Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 981107 times)

Offline flora0250

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #3570 on: August 18, 2024, 01:17:27 AM »
Solid hit for Cookie from this reading. She had said I would see him on a dating site. I told her that was how we met - but I did actually just see his profile on a different site all together. She mentioned this twice on the call. Now I wish I had gotten to ask her what would happen as a result but I was out of time. But I consider that a solid short term prediction albeit minor. 

Thank you for this reminder. She was so incredibly accurate with specifics about what I asked about.  But I really got kind of cut off anyway before I could get a more clear answer. It was left as “when he realizes what he’s done you’ll hear from him approaching you with friendship” - and then when I asked if we would ever be in a relationship she told me “well right no because he’s being wishy washy and doesn’t know what he wants yet…” then was going to go on I think to tell me about how his past relationships affected him… but call got cut off. So… idk. She actually didn’t give me like a final no on the whole scenario.

So good to have the reminder that someone even as accurate as Cookie is with the present may not get a prediction of the future correct. I’m going to keep my energy in a place of trying to remain open and compassionate to the situation. Thank you again.

Yes, Cookie does this. I can remember her telling me she saw a period of unemployment for someone coming soon and i thought at the time it would be my dad but it ended up being me. But then, i asked her about a specific job that I wanted and she told me i would not get it and would be getting a rejection letter. Well, I was offered and accepted that job position.

She knew exactly what my experience was in great detail and basically repeated it all back to me. But in the past she told me so many predictions that never happened. This was like 6 years ago. And so it messes with my head because she gets so much right about the present and what I’ve experienced that it’s hard to remember that her predictions don’t necessarily follow suit. I am hoping for a bit of a different outcome than she mentioned … someone remind me again how it’s absolutely possible that a different outcome is possible? 😣 Why do I do this to myself??? 😩