Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1110546 times)

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #180 on: July 25, 2012, 01:46:53 AM »
@loops, when I read your posts I feel like I'm writing to and reading from someone who's been through the cleaners with these psychics and learned very quickly how to *watch her back* when getting readings! Love your posts :)

Sincerity was so Gawd aweful wrong about everything that was happening currently, I didn't even want to spend another dime on her. Clearly its a total fluke that two years later she's described a couple of things right for me, in the here and now. But logically speaking, I needed help back THEN, not now! Lol! I'm going to pass that one off as an incredibly weird fluke.

I found Cookie under She's listed as Prophetess. Her feedback is incredible on there as well, I got to feedback dating to 2006, then had to go to work this morning. I did notice a couple of not very good feedbacks though which kinda broke my heart a little. One was just the regular - cookie didn't answer my question, found the reading confusing, and the other one was a woman who had been with this guy for 10 years or something and he still wouldn't commit even though cookie said he would or something to that effect.

I think what people don't realize with remote viewing is that she sees snapshots of scenarios in your future. And I'm sure that she's extremely empathic for some based on assumptions of what she sees. But this is the catch for me when I read this type of feedback, it's your choice to wait for this guy, to be involved with him etc. cookie just says what she sees based off of your choices. That's why I think cookie should just stick to the black and white visions, and toss the presumptuous stuff. It's the assumptions that cookie makes that gets people into trouble. Although, legally, no one can touch her, her readings are *For Entertainment Purposes*only. Gotta grab a clue here everyone. She could unintentionally ruin your emotional well being if you don't see reality for what it is and make your own decisions while rolling through the life process. Just sayin'!

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #181 on: July 25, 2012, 02:16:27 AM »
I have also read with Cookie.  Very impressed with how she gave me month by month of the past as to how the relationship took off and when and how it fizzled and when.  For what its worth, one thing I feel is that she does not give you a cookie cutter reading, excuse the pun.  One thing surprised me when I asked her about buying a house (I am trying to buy a house) she said you came very close to buying one and its good that you did not get the house.  It is true, I bid on a house and the owner asked me to re-bid.  I almost did and something stopped me.  I missed the house by $10,000.  I don't know about future prediction.  She left the ball in my court saying I can choose to be with him or if I let go, someone else is waiting to step in.  I won't know him unless I let the current guy go.  Thought I would share with you good people.


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #182 on: July 25, 2012, 02:27:27 AM »
LOL, thanks Cfisher. After a while, you can tell if the reading is bs within the first minute.

Rima, why did she say it was good that you didnt get the house?

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #183 on: July 25, 2012, 02:54:17 AM »
Sounds like you had a good reading, Rima. ;)

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #184 on: July 25, 2012, 02:55:45 AM »
Cookie has been the most consistent reader that I've used, even though I had a hard time believing her during some readings. The last reading that I had with her, she completely nailed the exact scenario that ended up happening, right down to her telling me that I would see someone, and look away, acting like I hadn't seen him. This is exactly what happened! She did predict the day of this happening, and even told me that I would be sad and think that I wouldn't see this person, but that he would make some effort to see me, even if it was for a short period of time.

Also, in February, she correctly predicted a day that ended up being a terrible day at work.

She's also said really random things to me, that I didn't understand and at the end of a reading one time, she told me that I would be talking to someone about my leg or something happening with someone's leg. I get shin splints from running, so I thought this was what she was referring to. I did talk to someone about my shin splints, but not two days after this reading, I found out that someone close to me had to get an amputation....the leg!! So, she got it right, both seeing it from it coming from me, but also someone's leg. I didn't even know about the potential amputation at the time!!

I asked her about two potential job positions that I have been considering, and she told me that one job would bore me to tears and one would allow me to travel (to which she gave out major cities that I would be traveling to). She kept seeing AIG associated with this job and I had no idea what she was talking about when she brought this up, as the job wasn't working for AIG, nor was that in the name of the company that I asked about. Well, I had a second interview today and the cities that I could potential travel to were brought up, exactly as she said, and when I went to the company website, they had a commendation from AIGA. CRAZY!!!!

There are still some relationship predictions that are still pending. What she's started telling me in my readings hasn't been so much what to look for with the other person, but to look for in terms of what I am thinking and feeling and how that will manifest itself. I like this, as it puts the focus on me, not waiting for some kind of sign from someone else.

Hope this helps!

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #185 on: July 25, 2012, 03:06:07 AM »
Loops, Cookie said I am going to get a house that suits me much better.  She kept seeing a V and an A in it.  Well that can be "av"enue or boule"va"rd, so I will see.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #186 on: July 25, 2012, 03:09:12 AM »
SomethingBetter, Cookie said if I want someone sooner rather than later, let current guy go.  If I want a really good person, then keep faith and wait for the current guy to deal with his divorce first and then come back for me.  Well better than nothing, right? ;)

Offline Cfisher

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #187 on: July 25, 2012, 03:17:17 AM »
Loops, Cookie said I am going to get a house that suits me much better.  She kept seeing a V and an A in it.  Well that can be "av"enue or boule"va"rd, so I will see.

