I finally got to read with her! She called me at 12:45 am, twice, thankfully because I was sound asleep and missed the first call!
The first thing she said was “take a second to clear your mind and focus on what you want to know. then pick a number between 7-12”
Anyone know why she does this? Because she referenced the 7-12 in the reading then...
Anyways, I picked 11. She said she sees reconciliation and rekindling with someone I’m apart from. She asked who that was and if I was separated from someone. I said yes.
She said after a period of 7-12, that’s when we will reconcile and rekindle and I’ll see positive changes before that actually happens.
Then she says oh there’s also someone related to the military here do you know who that is?
I told her him and I were both in the military and she just said “ahh okay, what’s his name?” And I told her and then she moved on from there saying that his desire is to be spending more time with me.
So all in all... idk. She picked up on the military part of my life so that’s impressive. Any thoughts???