Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1111094 times)

Offline love123456

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #375 on: September 08, 2012, 12:08:21 AM »
Bully? No way that is not me! First I was making a general comment about readers who take call after call and are exhausted by the time they get to you or overwhelmed by a lot of clients in their que. This frustrates others who may have a burning question to ask and are kind of jerked around in a way by a reader because of scheduling conflicts. This in turn adds to the frustration and anxiety of that person seeking a reading. I felt like Jordie was dismissive of my comment and that is kind of rude. In reality she is not my mother or God so why would she feel like she could just dismiss what I have to say? If she doesn't take a lot of callers then she doesn't but it is true that no one knows what this woman does at home. Cookie may be good or she may not I don't know and that was not my point. I just felt bad for the other lady who was trying to get a hold of her because she seemed like she just really needed some guidance and the situation with her trying to contact Cookie was just making her feel more frustrated and maybe anxious. Maybe it didn't but when I read that it made me feel bad for her so I posted that comment because I think what I said is kind of true in my experience and she should just find another to read with if that is the case. Not only that but cookie's reviews are hit or miss anyway so I just felt that she should move on. I did not think it was worth the headache. Maybe that was not the case maybe she just wanted to read with her out of curiosity. I don't post here because I really have no interest in posting other than if I think my comment could be helpful and that is why it annoyed me. As far as some others  jumping on this bandwagon, and inviting me to come at them I have no interest or energy to put into that.

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #376 on: September 08, 2012, 12:33:25 AM »

I do not believe Jordie was dismissive or rude.  There are many new or newer members here that have only read with a few readers, not seasoned to readings like most of us (lol).  I truly believe Jordie was trying to clarify a specific statement that you made saying readers with long lines are not good at all.  The statement you made in Cookies thread was implying she is not good, and is exhausted from readings, these are your opinions yet you have never read with her.   Jordie has been a supportive member and has not bullied or been rude just for the sake of it.

I think it is time to drop this nonsense, this takes up way to much room on the forum and sucks the positive life out of everyone.   Negative assumptions regarding members, readers, or life in general are not productive, key word here is ASSUMPTIONS.

On a positive side:  I read something today that really made me stop and think.  We all ask for things we want, but how much are we giving back in thanks for the blessings we already have.  We are taught to have blind faith that the things we need will be given to us, are we giving thanks and giving back to God/Universe?   My question to myself today was:  What have I given?
I challenge everyone here to ask yourself the same question.  Make a commitment to give back something, anything...the old adage "It is better to give than receive"  makes sense...what an amazing gift to touch someones heart in a way you will never know, whether it be by giving a smile, a helping hand, or a simple hello.

Bully? No way that is not me! First I was making a general comment about readers who take call after call and are exhausted by the time they get to you or overwhelmed by a lot of clients in their que. This frustrates others who may have a burning question to ask and are kind of jerked around in a way by a reader because of scheduling conflicts. This in turn adds to the frustration and anxiety of that person seeking a reading. I felt like Jordie was dismissive of my comment and that is kind of rude. In reality she is not my mother or God so why would she feel like she could just dismiss what I have to say? If she doesn't take a lot of callers then she doesn't but it is true that no one knows what this woman does at home. Cookie may be good or she may not I don't know and that was not my point. I just felt bad for the other lady who was trying to get a hold of her because she seemed like she just really needed some guidance and the situation with her trying to contact Cookie was just making her feel more frustrated and maybe anxious. Maybe it didn't but when I read that it made me feel bad for her so I posted that comment because I think what I said is kind of true in my experience and she should just find another to read with if that is the case. Not only that but cookie's reviews are hit or miss anyway so I just felt that she should move on. I did not think it was worth the headache. Maybe that was not the case maybe she just wanted to read with her out of curiosity. I don't post here because I really have no interest in posting other than if I think my comment could be helpful and that is why it annoyed me. As far as some others  jumping on this bandwagon, and inviting me to come at them I have no interest or energy to put into that.

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #377 on: September 08, 2012, 12:41:40 AM »
Kindness goes along way....everyone should practice this............... :)

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #378 on: September 08, 2012, 12:53:56 AM »

Kindness does go a long way, but this is not only about kindness.  We cannot expect to write out our want list, but not return anything to God/Universe.  I feel part of giving back is to always put your best foot forward and be the best you can be....just one example.  When we are excited or happy about something...the sky is the limit!  The same should apply for receiving the smallest thing.

