living my life any different than if I hadn't had a reading with her at all ;)

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #442 on: October 07, 2012, 01:51:38 AM »
wait, so this has been my concern.. so, she ISN'T good with predictions/outcomes or she is? and that is just in regards to relationships or all questions. has she gotten ANYONES relationship predictions correct? or is she just good for seeing random events in the upcoming week?

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #443 on: October 07, 2012, 02:04:12 AM »
My predictions don't have a positive ending(she never gave me a fairytale ending) but those predictions are years away.

I've talked to a good handful of people that have said what she did see came to fruition. Ie: a girl and her ex do have coffee, but the conversation surrounding that coffee talk had nothing to do with their relationship not did they end up with that guy even though cookie said they would be together eventually. Go back through this thread and look at the story of @synergy. She's a prime example of being told something that most definitely did not happen.

Cookie is amazing at remote viewing. I don't even bother asking her about the thoughts and feelings of whomever I'm interested in. One time she actually had the audacity to tell me that my guy loved me. Um, lady, I ain't living in a fantasy world here. I'm living in reality and not one flipping thing in all the times we spent together showed me, nor did he ever say those three little words. So, ya NOPE.

I'm not saying that some of the readings I've had with her weren't completely shocking, some were and some were very down to earth and logical.  I'm not saying that everything she said to me has  happened. Loads of stuff she saw DID happen and when they did, it freaked me right out. But I personally don't trust her with her perception of feelings that another person has towards you as what she has said about that to me was definitely not true in reality.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2012, 02:28:13 AM by Cfisher »

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #444 on: October 07, 2012, 02:23:11 AM »
Wen I was reading with her, I had a feeling that what she was doing somehow was putting the images that she was seeing together and try to put a meaning to them. Like she would see us having lunch together, then she would assume that if we are having lunch together then something good is happening. She was describing scenes to a "t". Like you will be walking and when u get to this building which is 19 stories and has black windows you will see a BMW and next to it would be the person of interest staring at you! And she then would continue that he is staring at you because he loves you. But from what I read here actually he could be staring take because he hates me ;) but whatever she told me about our story and what happened in the past was so accurate. I mean the very first time I talked to her she asked me to repeat my name three times and then she started to talk and as she continued I felt like someone had recorded mylife and she was watching it and describing it to me.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #445 on: October 07, 2012, 02:31:00 AM »
She did the same thing to me in one of my readings. Telling me what I said, how I acted and how he reacted etc. Pretty spooky! Lol! And what she said was true too. It happened how she saw it and WHEN she saw it, had the timing of the past down to a T. Crazy, crazy Cookie Monster ;)

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #446 on: October 07, 2012, 02:42:47 AM »
To me she also said I did something which did upset him, but she could not see what it was, and of course I will not accept I did anything  ;D she was very cool at describing things. The only thing is that as we went on I started to feel that she was putting things together and trying to make a story out of them, and thanks to this forum I was sort of prepared for that so had to direct her back to the actual point

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #447 on: October 07, 2012, 03:37:45 PM »
Just had my first reading with Cookie...(not exactly true - I spoke to her many years ago but can't recall the details)...glad I read through some of these pages, otherwise I would have been very :s . I'm not attached to any guy from my past so I figured my reading would be free of any attempt by the reader to provide me with a fairytale ending.
I just asked what was coming up for my love life in the next 6 months and she just saw a lot of dating..a lot, by my standards - i.e. I don't do online dating, speed dating and I don't go out all that much (esp not in the winter!) . All in all, she mentionned about seven guys - two wouldn't want a committed relationship (I'm thinking those could be two from the past year she picked up on), three I wouldn't want to date (she was right in stating that my biggest problem was not finding guys I'm attracted to - chemistry is a big deal to me as the physical attraction was missing in the final year (s) of my last relationship) and two I would date but whether I would date any of these guys long-term she wasn't clear on. She did say my heart was closed off because of some guy from my past but I have no idea who or what that could be...

It was similar to Northstar Julie's reading in that they both saw lots of dating coming up but nothing serious for quite a while (Aries Intuition, Sapphire, Gaylene, Sandy Esther, Barbara all saw someone special coming up this fall). I asked Cookie what I could do to accelerate the process - ie is there any work I need to do on myself to attract that right person (I feel this past year has been about clearing my past all the way back to my childhood, identifying and eliminating (I think, lol) past rel'p patterns - i.e. attracting unavailable men based on childhood stuff), forgiveness, living in the now, visualizing/manifesting, etc, you name it and all she said was 'you attract people you don't have chemistry with' so not very helpfu in that regards, lol. I've asked other readers what I need to work on but some like Sapphire said I need to stop doing so much work and start trusting/having faith (which I started to do) and others stated that it doesn't matter what I do as this new person is coming in...

