Hi Flora,
This is just my belief and opinion, others may have different views on this but, I think you should just focus on yourself. If you don’t want to date, don’t date. Simple right? Isn’t that cool? We have the free will to choose our paths. Cookie may not believe you are life partners. She didn’t see it. Ok, that’s fine. No problem in that. She gave you what she saw or felt. And actually I believe soulmates are soulmates because we help each other grow, expand and experience. Whether it’s good or bad. We have soul contracts with each other to meet in the physical reality and live life together. Nothing ever happens without a purpose. This doesn’t mean “they’re the one” but he could be if you want him to be and if you believe it. Cookie doesn’t have to believe it or kisha or divine Love or any other psychic. Literally the only thing you can do for yourself is practice self love. It may sound annoying to hear that but holy crap does it work. You actually start to become happy with just loving yourself. And then that love energy expands out and people you are connected to feel it. Even if you’re not in contact with them. When you begin to “act as if” you have all of your desires fulfilled, you’re at the vibrational match that pulls your wishes into your 3D reality. Trust your own intuition, if you truly feel it isn’t over between you two then it’s not over. You have no control over the other person. The only thing you can do is different techniques to influence his way of thinking. I learned some from Agnes Vivarelli and scripting.
I know it’s easier said than done and I’ve felt like crap so many times ugh so many times. And still do sometimes. (We’re human lol) What has helped me? Whenever I feel like I’m going down that dark tunnel, I literally say: Nope. Not useful. This doesn’t serve me.
Be aware of your thoughts. Just be aware of them. If sad and upsetting thoughts come to you, don’t try to fight it. Acknowledge the stupid thoughts and tell your “thoughts” no, sorry, you’re not useful to me. You’re my ego trying to protect me, not my heart. I can’t remember which great self improvement leader said this but: “your brain thinks. Your heart knows.” I love that!! So so true. Another thing you can do is lay down, place your hands on your heart, relax focus on your breathing, show gratitude for the things you already have and in that moment you’ll be amazed at the truth that comes out. Your thoughts start to shift into the things you truly desire. The last time I did that I was like holy fuck this shit ain’t over. Lmao. You just know. I’m telling you. And no offense to the males on this forum, much respect to you, but, women just have a stronger intuition on things like this. Again, these are just all my beliefs. Fear is a VERY powerful and strong energy force unfortunately. Don’t let it win! May Love always conquer. I hope this helps! Xoxo