Kindness goes along way....everyone should practice this............... :)

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #379 on: September 08, 2012, 01:00:15 AM »
lol....I think we can all say.....Ditto on that one.... :D

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #380 on: September 08, 2012, 01:14:29 AM »
@Estrellita and 2sisters - women are passionate but they are also protective. If you (the general YOU) are on this forum I imagine many, myself included, may be having a tough time of it whether it be love, finance, etc. It seems when one is already down it is far too easy to misinterpret someone else's tone via text/type and it leads to lashing out at the anonymous source one thinks is doing them wrong. That being said, although we all understand being frustrated, it's not appropriate behavior in life or on an internet forum to bully anyone just because you're in a bad mood or can't take constructive criticism or whatever. I personally could care less if anyone likes the same readers I like but admit it bothers me if I feel someone is telling out right lies about that or any reader. I always tell my friends and family, and I have said it here: just because 1 or 100 of your friends have connected with a reader does not mean that you will. As far as the negativity that has recently been spurned on Cookie's thread...unfortunately it seems it's not about her so it really has no place on her thread anyway. Hopefully the dust will settle soon and everyone will be able to lighten their moods a bit. We are all in the same boat, quit trying to rock it!!!!! LOL!!!

This post was not directed at Love123456, it was a general agreement and response to those addressed. If the comment of "bully" resonated with any of you personally, well there's not much I can do about that.

Geez Louise, one minute I'm taking things too far and need to chill, the next I'm completely understood. Both sentiments condescending and without explanation. Either way, ladies and gents, I'm taking a break from the open forum for a while. The newer presences seem too negative for truthful discussion, IMO. Although I am by no means a saint and have gotten fired up now and again, I genuinely have tried to be a positive presence and have tried sharing my experiences with honest reviews. I will stay available via PM for everyone if interested. I read with Sapphire21, Cookie, SourcePower, and Sheena. I have read with Kisha, Gaylene, and Raven Mystic. Sorry if my reaction seems overly sensitive but I am the process of working a few things out on my own and my heart is too big to not care about the overall attitude and vibe at present. Take care everyone and perhaps I'll see some familiar faces in the chat room soon!

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #381 on: September 08, 2012, 01:19:18 AM »

Jordie, watch for the po-po that stand one block up watching....sometimes there are some really hot ones!  When I see the hot ones, I floor it and blow through every red light I can! LOL  I thank them for pulling me over, and I give back by slipping my number to them! LMAO

I always say thank you when I can squeeze through that turn before the light turns red. And no cops are around.  ;)

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #382 on: September 08, 2012, 01:20:09 AM »
Hi decibel.diva.....I hope everything works out for you. I wish you would stay, when I first signed up there were many people including yourself that I found very interesting and could relate to things they were going through. I see many do not post here as often anymore.  I do miss them!

People just have bad days sometimes....please do not take them personally.......sincerely bellalife!


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #383 on: September 08, 2012, 03:53:36 AM »
eh, I've given enough. Its time to start getting back in return.  ;)

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #384 on: September 08, 2012, 11:33:55 AM »
@Estrellita and 2sisters - women are passionate but they are also protective. If you (the general YOU) are on this forum I imagine many, myself included, may be having a tough time of it whether it be love, finance, etc. It seems when one is already down it is far too easy to misinterpret someone else's tone via text/type and it leads to lashing out at the anonymous source one thinks is doing them wrong. That being said, although we all understand being frustrated, it's not appropriate behavior in life or on an internet forum to bully anyone just because you're in a bad mood or can't take constructive criticism or whatever. I personally could care less if anyone likes the same readers I like but admit it bothers me if I feel someone is telling out right lies about that or any reader. I always tell my friends and family, and I have said it here: just because 1 or 100 of your friends have connected with a reader does not mean that you will. As far as the negativity that has recently been spurned on Cookie's thread...unfortunately it seems it's not about her so it really has no place on her thread anyway. Hopefully the dust will settle soon and everyone will be able to lighten their moods a bit. We are all in the same boat, quit trying to rock it!!!!! LOL!!!

Oh how I agree with you.  We've had some very rough patches in the past few months, my sister and I, and it is hard to interpret what others are saying at times (no tone of voice included over text).  It shocked me at first, when it first happened but, I've learned that if I want others to be compassionate or understanding towards me (because Of my health issues) then I need to be able to do the same and try to understand.  Yeah sometimes it fails and people can just be outright cruel and petty but I believe there are people that we can talk to, even those that are psychic, rather than just a psychologist, that can really help.  I've gotten upset because of some of the things said about our fav and I was upset about something I saw posted about Cookie also.  I guess we just want EVERYONE to have a good experience with those that we had experiences with and you are correct again about being bothered by it, I was personally bothered by it and I really shouldn't have been but, if you find someone that actually helps you or has helped you and was generous with their time, you feel like you should protect them or at the very least stand up and say that you disagree with the negativity being posted about them. 