So I'd appreciate any recommendations on anyone you feel who could help me on my spiritual journey and identify why it is that I may be blocking someone new from coming in or what lessons I still need to continue working on, etc, etc....Otherwise, I'm in a good spot, overall - my spirits are good, I have much for which I'm grateful and I don't feel *desperate* but after being relatively single for a couple years, I do feel ready to meet someone longer-term (like Kisha said 'there's good energy around you for someone new')  ...

Offline Cfisher

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #448 on: October 07, 2012, 04:04:59 PM »
@powerofnow- just keep going out and dating!!!! Cookie and Julie are my personal dream team :) the two of then have at times given me the exact same readings. Maybe the reason why you aren't attracting the guys you have chemistry with is because those guys are nice guys, see your worth, chase you like they are supposed to but don't know how to create *attraction* with a woman.

My suggestion? If you have kick ass confidence which totally creates attraction because you know what you want, know what you are looking for etc. go out and find that guy! Don't wait around for then to come to you, go out and find them!

Go straight up to a guy that YOU find attractive and talk to him. As long as he's single and interested, he'll ask you for your number. But you have to keep that confidence up throughout. It's up to you to entice the opposite sex, so take some control. If the guy tells you he's married, involved etc. toss him. But if he's hot, you're attracted to him and he to you, you've got something to work with. But again, you absolutely have to keep your confidence up. If you fall for him before he falls for you, there is a possible roller coaster ride there, especially if he isn't ready or is going through something like a current break up etc. But seriously? Go flirt your ass off. Confidence is KEY. And all of a sudden you'll find your evenings booked solid with activities, with dates etc.

Another suggestion I have is a singles network. Google *singles* in your area and get yourself out there meeting new people. It's a numbers game baby. Make friends with everyone you can get your hands on, show off the fabulous personality you have, talk to everyone! Show that internal confidence that you have from tossing all the baggage and garbage of your past and keep moving! You can do this! 

As for manifesting? Every night before you go to bed, picture yourself in a happy relationship. Picture that guy, holding hands, the feeling of being in love etc. if you can visualize being happy in a relationship, then anyone you go into a dating relationship will be more positive. Whatever is holding you back from the past, say *screw that!* ignore it! Let it stay in the past.

You just need to create positive feelings about your future, about being happy and focus on that. The next thing ya know, mr. Awesome rolls through the door when you didn't even see him coming. Maybe you start off as friends and get to know each other, but then it turns into something more, without too much thought process, with things happening naturally, without you over analyzing stuff, it just happens.

And that's where you want the picture in your head to be. But just keep getting yourself out there having fun and enjoying new people and watch the chips fall where they should ;)

Good luck!!!

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #449 on: October 07, 2012, 04:46:44 PM »
LOL, Cfisher, you sound just like Julie!!! She said I have to make a job out of finding love. She, too, said I could speed it up but I'd need to 'get out there'. ...yuck, I hate casual dating, lol...I describe myself as an 'outgoing introvert' - I'm super friendly at work, talk to everyone but then feel so exhausted in the evening that I need to stay in to regroup and re-energize myself, lol....

Call me naive but all my past long-term relationships all felt 'fated' - they all happened when they were meant to. And yes, I met them at parties, events, etc but usually when my desire to attend these events were high and usually my 'desire' and my 'intuition' are in sync...But who knows, perhaps I'm going about this all wrong this time. I just felt if I worked on myself enough that I wouldn't need to join networks, go for drinks after work, etc in order to meet someone. Just thought it would happen regardless of what I did - but perhaps I need to heed Wayne Dyer's words about going out of my 'comfort zone' for once...sigh...

Thanks for your enthusiastic post - it made me smile!!

By the way, do you find Cookie accurate at picking up on your blocks/insecurities, etc? She said my heart has been closed off and that's why I'm not attracting the right type of people but I'm kind of surprised to hear this..(she also said I get bored easily - not sure that's true although I recall her stating that to you, according to a previous post) . I did think of you when I realized how similar Cookie and Julie's readings were as I know they're your faves - they both said that I'm too picky and not giving some guys enough of a chance. Hmm, there's only one guy in the past six months that would apply to and I do hang out with him when possible (and haven't written him off completely) .

Happy Thanksgiving my fellow Canuck! :D