Or it could be the door matt that says "VALCOME" because someone didn't know how to spell WELCOME? Tee hee! You just never know with Cookie! And I'm totally banking on that door matt! Lol!

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #188 on: July 25, 2012, 03:22:57 AM »
Valcome? ??? Hahahahhahahahahhahahahahhaha omfg. I just spit up my water that was so funny!

Offline Rima

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #189 on: July 25, 2012, 03:27:15 AM »
OI!!!! Laughing so hard Cfisher!  Very very funny.  Thanks for making me laugh.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #190 on: July 25, 2012, 03:31:09 AM »
Bwahahahahahahaha. That's hilarious, Cfisher.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #191 on: July 25, 2012, 03:41:05 AM »
After all my long ass, overly passionate, serious opinions, advice as though I'm your mom and out to protect everyone from the world of psychics, I figured it was about time I let the *real me* out of the bag for a few minutes. Ok, that's enough, back to the serious stuff! Ha ha ha ha!!!

Glad you enjoyed! Lol!

Even funnier was me spitting out my water when I read that you did! Ha ha ha ha!!! Oh man, I'm laughing so hard my stomach hurts! Ha ha ha!

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #192 on: July 25, 2012, 02:37:01 PM »
@bug I don't know if I can on that. I think you give credit where credit is due. And she dropped the ball with all of her predictions two years ago. It's cool that what she said did come to fruition, but it was useless info for the current moment and I was asking about that specific guy at that moment in time. If I had asked her, what do you see in my future and she had said this stuff, then I would give full credit for the reading and say Sincerity is talented. But absolutely nothing she said was right at that time and I wasn't asking anything generally.

The way I view readings is I want predictions and I want them to be accurate. Isn't this why we all seek out psychics in the first place? We're talking about a psychic reading, what's in my future, what's up and coming? What's the end result with this situation? She was wrong about all of it. Therefore I firmly believe she didn't connect to me, she led me to believe that things were totally different for the now. And I would think after giving so many readings and having so much feedback from callers, that these very popular ones, just as many have told me, would say, I only give a general reading as that is the best most beneficial way I read. Or I need very specific questions and this is the best way I can give you the answers you seek.

This is a job for them and if you don't know how to DO your job or what your strengths are, then you shouldn't be doing your job the way you feel like it. We all have to remember that we are PAYING clients! We are paying for a service here! Sincerity has been spookily accurate for some same as Cookie. And they should know better! Don't you think you guys? These women have been reading for 15-20-30 years! You'd think they'd be able to tell you how to get the best out of their readings! I'm not a remote viewer, therefore I would never claim to be, nor would I Lead someone down the road and have them believe I was. I'm not a lawyer therefore I wouldn't give anyone advice based on the law.

I think if we're paying huge bucks to these readers, then their predictions should happen. Period. Just my opinion. Maybe I'm a bit jaded, but hell when you've been around the block so many times over so many years, I think it's only natural to be a super-skeptic... And I think we're all entightled to be like that.

Oh the over analyzing of psychic readings. If someone that didn't believe any of this stuff saw this forum, they'd think we're all nuts. I believe that we are all drawn to this sort of stuff because we are more spiritually enlightened, which to me, makes everyone on this forum way smarter than any other person on the planet! It also makes for far more interesting conversation, I'll tell you that much! Lol

Have a great day everyone!

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #193 on: July 25, 2012, 02:48:13 PM »
@somethingbetter... Wait it out... Just do everything normal and wait it out a bit. Someone else posted on here that she had fallen victim to calling cookie too many times in a month and the info was the same and not helpful. I'm super shocked at how quick things are happening for you, but at the same time not really surprised.

Give yourself a few more weeks to see how things pan out... I'm telling you this as not everything has happened yet and I don't want to see you blow shitloads more money as I have when you have to let life sort of take its toll. You don't have to listen to me at all and what you do is your business, but that's what I would do in your circumstance. :)

And if you can, have a glass of vino with me this evening (in spirit) and let's keep the joking and positive yabbering on the forum going! Screw you and your water! That was twice yesterday that I choked on my water, was the spray monger and decided to spit it all out because I was laughing so hard. I'm switching to wine for tonight! Lol!

I'm thoroughly enjoying all the chatter on the forum and it seems to me that we've all managed to find some good friends on here. As cookie says, you have to change your mindset and visualize positiv happy thoughts. I don't even need to do that right now, as this forum is keeping m bRain busy, keeping me away from readings and I'm really, truly enjoying having the opportunity to yabber with like-minded people on here.

A big thank you to all of you for the break in life I need to keep carrying on. I really appreciate you guys!!!!!

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #194 on: July 25, 2012, 04:22:20 PM »
I won't be calling anytime soon...but I am still just so flabbergasted by all this. Cookie threw shit at me that was in no way in sequential I am seeing now. But obviously they will happen as there are quite a few encounters left.

I am just...again...shocked. I NEVER expected this.