I was so upset that something that was told to me by Cookie didn't happen that I got so mad at myself for putting so much faith in HER.  It wasn't her fault, it was mine, and that was interpreted as though I was mad at Cookie and I was NOT.  And when I tried to explain that I was riddled with crap for it.  I've learned to ignore most of it but, when you have an imbalance like we do, it's pretty hard sometimes to keep that in check.  So we say we will stick with our Fav just like others stick with their favs or as some put it their go-to psychic or psychics but, I've seen it so many times on these boards with just about Every Psychic Forum/Board, that we've learned to not take it personally or we try to not read too much into it.  We've just tried to look past it when we can.  People like to talk about their experiences (good and bad), that's about the gist of it.  I just don't get it when people decide to riddle others with their insecurities, I mean my god I've got some pretty serious medical conditions and I keep that under check the best I can, you'd think that others would do the same but instead they run to their insecurities and start talking crappola. I can tell you this much, those that do it are not ones that others listen too, their make their opinions invalid when conducting themselves in such a way.  I learned that a long time ago because I used to do it.  If you are acting like that, the only ones  that will trust you or your word are ones that are in a similar head space and it can't be good if you're attacking others from that place within yourself.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #385 on: September 08, 2012, 02:17:22 PM »
2sisters, I know your post was not directed at me but rather some things that can happen on the board at times. However I feel that I need to say this so people reading the thread understand my comment was not meant to protect a favorite reader of mine. I have never read with cookie. I would like to bit the reason I havent is because of what I said in my original post. I do not have the patience to join a line that barely moves for days on end and she is rarely on. Those are facts. Now my opinion is that her line is bloated because of this forum. I have observed this with other psychics that were talked about fervently before. The only difference between them and cookie is frequency of availability. I never post my opinion about psychics I have never read with until cookie. Why?  Simply because the post, whether inadvertently or not, put cookie in a lump pile. I have been reading this forum for many months and I knew she did not belong in that pile. That is why I stated facts that I know. I do not attack members or psychics in my posts. I will post my experiences with a psychic and I they do not work for me I will say just that because I know that just because they did not work for me does not mean they don't work for someone else.

And sisters, I am sorry cookie did not work for you and being angry at her would be a natural response. I get annoyed with a reader if what they tell me does not occur. Yes, I believed them but that does mean I should get mad at myself for believing because why get a reading if you aren't going to believe?  You kind of work against yourself if you don't believe unless of course so much crap is thrown your way during a reading.

I agree totally about sitting in a line that long.  That's why I decided to not try again.  I don't actually remember anytime seeing that  you've attacked anyone on here.  I've always looked at your posts as being fairly substantial.  I see nothing wrong with people having a difference of opinion but, i think the biggest issues on these boards has to do with those that cause a disruption with their insecurities.  These boards go from being productive to a sham and full of crap really quickly here because of some of the people that attack others and there are quite a few here that do that.  What they haven't seemed to grasp yet is that there are a TON of people on these boards that look at their posts as though they are invalid.  Especially when people follow someone around on the boards and slam them on every opinion or post.  It becomes a joke after a while.  But, again, I don't recall your posts as being anything but opinion.  Other's here definately have an ulterior motive, I think a lot of people would agree with that.

Offline jahida

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #386 on: September 15, 2012, 01:45:53 PM »
LOL Jordie  and KTH gave me a funny this morning ;D
I am a newbie here and don't know how to start a new topic. So I'm gonna just ride on the coattails of this thread. Now a little about me; I've been on keen for far too long than I'd like to admit. However, I just found this website and I love it! You guys rock! 8) You give so much good information.
Now of course my question was "Will he come back?" This man and I fell in love. I felt we had a DEEP connection. Past lives, twin flames yada yada. We broke up almost 9 months ago over some real garbage. It hurt me sooo bad. We were completly no contact. However, in that time I had about 15 dreams about him. I have talked to many of them.  Of course everyone said "he's coming back" all except for Hawk Spirit, Miranda Lewis and 1 other. Everyone was giving me numbers, dates that just didn't pan out. From this website I decided to try Kisha. I put $ on the account. I was trying very carefully to follow her rules on her page so I emailed her to ask her if I did everything ok and she cold BLOCKED me for no apparent reason at all! I was like ****!"  I really wanted to read with johnna duke and magical sandra and Dr. Donna. You all know the deal with these 3 they don't take new callers. Cookie is just too damn expensive and makes you wait too long.

So here I go lonley and still very attached to my ex. The person who stands out in my mind is Kreoyl2luv.  She said you will be taking some sort of standardized test, which you will past.  Focus on that first.  After which he will come back.  Ok so I had to take a test for my teaching certification and I did pass.  I started reading with old seraphim harbinger and I must say she is probably 1 of the most under rated readers on keen.  Check her feedback she is awesome!  Love just listening to her gentle soothing voice.  She is a no non sense reader and I like that.  She told me "he still loved me and getting back together is gonna take some time"  She told me in her reading I keep coming up as the high priestess and for me to work on my own intuitive skills. She told me to send him mental messgaes in my everyday thoughts.  Ok Harbinger. 

So I come to this forum and you guys are speaking on manifestation.  I did follow Harbinger’s advice and I began meditating, doing rituals, reading tarot and asking my higher beings for signs possibly through my dreams.  No lie people I began that very night having dreams about him.  My cards told me to pay attention to people I meet in synchronicity.  I walked out of my house 1 day and he was driving down my block.  Talk about a coincidence!  He didn’t stop or speak so of course I was discouraged and confused.  I shut down my keen account.  Signed back up and ran into Saphirebird.  She asked who is the little boy? How’d she know he has a son whom I became very attached to. I told her I was ready to just give up. She said not to. I guess I’m a little perturbed that She only sent me 1 free minute throughout all the contact.  Next up, through you guys I read with Gaylene on her website.  Now Gaylene is great she also said it was a go.  She said a couple of weeks which I said ***!  But I liked Gaylene very much and would read with her again in the future. 1 day I just said “to hell with this, I’m making myself miserable.  He’s not coming back so just gear up to meet someone new.  I became angry at myself for even allowing myself almost 9 months of grief with someone who is no contact with me.  I needed to detach.  I sent him a test basically telling him he can shove his own head up his own ****, but I said it a little nicer. :-*  I knew I was walking away because I now felt insulted because I felt I should know that someone who won’t contact after so long probably does not love you.  So I go back on keen not wanting a prediction.  I was done with that.  But guidance and direction on my new path.  I saw Source Power open and although she’s priced over my budget, I went for it.  She said “once he feels that he lost you he’ll come back” I liked SP a lot.  She followed up and she gave me free minutes! :)

 Now thing is when I contacted Saphirebird I was feeling something.  I was feeling like he was on his way back.  That’s probably why she was able to connect with me.  My feelings and vibes for this man are strong.  However, I got discouraged.  I kept hearing; oh I see a 2, a 4 a 10.  It will be July, November, February… Just 1 day after I cut the cord he called, we talked for 2 1/2 hours.  He asked if I’d take a trip out of state and I know he still loves me.  I’m going to take it slow.  Now which psychic do I credit?  SP is a great empath.  Saphirebird picked up on things but I don’t think I will read with her again.  When I spend my money I want rewards lol.  However Kreoyl2luv (the metaphysician) got it spot on! Gaylene also stands out since she said I know its unbelievable but it will be a couple of weeks.  She also spoke about travel.  Old Seraphim harbinger is the 1 who always said it would happen. She gave me the insight I needed to guide myself through this through spirituality.  Give SP a chance.  Try harbinger if you want real guidance and honesty.  That woman knows her stuff. Gaylene is a go go go!  Hope this helps someone and sorry again for posting it in the wrong place. I’m a newbie!
« Last Edit: September 16, 2012, 03:42:23 AM by admin »

Offline Estrellita

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #387 on: September 15, 2012, 03:05:29 PM »

I got an email saying I missed a call from Cookie, BUT I never got a call.  I was #11 and now i'm back @ 28.

What am i missing???????

::) ::)

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #388 on: September 15, 2012, 05:07:55 PM »
I missed my call last night as well.  I got an email around 1:30am stating that my callback could not be completed.  I had been in line for 3 weeks!!   :(

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #389 on: September 15, 2012, 08:02:38 PM »
DLB:  BUT I never got a missed call. In other words, THEY never called me in order to miss a call.  This sucks!  So, you back in line?

